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Poll: Planet of fleet chat in your stronghold?


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I originally posted this on the SWTOR Reddit but thought I would post it here as well. Poll is at the bottom :rak_01:


Does anyone else feel that strongholds will feel isolated from the main player base having planet chat?


I don't understand why Bioware have been persistent about planet chat in strongholds. Fleet chat is the #1 chat in SWTOR for players to communicate with others outside of their guild and is almost essential for making SM operations and other groups.


Planet chat in strongholds will strongly deter me away from using a stronghold, mainly because I wont be able to communicate with the majority of end game players (lvl 55's). I would love to talk and read fleet chat in comfort of my own stronghold.


The fleet can continue to be used to pick up dailies/starter missions etc so it wouldn't be entirely replaced or made redundant by implementing fleet chat in strongholds.


Vote in the poll. Link is here :Dhttp://www.strawpoll.me/2145296/

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Honesty don't care as fleet chat and planet chat is almost as bad with how people talk and act. I don't care for either one. I only go to the fleet when I have to go the comm vendor as everything else, the mailbox, gtn, guild bank I have on my ship and will have in my stronghold.


I don't use group pickup either as I group only with friends and guild members/allies so it really would not affect me one way or the other.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Planet chat. It is usually either quieter or more likely to be entertaining than Fleet chat -- and no "gold" spammers. I don't find groups via fleet chat, though.


I admit that I am a little worried that a lack of a fleet chat option in strongholds could make them less used though, and I don't want to see them go the way it looks like GSF is going (that is, ignored/kind of a flop). But then I wonder if the number of people that sit on fleet to LFG via chat is enough for it to really matter.

Edited by Gwena
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None of the above. Strongholds needs its own channel.


Fleet Chat is the worst. Just the worst.


Planet chat can be pretty bad too, especially on DK and Cor, but the people on those planets don't need to deal with the fleet trolls, too. I can already picture people on DK trying to group for Friends of Old, only to have some 55 in his stronghold reply with "lol, solo it, scrub," and then of course, the flame war and trolling that would follow. The flame wars and endless scroll is going to turn new players off of the game. Sure, they can already see it on fleet, but most of the time a new player isn't spending much time on the fleet while he is levelling.


Plus, if strongholds has it's own channel (shared across all 4, split only by faction) then we gain strongholds as a new social hub (though I would still argue that fleet should be the main mission hub, so I don't want to see PVE/PVP daily/weekly terminals) for people who aren't doing any runs. We the players can also control gold spammers. The spammers aren't going to go through the trouble of getting a stronghold every time they get banned, and if they come into public houses, the owners can kick/ban them. We also avoid the issue of pubs having DK chat, or Imps having Cor chat.

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I'd prefer that Fleet covered Strongholds, but it would seem that this isn't going to happen.


I hope we don't see a fracturing of the community as people move from Fleet in their off-hours to Strongholds on Tat and Nar Shaddaa and DK/Coruscant. This is what I predict will happen, but maybe we'll see something different.


Given that we can use a GTN kiosk in our Strongholds, I'll only need to check Fleet every Tuesday and whenever I need to pick up new gear, which, at this point in the game, isn't often.


Sadly, I'm expecting Fleet to depopulate in a hurry and most of the community ends up split between the 3 main Stronghold Planets.

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Sadly, I'm expecting Fleet to depopulate in a hurry and most of the community ends up split between the 3 main Stronghold Planets.


How would adding Fleet chat to Strongholds help the Fleet stay populated? Not only would you not need to be there for GTN use etc... but you'd additionally have no incentive to be there for OP groups forming etc...

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I hope we don't see a fracturing of the community as people move from Fleet in their off-hours to Strongholds on Tat and Nar Shaddaa and DK/Coruscant. This is what I predict will happen, but maybe we'll see something different.
Fleet will initially depopulate just like it does every time some big new thing comes along but after a couple of weeks when the newness of strongholds wears off, the people who are on the fleet now will be right back on the fleet then and the people who couldn't care less about being on the fleet won't be there.


About the only true population drop you'll see on the fleet are the transients who only go there for shopping or mission related things and honestly, they don't contribute anything to the "utility" of the fleet beyond adding to the number in the top left of your screen.

The people who want groups will still go there for groups.

The people who want to socialize will still go there to socialize.

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Sadly, I'm expecting Fleet to depopulate in a hurry and most of the community ends up split between the 3 main Stronghold Planets.


I think you are hugely overestimating how many people are going to be using housing.

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Republic chars can't get a house on Dromund Kaas.


Pub chars can visit DK strongholds and Imp chars can visit Coruscant strongholds.


Smugglers/Agents can do it for free, everyone else has to pay a credit cost to visit the enemy planet.

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Planet chat.

Putting fleet chat somewhere else devalues the fleet as a hub.


That's the most likely reason. Having a hub gives players a chance to see they are part of a larger community.

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None of the above. Strongholds needs its own channel.


Fleet Chat is the worst. Just the worst.


This x infinity. Fleet chat is 2% LFG, 2% WTS/WTB, and 96% Racists, Douchbags, pedophiles, and rape fetishists. Pass on having that funneled into my "home"


EDIT: as wicked pointed out, I forgot ro subclassify credit sellers into the douchebag section, might as well sub classify all those frothing misogynists into the rape fetishists category at the same time :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Nah I include them under "douchebags"


Still, including them in the same list that includes, in your words(!), "Racists, (...) pedophiles, and rape fetishists" sounds a bit extreme but to each his own I guess.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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