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The harm PvPers do to PvE


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This happens periodically. It is pretty common during the Gree event and also happens around the world boss that spawns with the Rhakghoul event. Many people are going for the achievement you get from killing other palyers in these areas - so not only is this allowed by the game, it's encouraged.


I do not open-world PvP much at all, but it's part of the game. So when that comes up, be prepared for it. And although it wastes your time, remember, getting killed in PvP doesn't cost you any repair bills.


How to cope, you may ask? Here are some suggestions:

  • Don't use AoE attacks unless you are sure no other-faction PvPers are around (watch for stealthers tho).
  • Don't use Aoe Heals unless you are sure there are no same-faction PvPers around
  • Group up if you cannot finish the quests with out AoE, but not with PvP-flagged players.
  • Change instances if possible.


Anyone else have coping tactics they can suggest? "Heal to Full and Make them Pay," BTW, isn't much of an option if you do not have any PvP gear. In a battle where only one side has Expertise, the outcome is pretty certain.



The problem with this line of thinking is that some of us don't want to PvP while trying to accomplish a task. I like to PvP, but on my terms, not be ganked against my will.


I will, willfully, engage in PvP when I want to, other players should not be able to force me to PvP against my will, that is wrong!



This thread is hilarious. Not too long ago I caught two Pubs in Oricon in their glorious 180 gear and completely destroyed them. Actually as I'm typing this I'm getting ready to go hunt some PvErs in Oricon again.



Are you 12?

If you are such a Bad*** why don't you xfer to a PvP server and prove your worth?


It is attitudes like this that give the pvp community a REALLY bad name, cograts on fitting the stereotype...

Edited by RiVaN_
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Right, but these actions are being done by (assuming) PvP'ers as is the normal case. Typically speaking PvP'ers don't exploit the flagging system due to lack of PvE content. I would agree though that they are indeed bored, perhaps lack of PvP content? :p

Doing what the original poster is whining about counts as PvP content in my book.

I would certainly do this if i was on a PvE server.


And no there is no lack of PvP content. The only quirk is not being able to chose which wzs you don't wanna pop up.(looking at you Ancient Hypergate,and new Hutball)

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Doing what the original poster is whining about counts as PvP content in my book.

I would certainly do this if i was on a PvE server.


And no there is no lack of PvP content. The only quirk is not being able to chose wzs that you don't wanna pop up.(looking at you Ancient Hypergate,and new Hutball)


Again, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong. You should not "hunt PvE'ers" for fun because forcing them to PvP when they don't want to is wrong.

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Again, forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong. You should not "hunt PvE'ers" for fun because forcing them to PvP when they don't want to is wrong.


against their will? lol yes,it's morally wrong but so is ganking low levels on PvP servers in all mmos.It's a moot point.


it's gameplay mechanics.exploited ones, but still working as intended. What?... you're gonna somehow make aoes not do damage to flagged players.How is that gonna work?


I do think people that are eaching to kill someone should go to a PvP realm and get their as$es handed to them,but as i said, the op issue is still working as intended.

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against their will? lol yes,it's morally wrong but so is ganking low levels on PvP servers in all mmos.


it's gameplay mechanics.exploited ones, but still working as intended. What?... you're gonna somehow make aoes not do damage to flagged players.How is that gonna work?


I'm saying that the person who is trying to force someone to PvP by flagging themselves and then purposely standing in an un-flagged person's AoE so they can kill them is wrong. If a person isn't flagged then they don't want to PvP and you should go the other way and leave them alone.

If you force someone to do something against their will then you are in the wrong and, in my opinion, a bad person.

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If you force someone to do something against their will then you are in the wrong and, in my opinion, a bad person.


Not sure if you are aware of this,but saying what you just said, makes all the PvE tears taste better and just motivates PvPers to do this even more.

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Not sure if you are aware of this,but saying what you just said, makes all the PvE tears taste better and just motivates PvPers to do this even more.


LOL if they were actual PvPers, they would be on a PvP server, but they aren't, because they are scrubs who would get demolished in an actual open PvP.

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Not sure if you are aware of this,but saying what you just said, makes all the PvE tears taste better and just motivates PvPers to do this even more.


Grow up kid and understand the implications of the conversation.


So you are into forcing people to do things against their will?


This is why PvP'ers are pretty much thought of as d-bags. My guess is if you are ok with forcing people to do things against their will in a game you will do the same in real life...

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So you are into forcing people to do things against their will?


This is why PvP'ers are pretty much thought of as d-bags. My guess is if you are ok with forcing people to do things against their will in a game you will do the same in real life...


The current heading of this conversation is... :o

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It isn't easy now... I tried to get flagged the last rakghoul event. You can't unless you target them (unless a patch messed this up again since then). As it was the only way to get flagged was either target and shoot them or target them drop aoe on enermy and they run into it. At the time it would not flag if you dropped it then targeted them after the fact. I tested this on a slinger, sawbones, shadow and sage.


Now in the old days long ago, you could be flagged by them running in after aoe was dropped without you targeting them. I've been killed more than once on Ilum that way. That was fixed.


Now if you are flagged, you targeted them and if you target them then you deserve to be flagged. Funny thing people that do this usually are terrible. So don't panic, take them out (says the person that does not PvP, but has a few kills because of bad grifers in the gree event).


try aoe taunt.........

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So...it's someone being lazy, uncaring, inattentive or sloppy...right? And that's an issue why?


a group attacks their droids...tank aoe taunts..he gets flagged, healer then gets flagged....group wipe



if someone does flag you, you can just que for a wz and when you get in quit out. that removes the flag.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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Adding my 4 credits to this with 2 scenarios I faced yesterday doing my dailies in Section X and Oricon-


While doing one of the quests (I believe its called Targeted Misfire) I came across 2 flagged rep players, a scoundrel and a commando who were continuously healing the rep soldiers and the Jedi Commanders while I was trying to kill them to get the quest objectives. I wasn't putting out enough damage to outdps the healers and the NPCs weren't putting out enough damage to out heal Mako. this went on for a few mins. The whole time, both the players were taunting me (*********** scrub, learn to play your class or **** off, scrub nub dps who thinks he's red hot ****) and attempting to get me to flag myself.


I asked them why are they wasting my time and their time pulling this useless stunt - their reply - "we're bored, you're a scrub, your mom's a scrub and we want to put hot scrubs like you who think they're hot **** in the ******* for ***** and giggles." What I also noticed - there where a few flagged imp players around that area basically healing NPCs and taunting people to flag themselves, no doubt to lead into an ambush. what I found really sad was that geared 55 healers found it necessary to grief a lvl 54 players like me, minding my own business and pull out statements like mentioned above to get their kicks.


Another trick I came across while doing dailies on oricon on my powertech - flagged players will deliberately run into my flame sweep, which in turn registers as attack on a flagged player and flags me in the process. so while on oricon, I couldn't use flame sweep, DoA, Force Storm, OS or anything like that. another real bold person got in a flame sweep while fighting one of the commanders for the heroic quest, which, again got me flagged - so I had both the commander and this rep player wailing on me. it got to a point where I just stopped doing dailies on Oricon all together (doesn't matter much, my rep is maxed out and crew skills give me all the mats I need that I probably could've farmed there).


I can tell, a common reply to this will be - "stop using AoEs then, problem solved." Well here's the thing - Why am I being flagged in the first place when clearly I have no intention of engaging in PvP? Why do I have to cut back on what skills I can use to expedite the dailies because of flagged players trying to exploit the mechanics? I play on a PvE server because I have no interest in PvP other than doing enough to get the obroan relics at 55 and staying away afterwards, leaving PVP to the pros who's sole interest is PvP. Another argument - "go to a base, wait 5 mins and go back out again, problem solved". Again, I ask - why? I am in a PvE world on a PvE server, which explicitly states its a Player vs. Environment server. I should be able to go about my business without worrying about bored people exploiting mechanics and wasting my time, be it 5 mins for being flagged once, of 5 mins every time I get flagged.


This experience tells me there are a lot of very bored Players who are trying to incite some sort of spontaneous OWPVP to pass time, or find something to do. While personally, I just shrugged and walked away, no doubt a few flagged themselves to take them on and invariably get led into an ambush.


Roling on a PvE server, a condition should be that you can only engage in OWPVP if you manually flag yourself or you're in a designated OWPVP area. I am aware that AoE flagging exploit was (apparently) fixed after complaints during the Rakghoul event, but that isn't what I am experiencing. a few guild members have also reported to getting force flagged by people running into their AoEs. I sincerely doubt this will get addressed though, because BW has "more pressing issues" on their plate, rather than attempting to address the frustration of a handful of entitled players who want easy mode (this was a statement I read on the forums not long ago...).

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Another trick I came across while doing dailies on oricon on my powertech - flagged players will deliberately run into my flame sweep, which in turn registers as attack on a flagged player and flags me in the process.

Sounds like if BW ever considered this a bug (as some claim but which is not clear, frankly) it is not currently fixed.

Good to know with Gree starting tomorrow.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I can tell, a common reply to this will be - "stop using AoEs then, problem solved."


Yea that's a completely unacceptable suggestion for a powertech. It sounds like not all AoE abilities operate the same with regard to flags.

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If you force someone to do something against their will then you are in the wrong and, in my opinion, a bad person.


Iknowright? I can't stand it when I get stunned against my will, forcing me to be unable to do anything for a few seconds. And then they have the nerve to force me to lose hp against my will! I bet they probably steal and murder in real life! :mon_rolleyes: It's as heinous as those people who force me to be a few minutes late driving somewhere by being on the road in front of me.

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Yea that's a completely unacceptable suggestion for a powertech. It sounds like not all AoE abilities operate the same with regard to flags.
Funny though, I tried it with BH on a flagged friends no flag unless I targeted them. I also purposely dropped flyby on a flagged imp this morning and no flag. I AoE the hell out of everything weak standing close together, so I am still thinking it is working. Just don't target them and you are fine using AoEs. However if you target and then damage them, you are flagged. Just as you should be.


May I suggest if that is flagged without targetting a flagged player make a service request., but please don't come crying to forum when they look at looks and tell you that you targeted the flagged player and you hit the flagged player with an ability other than a AoE. If it is a gllitch, they need to know and fix it. If it is as I expect a L2P issue, then that player needs to learn from their mistake. Easy way to check is to enable combat logs and look at combat logs when you need to figure something out.

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