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BW's 9-5 job while the world waits.


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BONUS, no.


Not for me.


Because I am not playing.


In fact for some it is a bonus, but for others its worse because well we won't get to play till later on while others played a whole 7 days sweet bonus for them not for those who play less than them.


Are you stomping your feet after typing this? Because I could have sworn this is a QQ

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No! I need the forums. It gives me a form of entertainment while I am at work. regardless of how many extra days I might get....I know for a fact I will be playing the 20th until Doomsday. Watching people complain and think they are entitled to something just gives me something to do durning the day.


i agree, i was checking the website to see if forums went up the whole time while it was down like everyone is checking theyre emails. if you get a iphone, itll just beep you once you get an email.

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For the record...


The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.


Someone is going to complain you are not working 25/8

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Easy with the anger people. I bought the CE on 8/23 I'm not upset, alittle miffed but not angry. But we don't need an Occupy Bioware movement, just calm down. I spent $150 so anyone raging that bought the standard version gets no support from me!:cool:


Yachera im with you on that sir, i myself bought the CE back early august this year and redeemed my pre order code on 26/8/2011. Working 9-5 each day hoping that when you get home to play swtor early access would be highly appreciated but seing the standard pre order players rage like they are is selfish. i read a post about the waves being set up with the following;

1st wave of players on the 13th should of been the CE (collectors edition)

then the digital and so on, obviously most could agree on priority to what you purchase to the dates of when you redeemed it etc.


Overall patience is a major thing games like this need and having players from wow who join this game and who are major trolls will turn alot away from this game to be honest

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There's a really cool game called real life outside. I'm pretty fond of it and the loot is great...got me some Sean John jeans and hitting the gym to see my trainer...


This is the last time I'm giving any of these posts my attention, for the rest that agree, just leave em' be. Ya'll really should read what you type it's pretty funny.


I caught aggro from the Alliance (police) when I tried to loot my sean jean's. I got sent to the grave yard to rez after 30 days. :p



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It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


Dear Bioware,


Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:


I'm LOVING how people think they have bioware's inner workings all figured out. How on earth are you able to know what's going on at the bioware offices. For all you know they're defending the servers from an invasion of zombie ketchup bottles. Doesn't make sense, I know. Now you try making some.


EDIT: BTW, I'm European, I preordered the 28th of july. I preordered earlier then that, but since I wanted CE, I had to wait for the preorder-box to arrive in my local gameshop. I'm content as a cucumber waiting for atleast a few more days. I don't feel as if Bioware 'owes' me Early acces, though I do like that they are providing it. As long as I get acces on the 20th all's okay on my part.

Edited by Shanaris
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It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


Dear Bioware,


Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:


Way to open your mouth in a matter of factually manor without having all the details. Bioware is running 24/7 right now just like any MMO development company is at launch. Don't blame them because you were late to the pre-order party. QQ more?

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Yachera im with you on that sir, i myself bought the CE back early august this year and redeemed my pre order code on 26/8/2011. Working 9-5 each day hoping that when you get home to play swtor early access would be highly appreciated but seing the standard pre order players rage like they are is selfish. i read a post about the waves being set up with the following;

1st wave of players on the 13th should of been the CE (collectors edition)

then the digital and so on, obviously most could agree on priority to what you purchase to the dates of when you redeemed it etc.


Overall patience is a major thing games like this need and having players from wow who join this game and who are major trolls will turn alot away from this game to be honest


Lol u paid for the extra stuff u get with the CE you aint special so stop saying cause u spent money on the extra items u should be able to play first

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I'm LOVING how people think they have bioware's inner workings all figured out. How on earth are you able to know what's going on at the bioware offices. For all you know they're defending the servers from an invasion of zombie ketchup bottles. Doesn't make sense, I know. Now you try making some.


zombie ketchup bottles after very little sleep may be more difficult then we can imagine.

if i have to explain the sarcasm it's up the street not across for informational purposes only.

Edited by levitacus
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They've been far too cautious today and it shows on the servers and how lonely people have found levelling.


You are presuming it wouldn't stay in line with the pre-order timing element. I never suggested anything of the sort, just that they could have had more waves and to not impede on their working day could have had an EU team and an NA team to cover both working hours. This would have meant more waves over a bigger time period and no one working ridiculous hours.


Better safe than sorry. I will take a better experience tomorrow over a ****** one tonight.

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The wave releases should be staggered over 24 hours too, Star Wars has a lot of fans and this game should hopefully have a lot of players, from all over the world.


Making it so that the releases only happen during US office hours, well it means that for a lot of people there is a risk of them losing an additional day of EGA.


"I got my code as part of wave six, but oh well they waited until 11.30 pm in my time zone to bother doing it. I have work in the morning."

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I feel so bad for the mods who have to read these ridiculous threads. Such a waste...


The WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMbulance has been so active today it broke down.


They had to call the National Guard!


Haven't heard this much QQ since Katrina.

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Actually you can because they are getting exactly what Bioware stated they would get. Entitlement is feeling you deserve more than what was promised as if it is somehow owed to them. A lot of folks are acting that way right now and it's funny to watch.:D


Having an advertisement on the website in December saying pre-orders "may have up to 5 days EGA" was definitely false advertising. They obviously knew anyone who saw that and ordered would be thinking maybe 3 days instead of 5, but now they plan on staggering until the 19th? Those people will be lucky to get a few hours of early access, and im sure they knew that was the case, but having the ad say you may get in a day early wouldnt urge any more pre-orders, it was obviously devious marketing to bump up their pre-orders.

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Having an advertisement on the website in December saying pre-orders "may have up to 5 days EGA" was definitely false advertising. They obviously knew anyone who saw that and ordered would be thinking maybe 3 days instead of 5, but now they plan on staggering until the 19th? Those people will be lucky to get a few hours of early access, and im sure they knew that was the case, but having the ad say you may get in a day early wouldnt urge any more pre-orders, it was obviously devious marketing to bump up their pre-orders.


Devious YES, false advertising NO.

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Having an advertisement on the website in December saying pre-orders "may have up to 5 days EGA" was definitely false advertising. They obviously knew anyone who saw that and ordered would be thinking maybe 3 days instead of 5, but now they plan on staggering until the 19th? Those people will be lucky to get a few hours of early access, and im sure they knew that was the case, but having the ad say you may get in a day early wouldnt urge any more pre-orders, it was obviously devious marketing to bump up their pre-orders.


and it was ingenious as u joining in december demonstrates, good on BW marketting at it's finest not a personal attack btw just an observation.

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Having an advertisement on the website in December saying pre-orders "may have up to 5 days EGA" was definitely false advertising. They obviously knew anyone who saw that and ordered would be thinking maybe 3 days instead of 5, but now they plan on staggering until the 19th? Those people will be lucky to get a few hours of early access, and im sure they knew that was the case, but having the ad say you may get in a day early wouldnt urge any more pre-orders, it was obviously devious marketing to bump up their pre-orders.


You realize they always bring the servers down the day before retail release?

LOL the 19th the servers will be down due to patches and preparing for retail release!

Edited by LexiCazam
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Having an advertisement on the website in December saying pre-orders "may have up to 5 days EGA" was definitely false advertising. They obviously knew anyone who saw that and ordered would be thinking maybe 3 days instead of 5, but now they plan on staggering until the 19th? Those people will be lucky to get a few hours of early access, and im sure they knew that was the case, but having the ad say you may get in a day early wouldnt urge any more pre-orders, it was obviously devious marketing to bump up their pre-orders.


How is "Up to 5 days" false? They're saying that's the maximum, they didn't specify the minimum, going by that advertisment you may aswell have 1 minute of early access.

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It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


Dear Bioware,


Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:


so, what, you think they should work 24 hours a day for your satisfaction at the expense of their own lives/wellbeing? what are they, your slaves?

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How is "Up to 5 days" false? They're saying that's the maximum, they didn't specify the minimum, going by that advertisment you may aswell have 1 minute of early access.


It's miss leading for anyone that buys today when they already know they cannot receive up to 5 days. It's only true if there truly is a possibility to receive it.

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How is "Up to 5 days" false? They're saying that's the maximum, they didn't specify the minimum, going by that advertisment you may aswell have 1 minute of early access.


saying "up to 5 days" and "MAY" doesn't change the fact they knew those pre-ordering in November and December would definitely not get close to 5 days of EGA. While it might not be completely false, it shows what type of people your dealing with. Like i said devious marketing.

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