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Doesn't really feel like an MMO


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While I love Star Wars, aside from the storyline, which is great, SWTOR is pretty much fetch this and kill that and it feels very linear. The world feels small and enclosed and you rarely see many players in each zone. It feels a lot like a single player rpg so far. I remember the initial SWG launch, WoW, and other mmos where there were thousands of players with large maps and it felt like an immersive, huge world. While they did have their problems, those mmos felt like mmos. I have to say, I'm really missing that feeling here.


At level 23, I'm on the fence at this point and finding myself losing interest quickly. For those beyond 23, are you finding more satisfaction in other elements of the game and if so, what are they? Are the other characters and stories a lot better than the Jedi path or is it the same old, same oldl?


Flame if you like, but this how I feel after 23 levels. I truly hope there is more than what I've seen so far otherwise I can't see grinding out several builds doing the same old fetch and kill quests for hours and hours upon end.

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I feel exactly the same way as you. The next 2 weeks will tell me if this is just a single player game where you can group up for flashpoints, or if this is a MMO. The areas seem so small, it's just 1 big winding hallway. Haven't even seen an imperial yet, I only see a handful of players running around even in Corruscant. I am on a heavy server too.


If the entire game, and future of this game is just 1 big "themepark", I'm not sure I'll stick around.

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I feel exactly the same way as you. The next 2 weeks will tell me if this is just a single player game where you can group up for flashpoints, or if this is a MMO. The areas seem so small, it's just 1 big winding hallway. Haven't even seen an imperial yet, I only see a handful of players running around even in Corruscant. I am on a heavy server too.


If the entire game, and future of this game is just 1 big "themepark", I'm not sure I'll stick around.


Would have to agree with you. If in the next two weeks it doesn't get a lot better, I can't see myself grinding it out down those hallways as you said. Really feels like an empty game world and a single player experience without any 'wow factor'.


I'm more interested in posting in the forums than playing the game....not a good sign lol.

Edited by masaville
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I agree, it feels very empty


I'm level 50 (since you asked, for people above level 23); and I found that it only gets worse as you go. There's less people every planet (I was the only person on the entire planet a few times, leveling up)


The quests are the same thing from start to finish; no evolution in design like we've seen in WoW over the years, and honestly, after a while the Voice Acting stops being cool

Edited by Shadysketchy
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I feel exactly the same way as you. The next 2 weeks will tell me if this is just a single player game where you can group up for flashpoints, or if this is a MMO. The areas seem so small, it's just 1 big winding hallway. Haven't even seen an imperial yet, I only see a handful of players running around even in Corruscant. I am on a heavy server too.


If the entire game, and future of this game is just 1 big "themepark", I'm not sure I'll stick around.


So your only experience is the first two planets? Go to the Dune Sea on Tatooine and tell me 'everything is so small'


I got ganked 3 times my first 5 minutes there, and that area is MASSIVE.


Balmorra maybe? How about Alderran? I would get past the starter planets before I criticize

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So your only experience is the first two planets? Go to the Dune Sea on Tatooine and tell me 'everything is so small'


I got ganked 3 times my first 5 minutes there, and that area is MASSIVE.


Balmorra maybe? How about Alderran? I would get past the starter planets before I criticize


I hope you're right. Will be there shortly. I'll definitely give it the benefit of the doubt until I see Tatooine.

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I hope you're right. Will be there shortly. I'll definitely give it the benefit of the doubt until I see Tatooine.


The Dune sea is vast, you think tat is small at first but you just keep expanding into larger areas. And when you get to the Dune Sea you're almost like "Oh crap, i have to go all the way THERE for my quest?"


It's big, big as in if you dont have your credits for your speeder by 25 you will be kicking yourself.

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I agree, it feels very empty


I'm level 50 [...] (I was the only person on the entire planet a few times, leveling up)


Yeah, that happens when you get early release and speed level. Not really a legitimate complaint. I had the same experience on my first character until I rerolled at level 33. Now that I'm leveling with everybody else instead of leveling ahead of the curve, there are plenty of people on the planets I visit.

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Whilst the worlds may be physically large, I think the OP is intimating that it doesnt FEEL large because of the instancing. Not enough people in a world make it feel like a single player RPG.


I think instancing is a curse on the world of MMOs and goes against everything an MMO should be (namely massively and multiplayer) and any game that uses it makes the world feel small and detached. Yeah you might have trouble getting that quest objective due to tall the competition but at least it feels like a living breathing world.

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Yeah, that happens when you get early release and speed level. Not really a legitimate complaint. I had the same experience on my first character until I rerolled at level 33. Now that I'm leveling with everybody else instead of leveling ahead of the curve, there are plenty of people on the planets I visit.


The amount of people in the zone does not effect the fact that the zones are very small, and aside from Tatooine and Hoth, they are mostly Linear, with very little but glorified environmental hallways.


The worst offender is probably Nar Shadaa, which actually was Hallways; but the later planets like Voss, and Corellia that are super-split up are just hugely dissapointing, as well

Edited by Shadysketchy
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While I love Star Wars, aside from the storyline, which is great, SWTOR is pretty much fetch this and kill that and it feels very linear. The world feels small and enclosed and you rarely see many players in each zone. It feels a lot like a single player rpg so far. I remember the initial SWG launch, WoW, and other mmos where there were thousands of players with large maps and it felt like an immersive, huge world. While they did have their problems, those mmos felt like mmos. I have to say, I'm really missing that feeling here.


At level 23, I'm on the fence at this point and finding myself losing interest quickly. For those beyond 23, are you finding more satisfaction in other elements of the game and if so, what are they? Are the other characters and stories a lot better than the Jedi path or is it the same old, same oldl?


Flame if you like, but this how I feel after 23 levels. I truly hope there is more than what I've seen so far otherwise I can't see grinding out several builds doing the same old fetch and kill quests for hours and hours upon end.

The game has been out four days, and you're complaining about how it feels empty? of course it is going to feel empty... IT JUST CAME OUT! Not everybody is a speed leveler like you. Some people actually do things with their time that doesn't primarily consist of gaming (unlike myself who has spent the past four days leveling up to 21).


Come back in about a year's time, and then let me know if it feels empty to you. Cheers.

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The game has been out four days, and you're complaining about how it feels empty? of course it is going to feel empty... IT JUST CAME OUT! Not everybody is a speed leveler like you. Some people actually do things with their time that doesn't primarily consist of gaming (unlike myself who has spent the past four days leveling up to 21).


Come back in about a year's time, and then let me know if it feels empty to you. Cheers.


There's a very strong possibility that this game will be free to play, and far emptier than it is now, in "about a year's time"

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I honestly saw more people grouped up for the last day of galaxies than i see of anyone else in this game. There was like 20 people on flurry when galaxies /wrist and bled out. I feel like this should be another guild wars. I pay you one time for a single play game with multi-player aspects. You take the money and wait till they release the next ACTUAL Star Wars MMO. BW stick at what your good at. You have made games that have intrigued me and kept me sastified for days and even weeks on end. I'm a level 25 commando and already im so bored im posting on the forums. I mean come on. Im going to rant literally for an hour about this. You should have just made kotor 3 and left it at that. This game is boring and im ONLY level 25. It feels like i have to go fetch stuff for someone every five seconds not to mention you really pissed me off when you made Cybord a fricking race.... i mean come on.... ITS A HUMAN WITH VISIBLE IMPLANTS!!!! Not to menton your racials suck. At least on wow my racial was useful you know? On this you didnt even give us a bonus to a certain crew skill...... you just straight up gave us a skill that makes everyone dance and clap..... *** man..... and i try to cal custome support about subscription problems and i end up having to call 19 times in a row to get a automated system...... NOT to mention you dont even have server forums... there was literally probably 50 people left active in galaxys when it went down but it had forums up till literally the last day. I cant wait to see you fail and become F2P. It WILL happen and when it does.... ill say you should have taken the Blue pill, because honestly the red pill is to much for you to handle.

That will be all you may continue living your miserable lives Bioware!

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While I love Star Wars, aside from the storyline, which is great, SWTOR is pretty much fetch this and kill that and it feels very linear. The world feels small and enclosed and you rarely see many players in each zone. It feels a lot like a single player rpg so far. I remember the initial SWG launch, WoW, and other mmos where there were thousands of players with large maps and it felt like an immersive, huge world. While they did have their problems, those mmos felt like mmos. I have to say, I'm really missing that feeling here.


At level 23, I'm on the fence at this point and finding myself losing interest quickly. For those beyond 23, are you finding more satisfaction in other elements of the game and if so, what are they? Are the other characters and stories a lot better than the Jedi path or is it the same old, same oldl?


Flame if you like, but this how I feel after 23 levels. I truly hope there is more than what I've seen so far otherwise I can't see grinding out several builds doing the same old fetch and kill quests for hours and hours upon end.


I'm bringing all the flaming ability of my bounty hunter to bear here. As someone at WoW and SWGs launch, I think you are full of it. SWG was categorically empty. I was doing BH investigation before there were speeders. You want to talk about long bouts of running through nothing and seeing nobody, well, it couldn't get any more mundane than that. Just because SWG was open doesn't mean it wasn't linear, and WoW, not linear, can you puff-puff and pass, please?


What did you do to level in SWG? Oh, go to mission terminal. Take mission to destroy nest of hoozy-whatsits. Run to nest, oops, waypoint changed. Oh, crap, why did I suddenly sling shot three hundred meters back. Run to nest, oops, waypoint changed. Run to nest. Shoot nest, shoot spawns, shoot nest. Run back to town. Rinse, repeat.


How does the world look through rose-tinted glasses?

Edited by Rikalonius
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Yeah, that happens when you get early release and speed level. Not really a legitimate complaint. I had the same experience on my first character until I rerolled at level 33. Now that I'm leveling with everybody else instead of leveling ahead of the curve, there are plenty of people on the planets I visit.


I see both sides, but I agree with this post about the population curve. I have a lvl 42 Sentinel, saw mostly single digits on my planets through the climb 25+. Had about 10 run ins with the opposing forces. Decided to basically reroll and am having a world of a difference in the leveling process. Now I am doing things that I didn't get to do the first go around. I am Killing world bosses, finding flash points and heroic groups with ease, fighting over quest items/gathering nodes etc. This is the way it was meant to be played. Sure I wish people weren't slow as hell at leveling, but I cannot change that. I deal with the bad and enjoy the good. I feel that MMOs are kind of like life, It pretty much depends on what you make of it. So instead of blaming the game that a few million people are/will enjoy, change something.

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The only thing I really dislike is how they decided to make instances of the same region/planet. I mean, you can be on Coruscant 1, 2, 3 on a single server. This is just really LAME, it totally kills the atmosphere when 50 players are split in 3 instances.
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I honestly saw more people grouped up for the last day of galaxies than i see of anyone else in this game. There was like 20 people on flurry when galaxies /wrist and bled out. I feel like this should be another guild wars. I pay you one time for a single play game with multi-player aspects. You take the money and wait till they release the next ACTUAL Star Wars MMO. BW stick at what your good at. You have made games that have intrigued me and kept me sastified for days and even weeks on end. I'm a level 25 commando and already im so bored im posting on the forums. I mean come on. Im going to rant literally for an hour about this. You should have just made kotor 3 and left it at that. This game is boring and im ONLY level 25. It feels like i have to go fetch stuff for someone every five seconds not to mention you really pissed me off when you made Cybord a fricking race.... i mean come on.... ITS A HUMAN WITH VISIBLE IMPLANTS!!!! Not to menton your racials suck. At least on wow my racial was useful you know? On this you didnt even give us a bonus to a certain crew skill...... you just straight up gave us a skill that makes everyone dance and clap..... *** man..... and i try to cal custome support about subscription problems and i end up having to call 19 times in a row to get a automated system...... NOT to mention you dont even have server forums... there was literally probably 50 people left active in galaxys when it went down but it had forums up till literally the last day. I cant wait to see you fail and become F2P. It WILL happen and when it does.... ill say you should have taken the Blue pill, because honestly the red pill is to much for you to handle.

That will be all you may continue living your miserable lives Bioware!

Wow, how an SWG fan can still hold an active sub only for hate. Yes, powerful emotion. On the other hand, if I was a sand-boxer I would not have touched ToR with a stick. Everyone knew it was a themepark , so I do not quite understand your disappointment.


Thing is, if you sandboxers are such a dedicated and numerous group, how come you could not support one, at least one game dedicated to you, to become successful? And you wander why no company "innovates" . Innovate? For whom?

Btw, genius, if such an expensive game such as ToR were to fail, who do you think will invest in your future, dreamy MMO? Santa, right? Be careful what you wish for....

But why do I bother, you'll Ctrl+V something anyway...

Edited by CheshCat
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The amount of people in the zone does not effect the fact that the zones are very small [...]


I didn't say anything about the rest of what you said. I was just pointing out the illegitimacy of the one part of your comment. You can't complain that there's no one on the planet with you when there isn't even anyone else in your level bracket. Before I rerolled, I was the third highest level person on my server. I understood the fact that I was going to be alone in everything I did. That's why I rerolled. I see people out in the world all the time now.

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Ok man look. Galaxys brought new things to MMOs ok. I will admit mission teminals were linear, BUT how many games out there off the top of your head without honestly googling brought to the board a NO-class system. Ok im stuck atm with a lvl 25 commando because i didnt know that i wouldnt be able to heal for the whole of pre launch because of a damn targeting bug. I didnt know i couldnt respec from an advanced class. Honestly if you want to argue about being linear than Swtor is more linear than the average human lifespan. I am not saying that its the worst game ever just that its more linear feeling than about ne game iv ever played. Sure i can go light or dark as republic. Sure i can do certain things that effect my class story. IT IS A RPG With online coop. Thjey shouldnt charge a fee for this game. Hell MW didnt charge you to log onto the game and play team deathmatch? because this is all it is. My pvp server is a rpg with online deathmatch. just stop argueing and accept that if you stick up for this game you are just a fan of star wars,bioware,flaming heeps of **** or just garbage in general. Sure it has every npc thats in a quest voiced over. I dont care honestly it could have twilek orgys and i wouldnt play.... well maybe if it had those i would but dont get me off track... Do you see where im going with this? We are as right as you are. You are as wrong as we are.

All is well in the world.

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I hope you're right. Will be there shortly. I'll definitely give it the benefit of the doubt until I see Tatooine.
I felt the same way until i hit tatooine. The place is HUGE and I wandered into a roughly 10 a side PvP war of attrition within 5 minutes of wandering outside Mos Ila.
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I agree, it feels very empty


I'm level 50 (since you asked, for people above level 23); and I found that it only gets worse as you go. There's less people every planet (I was the only person on the entire planet a few times, leveling up)


The quests are the same thing from start to finish; no evolution in design like we've seen in WoW over the years, and honestly, after a while the Voice Acting stops being cool


Might you think that is because you leveled a quick pace?

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Wow, how an SWG fan can still hold an active sub only for hate. Yes, powerful emotion. On the other hand, if I was a sand-boxer I would not have touched ToR with a stick. Everyone knew it was a themepark , so I do not quite understand your disappointment.


Thing is, if you sandboxers are such a dedicated and numerous group, how come you could not support one, at least one game dedicated to you, to become successful? And you wander why no company "innovates" . Innovate? For whom?

Btw, genius, if such an expensive game such as ToR were to fail, who do you think will invest in your future, dreamy MMO? Santa, right? Be careful what you wish for....

But why do I bother, you'll Ctrl+V something anyway...

Alright look CheshCat i bought the game because everything i could while still having a total fricking life. I am not a video game lawyer. The game is not an MMO. We held subs to SWG because it was honestly something that changed alot of people lifes. I know it sounds stupid but i met more friends on there than i probably have in real life. That does not make me a loser. The fact of the matter is that we where told one thing and given another. I for one dont tolerate being lied to. I was told MMORPG not singleplayer with MP attributes. Now had i known ToR was going to be this way i would have waited for a trial to come out. It is Star Wars and that is the only reason im not out right declaring a Holy *********** war on Bioware.

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