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DK stronghold livestream notes and pics


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I was thinking the very same thing. Some folks have speculated that perhaps the concerns over preferred having the ability to circumvent the restrictions on moving around credits might have convinced them to leave it out...


But I counter....can't preferred do that very thing if they are in a guild?


That would depend on the guild leader as we have to set limits on what a person can take out or if they can take out of the bank. In my guild only officers are allowed to withdraw credits and even then it is limited. Non officers can only use credits for repair up to a certain amount.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I think it's a bit weaksauce Coruscant and DK have the exact same layout.


Yea I kinda get it, not wanting to risk being accused of playing "favourites" but still... after the sterile fleet thing, which was a last minute beta addition after capital planets performance afir, I was hoping going forward factions would be getting more "character".


Next stop on the "plz not" train is hoping guild ships aren't the same (bar colour palette) .

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Can a republic character buy a stronghold in Dromund Kaas? Make an Imperial character, level it to level 15, buy a DK stornghold and then pay a fee to smuggle your Republic character over. Smugglers/agents do not need to pay any fee.


finnaly some smuggler flavor

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"Fleet chat is still on fleet, we don’t want to deplete the fleet."


I don't understand the purpose of this. Fleet is there so that people can connect. If we have fleet chat in our SHs, we can still connect in the same manner. So, what's the harm? People will still use fleet to visit vendors and start FPs and Ops.

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I think it's a bit weaksauce Coruscant and DK have the exact same layout.


Yea I kinda get it, not wanting to risk being accused of playing "favourites" but still... after the sterile fleet thing, which was a last minute beta addition after capital planets performance afir, I was hoping going forward factions would be getting more "character".


Next stop on the "plz not" train is hoping guild ships aren't the same (bar colour palette) .


Well we already know that guild ships aren't the same since they are two completely different models.


As for DK and Coruscant being identical, I think at first they were going to make them as one.

So you bought "capital world stronghold" and your Imp characters got the DK one and your Rep characters got the Coruscant one.

But then they split them in two and allowed reps to visit DK and vice versa.

They probably realized that what looked good on DK might not look good on Coruscant.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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"Fleet chat is still on fleet, we don’t want to deplete the fleet."


I don't understand the purpose of this. Fleet is there so that people can connect. If we have fleet chat in our SHs, we can still connect in the same manner. So, what's the harm? People will still use fleet to visit vendors and start FPs and Ops.


They fear most people who are on fleet just waiting for FP/OPS groups to form and not actively visiting things like the bazaar or vendors will instead by in their strongholds. Thus diluting fleet populations and giving the game an empty feel.

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They fear most people who are on fleet just waiting for FP/OPS groups to form and not actively visiting things like the bazaar or vendors will instead by in their strongholds. Thus diluting fleet populations and giving the game an empty feel.


Then, in my opinion, it completely trivializes strongholds. What purpose do I have to hang out in my house if I'm not connected? I'd rather hang out in my house than on fleet. At least I'll have more interesting things to look at. Or I can work on decorating while I wait for... whatever.


I believe this is a bad move on their part.

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Then, in my opinion, it completely trivializes strongholds. What purpose do I have to hang out in my house if I'm not connected? I'd rather hang out in my house than on fleet. At least I'll have more interesting things to look at. Or I can work on decorating while I wait for... whatever.


I believe this is a bad move on their part.


You might think that, but consider the fact that most people already use a low population number on fleet as evidence that the game is dying.

Despite the fact that most people have all the ameneties on their ships and alot of them spend most of their days in the dailies areas while waiting for Op/HM ques and the like.


I found that most of the people who just stand around on fleet are PvP players (at least that's what I get from watching my 2 guilds behaviour during the day)


Now, if they allowed fleet chat in strongholds (which I really want them to btw.) then fleet would be even more sparsely populated and the feeling of the game being dead would only be strengthened for those who feel that way now.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I really like most of what I read here and in all other information sources and I am very much looking forward to GS.


However, not having fleet chat is quite a turn-off for me. All my characters are parked on my spaceships. It's because of the loading times. I have 16 chars and all of them are crafting, therefore I constantly relog. If the fleet instance is full - and on The Progenitor there is usually one very full instance in which I get put most of the time - the loading times are annoying.


I really hoped that I would get fleet chat in my stronghold, so that I could combine faster loading times with the convenience of getting in touch with others. Now, my stronghold is nothing more than a spaceship with possible visitors.


Then again, I don't even know if my stronghold will load faster than the fleet.


I already see myself ending up parking my chars on their ships again. Or still. ;)

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Since Strongholds are likely instanced, you might not be able to join or form an Ops group while you are in one. A group I was in ran into some problem in this regard - could not convert to ops group maybe? -- because a person was in their starship. Not really sure what the exact issue was tho.
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Since Strongholds are likely instanced, you might not be able to join or form an Ops group while you are in one. A group I was in ran into some problem in this regard - could not convert to ops group maybe? -- because a person was in their starship. Not really sure what the exact issue was tho.


This is an interesting point...I wonder how being in a stronghold will effect group building and queuing for different content.

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Since Strongholds are likely instanced, you might not be able to join or form an Ops group while you are in one. A group I was in ran into some problem in this regard - could not convert to ops group maybe? -- because a person was in their starship. Not really sure what the exact issue was tho.


I was able to join a group when I was on my starship when we were getting a group together to go do world boss and that is an ops group.

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They fear most people who are on fleet just waiting for FP/OPS groups to form and not actively visiting things like the bazaar or vendors will instead by in their strongholds. Thus diluting fleet populations and giving the game an empty feel.

And they are right to be afraid.


MMO needs social hubs, and stronghols are but for small encounters.


They need to replace the fleet with a new and unique social hub.


I still remember how capital cities become empty with player cities.

Here it will be worse as even Strongholds are instanced and you can directly recall to them.

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I was able to join a group when I was on my starship when we were getting a group together to go do world boss and that is an ops group.


You can't convert a standard group into an ops group while any member is in an instanced area. After conversion anyone may join the ops group, no matter where they are.

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"Fleet chat is still on fleet, we don’t want to deplete the fleet."


I don't understand the purpose of this. Fleet is there so that people can connect. If we have fleet chat in our SHs, we can still connect in the same manner. So, what's the harm? People will still use fleet to visit vendors and start FPs and Ops.


I think if you put Fleet chat into Strongholds the "start FPs and OPs" portion of that goes away, and the need to visit vendors isn't often enough to keep the Fleet populated if that happens.

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For me personally not having the fleet chat is a blessing. The fleet chat I would prefer to do without. Some of the conversations are not something I would like to see so the best solution for me is to limit my time on the fleet, which is basically when I need to go to a comms vendor.
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I find it interesting that so many folks want to abandon Fleet.


Wonder why that might be the case.......


It's kind of noisy and stressful, I guess, even though it's all not exactly real. I kept doing my gtn'ing on the fleet, but when I retreated to the ship for that, I had a feeling that things suddenly became much calmer, I could relax and just search for the items I wanted in peace.


I would like to see some chat - stuff about strongholds, or maybe about the game(and certainly without gold spam), and I think that Nar Shaddaa planetary chat would be a much better place than the fleet: it's much slower, and people will be talking about the strongholds, since most subs would receive free five/three rooms there.

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Even stranger, they want to abandon Fleet but retain it's chat...


Actually, I'd like to have the option to access Fleet chat all the time, so I can do dailies while waiting for ops groups to form or see vendors come on selling crafted items I want.


Failing that, having Fleet chat in my Stronghold would have been nice.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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