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SW:TOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world


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So 165$ Million from Subs and another 139$ million from CM, that's a lot of money. that's nice.


The linked article does not seem to say 165 mil from subs, it says "subscription based mmos" and "monthly spending of 36.9 million gamers". If we do the math out... $165mil/ $15 = 11 mil months worth of subscription which means 912k subs if they remained for the full 12 months, which we already know is not accurate based on previously stated numbers from 2013 where they were just touching the 500k total subs number. So, this is likely combined revenue from subs and the cartel market. It also seems to be from 2013 and has similar numbers to those which have been touted by other forum goers over the past several weeks. So not exactly new information and it appears to be a total dollar amount not a partial one. Still good news I guess but if its anything like the proportions previously quoted... a lot of that revenue comes from the CM which is why we get lots and lots of reskins to milk people for money with gambling packs rather than new content.

Edited by g_land
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A 6% market share is nothing to sneeze at, considering how bad this game's state was when it launched. I would say this speaks volumes as to what a good dev team can do for a game, as well as the impact the CM and F2P had on this title.


IMO it should be doing twice what it's doing now...but still, it's good news none the less. Congrats current dev team. You saved the day.


BTW, read the source and it all becomes clear...it is total revenue from all sources, not just subs.




Note that they also say this...which backs up my earlier comments....

The free-to-play online games market has evolved over the past several years and now dominates pay-to-play, with an audience base in the US that is nearly 6 times larger.


So, not only is F2P here to stay, it is dominating the market.

Edited by LordArtemis
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A 6% market share is nothing to sneeze at, considering how bad this game's state was when it launched. I would say this speaks volumes as to what a good dev team can do for a game, as well as the impact the CM and F2P had on this title.


IMO it should be doing twice what it's doing now...but still, it's good news none the less. Congrats current dev team. You saved the day.


BTW, read the source and it all becomes clear...it is total revenue from all sources, not just subs.




Note that they also say this...which backs up my earlier comments....

The free-to-play online games market has evolved over the past several years and now dominates pay-to-play, with an audience base in the US that is nearly 6 times larger.


So, not only is F2P here to stay, it is dominating the market.

Makes sense, so we got roundly 200k yearly subs.

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Well, this pretty much validates that this game is going to be around for a while.


I don't have much more to add. Its just good news. I see the most vocal complainers have made sure to spin it the other way. Meh. Won't stop the rest of us from playing.

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alright i have to say this.




so boo hoo they made a flight simulator instead of an op that doesn't mean that there wasn't new content


even if virtuly no one plays starfight it was still made and still counts so the whole no new stuff thing is objectivly wrong.

Edited by Jrr_hypernova
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alright i have to say this.




so boo hoo they made a flight simulator instead of an op that doesn't mean that there wasn't new content


even if virtuly no one plays starfight it was still made and still counts so the whole no new stuff thing is objectivly wrong.


It was new content, but it was pvp content. That's geat for people who like pvp but people who prefer pve, specifically at endgame, have been waiting or a long time and will still be waiting.

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alright i have to say this.




so boo hoo they made a flight simulator instead of an op that doesn't mean that there wasn't new content


even if virtuly no one plays starfight it was still made and still counts so the whole no new stuff thing is objectivly wrong.

You call that space turd a flight simulator?

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Sure as hell doesn't show in their development. Maybe they should put more effort in improving the game and adding content more consistently?


We actually get a good amount of content pretty regularly compared to a lot of other mmorpgs out there believe it or not. The more things they keep adding into this game, the bigger it will get over time. Remember what I say, Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)

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a turd it may be but its still a new turd and just because you don't like turds and prefer something else does not mean that new content was not expelled into the swirling turd bowl.

Fair enough (sorry can hardly type, laughing so hard I have tears on my eyes) it was indeed new content.

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We actually get a good amount of content pretty regularly compared to a lot of other mmorpgs out there believe it or not. The more things they keep adding into this game, the bigger it will get over time. Remember what I say, Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)


Yeah but we are not in medieval era anymore. when was the last time something "new" added to the game? and in what quantity? i do not see eq1 or eq2 or dcuo on this list, this year both eq games released 1 expansion another coming december and their expansions are not "digital expansion" like swtor, they are full fledged expansion and then comes dcuo; this game added more content since january this year than swtor did since january last year. Rift is number 10 in list with only 36 mil revenue yet they released more content than swtor in this year. so basically what i get is that eaware is either highly encapable or highly uninterested in delivering us actual content but more interested in releasing cartel packs to nickle and dime morons.

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We actually get a good amount of content pretty regularly compared to a lot of other mmorpgs out there believe it or not. The more things they keep adding into this game, the bigger it will get over time. Remember what I say, Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)


No it wasn't, but swtor has had 3 years to implement many features that are considered standard now for most every MMO.

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you look at the number on the left and i look at the number on right. WoW 1.04billion revenue, SWTOR 164mil revenue, almost 1/10th of WoW. hey still the number on left says 4 right? that is a win!!!

If I was taking in $164 million, I'd certainly consider that a win. But consider: IF the average person working on SWTOR costs, say, $200K/year in salary, benefits and overhead (office space, servers, power, etc), that's enough money to pay for 800 of them. Just to work on SWTOR. You can do the math with your own employee-burdened-cost estimates and scale by profit margin if you like, but still, that's a lot of people.

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so basically what i get is that eaware is either highly encapable or highly uninterested in delivering us actual content but more interested in releasing cartel packs to nickle and dime morons.

Could be they are using the cash to finance their next SW open world game in the making.

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Could be they are using the cash to finance their next SW open world game in the making.


Ohh my!!!! I wonder which world you live in, this or somewhere several million light years away. it is 8:23 in the morning here and that optimism really made my day.

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No it wasn't, but swtor has had 3 years to implement many features that are considered standard now for most every MMO.

I wonder if anyone in forums even know what is standard for a AAA mmorpg. I have a feeling more than 60%(if not 99%) of the subcribers became sub because of the name "Star Wars', that name is all the standard they need.

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If I was taking in $164 million, I'd certainly consider that a win. But consider: IF the average person working on SWTOR costs, say, $200K/year in salary, benefits and overhead (office space, servers, power, etc), that's enough money to pay for 800 of them. Just to work on SWTOR. You can do the math with your own employee-burdened-cost estimates and scale by profit margin if you like, but still, that's a lot of people.

For the comparison Assassin's Creed peaked at 900 employees.

I don't remember the budget but AC3 was roundly $60 millions to make and Ages of Conan was like 50 ish millons

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For the comparison Assassin's Creed peaked at 900 employees.

I don't remember the budget but AC3 was roundly $60 millions to make and Ages of Conan was like 50 ish millons


Not a good comparison seeing as AC3 is a single player game with a crappy MP option and if you notice they almost always recycle item from previous games with new skins so the cost is lower.


SWTOR's Production cost was in the ball parks of $200 million.

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So the game earned $165 Million in total last year. Wasn't there another report that the game got $139 Million purely in micro transactions in that same year? So the game got $26 Million from subs, which would be $1.73 Million a month from subs, which means under 150k Subscribers. And that is 2013 numbers. No wonder they don't make any real in game content anymore and just make Cartel Packs.
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