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Should Bind on Pickup be removed (or changed)?


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Much of it is "entitlement" no matter how much those members of the "entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd would like to deny that.


...and you're "entitled" to your crappy conservative opinion.

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Your logic is flawed because BoP actually forces me to mainly play one character... my main.


For instance I won't run a NiM on an alt because I don't want a vehicle to drop there that my main won't be able to use (I already have a few vehicles on some alts and am already frustrated enough that I can't send them to my main). The change from BoP to BoL would actually entice me to use my alts for all the content way more often.


This is essentially refusing to play the game if gearing isn't completely trivial.

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Your logic is flawed because BoP actually forces me to mainly play one character... my main.


For instance I won't run a NiM on an alt because I don't want a vehicle to drop there that my main won't be able to use (I already have a few vehicles on some alts and am already frustrated enough that I can't send them to my main). The change from BoP to BoL would actually entice me to use my alts for all the content way more often.


It does not "force" you to play only your main. You CHOOSE to play only your main.


By choosing to play only your main, though, those alts you have do not get the gear. That is the "price" you play for not playing those alts.


Perhaps he should have said that you have to run the content with your alts if you want the gear, such as earpieces, relics and implants, for those alts.

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I suggested that items that are BoP should be changed to BoL and also that BoE items instead of binding to that specific Char be bound to the legacy as well.


Two people seemed to like the idea but I'm sure there will be someone who will dissect it and tell me why it won't work

I want them to become BoL too. at this point majority of the players want them to be. and i am pretty much sure EAWare knows it too and maybe the reason why BoP/BoE will not be transferrable is becos they will remove the term BoP or BoE totally, maybe.... we can hope.

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I want them to become BoL too. at this point majority of the players want them to be. and i am pretty much sure EAWare knows it too and maybe the reason why BoP/BoE will not be transferrable is becos they will remove the term BoP or BoE totally, maybe.... we can hope.


Dang, I must have missed the poll that every player who plays the game was forced to partake in that showed that a clear majority wanted BoP to become BoL.

Please show me where the results from this mandatory poll is.

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I would say at this point the devs don't want BOL for all items as the easiest and quickest way would have been to allow them to go in legacy storage (which would essentially turn all items into BOL), so I think that the devs have made their statement that they don't want BOL for everything.


Yes, I am amongst the disappointed % of players who wanted to put BOP items in storage.

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It would be nice to have BoL gear for me personally considering the amount of alts I have.


I am a little concerned though with what that would do to the need/greed system. People with a lot of alts could basically justify needing everything.

Edited by Gokkus
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I'll admit freely, that I haven't read all of the thread, so I may be repeating something that's been already said.


however, I'm perfectly fine with current system and wouldn't want it circumvented via legacy bank, but still kept the same.


the only way I would be all for everything being legacy bound if the roll system was removed and instead everyone would get a chance at an item from boss's loot table. with preference given to the class they are currently playing. which would solve ninja looting AND trading items issue. of course this will in a way make gearing alts more difficult, with exception of tier items, but since tier items are the ones that get ninja'd the most... methinks it would be worth it.


otherwise, I'm still flabbergasted at this assurance so many people had that bioware would let them essentially ignore current binding system.

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Interesting discussion. I do believe that at least certain items should be made not BoP. Pets and mounts, definitely, as they are purely cosmetic. For example, I want a Hagnoffarl pet for my Inquisitor, and I can just see myself getting one of those super rare BoP critters as a random drop on Makeb . . . on a different character. :mad:

+1 to this. I'm impartial about gear/mods becoming BoL, and I understand the BoL change would clash with unlocks for Cartel Market items, but any ingame cosmetic drop should be BoL.

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Did I say it was?


What I said is that a measure such as this one would further reduce the lifetime expectancy of whatever piece of content they come to both release and retool.


Again, grinding the same content over and over again is a staple from every single MMO out there and truth be told, Bioware has made it easy enough(!!!) - over time - to go around that hurdle.


People only have to grind for Relics, Implants and Earpieces... AND STILL THAT IS NOT ENOUGH.


they still have to grind for everything. they can just do it on more than one character. using your logic they should eliminate end game crafting because it shortens the life of content.

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It's to make it necessary to play all your characters, not just level one and have them outfit the others. Legacy gear has eased that, but the removal of bind on pick up would take that out of the equation altogether


But that's not a bad thing. Everquest 2 used to enforce bind on pickup for most loot, until many people complained that they played their tank or their healer for the good of their guild, but then never got to gear their main who was DPS. After making it so that all gear could be shared on an account, people made more alts because they knew they could play the character needed for the content but still advance other characters.

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this is actually good to know info because I didn't know myself until I was leveling KDY.


Rakghoul plague relics are available at the legacy vendors on Nar Shadaa. These relics are great for leveling and are cheap, only require Newcomer standing from the Rakghoul plague.

You can get 3 different levels of them: level 25, 35, 45. They are cheap so easy to buy a set of each level and throw them on your main leveling character as you level, then save them for the next one. Great endurance on there, great for lowbie PvP.


can you get these when the event is not here?

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can you get these when the event is not here?

Yes, rep vendor is on Nar Shaddaa upper promenade (in the GSI Offices I think). Only thing you can't get are the things offered by the Jawa vendor (Jerrik?) during the event.


One of my nitpicks about the Rak Event is that there was no one-off quest that shows you that Rep Vendor is there, especially since the GSI quests have one that does so for their vendor.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Much of it is "entitlement" no matter how much those members of the "entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd would like to deny that.


the whole entitlement bs gets over used. some people are entitled to some things...things they paid for or earned.. what you are trying to babble about is a FALSE sense of entitlement. very big difference here. so stop trying to sling that as an insult and get back to the actual discussion.


"that word you keep using, I do not think it means what you think it means:

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Would you be happy if they implemented a way to convert empty orange shells from bound to character to bound to legacy? That would allow much more flexibility in character appearance, while still maintaining the bound to character status of items like earpieces, relics and implants.


Allowing only empty orange shells to be converted would also remain consistent with all the other legacy gear, as legacy gear is just an empty orange when purchased.


that would go a huge way to fixing the problem. it doesnt cover everything but would be an awesome QOL improvement.

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Dang, I must have missed the poll that every player who plays the game was forced to partake in that showed that a clear majority wanted BoP to become BoL.

Please show me where the results from this mandatory poll is.


you were left out intentionally. It was pretty much unanimous. It was supposed to be a surprise. darn spoilers.

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That doesn't make sense to me. I still have to play my atls to get them to 55 where I get the gear they wear shouldn't make any difference.


This. Most people would still play, like, 70% of the missions, anyway. Just for fun and XP. I don't play missions for gear, anyway. I play them for XP, creds, and comms. If I wanted to, I'm good enough in PvP to level most ACs 1-50 with just PvP and class missions, with maybe the bonus series thrown in. But I don't, because some side missions are genuinely enjoyable.

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Then you've gotten damn lucky I can't go into a Heroic, FP, or OP without one person trying to need roll on everything. :(


The trick for doing heroics (and even most FPs).... unless you need the XP: wait until you're 6-10 levels over the recommended, then run through and kill everything with your companion. Easy gear.

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Ok, folks that want this.... What would you do to replace the credit sink, make legacy gear (and the quests for acquiring it) meaningful, and to reward gameplay for the alts with a sugar daddy main?


I don't know, sheer bloody enjoyment of the game? Level requirements?

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If I'm not going to play all my alts, then why would I care about gearing them?


Now, some people (like me) get all OCD and want to gear out all their alts, regardless of whether the alt gets played at all or not.


The real question is: Why would it be a problem if someone was grinding away for gear for alts that they never play?


If you think about it, if a player is doing that, then they're playing longer, grinding more. Does it matter why? And on the plus side, this would also give players that have "maxed out" a toon to continue playing that toon, using the best gear in the game! You know, one of those things players are constantly clamoring for.


The only downside I could think of is some player's may need on gear for an alt that someone else needs for a main, setting up situations where one could be, in some opinions, excessively greedy. Of course, the notion of gearing out companions still leaves that as a possibility, and if it becomes a problem, is probably best resolved simply by blacklisting those whose play styles simply don't jive with one's own. Though peer pressure is often taught to kids as something to be avoided at all costs, there are situations where it's used to curb undesirable behavior as well.

Edited by waterboytkd
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The irony is that if the gear grind is there to keep people playing, then what happens when you have a full set of 180 gear?


Nothing left to do, park the toon and move on?


Or do I play that toon to earn comms for use on alts?


What difference does it make if I grind for gear on my main, or on an alt?

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