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Legacy Storage?


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And if the first character loaded is NOT the character that deposited those credits? Now your suggestion has just enabled that player to circumvent the "no mailing credits" restriction.


Does BW have to so minutely track the legacy credits as to know how much each character has deposited, so they can "load them" back to that character if the account goes preferred?


You want to claim it sooooo easy to code, but you still refuse to show us a viable code to allow legacy storage of credits while maintaining ALL the restrictions that F2P and preferred have with regards to credits.


As I said, I am disappointed not to be able to pool credits as well, but it may be more difficult to code than you would make it out to be.


you really are just pulling nonsense out of your nether regions for this. when the character deposited the credits, they could transfer them at will. why would someone go to the incredible difficulty to use that mechanism when they could just transfer them directly to begin with? also, I doubt they will show us their code so that anyone can code up the changes to prove something to someone who wouldnt understand it if it bit him in the butt.

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The only drops that really count are HM 55 and ops, everything else is just leveling trash. Why any of it sells on the GTN is beyond me (drops in 55 tactical FP, the ones with 148 blues), I can't imagine who is buying it.


But isn't this only true RIGHT NOW? We are so into this period of time where 55 is the top level and 180 is the best comm-bought gear that even those drops in HMFPs are only truly needed by new players or perhaps those who do not yet have a stable of alts with comms, superceded gear and old drops lying around.


What about when we get a level raise to 60? And when 192 gear is the new 162. And we have all these players, with all these alts so used to having top-notch gear (or darn close to it). How will it work THEN?


Basically, since I think that at the end of the day Bioware's developers are in fact rational and competent (notice I didn't say infalible!), I would think they considered all this and looked at a bigger, post 2.9 reality.


I think it'd be a mess to not have BoP and the credit sink of transferring armours, mods, and enhancements when we eventually have a level rise.


Mis dos pesos.

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What about, instead of a credit sink, the game simply handed out fewer credits in the first place?


This game hands out money like candy, to say that the legacy armor is an effective credit sink is nuts. I'm willing to bet the number of people running dailies outnumbers the people using legacy gear to move mods by 20 to 1.


Cutting the credits the game hands out by 10% would probably be more effective.

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But isn't this only true RIGHT NOW? We are so into this period of time where 55 is the top level and 180 is the best comm-bought gear that even those drops in HMFPs are only truly needed by new players or perhaps those who do not yet have a stable of alts with comms, superceded gear and old drops lying around.


What about when we get a level raise to 60? And when 192 gear is the new 162. And we have all these players, with all these alts so used to having top-notch gear (or darn close to it). How will it work THEN?


Basically, since I think that at the end of the day Bioware's developers are in fact rational and competent (notice I didn't say infalible!), I would think they considered all this and looked at a bigger, post 2.9 reality.


I think it'd be a mess to not have BoP and the credit sink of transferring armours, mods, and enhancements when we eventually have a level rise.


Mis dos pesos.


So basically this all comes down to you not wanting to spend money. Gotcha.

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I was already on topic, you brought it off topic and are continuing to do so, please stop and be respectful to the discussion at hand.


End of story.


Look through the guys' posting history and ask yourself if you have realistic expectations for him :rolleyes:

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Wait what was the discussion again? This topic went so off topic for so many pages I've forgotten what it was about!! :eek::(


Well the discussion I was engaged in before I was side tracked was a user's desire to basically not want to spend Credits because he thought LS was gonna solve all his issues with credit sinks.

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Well the discussion I was engaged in before I was side tracked was a user's desire to basically not want to spend Credits because he thought LS was gonna solve all his issues with credit sinks.


The OP actually was just asking info in general on how Legacy Storage would work. He wans't even complaining or whining about it....that came later lol.

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The OP actually was just asking info in general on how Legacy Storage would work. He wans't even complaining or whining about it....that came later lol.


Yeah, and most of the complaing has a "My new car doesn't have a paint-my-house (preferably for free) feature" vibe.


I do not recall anyone being unhappy about what LS does do. People just want more, like a Legacy coin purse, Bound-to-Legacy conversion of some or all gear, and so on. All things BW could add later, and none of which are necessary to enjoy the game.


Compare this to, say, tactical flashpoints and open-world PvP on PvE servers, where some of the complaints are about the effect they have on the game because of what they do do.

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Yeah, and most of the complaing has a "My new car doesn't have a paint-my-house (preferably for free) feature" vibe.


I do not recall anyone being unhappy about what LS does do. People just want more, like a Legacy coin purse, Bound-to-Legacy conversion of some or all gear, and so on. All things BW could add later, and none of which are necessary to enjoy the game.


Compare this to, say, tactical flashpoints and open-world PvP on PvE servers, where some of the complaints are about the effect they have on the game because of what they do do.


The Aug 19 release will be an interesting little QOL perk. a legacy mat bank. too bad the actual content is missing. people are looking for more sunshine from it than a barbie house with a legacy shoe box

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you really are just pulling nonsense out of your nether regions for this. when the character deposited the credits, they could transfer them at will. why would someone go to the incredible difficulty to use that mechanism when they could just transfer them directly to begin with?


You really are completely missing the forest for the trees.


Player A is a subscriber and can freely move credits between characters and, if the devs gave us legacy credits, place them in legacy storage.


Player A places 10 million in legacy storage with his main. He leaves 50K on his main and his alts have never had more than 100k.


Player A then drops back to preferred status, at which point he can NO LONGER move credits between characters. You propose that the first character to log in gets the maximum number of credits loaded to that character. Player A logs in with his alt and gets the maximum number of credits loaded to him, even though those credits originated from his main, and as preferred he cannot move credits between characters. Your suggestion that the first character to log in gets the maximum credits loaded to that character has now just bypassed that no moving credits between characters restriction.


This is why I ask if BW has to keep records of which character deposits credits and how many they deposit, so as to maintain that the "no transferring of credits between characters" restriction is not circumvented.



As I have said before, I would like to see a way to pool credits.


also, I doubt they will show us their code so that anyone can code up the changes to prove something to someone who wouldnt understand it if it bit him in the butt.


I never asked BW to show us their code. I challenged YOU to write the code for a fully functional legacy storage, including credit storage, that would maintain any and all restrictions that F2P and preferred have with regards to credits. This should be easy for you to do, since you claim it soooooo easy.


Yet, I still have seen nothing from you to back up that claim that it is sooo easy. All I have seen from you is attacks aimed at BW and at those posters who understand that legacy credit storage may be more difficult than many think.


It's a good thing I'm not holding by breath waiting for yo to write that "oh soooooo easy" code.

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What happens if you have 10 million on you and you log in when you convert to preferred?


The extra moves to escrow. The same thing could happen with a Legacy bank. In fact, as I said earlier, they could sell transfers for coin from you legacy bank escrow into your legacy bank, like you can use transfers for your personal credit balance.


So, not only would it have the same locks in place, it could be an additional revenue stream for Bioware.


Naturally, if you go back to sub the entire amount would unlock in the bank.


I would also, again point out that Guild banks have some features that could be modified to use here...especially if that code was used and modified to create legacy banks.


Just my slant.

Edited by LordArtemis
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You really are completely missing the forest for the trees.



As I constantly keep saying, Guild Bank has everything solved out, except pulling crafting mats from it.

  • It can store and withdraw items
  • It can store and withdraw credits, if user is subscriber (F2P/Prefs cannot do anything with money)
    • Lets assume Player A deposits 10 million and drops to pref. He can suddenly no longer access the money until he resubs.

    [*]It has tabs that can be renamed and given icon for easier orientation

So, assuming a code that allows pulling materials from regular bank could be merged with existing guild bank code, it would be the perfect Legacy storage system.

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