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OK this is getting rather silly regarding hard mode Flashpoint GF


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2) Tanks never using the guard for high dps.


- Tank puts Guard on highest melee dps

- Healer wants Guard or else...

- Tank gets kicked

- Tank queues again and puts Guard on healer because it's not good idea to make healer hate you, and he/she wants to complete that FP and be done with it.


3) Tanks using dps gear.

4) Tanks not being geared properly


There's Power in augments. Nothing tanks can do about it.

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- Tank puts Guard on highest melee dps

- Healer wants Guard or else...

- Tank gets kicked

- Tank queues again and puts Guard on healer because it's not good idea to make healer hate you, and he/she wants to complete that FP and be done with it.


^ And that's why i'm not interested in playing as a tank. Many healers hate for free... Don't forget about the second dps who gots nothing between him and the healer can easily kick you off. :D

Edited by psikofunkster
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I played HM Czerka Labs FlashPoint last week or the week before. Not even to the first boss yet and the tank rages because I'm initiating on trash with the healer. He didn't say he was upset or that he had a problem, just left group and then says that I've got it from here, that obviously I'm tanking.


Now, I am very well geared on multiple characters, I was only pulling one trash group at a time and not leap frogging the tank. So while tanks have a bad experience, they are now extremely touchy and can have poor communication. The healer was keeping up with me and no one else in the group had an issue with me taking the initial trash out.


There should be common reasonable things a DPS does within reason that a tank would not get hurt over.


The tank missed out in the end. I have Treek full Verpine geared so she was extra heals and we burned through just as fast. All because of trash mobs? Silly if you ask me. And if it's an issue? SAY SOMETHING! Rage quit is no better than anything else a DPS does that tanks would consider unreasonable.

Edited by undiess
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I played HM Czerka Labs FlashPoint last week or the week before. Not even to the first boss yet and the tank rages because I'm initiating on trash with the healer. He didn't say he was upset or that he had a problem, just left group and then says that I've got it from here, that obviously I'm tanking.


Now, I am very well geared on multiple characters, I was only pulling one trash group at a time and not leap frogging the tank. So while tanks have a bad experience, they are now extremely touchy and can have poor communication. The healer was keeping up with me and no one else in the group had an issue with me taking the initial trash out.


There should be common reasonable things a DPS does within reason that a tank would not get hurt over.


The tank missed out in the end. I have Treek full Verpine geared so she was extra heals and we burned through just as fast. All because of trash mobs? Silly if you ask me. And if it's an issue? SAY SOMETHING! Rage quit is no better than anything else a DPS does that tanks would consider unreasonable.


It's extremely annoying to try to peel em off of others. You're a nuisance and I would have left too. You can get an insta pop with a tank so no, it's meanignless to us if we leave. When you were still wondering what happened, he was already in a new group.


Not letting the tank have initial agro is *********** stupid, you don't get through the instance any faster, and everyone has to work harder. If you happen to wipe due to your stupidity, any moments you might have won by being a tosser would be meaningless.

Edited by Jandi
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I played HM Czerka Labs FlashPoint last week or the week before. Not even to the first boss yet and the tank rages because I'm initiating on trash with the healer. He didn't say he was upset or that he had a problem, just left group and then says that I've got it from here, that obviously I'm tanking.


Now, I am very well geared on multiple characters, I was only pulling one trash group at a time and not leap frogging the tank. So while tanks have a bad experience, they are now extremely touchy and can have poor communication. The healer was keeping up with me and no one else in the group had an issue with me taking the initial trash out.


There should be common reasonable things a DPS does within reason that a tank would not get hurt over.


The tank missed out in the end. I have Treek full Verpine geared so she was extra heals and we burned through just as fast. All because of trash mobs? Silly if you ask me. And if it's an issue? SAY SOMETHING! Rage quit is no better than anything else a DPS does that tanks would consider unreasonable.



Why not just let the man do his job? If you are that keen on tanking, why not queue up on a tank or roll one if you do not have any?

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I played HM Czerka Labs FlashPoint last week or the week before. Not even to the first boss yet and the tank rages because I'm initiating on trash with the healer. He didn't say he was upset or that he had a problem, just left group and then says that I've got it from here, that obviously I'm tanking.


If/when you die remember Rule #3 of Marauders.

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^ And that's why i'm not interested in playing as a tank. Many healers hate for free... Don't forget about the second dps who gots nothing between him and the healer can easily kick you off. :D


You know, I was near victim of that but that didn't stop me from tanking and that's because of a very small and yet incredibly awesome feature for tanks:



Near instant queue.



Seriously, the longest I've ever waited for a queue was 10mins. I was playing at some wee hour of the night (like 4am) and yet I still managed to find a group. So if a healer wants to kick me because I won't put guard on him, that's his/her loss, because AFAIK, that group's gonna be waiting a looooong time through GF, while I get a new group that hopefully has a more sensible healer in a very short amount of time. That's why I'm not afraid of getting kicked :D

Edited by ValeGreiger
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- Tank puts Guard on highest melee dps

- Healer wants Guard or else...

- Tank gets kicked

- Tank queues again and puts Guard on healer because it's not good idea to make healer hate you, and he/she wants to complete that FP and be done with it.


It's always amusing to get vote-kicked as a tank. You know what happens, right? The tank gets another group instantly while the idiots that kicked him get to wait. And wait. And then they get to wait some more.


It's worth kicking a bad tank, especially in leveling flash points where a tanky companion can often do the job. But it's never worthwhile to kick a good tank... and one sure sign of a good tank is that they know guarding a good DD is far more effective than guarding the best healer.

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I played HM Czerka Labs FlashPoint last week or the week before. Not even to the first boss yet and the tank rages because I'm initiating on trash with the healer. He didn't say he was upset or that he had a problem, just left group and then says that I've got it from here, that obviously I'm tanking.


Now, I am very well geared on multiple characters, I was only pulling one trash group at a time and not leap frogging the tank. So while tanks have a bad experience, they are now extremely touchy and can have poor communication. The healer was keeping up with me and no one else in the group had an issue with me taking the initial trash out.


There should be common reasonable things a DPS does within reason that a tank would not get hurt over.


The tank missed out in the end. I have Treek full Verpine geared so she was extra heals and we burned through just as fast. All because of trash mobs? Silly if you ask me. And if it's an issue? SAY SOMETHING! Rage quit is no better than anything else a DPS does that tanks would consider unreasonable.


well the tank probably should of said something. If i was healing the group i would give you some instant hot's but if you couldnt survive that then you would of eventually gotten the message

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It's always amusing to get vote-kicked as a tank. You know what happens, right? The tank gets another group instantly while the idiots that kicked him get to wait. And wait. And then they get to wait some more.


It's worth kicking a bad tank, especially in leveling flash points where a tanky companion can often do the job. But it's never worthwhile to kick a good tank... and one sure sign of a good tank is that they know guarding a good DD is far more effective than guarding the best healer.


I will never play a tank probably but i agree that i have no idea why you would kick a tank. You will be waiting 30 + minutes most likely and some people just stay in the instance waiting. If the tank isso bad that its impossible to finish you might as well just leave and reque in a few minutes

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Why not just let the man do his job? If you are that keen on tanking, why not queue up on a tank or roll one if you do not have any?


^^ This.


As a tank, it annoys me to no end that a DPS barges ahead of me and I have to waste an AoE taunt, just because he needs to display he's über awesome all around, to people he doesn't even know most likely.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I played HM Czerka Labs FlashPoint last week or the week before. Not even to the first boss yet and the tank rages because I'm initiating on trash with the healer. He didn't say he was upset or that he had a problem, just left group and then says that I've got it from here, that obviously I'm tanking.


Now, I am very well geared on multiple characters, I was only pulling one trash group at a time and not leap frogging the tank. So while tanks have a bad experience, they are now extremely touchy and can have poor communication. The healer was keeping up with me and no one else in the group had an issue with me taking the initial trash out.


There should be common reasonable things a DPS does within reason that a tank would not get hurt over.


The tank missed out in the end. I have Treek full Verpine geared so she was extra heals and we burned through just as fast. All because of trash mobs? Silly if you ask me. And if it's an issue? SAY SOMETHING! Rage quit is no better than anything else a DPS does that tanks would consider unreasonable.


people like you are one of the reasons i don't tank pugs.


do NOT pull for me.


just becasue I can probably pull the mobs off you, doesn't mean I enjoy being in a position of having to catch up and mob up YOUR screwups. if you like to set the pace? roll a damn tank yourself. if you like to be the one initiating pulls? roll a damn tank yourself. whenever I run into people like you on my healer, I give them one warning. "you pull ahead of the tank again, and I'm not healing you anymore" and then, I let them die.

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As a tank, it annoys me to no end that a DPS barges ahead of me and I have to waste an AoE taunt, just because he needs to display he's über awesome all around, to people he doesn't even know most likely.

I was tanking a HM FP and a miss-queued Sorc, spec'd for heal but in the DPS role, was playing tank. The healer and I decided to let them have their fun. The issue corrected itself when the Sorc pulled 6 or 7 silvers (people seem to often seriously underestimate how much peak damage comes in at the start of such fights) and died almost immediately, after which the mobs were quickly and properly dispatched. No AoE taunts were wasted. ;)


If you have a little patience and a cooperative healer, letting the tank pull is a lesson that teaches itself.

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i avoid pug tanking because i don't always know all the fights inside and out (because i don't tank often - usually i heal) and that tends lead to people criticizing my ability as a tank.


i don't think i've ever left a group who worked with me and explained mechanics, no matter how bad they were. however, those groups are rare. the difference is dps and heals don't really need to know the most of the mechanics. all they do is talk big and blame others for their shortcomings. that gets annoying quick.


on the other hand, if a marauder wants to leap at a pile of red trash mobs, who cares? they're trash mobs. the game is too easy anyway. the worst that happens is you wipe and try again. you don't really die, you just pay a repair bill that really isn't that much. i can only speak for myself, but i'm just not the sort of prima-donna that always needs to be the center of attention. if you're the sort of tank that's going to cry because you don't always get your way, i'd be perfectly fine with you quitting any group i'm in.

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well the tank probably should of said something. If i was healing the group i would give you some instant hot's but if you couldnt survive that then you would of eventually gotten the message


Wasn't in any danger of dying, healer was fine following along healing me. Other dps was slightly behind. And yes the point was the tank was so pissy (just like the other tanks in this thread) that he didn't even bother to say he had a problem, he just left. Best part? No, he did not get an insta pop. I looked him up later and found he was still in Czerka doing his dailies and had not gotten a pop yet. Takes awhile if you don't have a healer, you know?


So.. tanks: have problem with a DPS, speak up and don't be child and rage quit. People can't read your mind.

Edited by undiess
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Wasn't in any danger of dying, healer was fine following along healing me. Other dps was slightly behind. And yes the point was the tank was so pissy (just like the other tanks in this thread) that he didn't even bother to say he had a problem, he just left. Best part? No, he did not get an insta pop. I looked him up later and found he was still in Czerka doing his dailies and had not gotten a pop yet. Takes awhile if you don't have a healer, you know?


So.. tanks: have problem with a DPS, speak up and don't be child and rage quit. People can't read your mind.


no it takes a while, when you take a 15 minute debuff from quitting a group. and yes, sometimes waiting out that debuff is preferably to staying in your current group.


and the tanks are understandably pissy. the fact that you absolutely do not get why - is part of the reason why tanks are pissy. the fact that healer was going along with you only added to the issue. and honestly, given your attitude, if tank had said something like.. stop pulling ahead of me. would you have actualy stopped? somehow I don't think so. so what would be the point of wasting their breath when YOU should know better.


its just trash excuse doesn't wash.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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... the tanks are understandably pissy. the fact that you absolutely do not get why - is part of the reason why tanks are pissy. the fact that healer was going along with you only added to the issue.


My attitude when a healer is: my job is keeping the group from wiping, and the tank's job is to make it possible for me to do so. Lowering the load on the healer is the primary reason tanks exist (with grouping mobs for AoE being #2). As a healer, I appreciate them doing that for me. So in a dispute between a tank and a DPS, I'd usually side with the tank.


That said, if the tank does not indicate any unhappiness with the DPS pulling the trash, I would have to assume the tank is okay with it. When I tank and a DPS makes a habit of that, I just pull out the popcorn and reflect on how much lower my repair bills will probably be. Now, if a DPS starts pulling bosses and causes a wipe, that's another matter.


Frustration and disappointment are a function of your expectations. Set your expectations low when pugging, and you won't be as frustrated and/or disappointed. And remember, stupid players can make for great stories, so if you never pug, you miss out on some epically lame stuff. :)

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...and one sure sign of a good tank is that they know guarding a good DD is far more effective than guarding the best healer.

As a tank, it annoys me to no end that a DPS barges ahead of me and I have to waste an AoE taunt, just because he needs to display he's über awesome all around, to people he doesn't even know most likely.

I would guard good DPS over good healers.


Still too often some DPS tend to start fights before tanks. Can't imagine how it'd go if I guarded them in PUGs!


Happened to me just yesterday. Said in group chat: Sec, plz wait for cooldown, and one DSP jumped into a group of mobs. Guess what only the DPS died. Most funny thing the healer said something along there's a reason you let tanks open a fight.



One thing though: as a tank queue wait times are usually very short so while I never done it, dropping a group is never a matter of being stuck waiting for a replacement.


P.S.: never said I was a good tank either ;)

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Wasn't in any danger of dying, healer was fine following along healing me. Other dps was slightly behind. And yes the point was the tank was so pissy (just like the other tanks in this thread) that he didn't even bother to say he had a problem, he just left. Best part? No, he did not get an insta pop. I looked him up later and found he was still in Czerka doing his dailies and had not gotten a pop yet. Takes awhile if you don't have a healer, you know?


So.. tanks: have problem with a DPS, speak up and don't be child and rage quit. People can't read your mind.


Good so when the level shift to 60, you can probaly tank too right and act that way.

Serious the flaw is, cause you need to show off overgeared dpsers with good overgeared healers can tank too.

Was noting new, the main issue is can you do that in raids?

How fast would you be removed from the raid if you don't respect the roles?


Sorry classic case of while understandable you can do without a tank. Cause you are overgeared.

And probaly very skilled, you show no respect for your fellow players.

Why should somebody who painstakingly gather tanking gear, just feel regulated to second role.

When a skilled dpser overgeared kills faster and tanks as well with a competent healer.

Shows you maybe the tanks do need easy mode TPS. So then dpsers can go wild but can't pull off aggro.

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Wasn't in any danger of dying, healer was fine following along healing me. Other dps was slightly behind. And yes the point was the tank was so pissy (just like the other tanks in this thread) that he didn't even bother to say he had a problem, he just left. Best part? No, he did not get an insta pop. I looked him up later and found he was still in Czerka doing his dailies and had not gotten a pop yet. Takes awhile if you don't have a healer, you know?


So.. tanks: have problem with a DPS, speak up and don't be child and rage quit. People can't read your mind.


As a Tank I can understand the frustration your behavior caused. Even if you really know what you're doing it's just best for everybody if you just let the Tank go in first.

Edited by AFTOHSIX
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no it takes a while, when you take a 15 minute debuff from quitting a group. and yes, sometimes waiting out that debuff is preferably to staying in your current group.


You can always ask for a kick. But here is our next problem: healer and dps doesn't want to kick tank because they want to complete FP.


Unfortunately only way to get kicked as a tank requires really bad behaviour: stop moving and refuse to tank.

Edited by Halinalle
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Um did I miss something or is it not a Troll OP???


55 geared and companion geared can solo FPHM when you know what you're doing. I can't count how many times I've done Cademinu HM alone. Right at start of final boss everyone got a bad knock back into rockets and I face tank on Vette in 162 gear my Operative Healer. 180 min/max it's not even HM anymore. So why GF it? Grab some friends and Q



Edited by Liquor
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No am not joking, cause basically it is what the future going to be, unless people decide to really cooperate.

They can go raiding for the more close needed heriachy, but the average customer.

Has no need for those, they just want the rewards.


Why bother with Ultimate comms then? Let's just shower tactical flashpoints with end-game token drops and be done with it.

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Seriously, the longest I've ever waited for a queue was 10mins. I was playing at some wee hour of the night (like 4am) and yet I still managed to find a group. So if a healer wants to kick me because I won't put guard on him, that's his/her loss, because AFAIK, that group's gonna be waiting a looooong time through GF, while I get a new group that hopefully has a more sensible healer in a very short amount of time. That's why I'm not afraid of getting kicked :D


That's why I ask to be kicked and enourage people to kick me when their playstyle becomes unbearable. :D

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As a tank, it annoys me to no end that a DPS barges ahead of me and I have to waste an AoE taunt, just because he needs to display he's über awesome all around, to people he doesn't even know most likely.


You're doing it wrong. The First rule of tanking is "You pull it, you tank it". If they can pull it, they can tank it. I only bother with AoE taunt if the jump monkey gets killed. He got what he was asking for but then it's my duty as tank to cover the rest of the team.


Recently I've started ignoring my kill order too. I mean, when I see the dps unleash on the strongest mob leaving the five trash ranged guys to aggro the healer, I'm going for those weak dudes and leaving the dps to fend for themselves. My priority is keeping the healer alive and since the dps are doing my job of tanking the strongest mob, I have to do theirs and clear the trash and stragglers.


No explanations, no "please follow kill order", no nothin'. They'll either learn by themselves or get killed in the process. Which is also a learning experience. :D

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