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A PvP a Day...


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Seems I'm on a roll, lmao:




Would've won the first round but I didn't notice that there was an Assassin still alive. Even though our team gave 'em good, we still ended up getting outnumbered, so to speak. It was just a straight up brawl, lmao. I hope I can at least get one Civil War.

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Wish I had recorded it, lmao. It took me awhile but then I realized that the enemy team was composed almost entirely of one guild. No wonder I kept getting mauled by like five people at once! We did manage to get some kills, and I was able to secure a bunker by meself, but after that it was basically impossible to do anything when every encounter was 6 vs 1, lol.


I did manage to give em a chase down a slope for a few before I got wasted. After our thingy reached maybe 8 - 6%, everyone headed over to the first bunker (the one I secured) and we had a giant dance party til the end. Y'all should've seen me getting down with me bad self. ^.^

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Wow, congrats on level 55! And you gotta love the unbeatable message!


With Shadows, take a look at the thread I run a few days ago about dealing with Stealth, it had TONS of good advice!


I was catching up on the PvE content on my Vanguard - did Taral again and finally managed to pug through the Maelstorm Prison. Still need to finish Hoth :)


Anyway, on the PvP front, I took my L23 Scoundrel in as a wz healer, while running through the class story on Taris. My hubby finally saw the light and did not insist we do planetary/side quests on the characters that are about to outlevel Nar-Shaddaa, let alone Taris.


My thoughts so far. I got a good selection of zones, Novare, Arena, Huttball and Hypergate to try him out. At this level I am not overly fond of most of his abilities being close-ranged AND channeled. If someone is on me, my options are kick, run through for the backblast, whip and... what? Drop in cover and start loading a shot? I did not take Holdout Defense, trying to push him to the Kolto Cloud. So, run and spam quick shot, hoping they leave me alone so I can sit down and channel my 3 sloooow heals. Alacrity, where art thou when one needs thee. I also need to re-equip him, and replace the blasted 'roll in cover' with the 'crouch'. Because the AI helpfully keeps rolling me into the AoE spells. Sheesh, THANKS! I tried vanishing, but CD is long, and it takes ages to heal back up, even given a peaceful setting.

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And, I got so caught up in the Trooper story wrap up for Chapter 2 that no PvP (no nothing, just glued to that awesome Gauntlet Sequence!). But it's done, and I FINALLY HAVE MY LAST CLASS BUFF!!!!!!! (As a matter of personal pride, wrapped that sequence up with no deaths, on the level, and with Yuun in greens I did not re-equip, and Aric in his boxers and a canon.... luckily I slapped one of Taral V sets on Elara simply to dress her for cutscenes... that helped!)


I am switching to my Gunslinger since I am too cheap to pay Van's L41 training fees (I am buying the expansion on the 1st, so it's gonna be free from there on). So, I guess, reports on the L55 woes Slinger who can't remember how to DoT but is dead determined to find that elusive cover in the zones starting tomorrow...


Empire... erm... yeah. I wish I was good enough to say 'beware!" :o

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Wow, congrats on level 55! And you gotta love the unbeatable message!


With Shadows, take a look at the thread I run a few days ago about dealing with Stealth, it had TONS of good advice!


I was catching up on the PvE content on my Vanguard - did Taral again and finally managed to pug through the Maelstorm Prison. Still need to finish Hoth :)


Anyway, on the PvP front, I took my L23 Scoundrel in as a wz healer, while running through the class story on Taris. My hubby finally saw the light and did not insist we do planetary/side quests on the characters that are about to outlevel Nar-Shaddaa, let alone Taris.


My thoughts so far. I got a good selection of zones, Novare, Arena, Huttball and Hypergate to try him out. At this level I am not overly fond of most of his abilities being close-ranged AND channeled. If someone is on me, my options are kick, run through for the backblast, whip and... what? Drop in cover and start loading a shot? I did not take Holdout Defense, trying to push him to the Kolto Cloud. So, run and spam quick shot, hoping they leave me alone so I can sit down and channel my 3 sloooow heals. Alacrity, where art thou when one needs thee. I also need to re-equip him, and replace the blasted 'roll in cover' with the 'crouch'. Because the AI helpfully keeps rolling me into the AoE spells. Sheesh, THANKS! I tried vanishing, but CD is long, and it takes ages to heal back up, even given a peaceful setting.


Yep, my third Consular and my second Sage. I'm even thinking of making a 3rd Sage because I'm crazy lol. I've tried more than once to like the Empire, but I cannot stand the constant oppression, the being hateful all of the time, the dull red theme, the ugly faction icon, and last but not least, lightning for every skill. It's maddening I tell ya!


Been catching up on my shows thanks to my trusty DVR, and I just purchased two songs from AHS: Freak Show so I haven't even logged in today lol. Also of note is that I purchased three PvP implants so far. Once I PvP some more I will get the rest of the Obroan set and the weapons.


Some days I feel like doing PvP and others I really don't due to me being a PvE player at heart where I have more fun (and funny conversations via General Chat lol). As for your Scoundrel, you shouldn't be worried about cover at all since you aren't a Sniper; leave that to the experts lol. When I played on my kitty (my Scoundrel is a Cathar) I would focus more on running and gunning especially since I am a Dirty Sawbones lol (23/0/23). On my Sniper I did change the cover mechanic to stop rolling me into cover and to let me just drop at me feet. It would sometimes (as you've seen firsthand) take me to place I really don't want to be.


In terms of healing, I would mostly focus of the ones requiring Upper Hand and the wee floating droids. Those were usually enough to keep my team going unless it got really bad, but I would be sure to keep my shield and two droids on meself with my insta-stealth just a finger away in case the poo hits the windmill.

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Well, the guide to Sawbones healing says to use cover b/c that prevents leaping to ya. I think part of my shakiness is full on Sawbones skill tree at L23, so I just lack the tools to do either much healing or much DPS. Looking forward to Disciplines, tbh :) And, yeah, I pulled the roll in cover off my Slinger very early on. Gotta do that on the Scoundrel as well. That extra bonus from cover ain't worth it.


Okay, gonna warm up the Slinger, see if I can run a quick BH to start clearing out the post-Makeb quest log on her, and try zones again in the evening. DPS, woot! I just feel it, I am going to suck... but at least I will try focus of target!


@Sages: we actually decided to unpair one NPC duo, so I will have one of the Inquisitors solo, the Madness Sorc one. Which makes me think to blazes with Scoundrel healer, I am just gonna focus on the Seer as Heals after 3.0 if/when I am ready to play heals. Heh, I am going end up with all the second best classes, VNG Tank, Seer Heals and Gunslinger DPS, but who cares. I need to focus on L2P not what gives most pluses.

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Well, the guide to Sawbones healing says to use cover b/c that prevents leaping to ya. I think part of my shakiness is full on Sawbones skill tree at L23, so I just lack the tools to do either much healing or much DPS. Looking forward to Disciplines, tbh :) And, yeah, I pulled the roll in cover off my Slinger very early on. Gotta do that on the Scoundrel as well. That extra bonus from cover ain't worth it.


Okay, gonna warm up the Slinger, see if I can run a quick BH to start clearing out the post-Makeb quest log on her, and try zones again in the evening. DPS, woot! I just feel it, I am going to suck... but at least I will try focus of target!


@Sages: we actually decided to unpair one NPC duo, so I will have one of the Inquisitors solo, the Madness Sorc one. Which makes me think to blazes with Scoundrel healer, I am just gonna focus on the Seer as Heals after 3.0 if/when I am ready to play heals. Heh, I am going end up with all the second best classes, VNG Tank, Seer Heals and Gunslinger DPS, but who cares. I need to focus on L2P not what gives most pluses.


About that guide for Scoundrel Healer, afaik, it's outdated. They removed the crouch preventing leap a few patches ago, because "it was not working as intended". :o

Apart from that, unless I'm mistaken, the rest is pretty much the same. Which means you have to be careful where you move. ;)


At any rate, I'm glad to see you keep trying. That's something I have to say I like of this thread: people thank others for suggestion, and keep trying. :)

Good Luck with the PvP practice Domi, hopefully we'll be reading of your victories soon enough. :D

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Oh, Okay, so it is the same as on the Slinger - cover does not prevent it, so you have to pop Hunker Down on cd. Lol, though Scoundrels were special. No reason to go in cover then, really.


EDIT: And, nah, she is not going to be wz ready tonight. So, will be trying to finish DX for the first time. Lol, whoever called them Dailies had a sense o' humor.

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Oh, Okay, so it is the same as on the Slinger - cover does not prevent it, so you have to pop Hunker Down on cd. Lol, though Scoundrels were special. No reason to go in cover then, really.


EDIT: And, nah, she is not going to be wz ready tonight. So, will be trying to finish DX for the first time. Lol, whoever called them Dailies had a sense o' humor.


Actually, Slingers are immune to leap while in Cover... Unless it's the second one from Focus Guardians/Sentinels. :rolleyes:

Hunker Down is mostly because of pushes, or pulls in my experience - I also play a Sniper :D - or Stuns and CCs. While in Cover you remain vulnerable to those, but you can't be leapt at unless they go with Zealous Leap - unsure of hte name on Imp Side :o - which is the Focus tree's first special attack. :)


As such, do keep staying in Cover on your Slinger - which also enables you to use your strongest attacks. ;)

Just don't bother with Scoundrel. What you want to have there is mobility, and tbh on my Scoundrel Healer I never used Cover since lvl 10, after I picked hte advanced class... I prefer to run around and hide behind walls. Stealthing out if focused. :D

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Actually, Slingers are immune to leap while in Cover... Unless it's the second one from Focus Guardians/Sentinels. :rolleyes:

Hunker Down is mostly because of pushes, or pulls in my experience - I also play a Sniper :D - or Stuns and CCs. While in Cover you remain vulnerable to those, but you can't be leapt at unless they go with Zealous Leap - unsure of hte name on Imp Side :o - which is the Focus tree's first special attack. :)


As such, do keep staying in Cover on your Slinger - which also enables you to use your strongest attacks. ;)

Just don't bother with Scoundrel. What you want to have there is mobility, and tbh on my Scoundrel Healer I never used Cover since lvl 10, after I picked hte advanced class... I prefer to run around and hide behind walls. Stealthing out if focused. :D


And Cox wonders why he received his own titular thread!:D

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Why is it that this thread alone seems immune to the regular pvp community? I rarely, if ever, see trash talkers, people who say l2p, or any of the other stuff that seems to fill these forums.


It's rather nice, and a reminder as to why I play an MMO after all.

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Why is it that this thread alone seems immune to the regular pvp community? I rarely, if ever, see trash talkers, people who say l2p, or any of the other stuff that seems to fill these forums.


It's rather nice, and a reminder as to why I play an MMO after all.


I'd hazard to guess that it is because someone is asking for help rather than blaming anything but themselves.

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Why is it that this thread alone seems immune to the regular pvp community? I rarely, if ever, see trash talkers, people who say l2p, or any of the other stuff that seems to fill these forums.


It's rather nice, and a reminder as to why I play an MMO after all.


Probably because Domi and I are just interested in being able to PvP while having fun at the same time. She is trying her best to be able to play her favourite classes and roles and I am just trying to be able to hold me own against any class I come across.


As for me, I just ignore anyone who has something stupid to say and move on. No point in getting upset over someone I don't know/will never meet, and honestly, I have too much fun in the Warzones themselves to be even bothered by people's stupid comments.


Don't know if you saw it, but I had posted that a Gunslinger (when I was playing my Sorceress) started to laugh and hurl taunts at my team because his was able to make a score or two in Huttball. So I made it my business to shut him up and he was quiet after I killed his butt twice.


To top it all off, Domi and I don't want to be pros; just better than we are now (and enjoy another part of the game we play).

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@Cox, yeah, I meant on the Scoundrel only, not Slinger – lol, was too early in the morning for me to record the coherent thoughts. With Slinger, I actually want to try to hide & cover more, and run around DoT’ing/cc’ing a bit less. Will see how it goes. I am taking a long look at her trees/rotations. I am starting to get a far better idea at how to build a character and how I like to bind, so that should help.


As for the other comments, Dee nailed it with having fun and well, playing the game. Plus, I don't see PvP community as anything particulary unpleasant at all. Everyone says dumb things on the net once in a while. Folks here are great. It’s a good forum altogether. If you hang in the fora regularly, well, you take interest. Same hobby, talk shop. I skim most threads, trying to find the interesting tidbits.* Even if they are expressed as ‘bads do v.bad things’. Don’t care, have thick skin. I am obviously not ranked material, but I’ll still queue and try to keep my act together. And ask about things I don’t get. ‘Cause I don’t have time or skill to reinvent the wheel, but I want to L2P to a passable level very much.


I count myself lucky to have these friendly folks around who enjoy sharing the stories, advice, thoughts and, above all, playing. I assume folks talk shop in Guilds, but I am too late to the party to grow with the Guilds on my server, so I just do fora instead. A x-server substitute?


I am sure it also helps A LOT the folks here don’t actually have to go in the Arena with me, ha-ha.


-* The only threads I do not read are about cheating. If someone cheats, on their head be it.

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So I decided to make a filthy Imp:




And lost the match, lmao! I went all out against Gunslingers, Shadows, a Sage, and even a Commando and kicked butt left and right while doing face plants lol. It's really easy to get the hang of a match when you only have a few abilities at your disposal, but I did miss Force Speed at least.


All in all it was a fun match and we tried our best to score and interrupt them, but there is something I am confused about. Two days ago during a Hypergate, I gave chase to a Sniper on my Sage. Now I know that Snipers have a roll that lets them skip ahead by twelve metres. Thing is, this Sniper seemed to skip ahead by way more than that. So much so in fact that even with Force Speed I could not catch him.


Also, in this Huttball just now, a few Imps including meself were trying to maul a Shadow but he seemed to keep disappearing and reappearing at a different spot. No it wasn't Phase Walk and he was not in stealth. It's as though the game loaded him in front of me and then loaded him up on a platform on the other side. o.O This is basically what the Sniper above did. Funny thing is, I am never above 15 ms, so I am unsure if it is lag.


Anyone ever encounter that before?

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Bah, lost again:




This one was brutal though. We gave as good as we got but the other team made sure to make us work for it lol. Soon as I saw an Operative was marked, I made it my life's mission to be a pest lol, but they always rushed to assist her so I wasn't a pest for too long, lmao.


Still don't get how we lost if the final score was 2/2 but oh wells. I did manage to kick some butt and I was able to go up against a few Assassins with a pretty good win-lose ratio. There was this one who as soon as I attacked her she backed off and used stealth so I retreated with the intent to put my back to a wall, but alas she did not come for me.


I realize that once I mix it up against the stealthy people, I can keep them guessing as to what this crazy ranged person is gonna do next lol.

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And Cox wonders why he received his own titular thread!:D


Of course I do, I'm just a common player, like you, Domi and the others. :D


Perhaps I started a bit earlier and remained balanced all the time, since I joined the day F2P went live and have been Sub since not long after... :rolleyes:

But I always had that attitude about everything. Actually, this reminds me of the times when I only had 1 char... A Guardian Tank, first MMO ever and I made myself a Tank as first character. Must have been crazy at the time, I don't know... :p

Still, listening to explanations from others and hte like I improved, slowly, until in hte end I was taken into Guild Ops, from time to time, as official Offtank. From Newb to Good. That's how I call it. :cool:

PvP wise, I kept going at it, but it took ages for me to find hte perfect mix of what I do right on my Sorc... :o


All of that to say what? Simple. That I don't deserve praise of any kind, because I'm just one of you players. Nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps not a new one anymore, but... still a player. And I like to help others, both here and in game. Because, after all... why not? ;)

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Still don't get how we lost if the final score was 2/2 but oh wells.


I've never actually noticed there was a "score" in VS before. :D But in a "tie" in VS, the winner is whoever got there first. So if you both got through 2 doors (I guess that's what the 2 means?) then they must have gotten through quicker than you did. So something like this I *think* can happen...


They break door one at the 30 second mark.

They break door two at the 1 minute mark.

They don't get any further.


You break door 1 at the 30 second mark.

You break door 2 at the 1 minute 5 second mark.

Here you can still win, because you might make door 3... but you don't.

So they win, because they got through door 2 quicker than you did.


I *think* that can happen. But don't quote me. :)

Edited by Banderal
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It was a good match though. On the losses like that, it feels as good as a win, tbh. I am still practicing, but I have a day off tomorrow, so I will be Gunslinging... well right after I run a gazillion of chores! Okay, I better off to bed, before I get illegible and incomprehensive.
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You break door 1 at the 30 second mark.

You break door 2 at the 1 minute 5 second mark.

Here you can still win, because you might make door 3... but you don't.

So they win, because they got through door 2 quicker than you did.


Yes I think thats correct. And if neither side gets through the first door the tie breaker is apparently no. of kills.

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I've never actually noticed there was a "score" in VS before. :D But in a "tie" in VS, the winner is whoever got there first. So if you both got through 2 doors (I guess that's what the 2 means?) then they must have gotten through quicker than you did. So something like this I *think* can happen...


They break door one at the 30 second mark.

They break door two at the 1 minute mark.

They don't get any further.


You break door 1 at the 30 second mark.

You break door 2 at the 1 minute 5 second mark.

Here you can still win, because you might make door 3... but you don't.

So they win, because they got through door 2 quicker than you did.


I *think* that can happen. But don't quote me. :)


You know, that actually makes a lot of sense, mate. It reminds me of when I was playing a game called Soul Caliber with my cousin. She is good at video games, and got upset when I won a match she thought she should have won after we both got knocked out of the ring (it was a platform we were fighting on). I had to explain to her that even though she knocked me out of the ring, I did not "fall" first. Her combo knocked me out but up whereas she just fell straight down, so in other words, she died first because she hit the ground first.


I do remember in one match that we did open a door, and they opened a door and then it became a cluster*beep* as we were all trying to stop bomb planting. So I guess they just did it quicker. ^.^

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It was a good match though. On the losses like that, it feels as good as a win, tbh. I am still practicing, but I have a day off tomorrow, so I will be Gunslinging... well right after I run a gazillion of chores! Okay, I better off to bed, before I get illegible and incomprehensive.


You know, after seeing you deciding to play something new, I think I will give an Operative another go as it is my second favourite character type in the game, since it has healing (my favourite) as well as stealth (very useful). Thing is, I'm wondering if to just make another Scoundrel or go over to the dark side and make an Operative lol.


I do like Hutta, and the sound of a knife going "schlink" never gets old. Plus the healing animations are all different. It's funny though; with Force users I prefer the Sage due to everything not being lightning, and I think I prefer the Operative due to all of the healing abilities not being a bootleg Verizon Fios remote.


I do fancy the companions of the Agent more, but the Smuggler ship has a bar and a Wookie. I love Scorpio but I detest Guss; sigh, I wish we could mix and match companions, lol. I've never done PvP with one, but hey, that's what this thread is for.


Maybe Cox can help me out here too, lmao (gives a cookie).

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Yes I think thats correct. And if neither side gets through the first door the tie breaker is apparently no. of kills.


I believe its total damage not kills. It is important to note that damage is also the default tie-breaker for every warzone except Hypergates and huttball. This means if a warzone begins with the "warzone will be aborted in 30 seconds" message, you should immediately beeline towards the enemy and blow every offensive and defensive cooldown you have in order to deal as much damage before the warzone ends.

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Of course I do, I'm just a common player, like you, Domi and the others. :D


Perhaps I started a bit earlier and remained balanced all the time, since I joined the day F2P went live and have been Sub since not long after... :rolleyes:

But I always had that attitude about everything. Actually, this reminds me of the times when I only had 1 char... A Guardian Tank, first MMO ever and I made myself a Tank as first character. Must have been crazy at the time, I don't know... :p

Still, listening to explanations from others and hte like I improved, slowly, until in hte end I was taken into Guild Ops, from time to time, as official Offtank. From Newb to Good. That's how I call it. :cool:

PvP wise, I kept going at it, but it took ages for me to find hte perfect mix of what I do right on my Sorc... :o


All of that to say what? Simple. That I don't deserve praise of any kind, because I'm just one of you players. Nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps not a new one anymore, but... still a player. And I like to help others, both here and in game. Because, after all... why not? ;)


Common, pffffft. We both know that if Domi and I were to get into a scrub with you simultaneously, you'd more or less kick both our butts. Sure, we'd give you a run for your money, but still. You were the first person who told us what to do and what not to do in a very friendly tone. You did not hesitate to tell us that you too still had stuff to learn, nor were you ashamed to tell us of your mishaps. Hell, I post all of my losses and tell of when I get pounded into the ground, because it's still fun nonetheless, and you helped us to understand that.


Plus, you always have a bit of advice to give regardless of what the situation is, and that is pretty cool mate. Funny thing is, your advice works regardless of character type, which makes it easy to use in multiple situations and on multiple characters. Heck, I'm even going to try some of it on my brand new Oper, err, Scoun, err, no wait, Oper, damnit! Can't decide. x_x


Anywhosen, thank you for all of the help so far mate.:D

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I believe its total damage not kills.


in voidstar it is kills but you have to know how to count them. Ignore the kills column on the scoreboard. Instead, sum up the total number of deaths for each side. The side with fewer deaths wins.


Deaths are the true kill count. For the kills column, if 7 teammates slap an opponent and then I (essentially) solo kill him we each get credit for 1 kill (8 players * 1 kill = 8 kills). If on the other hand, I truly solo an opponent that equals 1 kill. In both cases it is 1 death on the scoreboard.

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