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Is it just me or is Marauder weak right now ?


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My Marauder does fine in Warzones and in PvE.

I'm usually first or second in terms of damage and kills unless the enemy team focuses on killing me.


The sad part is, I'm always first or second in terms of healing as well. I hit something like 20k healing last night in a huttball match. Next highest was a sorcerer at around 4k healing.

Which just goes to show, people have no freaking clue what they're doing right now.


I think it's because there are currently no real guides that give people a cookie cutter mold to follow, which means they have to think for themselves. Of course, this means they'll fail miserably.

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you are aware of that lowlvls have dmg boost in warzones?


do you mean seperate to the bolster? My understanding was everyones bolstered to 50. if your gears good it should still reflect. But as I level my health and damage is dropping I've been using epic hilts constantly every 2 levels. I felt more deadly in the teen's, then again at like 27 but 20-27 and about 29-34 just seemed very lack lustre.


The sniper was the same, One minute im critting for close to 5k then back down to 3.5 then up to 4k.

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If anyone knows a way to open up a combat log in chat (hits with x for x damage)

let me know plz. and in the Carnage stance the (Atr.. name) you dont get your 15% speed buff yet. I'm thinking the second lightsaber hit might or might not hit my 3erd swing dose show up in flying damage bubbles. Buy color on that I'm guessing the Force damage is yellow and melee is white. if this is true let me know. From tool tips i spec'ed Carnage gambling Accuracy would translate to Crit down the line. So far i have a Force scream every 9 seconds that hits for half of other party members attacks. Charge and Kick gives me a little burst damage to start a fight with but my stance has got to change and milk the bleeds for any ounce of life i can milk out to survive a fight. My feeling is Marauder is a light show all to often. Still gana wave my glow sticks in this Rave till 50 i likes the purdy sounds.

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I think my Mara is fine you have a lot of damage mitigation abilities, some that don't require rage even. You should be learning to chain abilities properly while dps'ing. CC is fine as well you're a Melee DPS and have a snare, can spec other abilities into one(even a ranged snare.) Multiple CC breaks as well. Take the time to experiment with your class and learn to play it. Run with some proper groups in PVP and fill your role of being an unstoppable force.
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Two guildie mauraders utterly destroy every equal level mob they come across. My suspicion is it's a rotation or spec issue. The other thing I've noticed them doing is keeping DPS pets up over Quinn, they determined that the additional kill speed from a well geared Jaesa or Vette more than makes up for the time they spend channeling hate.
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I am 50, and despite all the myths spun by beta players, the class does not get much better at 50.. the basic problems with the marauder stays true even at lvl 50.


To Little Cc, to many buggy skills, etc.


Am I saying the Marauder is horribly underpowered? not at all, in pve groups it works as intended, it does a good job at doing sustained damage.


But that is also where my compliments for the class ends.


for Solo Pve and Pvp the class can and will be downright frustrating to play at time, and it does not help that marauder has a much higher learning curve then most other classes, when it feels like you get no payoff for mastering/getting used to the marauder.


I see people here use the "l2p" comments alot to "validate" theyr beliefs that marauder is fine, I invite those people to get rid of the wow attitude, and let us know why they consider the class "fine".


I believe the class is fine because 90% of the time I top total damage, dps and kills in warzones. I have yet to lose in open world PvP. So yes I beleive the class is fine in regards to pvp.


I also believe it is fine for pve. I have soloed every quest in the game so far, with the exception of heroics. Though I did do a 2 man heroic on tatooine by myself. I have no problems with champions, I do not have to prep for the battle, and when the battle is done my health bar has barely moved.


I honestly hate using the l2p term. In the case of the marauder though, it does take a lil more effort to learn the class. This is not an easy mode dps class, but it is a very rewarding class if your willing to take the time to learn it.

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There's a couple of things to remember.


First not all classes are going to be equal in terms of soloing this true in every MMO I've played some classes can do it far easier than others do to their tool set.


As long as the Marauder can complete their quest objectives without having to out level the content or resorting to off the wall tactics then it's probably not going to be seen as an issue if the sorcerer can solo better due to having more/better CC. That just happens in MMOs.


Now it may be that Marauders do need a buff in the survival/utility department, but don't base the reason on being that another class can solo easier, there always classes that solo easier.


In terms of damage output I'm sorry but if your having issues with putting out decent damage then either your of a low level OR you are probably doing something wrong. It's true marauders don't seem to come into their own as quickly as some of the other classes, but certainly once they get into the 30s they do very good damage and at 50 it can be monstrous.


In terms of PVP it's hard for me to follow I've seen marauders at the bottom of the chart and I've seen them so far at the top that no one else came close. I will say this if your trying to play the Marauder like a tank and jumping into the middle of a crowd you probably should expect to die and die fast. The marauders I've seen that do well tend to act like assassins, they circle around pick a target (or even two) on the edge and get the jump on them and proceed to destroy them, the damage output I've seen them do once they get in melee range is scary.


One of the marauders in my guild consistently gets top damage, top kills and does well in other areas of any warzone I've seen him play in, and this without any type of pocket healer.

Edited by Dharagada
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Level 32 Carnage Spec Marauder, link to my current spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100ZGMrbdzroz.1


Force Charge + Battering Assault (ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS) on whatever I actually wanna kill first, then target the highest level in the pack and Obsfucate them, then re-target the meat. From there it will vary depending on the mix. If it's mostly normals i'll follow up with a Smash and a Pommel Strike which will typically insta-kill my first target. I try to save Gore for when Blood Frenzy is up. Reason being that I want to be in the habit for later because when Blood Frenzy is up, a quick Gore + Force Scream combo should hit like a freight train if you've got Towering Rage full. Once you get Massacre, things should explode lol. Just imagine this: Force Charge + Battering Assault = Full rage Bar, Deadly Throw = Aint going anywhere, Massacre + Gore = Highly shocked if Blood Frenzy isn't up and fairly shocked if not dead already. Force Scream to end it, and if you live you must be one tanky-as-hell tank. At that point a nice Ravage would be in order followed by a Crippling Slash and an Obsfucate in between rage-building.


I'm not even using epic gear and i'm doing well. Granted i'm not absolutly slaughtering things, but i'm by no means slacking.

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I have a friend that rolled a Mar and he OBLITERATES everything. Might be your skill set up or the rotation you are using.



What? There is not thousands rotations...

For anni: charge ->(smash if multi mobs) -> Battering -> deadly -> rupture -> assault -> vicious slash or force scream -> ravage/ force choke if no rage etc.

at level 26 of course.

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I have to agree.


The Ilum dailies are a real pain as a marauder. We dont have the CC, we can't tank (obviously), have no or very little healing (depending on spec and chance of criticialling) and our damage doesn't seem to be high enough to quickly take down strong opponents and their standard friends that litter ilum.


Now you can say gear I am only using Gold gear with purple and blue mods. But then what Im doing is dailies so I can get the better gear so I can hold my own in opps, flashpoints and PvP. Of all the classes I have played the Maurader is the weakest, coolest looking but lacks the versitlity of some of the other advanced classes and the direct damage of the others.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the marrauder is potentaly a great class but its so underpowered its unreal the inq is by far better.And why is there no good pvp gear for us.

Feels like they made a big mistake here and no buffs in first patch very poor showing bioware. some totaly useless abbilties too :mad::mad:

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do you mean seperate to the bolster? My understanding was everyones bolstered to 50. if your gears good it should still reflect. But as I level my health and damage is dropping I've been using epic hilts constantly every 2 levels. I felt more deadly in the teen's, then again at like 27 but 20-27 and about 29-34 just seemed very lack lustre.


The sniper was the same, One minute im critting for close to 5k then back down to 3.5 then up to 4k.


your dmg went down? now we know your bad... my dmg went way up as i lvl'd cus it build a rotation outa itself that increased my hits. Its funny you see ppl saying no there is a real problem and stop telling us to l2play blah blah blah...... if half the mara's out there are beating faces in and half arnt? it seems to me that the problem is the player because if it was the toon itself everyone would have a problem cus it sucked.... but seeing as ppl say its good as am I. i would say roll an easier class because this IS a complex class even BW said it

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Marauder really is a late bloomer. I know it's hard to believe until you actually get there, but 40+ it becomes a real beast. Just use Quinn, keep him geared up, learn your rotations, and use a little bit of common sense. Solo leveling is real rough until later on, but when you actually have all the tools at your disposal you can pretty much handle anything. Just hang in there, or if it's not too late... you can always reroll and play something different if you feel it's really not for you.
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Pve the Maud is fine, if your in pvp without gear you are going to get mashed so hard you will want to quit, expertise and gear and focus target buffs rule this game not skill anyone saying other wise is down right lying those players getting kept up by their healer friends or pocket stims go about bragging take them away and they go back to being poor like the rest ;)
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I'm a level 45 Sith Marauder Carnage spec. I heard going in to this class that it was a glass cannon with few cc abilities, but I did anyway. I didn't know what people were talking about until level 45. I'm now having trouble with gold star mobs, having to grind to their exact level to barely beat them with every cd and ability just right. My rotation is tight, I do great dps over time in pve, but soloing is now a struggle. In pvp I didn't understand at first because I was topping leader boards higher than most bounty hunters usually in the top 3 way above all other sith warriors. Now is pvp with bad groups mainly I see where the class is completely dependent on a healer we get one cc that lasts for 3 s with 50 s cd and one more with charge if speced which just isn't enough most 1 on 1 s last longer than saber ward does obviously and cop's 20% just isn't enough. If you charge stun choke saber ward you're only half way through the fight usually, and against a healer not even. Considering how other classes get 2-3 cc or their one has a 10s cd this just isn't enough, and from the looks of things the sith warrior just isn't a good pvp class unless of course you're with a healer at all times or youre in a group that op the team and you get lost in the mix to get your pop shots off. Trust me or learn the class and put in your time pvping to see what's really up. Personally I was hoping to get to level 50 just to do end game pvp, but it looks like I'll have to roll another. It looks like bh and agent are the best for this.
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Pve the Maud is fine, if your in pvp without gear you are going to get mashed so hard you will want to quit, expertise and gear and focus target buffs rule this game not skill anyone saying other wise is down right lying those players getting kept up by their healer friends or pocket stims go about bragging take them away and they go back to being poor like the rest ;)


^cant play... excuses are for the weak and unwillingness to learn

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I'd just like to emphasize that up until 45 I really had np with questing actually it was a breeze, and I thought all this talk about sith warriors being broken was a joke. My companion is as decked out as me in almost all orange gear with level 45 and 41 mods. After a lot of testing I've found out a dps companion has more survivability, but it just doesn't change the fact that the class has no survivability after a point. I'm now totally convinced this class needs a change at least in pvp ASAP. Idk about you guys but I really didn't want to be stuck pve'ing in end game. Yes obfuscate is almost a cc but not great in pvp FYI.
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I'd just like to emphasize that up until 45 I really had np with questing actually it was a breeze, and I thought all this talk about sith warriors being broken was a joke. My companion is as decked out as me in almost all orange gear with level 45 and 41 mods. After a lot of testing I've found out a dps companion has more survivability, but it just doesn't change the fact that the class has no survivability after a point. I'm now totally convinced this class needs a change at least in pvp ASAP. Idk about you guys but I really didn't want to be stuck pve'ing in end game. Yes obfuscate is almost a cc but not great in pvp FYI.


well we can tell this is another guy who didnt read skills or talents so instead of beinga jerk ill correct you on your no survive remark and cc tools... if your carnage you have a root with throw saber you also have force choke. after that u have a leap for and let me emphisize this... AFTER you get knocked back do not open with it. as for surviving you have saber ward you have cloak and you have camo and undying rage.... pls dont troll anymore because your statement is invalid and aparently you dont know how to work the class

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Oh i can play with my healing buddy right beside me and all my buff dont kid yourself rambo :D


kid myself? I among the other mara's beating face's in are not the ones on here complaining we are broken... you are because of your lack of skill... like i stated b4 if half the mara population is beating faces in and half isnt... thats not a toon problem thats a "why can i roll my face on the keyboard problem" thats a skill prob sorry sir but it seems your lacking there

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kid myself? I among the other mara's beating face's in are not the ones on here complaining we are broken... you are because of your lack of skill... like i stated b4 if half the mara population is beating faces in and half isnt... thats not a toon problem thats a "why can i roll my face on the keyboard problem" thats a skill prob sorry sir but it seems your lacking there


Beating face's in did you learn that in primary school ? the class can only be held up with a healer period stop talking out you high and mighty arse plz

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Beating face's in did you learn that in primary school ? the class can only be held up with a healer period stop talking out you high and mighty arse plz


so now you insult me by saying i get my stuff from preschool? well here you go sir.... at least i can play my class well and not suck at a game as hard as you do... and i get top dmg and kills in most of my warzones with no less than 7 medals... you fail at all that or you wouldnt be here nuff said

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