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Bioware pulled a Plaxico Burress and shot their selfs in the leg


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This game is set up so you barely ever cross paths with the enemy faction. There is no open world pvp. I never felt so scammed by a game. Noway does a game that goes out of its way to prevent pvp going to be going strong a year from now.


Thats my 2 cents and why I will let my account die when my free month runs out. Theres no reason for this. Thats why there is pvp and pve servers. If you don't like world pvp you play on a pve server.


I seen lots of videos of the people that made this game. New rule. I don't play games made by virgins.

Edited by TheMove
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There are hundreds of these threads already, some very popular with overhwhelming numbers of supporters, you should post in there to keep them alive.


Fact of the matter is bioware did not make this game with world pvp in mind unfortunately.... they made this clear as soon as they released "companions" that would interfere with world pvp affairs.


There is no such thing as world pvp in this game. It's world pvpVE unfortunately..... this game will slowly lose the majority of its very large pvper population over the course of time if these are not dealt with.

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I have yet to run into one Republic at level 30.


Everyone says, "Wait till you get to Tatooine, wait till you get to Alderaan."


Nope, nothing.


Because nobody plays republic. You're running through their zones.




The problem was that people were given a choice at character creation:

Would you like to play a ****** who shoots lightning with flaming eyes, or this generic guy in a burlap sack who pushes air around?

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I have yet to run into one Republic at level 30.


Everyone says, "Wait till you get to Tatooine, wait till you get to Alderaan."


Nope, nothing.


Must be on a low pop server, or at least one with low pop of high 20s and low 30s... On mine I got ganked by a group of 5 on Tatooine, and they patrolled for about 3-4 hours, then on Alderaan, wPvP broke out every now and then...


Just have to be in the right place at the right time... If you really want to run into some opposite faction just go hangout outside of on of their hubs at either of those worlds

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Because nobody plays republic. You're running through their zones.




The problem was that people were given a choice at character creation:

Would you like to play a ****** who shoots lightning with flaming eyes, or this generic guy in a burlap sack who pushes air around?


lol yep

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Noway does a game that goes out of its way to prevent pvp going to be going strong a year from now.


So. True.


Can't believe they would ever make such a colossal, monumental mistake.


WHY would you segregate quest hubs? WHY????!!!!


On PvE servers - it wouldn't make a difference, no one would care if they quested in the same area or not, however on PvP servers it makes ALL the difference!

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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There are very little zerg-like scenarios because the worlds you first encounter world PvP in are so big.


But then, when was Star Wars ever about zerging someone else en masse? On Alderaan, I usually face off 1vs1 against lone players and have gotten into some pretty epic fights this way.


As for structured open world PvP, it's still too early to tell how Ilum / Outlaw's Den will turn out.

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There are very little zerg-like scenarios because the worlds you first encounter world PvP in are so big.


But then, when was Star Wars ever about zerging someone else en masse? On Alderaan, I usually face off 1vs1 against lone players and have gotten into some pretty epic fights this way.


As for structured open world PvP, it's still too early to tell how Ilum / Outlaw's Den will turn out.


lol Really?


Battle for the Death Star.






Occupation of Naboo.


Clone Wars.


Destruction of the Jedi Temple.


Please think before you type. Kthanks.

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This game is set up so you barely ever cross paths with the enemy faction. There is no open world pvp. I never felt so scammed by a game. Noway does a game that goes out of its way to prevent pvp going to be going strong a year from now.


Thats my 2 cents and why I will let my account die when my free month runs out. Theres no reason for this. Thats why there is pvp and pve servers. If you don't like world pvp you play on a pve server.


I seen lots of videos of the people that made this game. New rule. I don't play games made by virgins.


You just haaaaaad to go there didnt you?:rolleyes:

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I've killed/been killed, by plenty of the enemy faction on Tat. I just got on Alderaan today so I am not seeing where the issue it. I may be the server that some people are on, but I am not having any issues with finding the enemy faction.
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i met a jedi in Nar Shaddaa (he called me sith scum, don't know why, i'm an agent, not sith), saw couple republic players in Tatooine, didn't check dantooine very carefully, there was a republic outpost in belsavis.


world pvp is possible, and some areas are more likely to have it, but it's not a priority as it's mainl a story based pve game.


first 3 planets are totally separate for factions, next ones start slowly integrating playing areas, but keeps them somewhat separate.

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