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Is anyone actually planning to open up their stronghold to strangers?

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Did you see the number of areas to place things in in the twitch stream?

And that's just the base stronghold... without the extra rooms unlocked.


Homes are NOT going to look like carbon copies of eachother except for the basic wall and room layout.

The interior design will be widely different.

Just like it is in apartments in real life, where the room layout is the same but people decorate differently.


Yes, there will be differences in where you put your lamp and where ill put mine - but your house will still look simular to mine. It will be like if Ikea was the one and only furnitureshop in the world, and there was only 1 type of appartment to live in and the global landlord forbids any form of interior changes of the appartment layout.


For this to be a truly creative feature with diverse results, players need to be able to build their own "walls", make an armor display by combining "a few chairs and a glass window"...simply use existing items to merge into new ones with imagination as the only limit. Thats the only way you will see any real diversity.

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I'm not sure I'm even planning to go to my stronghold myself, let alone having people over. I'm really not very interested in decorating a house, and it doesn't seem like the kind of thing a Sith Lord would be bothered about anyway.


If there's nothing to do there other than that I can't see myself spending any time there. Now if stuff happened there (like some kind of story or something - story, remember that? Or some fun mini-games perhaps) I might feel differently.

Edited by PLynkes
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and it doesn't seem like the kind of thing a Sith Lord would be bothered about anyway.


Quite a few Sith Lords probably decorate their strongholds because they like to show off since most Sith are snobs who think they're better than everyone else. Somewhere in the game, maybe his codex entry, it talks about Darth Serevin's appreciation for Voss and how he decorated a room (or some place) with Voss items. And you know Darth Vowrawn would be the type to decorate, and redecorate, his place(s). Others probably display trophies they've taken from various places by various means. I forget his name right now but the Sith that Darth Malgus killed in Deceived (the book) had a very well decorated 'mansion', he liked the shiny things in life.

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I will definitely allow strangers to visit my new home. This is finally a chance for me to show-off my skills. I'm only average in OPs, PvP, GSF and whatnot. But now, we're talking interior design. :D


I'm gonna be honest here: The fleet will be empty as soon as I open my stronghold for the public. Because everyone wants to visit my place. You shall see. :p

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Yes, there will be differences in where you put your lamp and where ill put mine - but your house will still look simular to mine. It will be like if Ikea was the one and only furnitureshop in the world, and there was only 1 type of appartment to live in and the global landlord forbids any form of interior changes of the appartment layout.


For this to be a truly creative feature with diverse results, players need to be able to build their own "walls", make an armor display by combining "a few chairs and a glass window"...simply use existing items to merge into new ones with imagination as the only limit. Thats the only way you will see any real diversity.


I have to say that what you are saying is just ********.

You are essentially saying that if you go in to an apartment building and look at the different apartment they all look the same to you because they put the rugs on the ground and the paintings on the wall instead of building a mosaic statue in the middle of the living-room made out of paintings and computer monitors.

I get it, you want free placement.

But trying to make it sound like all houses will look the same because of "limited furniture and limited placement options" is just pure bs.

There will still be a vast difference, maby not as vast as if people could build statues out of their speeders, but vast enough to make it interesting to watch other peoples homes nonetheless.


You come off as one of those artists that go around and complain about peoples interior decorations when they come over to visit (and yes, I know some who are like that IRL) and then when you come home to them there's a cacophony of colours and shapes but it all just looks like a crappy arts project and not a place you'd like to live.

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Can I decorate it as torture chambers & jails, then have the door only allow people in and invite all credit scammers, locking them in for all eternity?


If not I'm probably not really going to make it very accessible.

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No, I imagine he had people in to do it. Grand Moff Albert Speer or somebody.


And if he didn't like the result he had them killed and got some other people in.


Well, he might not have done the hard work himself, but to imply that sith lords don't care what their dwellings look like is preposterous.

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It might be preposterous, it might not, I guess that would depend on the Sith Lord. I can easily see one who is consumed with his arcane studies to the point of obsession not giving two hoots about his surroundings.


But it isn't really relevant in any case, because I never said that.


To me, Sith lords fussing over pattern books and carpet swatches is the preposterous thing.

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Yes, there will be differences in where you put your lamp and where ill put mine - but your house will still look simular to mine. It will be like if Ikea was the one and only furnitureshop in the world, and there was only 1 type of appartment to live in and the global landlord forbids any form of interior changes of the appartment layout.


For this to be a truly creative feature with diverse results, players need to be able to build their own "walls", make an armor display by combining "a few chairs and a glass window"...simply use existing items to merge into new ones with imagination as the only limit. Thats the only way you will see any real diversity.


This person gets it.


I have to say that what you are saying is just ********.

You are essentially saying that if you go in to an apartment building and look at the different apartment they all look the same to you because they put the rugs on the ground and the paintings on the wall instead of building a mosaic statue in the middle of the living-room made out of paintings and computer monitors.

I get it, you want free placement.

But trying to make it sound like all houses will look the same because of "limited furniture and limited placement options" is just pure bs.

There will still be a vast difference, maby not as vast as if people could build statues out of their speeders, but vast enough to make it interesting to watch other peoples homes nonetheless.


You come off as one of those artists that go around and complain about peoples interior decorations when they come over to visit (and yes, I know some who are like that IRL) and then when you come home to them there's a cacophony of colours and shapes but it all just looks like a crappy arts project and not a place you'd like to live.


This person does not.

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Some folks will fail to grasp the concept of free design as opposed to "color by numbers"....I think that is actually a bit offensive to the hook decoration guys, I think "structured design" is a better term.


For some people freedom of expression and innovation are keys to creative flow. For others, borders and boundaries create a frame in which to place creative ideas that have appealing structure. I think it's likely, with respect to game housing, that the former is much more popular than the latter, but less popular with devs.


And that is frankly because for most companies the boss believes he or she knows best....even over their current customers. I think that is the case here.


I think that it is likely the person or persons that designed housing for this game decided that it was best to go with hooks because to do otherwise would create eyesores. I think it was an arrogant and controlling decision frankly.....if it is in fact true, which I would point out is just conjecture on my part.


They wanted to control what we could place and where. That way the creative vision we have would fit what they feel is acceptable in THEIR WORLD. Which it is, in fact their world, not ours naturally.


Now, assuming this is the case they have every right to make this decision. They designed the game, they get to set the rules. But naturally I don't have to like it, nor do I need to pretend to think it was a wise or right decision.


....I am starting to think that these guys are just not good at making add ons for this game. They seem to do a great job with armor, vehicles and the like, but a pretty lousy job when it comes to things like Bounty Hunter missions, GSF, Gambling, Housing....etc.


Maybe I just have to resign myself to the idea that lackluster is going to be the norm when it comes to addons for this game.

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Unless we have personal vendors to sell stuff(swg) I dont see a reason to? and tbh, I dont think there is enough people in game that will care either way. The houses wont be customizable(thanks to hooks) other then the base items we can use so most places will look a like for the most part.
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Did you see the number of areas to place things in in the twitch stream?

And that's just the base stronghold... without the extra rooms unlocked.


Homes are NOT going to look like carbon copies of eachother except for the basic wall and room layout.

The interior design will be widely different.

Just like it is in apartments in real life, where the room layout is the same but people decorate differently.


Keep believing that please.

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I have to say that what you are saying is just ********.

You are essentially saying that if you go in to an apartment building and look at the different apartment they all look the same to you because they put the rugs on the ground and the paintings on the wall instead of building a mosaic statue in the middle of the living-room made out of paintings and computer monitors.


What i am saying is that your appartment will look like an appartment. Not like a cave, not like a factory and not like a museum. It will look like an appartment, and so will mine. The ONLY difference will be on what chosen spots we place the display items of which almost none will be crazy rare.


And YES! If we have identical appartments in layout, and i "put the rugs on the ground and the paintings on the wall instead of building a mosaic statue in the middle of the living-room made out of paintings and computer monitors" -It will STILL look like the same appartment, but with different items inside of it.


Creativity and variety is limited because they wont allow us to merge/freeplace items. It's a simple fact.


I get it, you want free placement.

But trying to make it sound like all houses will look the same because of "limited furniture and limited placement options" is just pure bs.

There will still be a vast difference, maby not as vast as if people could build statues out of their speeders, but vast enough to make it interesting to watch other peoples homes nonetheless.


No it's not bs. Not to those who wanted to be able to truly make their house into something spectacular. Whatever you do these will still just be normal houses with rooms, just like the next.


You come off as one of those artists that go around and complain about peoples interior decorations when they come over to visit (and yes, I know some who are like that IRL) and then when you come home to them there's a cacophony of colours and shapes but it all just looks like a crappy arts project and not a place you'd like to live.


lol, yeah because i want to freedom to decorate the way i want and dislike limitations and others telling me what looks good - i have to be that person? Ill post some SWG pics for you in awhile to show a few examples of what i would like to be able to do here.


EDIT: Here are some pics. Unfortunatly i couldn't find my museum pics (My most decorated place), but i found a few from the guildhall. This is what brings true variety to decorating ones house.


1. Our Guildhall Main Room, where we kept guild meetings.

Just about everything you can see in this pic has been put there by me, except the roof and pillars. I wanted a darker feeling in the main room, so i put some huge black Mustafarian tables all around, to make new walls. The "keltic" looking "paintings" on the wall at the end is actually carpets from some Kashyyyk quest, that i merged with the tables covering the walls.


2. My "office" in the guildhall.

Nothing on this pic is a static object. Everything was placed there by me, even each small item you can see in the display-case was placed in there 1 by 1. The standing walls were made by turning around huge spaceship data-terminals around and the roof is again mustafarian tables.


3. Upper Floor Storage room

I just made this little room because it felt logical to have some form of smaller storage. Nothing fancy, and made from pallets flipped around and put on edge to form the actual shelves. And it also shows how we could drop any item, from armor to weapon to junkloot - and tilt/turn it to make it fit anywhere we wanted.


4. Prototype Armor Display

This was right before i redecorated my entire Museum, and i was experimenting with how to make a decent looking armor display for multiple armors. In this pic i have simply flipped a chair upsidedown, brought it down into the floor and then put another chair upsidedown above it. Later in the museum this was finilized with glass covering each "display" and light of green lighting them up from within.


These are just a few (and actually pretty bad) examples of what you could do with a true free placement deco system. I saw some truly amazing works during my years there, where it literally felt like you entered a completly new form of house. I can't imagine that players who truly interested and entertained by deco will find what SWTOR is offering enough, or even close to satisfying their creativity.

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I don't plan on opening my house to anyone, ever. I would also like automated turrets at the door to "discourage" anyone from knocking.


That would be awesome, but they would have to actually work and be at Champ 55 level. Lol!

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