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Carnage Marauder in PVP - Seems To Be In A Good Spot.


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Funny you say that because I think carnage right now is the most difficult spec to kite in the game. There is a counter for almost everything a kiting class with through at you. Predation alone is just amazing when trying to stay on target. In my opinion it is actually easier to kite a sin than a carnage mara who knows how use all the tools they have available.


^^^This right here. Predation Uptime in Carnage is actually very close to 100% if you get good uptime on the target and are in an active fight. It takes around 6-7 GCD's to get 30 stacks of fury assuming you have to use some rage building abilities and are always taking damage be it from dots or not. When a merc pop Hydraulics, you laugh at him and just catch up, a sorc/sin won't run far with Force Speed either.


The only thing I might consider an issue with carnage nowadays, that wasn't as present as before, is that with the influx of ranged classes everywhere (On my server I'm nearly ALWAYS the only sentinel/mara in the entire Warzone lol) Knockbacks are much more present thus your burst is much easier to get screwed over, not to mention the fact that being one of the few melee makes your two glowsticks stand out a lot which means ranged will be more inclined to focus you down.

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Funny you say that because I think carnage right now is the most difficult spec to kite in the game. There is a counter for almost everything a kiting class with through at you. Predation alone is just amazing when trying to stay on target. In my opinion it is actually easier to kite a sin than a carnage mara who knows how use all the tools they have available. All told they have a speed boost with 70% uptime (assuming no use of beserk), a root/snare break on a 45 second cooldown with an associated speed burst, a 10-30m leap on a 15 second cooldown, a 30m ranged cone affect snare on an 18 second cooldown, a 15m (assuming PvP gear set bonus) snare on a 12 second cooldown, a spammable melee ranged snare, and a 3 second channeled root. Is it really reasonable to ask for more than that to prevent kiting?


I really think the only thing the class needs right now for certain is an improvement to undying rage/GBTF. It really is not a great DCD right now as it is almost impossible to use it to do anything but slightly extend the time to death. It's not the oh crap button that similar abilities are for other DPS classes.


You could then consider something that removes the RNG from the proc's making the classes damage more reliable. This would make the class more accessible, but it would also likely lower the performance ceiling as every reasonable proposed system I have seen would reduce the max proc rate.


hate to pop your bubble but pvp matches are not base on 1v1. Take the following scenario: Merc attacks Mara> < Mara attacks merc < another merc also attacks Mara ( your defense abilities on cool down at this point) + Sorc casting

on your Mara = you're dead meat.

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carnage/combat is good for most of the time when you are in a team. Normally in a decent match my dps will sit around 1000-1200, sometimes lower sometimes higher whatever. This number is not so huge compared to those on leader board but it's almost burst damage so it is still significant. The key thing is still to play wise. you are not a tank, escape from being focused, los enemy and give your healer time. Also you are melee heavy, there is no point to tunnel a sin/mara with saber ward up in most cases, you are not gonna burst him down with a healer backing him up. Pick a right target, an operative/sorc healer, a sniper, a merc, and so so.


As to master strike/ravage I don't really use it often in PS/gore window. The problem is: it's like a red alert. Whenever I heard the big noise or see the cast bar, I will immediately begin to think about how to stop it even it's not hitting on me. If you use it without whitebar filled, you will be like "hey come and stun/kb/pacify me I am doing big hit". Don't assume your enemies are all fools, you may be just wasting your burst window. Safer actions like blade rush/dispatch/twin saber throw/procced blade storm to fill PS window are usually my choices. To use master strike, will have to set it up: make yourself whitebared or you are sure your enemy has KB/stun on cooldown. And you should also make sure your enemy could not break the root and run away easily.


Currently I am only frustrating about zen. Six charges are only consumed on action, and this prevents further centering built. You may argue it requires only 6 second to burn them out. However, don't forget you are combat/carnage, the moment you pop zen/berserk is quite likely the moment you PS/gore. So, prepare to be KB/stun/root. Meanwhile, watchman just need to apply their burn and zen will be consumed effectively, smasher automatically have their zen converted to focus/rage. So when I play combat, I would like to spam speed buff more often than zen. This should not be the original intention of the spec design I believe. It would be more reasonable to me that centering built will be enabled after 5 second using zen.

Edited by zhaiyan
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carnage, for the most part, is perfectly fine. the two problems i have with it are:

1: Anyone (regardless of whether their brain is functioning or not) can stop any form of burst they have without batting an eye (possibly the easiest spec to shutdown in game).

2: the Proc system is so out of whack. its fully possible to spam massacre with a full bar or rage and not get a single proc. ive had that happen in both endgames and my dps suffers greatly.


if the situation is ideal a carnage mara will rip through you like its no ones business.

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carnage, for the most part, is perfectly fine. the two problems i have with it are:

1: Anyone (regardless of whether their brain is functioning or not) can stop any form of burst they have without batting an eye (possibly the easiest spec to shutdown in game).

2: the Proc system is so out of whack. its fully possible to spam massacre with a full bar or rage and not get a single proc. ive had that happen in both endgames and my dps suffers greatly.


if the situation is ideal a carnage mara will rip through you like its no ones business.


That ideal situation is a lot more frequent than others would like to believe. The second Gore window granted by the Slaughter proc is only really needed when working on a tank. Most of my first gore windows are usually potent enough for me to seal the deal with everybody but snipers.


Snipers, I have to avoid like the plague... I'll leave him for the mercs and sorcs to deal with.

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