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Given Bioware's horrid communication, releases, and overhyping, I wish theyd refocus.


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One if the big things for me was the ability delay. When i use taunt on my tank it better land 100% of the time, nomatter what. I still make sure to pause ½ a sec before using my taunt, mostly because i dont trust it to land if i dont. It has missed too many times before when i've done a charge/taunt combo.


Then there was the memory leak, that didn't help.


Also, releasing Kaon/Lost Island..I realy liked thoose FP's, especially Lost Island, but it kinda killed the fun in all the other FP's for me and my friends. Ofc us getting better gear didn't help, but even with nice gear we had to pay somewhat attention in LI, the other 50FP's was just boooooring. We mainly do FP's so that's a big priority for us.

Edited by Petnil
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Why do u need more flashpoints and planets, if it's still more of the same, just different location?

Flashpoints for what? Skip mobs? Comm runs?


I don't get what u see in pve, is dailies dalies dailies, no challenge, pure dps race,

why not add mechanics to dailies areas, besides having the best weapon and just like a rat

killing trash mob after trash mob?


Really, after ur first 55, pve just gets stale by a mile.


At least at pvp u don't know what team composition u're gonna get, if u're gonna win, lose, be it

1 vs 1 or as a whole team, dpsing like there's no tomorrow or actually caring about objectives,

trash talking each other.


Why sticking to: Kill trash mob, get loot, kill trash mob, get loot!... kill trash mob... get loooot!

Deliver dailies... even soloing h4 at black hole... and it's not about difficulty but about varying

tactic and don't expecting the same thing...


At least the seeker missions propose a different gameplay, breaking monotony, or the other one (forgot its name) where u use binoculars to look for things too.


So, what's the difference between doing dailies and farmville? Is just doing the same fracking thing all the time. I do them with one hand while watching a movie on another screen, that is not a game,

that is a chore...

Edited by ScarlettDiablo
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Given some of these horrid doom and gloom post, beating a dead horse with assumptions, and over dramtic death to Swtor threads I wish some of these posters would just move on.


This is not new to mmos every single one goes through this and Swtor is no difference stop complaining go play something else. Loot at WoW it will be over a YEAR before the largest mmo releases content, look at Lotro they no longer even release group instances or raids. It's getting pretty pathetic every day a new post is made with the exact same talking points. Why not just join the other 5 on the front page? You think having a cleaver title (really not that cleaver btw) is going to make your assumptions and doom and gloom better? Well it doesn't, go play something else for a couple months come back if you want we will all still be here and so will Swtor.



You had some of these doom and gloom poster predict Swtor wouldn't make it out of '12, '13,'14 and now they are priming their doom and gloom to predict '15...well good luck.../facepalm

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Why do u need more flashpoints and planets, if it's still more of the same, just different location?

Flashpoints for what? Skip mobs? Comm runs?


I don't get what u see in pve, is dailies dalies dailies, no challenge, pure dps race,

why not add mechanics to dailies areas, besides having the best weapon and just like a rat

killing trash mob after trash mob?


Really, after ur first 55, pve just gets stale by a mile.


At least at pvp u don't know what team composition u're gonna get, if u're gonna win, lose, be it

1 vs 1 or as a whole team, dpsing like there's no tomorrow or actually caring about objectives,

trash talking each other.


Why sticking to: Kill trash mob, get loot, kill trash mob, get loot!... kill trash mob... get loooot!

Deliver dailies... even soloing h4 at black hole... and it's not about difficulty but about varying

tactic and don't expecting the same thing...


At least the seeker missions propose a different gameplay, breaking monotony, or the other one (forgot its name) where u use binoculars to look for things too.


So, what's the difference between doing dailies and farmville? Is just doing the same fracking thing all the time. I do them with one hand while watching a movie on another screen, that is not a game,

that is a chore...


Hmm well I would say you are in the wrong hobby. Why are you playing mmos? Sounds like you hate them. My recommendation for you is to research a new hobby be sure to understand the concept behind that hobby if it's something you don't agree with or enjoy like mmos I recommend staying away from it.


Well good luck on your hunt for a new hobby .

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Why do u need more flashpoints and planets, if it's still more of the same, just different location?

Flashpoints for what? Skip mobs? Comm runs?


I don't get what u see in pve, is dailies dalies dailies, no challenge, pure dps race,

why not add mechanics to dailies areas, besides having the best weapon and just like a rat

killing trash mob after trash mob?


Perhaps a MMO is not the game you are looking for, you sound more like a counterstrike player.

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Bioware said they had over 2 million accounts actively play when ROTHC launched. That sounds a lot more than 2 months.


It depends how you define a active account. Is it a subscriber that logs in every day or is it a F2P that logs in once a month?


Both accounts could be considered active

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I get the impression BW, EA, both, whatever, pray at the altar of agility. It has a valuable place in most biz sectors when used intelligently, but is unfortunately most often used as a rationale and excuse source for weak leadership and strategy.


So basically OP, I doubt you'll ever seen anything resembling what you propose.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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You're wrong.


Class story was, is, and remains both the #1 requested feature, and the lack of it the #1 reason why people left in exit polling.

Could you please cite your sources on these "exit polls?" Zion, I understand your adoration for story but back then during these mass exoduses EAware never stated anything of discontinuing class stories in any way, so how could players leave because class stories would be discontinued, be the #1 reason for players leaving en masse, when this was mentioned about a year ago?


In regards to the general MMO populace, it's the ENDGAME experience that retains us, not the leveling experience. Maybe the "come for the story, stay for the multiplayer" experience factors into this, but as you can see there has been more than enough story (class, side-quests, dungeons, and raids) to come for the story. Once you get to endgame there is virtually nothing to do, or better yet, there is things to do but there's such a lack of it both qualitatively and quantitatively that you're not engaged enough long-term.


I'm sorry Zion, but class story isn't the primary focus of MMO'ers.

Edited by RakghoulsRTrolls
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You're wrong.


Class story was, is, and remains both the #1 requested feature, and the lack of it the #1 reason why people left in exit polling.


I do agree with this. I think a lot of people leave because they get bored when the story is done. This can be remedied by expanding the story or creating more engaging endgame content. But, face it, a lot of people don't dig raiding and all the headaches that come with it.

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I do agree with this. I think a lot of people leave because they get bored when the story is done. This can be remedied by expanding the story or creating more engaging endgame content. But, face it, a lot of people don't dig raiding and all the headaches that come with it.

Because raiding is the ONLY facet of endgame! :rolleyes:

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Could you please cite your sources on these "exit polls?" Zion, I understand your adoration for story but back then during these mass exoduses EAware never stated anything of discontinuing class stories in any way, so how could players leave because class stories would be discontinued, be the #1 reason for players leaving en masse, when this was mentioned about a year ago?
Lot of people posted their ragequit posts and exit polls here on the forums. Things like "no more story continuation" were there pretty often. And yes, people posted this even before it was said that there will "probably not" be more individual story (because it is a one-off deal and costs a crapload). Because people were unsatisfied that no new story was coming out.

I'm sorry Zion, but class story isn't the primary focus of MMO'ers.
Many players of this game are not your traditional MMO'ers. Lot of people came to this game for story, which was one of the selling points of the game, because up to then, story in MMOs was pretty much nonexistent or sucked badly...
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They don't have the staff at BW Austin to do what you've outlined.


SWTOR isn't that high a priority for EA.


For example, I'm sure the upcoming open-world SW game that the CEO of EA mentioned in a recent interview is a much higher priority for the company than this game (alongside many other titles and genres).


Though SWTOR is profitable, EA still sees this game as a "miss." To them, capital is simply better spent elsewhere.

Most probably what the suits are thinking.



The story-based MMO doesn't have a market to support it, even in a well-crafted Star Wars setting.

Not exactly.


Most of the issue lies in the fact that BioWare/EA thought SW + V.O. story would compensate for releasing a fair and unevenly polished MMO, with less features and lower performance than games that launched over 5 years ago.


Then fast enough players understood that the execs had no clue at how to properly manage a MMO, starting with what to focus on first.

Also repeatedly the producers kept taking wrong decisions, shooting themselves in the foot way too often because, at the time, some of the lead designers and producers had a huge melon and did not listen to the player base.


So I dare saying a SW V.O. story MMO can be successful provided it's a good MMO first. And yes, TOR can be fixed.

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So... this thread is just a rehash of the same old, same old. And btw, I'm talking about MMOs in general not just SWTOR. These things go in cycles. And the devs, they just have to keep feeding the bear as they ride it. And the bear is getting hungry.


Soon, by the end of the year should BW hit their milestones in broad-strokes, there will be an up swing, then the discussion will turn into the same discussion that is prevalent shortly after the release of any major update: it was to damn short, a new level cap was not needed and it was missing <insert your pet cause>. Lol!


As for the old guard that doesn't want to include a single player type of experience in MMOs? Those days are gone. Now you have to have a good mix of both. A good story line which appeals to the individual and provides a good method for leveling and group content and settings which delivers an MMO experience. It isn't one or the other. Frankly, I don't know why this is even and issue here. All new MMORPGs have to deliver on this promise in varying degrees.

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Welcome to the minority.


proof? any sources? statistics? facts?

because there happens to be a poll that was taken of what future content players wanted to see most. Oh and look at that, CLASS STORY WON. :p


but hey, pvp was a close 4th place... (except class story, class story still beat it by a lot)

Edited by Sangrar
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Same song and dance by clueless armchair analysts who know nothing about project management, budget and scheduling. Lots of conjecture and speculations with almost zero substance.


Love these threads.


Blathering about the CM being all the focus. CHECK

Zero money is being invested into the game. CHECK

People telling Bioware how to control their product, release schedule. CHECK

Assumption or prediction that game is going into a "maintenance mode". CHECK

Assumptions about the ease/difficulty of maintaining the product/code. CHECK

Claims that such and such a feature is #1 and would "revive" the game. CHECK



We have this same thread every week. Just bump the old one. Stop making new ones. At least keep the clueless assumptions in one thread.

Edited by Arkerus
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Given some of these horrid doom and gloom post, beating a dead horse with assumptions, and over dramtic death to Swtor threads I wish some of these posters would just move on.


This is not new to mmos every single one goes through this and Swtor is no difference stop complaining go play something else. Loot at WoW it will be over a YEAR before the largest mmo releases content, look at Lotro they no longer even release group instances or raids. It's getting pretty pathetic every day a new post is made with the exact same talking points. Why not just join the other 5 on the front page? You think having a cleaver title (really not that cleaver btw) is going to make your assumptions and doom and gloom better? Well it doesn't, go play something else for a couple months come back if you want we will all still be here and so will Swtor.



You had some of these doom and gloom poster predict Swtor wouldn't make it out of '12, '13,'14 and now they are priming their doom and gloom to predict '15...well good luck.../facepalm


I don't understand you white knights (actually, I'm not even sure you qualify) with how constructive criticism and improvements becomes some doomsday prophecy...anyway I digress.


Point being: SWTOR could use better communication between dev's and players. WOW has had an expansion dated, named and priced for how long now? Swtor has "an expansion that is similar to Makeb" and GSH, the only major reveal since the beginning of the year. It is less than 2 months before the launch of housing (a side feature) and we still DON'T KNOW anything beyond the basics e.g. how legacy banks gonna work, ship pricing, placing of items etc..."


Story players got 3 measly 20-minute tactical flashpoints i.e. no balancing, no challenge months ago. Our last new gameplay style addition was space arena PVP, released for subs last year. PVP players have only gotten 1 new map this year. Endgame players get months of same HM raiding and NM mode months AFTER, and even then DP/DF weren't even released in the same patch.


In these same months, we have gotten, well... cartel packs, money sinks (NS Event), cartel packs and did I mention cartel packs? Can you as a player justify this as substantial legitimate CONTENT? Is the game dying, no, far from it, is it getting harder to justify $15/month when a new content expansion will charge subbers extra money to access?....yes, yes it is.

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