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So sad too see so many players begging for content...


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What new players see is a handful of the same fanatical defenders jumping to Bioware's rescue. Their blind devotion to Bioware and support of every decision made, causes more harm than good. IMO


I like this game, I subscribe and play it quite often. Negative posts don't scare me. Some are even funny. Some have great ideas.


Somebody bashes the game you play? Big deal. People bash Walmart and it doesn't affect me. I still shop there.


That pretty much sums up my first impression when i jumped into the forum back in May.

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What new players see is a handful of the same fanatical defenders jumping to Bioware's rescue. Their blind devotion to Bioware and support of every decision made, causes more harm than good. IMO


I like this game, I subscribe and play it quite often. Negative posts don't scare me. Some are even funny. Some have great ideas.


Somebody bashes the game you play? Big deal. People bash Walmart and it doesn't affect me. I still shop there.


sure, we're nothing but blind defenders because we understand complex problems and things like technology, modern sw development, economics...reality.


Most of us "defenders" have full time jobs in technology who deal with the realities of a schedule, money, project planning, and have in the past dealt with customers. where boss has unrealistic expectation and the customer has unrealistic expectation and we're in the middle trying to make 7 perpendicular red lines with multi-colored inc.


Customer is not always right, most often than not the customer is an idiot who does not understand anything beyond their own demands. I've been there, seen it, holds true fairly well.


ex. worked at a gas station, person inserts gas nozzle and gets back in car (its winter and cold) pump fails to shut off for mutliple reasons and leaks gas on the ground...person complains it was our fault and we should give him a discount for extra gas (that isnt' in his car) and a free car wash (for the gas that spilled on the side). knowing full well that it is their responsibility to monitor the pumps. But they chose to ignore the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and instead blame the company. When I say no, I am a bad customer service for not bending to their every demand and not communicating the policy/process outside of the numerous signs and warnings -.-

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sure, we're nothing but blind defenders because we understand complex problems and things like technology, modern sw development, economics...reality.


Most of us "defenders" have full time jobs in technology who deal with the realities of a schedule, money, project planning, and have in the past dealt with customers. where boss has unrealistic expectation and the customer has unrealistic expectation and we're in the middle trying to make 7 perpendicular red lines with multi-colored inc.


Customer is not always right, most often than not the customer is an idiot who does not understand anything beyond their own demands. I've been there, seen it, holds true fairly well.


ex. worked at a gas station, person inserts gas nozzle and gets back in car (its winter and cold) pump fails to shut off for mutliple reasons and leaks gas on the ground...person complains it was our fault and we should give him a discount for extra gas (that isnt' in his car) and a free car wash (for the gas that spilled on the side). knowing full well that it is their responsibility to monitor the pumps. But they chose to ignore the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and instead blame the company. When I say no, I am a bad customer service for not bending to their every demand and not communicating the policy/process outside of the numerous signs and warnings -.-


I still can't see the connection between my first impression of the forum and an unknown guy working in technology and a broken gas nozzle. I guess I am the idiot customer here.

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I interact with op raiders, PvPers, altaholics, crafters, story-lovers, achievement completionists, mount and pet collectors, and (mainly) people who do a little or a lot of all of that. Can't say I interact much with GSF players, that I know of anyway, but I'll give it a try someday.

Op Raiders: Guilty. 10 months without an update and counting. Entire guild has moved on.


Altaholics+story lovers: Guilty. Done all the stories, many twice. *twiddles thumbs* where's the beef?


Achievement completionists: Not really my thing. The one I knew has been gone for six months.


Mount and pet collectors: I was this until it became "How much do you want to spend on the CM?"


Crafters: Also Guilty. Trivialized by the CM, has some utility value. None of the dedicated crafters I know kept their subs just for the crafting.


GSF: Did it for two months and got bored. Somebody took "PvPers are happy as long as they have somebody to kill" too much to heart. Two nearly identical maps, basically a reskin of each other, with one mode and they're shocked, Shocked! that people stopped playing?


PvPers: I've done it. It has it's charm but it's not really my thing. Apparently we're in Ranked Season 2. What do people get for participating? Dunno, they're doing the tease thing again that's getting older and older. But hey! after a year+ they finally get a new Huttball map. Should be fine right?


What happened to the PvP community is a prime example of the harm caused by keeping information too close to the vest. The 8v8 ranked community chose to consolidate on a subset of servers to improve queuing. Players spent a non-trivial amount to transfer their characters for the express purpose of playing ranked 8v8.


This was not some overnight plan and the coordination took weeks IIRC. That should have been plenty of time for somebody in Austin to let them know that ranked 8v8 was going away. They had, what? 5 weeks? Then blam... objective based 8v8's were gone in favor of 4v4 deathmatch. TOR lost many loyal customers over that.


Competitive PvP has never really recovered. TOR's PvP is now trending ultra-casual.

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Op Raiders: What happened to the PvP community is a prime example of the harm caused by keeping information too close to the vest. The 8v8 ranked community chose to consolidate on a subset of servers to improve queuing. Players spent a non-trivial amount to transfer their characters for the express purpose of playing ranked 8v8.


Sorry, but I cannot take that statement seriously. PvP players never cooperate enough, or long enough to "consolidate" together on a server successfully... for anything.


Back before any server consolidations or character transfers were live ------> Remember The Fatman... the player declared end-all be-all PvP server to self-address all the low server populations? It worked for a few months, and then they started eating each others own entrails and simply abandoned and went back whatever server and characters they had before hand. Which is probably why The Fatman did not survive the great server merge and consolidation to our current servers.

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That's your own fault. I interact with op raiders, PvPers, altaholics, crafters, story-lovers, achievement completionists, mount and pet collectors, and (mainly) people who do a little or a lot of all of that. Can't say I interact much with GSF players, that I know of anyway, but I'll give it a try someday.


Maybe that's why I am happy with the game, and you apparently are not - I am playing more of the game than just the tiny portion of it that you are.


See that’s the difference between me and most players who main.


I’ve HAVE already explored all aspects of this game, outside of Role Play. I have been paying this game since early access.


There are two players in our guild who are Achievement/do every story option fanatics. Im not one of them, but I can tout over 16K achievement points


There are at least 1 altaholics in our guild, he has 16 characters on this server alone, over 8 of which are 55's


I have a 55 Operative, 55 Sage, and 55 Sniper all in full 180 or better. I also have a 55 Mara, 55 Sentinal, and a variety of other toons between lvl 18 and 50 (Merc, Powertech, Assassin, Gunslinger, Jugg)


My main is my sorc who I am doing nim Content with. We have been 5/5 in NiM DF since before NiM power was removed, currently working on NiM DP.


As for PVP my main is 99 Valor, and have multiple other characters over 50 valor. I have full Brutalizer on my main, only reason I even pvp is to grind out the last half a valor level and last 2,000 kills I need for Manhunter


I got all the rewards for last season of rated other than the top tier Title and rancor


Ive done the sill Micro Binoc and Seeker droid quest chain


Ive had all the datacrons for ages, ive even completed 100% of planetary achievements for many planets, and if you've done this you know how time consuming it can be.


Ive maxed every rep (outside of cartel purchase rep)


Ive participated in every event they have released since launch. I even did the Gambling one, got 2 Magus, every item from coin vendor, and the Rancor first day.


Im even trying to level another sorc as that’s the story I enjoyed the most by far


I work 9-6 (more often 9-7) Mon - Fri. I typically go out on Fri and Sat, or am busy with family obligations, and in the summer Sunday days.


Im looking for a game that will occupy and immerse me Mon - Fri after work for those 3-4 hours before bed since its cheap and can be done regardless of weather.


That USED to be this game, for the first year, and it’s been ever more declining for me. It picked up a bit when Makeb launched, but declined steadily for me after, events only peaking my interest for the 1-2 weeks they are out.


Im far beyond bored with what this game has to offer thus far, and just grinding for grinding and completionist sake at this point.


Ive said it in just about every thread I’ve responded to that short of new planets, new storyline, new races(with new start zones) and new/faster release of operations I just don’t see much reason to keep subbing and playing.


Out entire group doesn’t have our Wings mount yet, but once we do, and we have finished DP NiM, odds are if no new end game or major story/planetary expansion is close (close as announced and less than 6 weeks away) Ill likely unsub and hold my breath for new content, returning when it hits if I don’t find another game that I enjoy more first. I have a gut feeling a few others in guild may leave the game entirely if thats the case.


Ive already killed every world boss that exists in game. Ive even killed Dreadful and Im seen hateful.


As for the comment about players shouldn’t complain about new ops if they haven’t cleared all NiM, it goes back to same bosses same environment same story.


Although they have slightly changed the bosses health and slightly modified the mechanic, it’s still the same zone, with same story, against same bosses, for 10 straight months, with no sign of it ending within the 1 year marker of launch. So its not just about challenge of content, we want to see a new operation, fresh bosses, brand new strat (not slightly modified versions of same bosses)


I enjoy NiM and the challenge it presents since such a small % of guilds actually clear it before new content hits, and historically out guild has, but I would rather them skip NiM all together if it meant faster release of bran new operations.


So in the end, Ive explored all this game has to offer, and Im bored with it, and Operations are my primary motivation to KEEP playing now that Ive been there and done that. This is also the case with MOST players I know. Although we do have a handful of one class one minded players, MOST are just in it for operations at this stage, picking up what comes as it comes, but things like events and Strongholds, don’t really last longer, they takes MONTHS to develope and launch, and are simply flashes I the pan, and Bio expects them to last for months upon months.



If you look at below, this last year has been the slowest wit regard to PVE operation content by a longshot. The largest drop off since launch. I know GSF was a huge project, and that took a while, and as much as I was bored with it after a month, I see why it was a good effort and a good idea for players of PVP and players who wanted some form of non rail based space combat.


I mean, even with repeatable events, whats the point of having the Bounty Even come back every single month with nothing new worth getting? Why not have all the events been repeat on a 2-3 week cycle, so there is ALWAYS one going.


I think part of what is making the Operation rot so bad, is they waited six months after launch of DF/DP to release NiM. No real or even semi legit progression guild that existed when DF/DP launched took more than 1-3 months to have farmed it to death on HM. Its the reason I have 2 alts in full 180, I simply ran out of toons to give gear to.


LVL 50 Content

12/2011 - Launch EV SM/HM


01/2012 - Launch KP SM/HM (1 month after launch)


4/12/12 - EC SM/HM (3 Months Since Prior)


9/26/12 - TFB SM/HM (5.5 Months Since Prior)


11/15/12 - EC NiM (2 MOnths Since Prior)


LVL 55 Content (5 Months Since Prior, but ok, new planet, new lvl, new skills, new daily, new pvp, 2 new operations)

4/9/13 - TFB SM/HM

4/9/13 - Scum and Villainy SM/HM


6/12/13 - TFB NiM (2 Months Since Prior)(3rd content patch to contain same operation...)


7/16/13 - SnV NiM (1 Month Since Prior)


10/04/13 - DF SM/HM (3 Months Since Prior)

10/04/13 - DP/SM/HM (3 Months Since Prior)


4/08/14 - NiM DF (6 Months Since Prior, and Just NiM of Same Operation)

6/10/14 - NiM DP (2 Months Since Prior, 8 Months Since same instance was released on prior difficulty

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Every single person I interact with in game plays primarily for operation content, there has been no new operations for 8 months. There has been no hints or announcements yet for new operations.



It's in the roadmap. Like many players, i'm a little bored with the current state of end-game content. I'm not jumping up and down about it, it's times like this when i'll either continue with a class story i've yet to play (still haven't done them all) or find something else to do.


I'm not defending the lack of communication from Bioware, i'm just pointing out that they have hinted at the upcoming content for this year. If you choose to ignore that, and read into it as it is, then it's up to you. Same as for everyone else shouting about being "bored" and being vocal about it. That's fine, it's your right to voice your opinion. At least check your facts before you post about no communication.


That said, an update on the producers roadmap wouldn't go amiss after GSH gets released.

Edited by Transcendent
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Sorry, but I cannot take that statement seriously. PvP players never cooperate enough, or long enough to "consolidate" together on a server successfully... for anything.


Back before any server consolidations or character transfers were live ------> Remember The Fatman... the player declared end-all be-all PvP server to self-address all the low server populations? It worked for a few months, and then they started eating each others own entrails and simply abandoned and went back whatever server and characters they had before hand. Which is probably why The Fatman did not survive the great server merge and consolidation to our current servers.


i re-rolled on the fatman from a pve server because we all re-rolled on the fatman. it wasn't to save pvp, it was to save the game.

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More communication is always better than less in a business setting and as relates to your customer.




They communicate about the current and upcoming content, it's right up there. Do you expect a post in each and every single thread about content from a developer? God i'd hate to be that poor soul if that's what you expect?

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i re-rolled on the fatman from a pve server because we all re-rolled on the fatman. it wasn't to save pvp, it was to save the game.


No, it was a player cooperative effort in the face of no comment or plan by Bioware to consolidate servers fast enough to please PvPers. It was the player solution to the server population problems... and ultimately they mostly abandoned it.


And I recognize that PvP player attrition to this game has always been higher then PvE players. DUH! It's not a PvP game really. Sure it has some PvP..... but not the kind of PvP most players crave (real old school open world realm on realm, with persistence of results and for real incentives at the server level).

Edited by Andryah
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See that’s the difference between me and most players who main.

I’ve HAVE already explored all aspects of this game, outside of Role Play. I have been paying this game since early access.

Then perhaps it is time for you to move on. It's a video game. How many video games have you bought, enjoyed, and then moved on from to something else? E.g. I loved Doom in its time, but that time ended long ago.


Another example: WoW is 13 years old, and over 100 million accounts were created over the life of the game. But as of Sept. 2013, only 7.6 million subscribers were still active. 90+ million people moved on.

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Then perhaps it is time for you to move on. It's a video game. How many video games have you bought, enjoyed, and then moved on from to something else? E.g. I loved Doom in its time, but that time ended long ago.


Another example: WoW is 13 years old, and over 100 million accounts were created over the life of the game. But as of Sept. 2013, only 7.6 million subscribers were still active. 90+ million people moved on.

This is a good point.


Unfortunately, Bioware is in the position of holding a monopoly on Star Wars MMOs. I believe that many of the players that have stuck around since launch are strong fans of the IP itself -- I know that I am one. That makes this game a bit harder to replace.

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Then perhaps it is time for you to move on. It's a video game. How many video games have you bought, enjoyed, and then moved on from to something else? E.g. I loved Doom in its time, but that time ended long ago.


Another example: WoW is 13 years old, and over 100 million accounts were created over the life of the game. But as of Sept. 2013, only 7.6 million subscribers were still active. 90+ million people moved on.


I see your point for warcraft, although most the players I played with in that game are still playing. I stopped WoW for very very different reasons than I am thinking of stopping swtor, but that is the best point you or anyone has made yet to counter the begging for content standpoint.


Sure I purchased a ton of games and moved on, but those were console games or single story player games, and thats their intent, they are one time purchase of 30-70 dollars, and even after replaying a few times they are done


MMO's are typically built to last, at least based on the WoW model and most MMO's at some point are pinned against or compared to.


I'd prefer to stay, as I love swtor/kotor/star wars and I absolutely loved my first year in this game ever so much. But my frustration and boredom has dwindled.


WoW has been able to sustain and maintain a very impressive amount of active subscribers, in a way no game has been able to match.


Maybe it is time for me to move on, but I'd raher Bioware dazzle me with promoses of new operations or an excellerated operation schedule or new planets or new classes/storyline in order to keep me and players like me around


Swtor was my game, well it still remains my game, and Id like to stay, but I need something to help me along, and thats what I am asking for, giving specifics on the things that would keep players like me interested and chasing that carrot


GDF/Stronholds/Guild flagships, these are not the things that will keep me around longterm


Faster release of new storylines, new planets, new operations, new races, new start zones....that is what will keep me around.


Or even exceedingly rare long quest lines spanning multiple operations, planets, and lore to get 1 single legendary item that by far exceeds stats of other available items.

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Maybe it is time for me to move on, but I'd raher Bioware dazzle me with promoses of new operations or an excellerated operation schedule or new planets or new classes/storyline in order to keep me and players like me around


GDF/Stronholds/Guild flagships, these are not the things that will keep me around longterm


this is why I have such a problem with this recent backlash from raiders. I fully understand that raiders want to be dazzled with new content, sure we all do. but it is a very real fact that up to this point raiders have been the most catered too group in swtor with exclusive fights, titles, pets, mounts, gear, and access to high end crafting mats. raiders just got a new tier of gear along with NIM what did pvpers get gear wise??? this past catering to raiders possibly created this spoiled behavior.


that said is it so wrong for bioware to take some time to focus on expanding the game to fit a wider Varity of players with things like GSF and GSH / guild ships. can you put your ego to the side for a bit and let the game grow and maybe bring back or grab some new people who enjoy this content, its not like there will never be another operation ever, but with out focusing on the content there never would be space pvp or housing, you need to be patient like others who have been waiting for bioware to dazzle them with content they look forward too while bioware threw everything including the kitchen sink at raiders.


games starting to look good with a varity of gameplay, if the add some serious guild support and rp support I would have to say it would be the most diverse feature full mmo on the market. honestly that is what they should be trying for not just catering to raiders like raiders want oh so badly

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They communicate about the current and upcoming content, it's right up there. Do you expect a post in each and every single thread about content from a developer? God i'd hate to be that poor soul if that's what you expect?


WoW does it. DDO and LotRO do it. SWG did it. What I am asking for is pretty common for how MMOs communicate to their players.


What's laughable is that you think it is some huge ordeal.

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Lot of the white knighters do that. In fact one of them flat out admitted it in my thread


yes, ONE GUY admitted it and now every "white knight" "does" it. interesting. :rolleyes:


seriously though stop with the "white knight" and "defender" talk, just list your points, and counter other peoples arguments reasonably and logically as I have seen you do before and people will actually listen to you, you somehow became a lot more hostile since last time, last time I specifically remember you were against all this name calling crap.

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So, me being the guy asked to do the work, knowing how long it will take me to do it, is not in a position to understand the complexities of the situation? If 1 person can do the job in 9 months obviously 9 people can get it done in a month right? I can not begin to tell you how wrong that really is.


As for my latter point, no just because someone is having a bad day and doesn't pay attention, does not obligate me to do anything. If the device was defective (which is wasn't) or if somehow we were responsible, I would agree. However, that was not the case. He just felt entitled and expected to be given free stuff. He had personal responsibility and choose to 'take his chances" in advocating those responsibilities.


point being when people come on these forums complaining about, lag, GTN, wanting a particular feature tomorrow, or for bugs to be "magically fixed" and just demanding to be coddled at every turn, there are some of us who tend to understand the realities and point out that they are in fact being unrealistic.


They demand 24/7/365 access to servers and complain when server maintenance takes a few extra hours just because they pay. Then demand a refund for the 2 hours, why, idk entitlement generation.


customer is not always right, infact more often than not, they are wrong.


I don't see people demanding for magical fixes. I mean how do you demand things from a video game?


I think I have read one (maybe 2, gasp!) thread(s) of a player asking for a refund for downtime. It was absurd and comical, but guess what I did, or rather didn't? I didn't let it get to me.


Everyone here seems to be in agreement that content release has slowed and queue wait times have been growing. So why bash them for stating it?


The hostility and personal attacks are not from the complainers...


Also customer service goes a very long way:


A year ago I paid my groceries through self check out at the market. I used my debit card so I can draw an extra $60. Idiot and absent minded, I left the money in the dispenser. I called my bank Chase and shared my stupidity with them. They freaking credited my account with my lost money :-) Didn't cost them much, but that gesture will stay with me forever. I am a lifetime customer.


You may not understand that, but most successful companies do. Customers are absurd, greedy, and yes sometimes wrong. Businesses need customers.

Edited by Graydon
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Out of the total number of people playing SWTOR, how many are "begging for new content?"

A dozen? Two score? How many? The same person begging in every thread they can find counts as one BTW.


Now, what percentage of the total number of players is that? Less than 0.01%?


Maybe it's just the 0.01% who bother to post on the forums while a much larger percentage are just quietly fed up and drop the game for something else without making a fuss. I'll bet BW's metrics show a substantial drop off in player quantity during the summer. So far it seems that a lot of their recent attempts at player retention (CC/sub incentives, gambling event, BH/double xp event, $40 summer subscriber pack) have been reactive rather than anticipatory or predictive. Which is sad because it demonstrates that they are not making effective use of their metrics or their producers/management has done a poor job of designing an effective, achievable development plan given the constraints of allocating the resources/time available to them.

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The hostility and personal attacks are not EXCLUSIVELY from the complainers...


fixed it for you.


stop pretending its just "defenders" or just "complainers" its a mix of some of the people in both. No matter what side or opinions you are on there is always a guy on that same side and on the opposite side who takes things too seriously and has

when you do not agree. But stop saying only "defenders" or any side in particular is the problem, its more of just a people/internet problem.
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Actual amount of subscribers at launch

Actual amount of subscribers after 1 year


Actual amount of active accounts at F2P Launch

Actual amount of subscribers at F2P Launch


Actual amount of active accounts at current

Actual amount of subscribers at current


That would be information I would be extremely interested to know, not speculation, or half estimated numbers, true hard data.

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I don't see people demanding for magical fixes. I mean how do you demand things from a video game?


I think I have read one (maybe 2, gasp!) thread(s) of a player demanding a refund for downtime. It was absurd and comical, but guess what I did, or rather didn't? I didn't let it get to me.


Everyone here seems to be in agreement that content release has slowed and queue wait times have been growing. So why bash them for stating it?


The hostility and personal attacks are not from the complainers...


Also customer service goes a very long way:


A year ago I paid my groceries through self check out at the market. I used my debit card so I can draw an extra $60. Idiot and absent minded, I left the money in the dispenser. I called my bank Chase and shared my stupidity with them. They freaking credited my account with my lost money :-) Didn't cost them much, but that gesture will stay with me forever. I am a lifetime customer.


You may not understand that, but most successful companies do. Customers are absurd, greedy, and yes sometimes wrong. Businesses need customers.


must be new around here.


There have been many threads posting about issues that they demand get fixed, or features added and berate when they are not done yesterday (i.e 'bugs' since launch).


to name a few


1) hero engine copy/paste

2) armor clipping

3) load times/lag

4) world pvp

5) queue times

6) chat spam/filtering

7) "balance" nerf/buff ____ class

8) class stories

9) chat bubbles

10) chairs/sitting


Every time someone asks for a feature and they get a response "technically challenging" they get blasted

Every time they get a response saying some feature is "on the horizon" they want to know when and why it wasn't in from launch

Thats on top of the responses claiming they don't care about their customers since it isn't CM related and will continue to milk their supporters.


Pretty much every major patch (2.8) being an example when things break due to unforseen issues they witch about not testing properly on the PTS and demand refunds. I can name a few instances where they demand refunds for as little as 2 or 3 hours extra maintenance time.


You can go back and see the threads after major patches and see the complaints.


But i'm sure its just my narrow dogmatic view of reality and not a problem in general where people have unrealistic expectations.

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Maybe it's just the 0.01% who bother to post on the forums while a much larger percentage are just quietly fed up and drop the game for something else without making a fuss. I'll bet BW's metrics show a substantial drop off in player quantity during the summer. So far it seems that a lot of their recent attempts at player retention (CC/sub incentives, gambling event, BH/double xp event, $40 summer subscriber pack) have been reactive rather than anticipatory or predictive. Which is sad because it demonstrates that they are not making effective use of their metrics or their producers/management has done a poor job of designing an effective, achievable development plan given the constraints of allocating the resources/time available to them.


That how it is in every mmo I've played. Summer time is vacation time and some players have lives and would rather spend those summer days doing summer stuff instead of playin an MMO.

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