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I don't worry about the future of the game like so many forum pundits because I don't play the game in the future, I play it now. I let BW worry about the future, it's their paychecks at risk.

I can respect this. It's a healthy attitude to have actually.

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That's fine. As I said, that's a myopic view of things.

I prefer to think of it as a non-arrogant, non-delusional view of things. I don't delude myself by thinking that I am better at what BW does than BW is, like so many of the children here on the forums seem prone to do. I stick to what I do know, better than anyone else does: how much I personally enjoy the game.


If only everyone was as humble and realistic as I am ... sigh.

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I prefer to think of it as a non-arrogant, non-delusional view of things. I don't delude myself by thinking that I am better at what BW does than BW is, like so many of the children here on the forums seem prone to do. I stick to what I do know, better than anyone else does: how much I personally enjoy the game.


I applaud your pragmatism. :)


TUXs accusing you of being myopic is just hilarious irony IMO. But it's his irony so he can do with it what he likes I guess. I honestly can never tell when he is being genuine and when he is just being dramatic and provocative.... which is why I gave up reading and responding to him many many months ago.


If only everyone was as humble and realistic as I am ... sigh.


Hehe.. OK.. forgive me but that came across as just a little bit arrogant. :p But I'm pretty sure that was not your intention. :)

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I prefer to think of it as a non-arrogant, non-delusional view of things. I don't delude myself by thinking that I am better at what BW does than BW is, like so many of the children here on the forums seem prone to do. I stick to what I do know, better than anyone else does: how much I personally enjoy the game.


If only everyone was as humble and realistic as I am ... sigh.

Wait...are you trying to say that you believe Bioware knows better what YOU like in a game than YOU know what you like? I know better than Bioware what I like/dislike.


Comments on these forums aren't "delusional" postings - they're feedback from customers telling an entertainment company what they would like for additional entertainment. I believe in giving feedback because nobody knows what I like better than I do.

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You're an increasing minority as more and more players quit. To pretend everything is fine just because YOU are happy is an extremely myopic attitude.


I am not pretending things are fine. Nor am I saying everything is fine. In fact, I didn't say anything about anything being fine.


What I did say is that I enjoy the game, and I enjoy it right now. I don't care if I am in the minority, I enjoy the game!


Are there things I would like more of? Sure, give me stories, lots and lots of stories!


Most players would like something added to the game, but not as many complain about it.


Now, if you are paying to play a game and you don't like it, why are you paying to play it? If you aren't paying, than why are you complaining about playing a free game?

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summer of swtor updated

L.A. cantina

enmity podcast ep 40

Q&A notes

news announcement

*edit: actually I think it was ootinicast ep 147 that had the juicy info on strong holds and capital ships but enmity podcast is good too


Nice, posts that say - content is coming, content is coming (content we have no inclination to share detail with you, but hey we've never disappointed) - but really all those words quickly summed up= EA/BW :We just made current content harder, and are bringing back events you know are coming back- oh and that content we promised you early access to- is now gone and will be coming later. Oh we did add a time sink gambling game, which is contentesque, except its not true content since its has one mission- see funny adds, go gamble.


Ive subbed now for over two years, whether defenders of this game (which I am frequently) admit it or not - there has been a serious lack of actual PVE content in this game - even the New story line (two Tactical 55 fps) is a snippet of a story they have decided to not continue for a period over 6 months (that's assuming they put some content in 2.9 other than housing and guild ships- if not we'll be looking at 9 months)


October has been the last PVE content Operation content release, since then, there have been 1 PVP warzone, GSF Twice- Early and Everyone Access- and 3 Tactical Flashpoints. I'll defend this game as being great for anyone just starting, there is an unbelievable amount of content for new players to work through- but at this point for long time subscribers- the only reason I'm still around is because I really enjoy playing with the people in my guild, but content wise there is nothing keeping me here.


2.9 better deliver in a biiiiiiig way- if not- I will not be here for 3.0- I'll move back to single player land- buy Witcher 3 or DA3 and miss my guild-mates, but right now it feels Swtor is money poorly spent.

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I enjoy when players begin to see things from others perspectives.


That's fine. As I said, that's a myopic view of things.


Are you just trolling here?


You applaud those who agree with you and slam those that don't? Do you actually know what myopic means?


You sir, may be the one with myopic views....

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Are you just trolling here?


You applaud those who agree with you and slam those that don't? Do you actually know what myopic means?


You sir, may be the one with myopic views....

I applaud those who can see the bigger picture and I don't "slam" anyone.


And yes, I do. Do you?

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Wait...are you trying to say that you believe Bioware knows better what YOU like in a game than YOU know what you like? I know better than Bioware what I like/dislike.


Let me just repeat what I posted since you seem to have trouble understanding the clear meaning of it:

I don't delude myself by thinking that I am better at what BW does than BW is, like so many of the children here on the forums seem prone to do.


I stick to what I do know, better than anyone else does: how much I personally enjoy the game.


Now, how did you manage to delude yourself into thinking I said anything at all about BW's relative knowledge of what I like in a game? Heck for all I know I am not their demographic and they do not even care what I like -- most people don't.

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When people express what they want, and what they have liked or incidentally not liked in previous updates, it's feedback. It can be lack of something or too much of something. It's just feedback. Nothing else to it. Feedback.


Bioware and any other company should be happy to have such passionate players actually seeing effort to post their likes and dislikes. God forbid, even trying to guess about the future and posting long theories about it. Still, it all comes down to what kind of game they want to play. They want to keep playing and try to defend what is crucial for their enjoyment.


Now, If customers express their negative view, it just means their expectations have been unrealistic or that the business has failed them in some way. I don't think it's very black and white, so perhaps when some thought gains a lot of popularity or mass at forums, there might be a spark of truth somewhere.


I do agree that wild guesses about what is currently happening at BW and projections of future based on such assumptions are meaningless waste of bits. Giving feedback about already released features is good. It's worth the while just as much as wishes and suggestions for the game's future. These things have nothing to do with knowing better than BW. These things have everything to do with wanting to play the game in future, even the most negative feedback and opinions.

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I'm guessing only those that come to the defense of EAware are pragmatic huh, while any others who criticize or oppose them are the myopic ones?


Not at all.


A swing and a miss.... that's strike 3 for you. off to /ignore you go.

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So, in your mind, "myopic" is -- a compliment?


This is precisely why I put him on permanent /ignore many months ago. He claims one thing.. but does another. I simply got tired of his snarky attacks. Which is a shame. He and I used to get along pretty well even though we often disagreed.

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What gave him away? The 12 million+ player number or the word "Trolls" in his screen name.


Hehe.. no.. I don't automatically /ignore people posting with new accounts, and pejorative account names. They actually have to try to get /ignored. Some are really good at the trying part though, sometimes with apparent single minded purpose. :)

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This is precisely why I put him on permanent /ignore many months ago. He claims one thing.. but does another. I simply got tired of his snarky attacks. Which is a shame. He and I used to get along pretty well even though we often disagreed.

This is hilarious coming from you. From what I've seen of you lately some of your posts have included snarky attacks, including your posts in this thread.

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Hehe.. no.. I don't automatically /ignore people posting with new accounts, and pejorative account names. They actually have to try to get /ignored. Some are really good at the trying part though, sometimes with apparent single minded purpose. :)

I try to give people the benefit, but a couple of days ago some new troll was on my ignore list within 10 minutes of me reading his/her first post. They worked hard to gain that honor.

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They've got sith communication of darth levels but let's keep it real.


Makeb was supposed to be the last thing in the pipeline by the original crew = last piece of content. Then it was everything that came after it up to and including GSF. Now it's 3.0. After then it'll be whatever is next so and so on and so forth.


We're trying to rip them a new one over their overly hush hush disclosure policy, can ya'll please take the doom merchandising to one of the gazillion threads dedicated to the falling sky?


also if all these posts about bioware austin were even half true and there is no staff, ea hates swtor, and no money to develop content then those 5 people working on the game are magnificent geniuses of game development and resource management based on the content we get every other month and their ability to expand the game with different types of gameplay and still have the time for class balance, quality of life, and bug fixes.


the fact people like zion come up with these conspiracies amazes me more then the fact that they think people will believe it. then when people actually do believe I feel like Lewis Black

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the fact people like zion come up with these conspiracies amazes me more then the fact that they think people will believe it. then when people actually do believe I feel like Lewis Black


IMO, if Lewis Black were a member in the forum.....he would mop the forum floor with ZH. :D

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2.9 better deliver in a biiiiiiig way- if not- I will not be here for 3.0- I'll move back to single player land- buy Witcher 3 or DA3 and miss my guild-mates, but right now it feels Swtor is money poorly spent.

IMO it's highly unlikely that they'll release any "major" content before the cap increase to avoid it becoming obsolete when the cap hits. At best we can expect a couple more 'tactical' 55 FPs from the new storyline that those still around will do once or twice.


Unless they shorten the cycle, the post-2.9 patch would land mid-December which would be horrid from a support standpoint (EA Austin becomes a ghost-town around the end of year holidays). Pessimistically we'll see 3.0 in Jan/Feb, Optimistically late Oct/early November.

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2.9 better deliver in a biiiiiiig way- if not- I will not be here for 3.0- I'll move back to single player land- buy Witcher 3 or DA3 and miss my guild-mates, but right now it feels Swtor is money poorly spent.


whats great about swtor is you can feel that way unsub and still play / hang out with your guild till something is announced you feel is worth your sub. if GSF, NIM ops and tactical flash points are not your thing and you want to express it with your wallet you are only a click away. then if GSH info or 3.0 tickles your fancy subscribing again is just as easy and you don't loose a thing.

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