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I just want to echo some recent threads. Bioware I'm slowly reaching the limit of patience. I am a long time supporter of the game as well as defend you on numerous things. But this is getting rediculous, honestly. So please I implore you please tell us your plans even in the small way. Literally anything will do. Please.
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Literally anything will do. Please.

summer of swtor updated

L.A. cantina

enmity podcast ep 40

Q&A notes

news announcement

*edit: actually I think it was ootinicast ep 147 that had the juicy info on strong holds and capital ships but enmity podcast is good too


Game Update 2.9 is still on for August 19th with our expanded feature set for Galactic Strongholds Subscriber Early Access. The team is making great progress on Strongholds and we are very excited to share this with you. It’s worth noting that Game Update 2.9 will include the next exciting chapter in the Forged Alliances story arc, and we have a lot of folks working on something very big for later this year that I have yet to give details on.
Edited by Vis-Tecum
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I know about those, I meant more. They been silent for a long time.


historically we have never gotten details till its on the pts, before that its just hints at what the content is going to be, GSF we didn't get details beyond "free flight space pvp" till pts, forged alliances no details till pts, same with the quesh huttball map and I believe arens but cant remember to far back. a certain reddit user was awesome for information on GSF and some upcoming content but sadly he has toned down a lot of the spoilers :rak_frown:


point is we know 2.9 is planed for aug. and will included forged alliance and GSH with the new tatooine stronghold. after that we will be getting guild capitol ships with guild objectives and planetary conquest when GSH officially launches. we also know the schedule for events and extra rewards. beyond that we don't know but suspect it will be the other expansion and level increase. we probably wont get details on that till oct / nov closer to its launch


if you want info on new operations they said yesterday they are coming but not ready to talk about them yet so probably the same time as the expansion info

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Game Update 2.9 is still on for August 19th with our expanded feature set for Galactic Strongholds Subscriber Early Access. The team is making great progress on Strongholds and we are very excited to share this with you. It’s worth noting that Game Update 2.9 will include the next exciting chapter in the Forged Alliances story arc, and we have a lot of folks working on something very big for later this year that I have yet to give details on.


This is what I don't get about BW... they've got competitors coming out and/or rolling out long term plans left and right, and they won't even talk in the most general terms about what's 5 months away.


I mean who the heck is responsible for marketing and PR up in this *beep*? I know more about the WoW expansion 5 months away than I do about our housing expansion that's 8 weeks away for petes sake. 5 months from now in TOR? It's big and exciting but can't talk about it yet... *ckrickets* Whhhhhhy can't they talk about stuff they have in the pipeline when every basement indy company on kick starter can lay out a principal road map for their entire flipping project? They're competing for peoples money just as kickstarters. You tell me how well projects that disclose stuff based on the "we're gonna do something great but we rather not say what till like a month before we launch" principle are doing. Jesus wept.


This fog of war we're dealing with compared to other mmos is just ridiculous and it's driving people away at worst and not attracting as many as it could at best.

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This fog of war we're dealing with compared to other mmos is just ridiculous and it's driving people away at worst and not attracting as many as it could at best.


well when they first announced GSH its was still about 5 months away :D


as for the details, I think its because their dev time is so tight. my theory is something like this. *complete speculation - placing items in internal testing may work where you can place a item anywhere rotate it and resize it. then there's a bug where resizing isn't working as intended and zoning out and back in to your strong hold will revert to default size. they will be working on trying to fix that bug till last minute and may have to scrap resizing by the time it hits pts.


with that example it makes since to not tell us how items will be placed in the stronghold till its more stable because it may change, then you have players claiming bioware lied and used bait and switch tactics to promote stongholds. though I would love more detailed info I do understands there are reasons for bioware to keep details secret till they are ready to be publicly tested on pts. once the feature is complete enough to be tested its safe to include it as a feature for launch. then they can go live with it and break the game because of server load :jawa_cool:

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The content in question is 3.0


You want to know the truth of it?


3.0 will mark the last major content the old team worked on. Up until this point, this new crew has just been updating or modifying content already in the pipleline from the original crew, minus strongholds, which is the first major update this team created solely on their own.


You have the president of EA saying they want to be player first, and yet we've had no significant new Player story content that doesn't involve a flashpoint, operation or daily area since Makeb, and nothing really immersive and meaningful to your player's story since the class stories of the original release, DESPITE more class story being #1 on the wishlists of SWTOR's current and former players in polls, cantina crawls, and just about every other metric EAWare tries to bury.


The game has a solid enough core and CAN be turned around. However, it needs MORE staff to work out bugs and increase release timing, and quite frankly, needs a new vision and direction than what the current producer got put here to do, which was anything BUT what the game was based on - STORY.


They need new leadership - one that can marry the story-driven vision of the old team with the business sensibilities of the current producer. There needs to be a middle ground.


My fear is this isn't going to happen. I have a feeling 3.0 will be the last major story release of this game, and then, they will simply be exactly what they have been to this point - a game borrowing against the work of the people that originally made it, releasing half-baked features over months instead a solid release date, and milking every last thing knowing they don't have anything else of significance or relevance to fall back on anymore now that 3.0 is done and the original material has been bled dry.


EAware has done NOTHING to dissuade me of this opinion, and people white-knighting for the game against my criticisms have proven themselves naïve as the game has continued down this path to irrelevance.


I don't say all these unkind words to troll. I say them because I care about this game, what it was on release, and that it has gone astray in the core story department it was sold on, and that's what makes it different than any MMO out there. I care because there's still time to right the ship, and it doesn't change if you blow smoke up the devs' rear ends over mundane changes, buggy and grossly drawn out releases and unimaginative updates.


I want EA to make me eat these words. But to any white knights out there - EA is the ONLY ones who can - them and Bioware. You championing them is just you fanboi-ing. You don't work for the game. You don't produce results.


I love this game and want it to work. But there's been enough blown chances and missed opportunities that Bioware and EA doesn't get my faith any more. They need to step up and prove it FIRST. They need to EARN my loyalty and dollars back. Because its their mismanagement that has driven them off in the first place.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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well when they first announced GSH its was still about 5 months away :D


as for the details, I think its because their dev time is so tight. my theory is something like this. *complete speculation - placing items in internal testing may work where you can place a item anywhere rotate it and resize it. then there's a bug where resizing isn't working as intended and zoning out and back in to your strong hold will revert to default size. they will be working on trying to fix that bug till last minute and may have to scrap resizing by the time it hits pts.


with that example it makes since to not tell us how items will be placed in the stronghold till its more stable because it may change, then you have players claiming bioware lied and used bait and switch tactics to promote stongholds. though I would love more detailed info I do understands there are reasons for bioware to keep details secret till they are ready to be publicly tested on pts. once the feature is complete enough to be tested its safe to include it as a feature for launch. then they can go live with it and break the game because of server load :jawa_cool:


They don't have to give every last detail. But, they do know, in principal, how things work or where the story is headed, or whatever. They could communicate candidly with us, but they don't. They could be open and share what's happening, what's working and what isn't, but they don't. How refreshing would that be, though? I mean, really, wouldn't that be nice to get. They need to communicate more like people and less like a corporation.

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I just want to echo some recent threads. Bioware I'm slowly reaching the limit of patience. I am a long time supporter of the game as well as defend you on numerous things. But this is getting rediculous, honestly. So please I implore you please tell us your plans even in the small way. Literally anything will do. Please.

I enjoy when players begin to see things from others perspectives.

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The content in question is 3.0


You want to know the truth of it?


3.0 will mark the last major content the old team worked on. Up until this point, this new crew has just been updating or modifying content already in the pipleline from the original crew, minus strongholds, which is the first major update this team created solely on their own.


You have the president of EA saying they want to be player first, and yet we've had no significant new Player story content that doesn't involve a flashpoint, operation or daily area since Makeb, and nothing really immersive and meaningful to your player's story since the class stories of the original release, DESPITE more class story being #1 on the wishlists of SWTOR's current and former players in polls, cantina crawls, and just about every other metric EAWare tries to bury.


The game has a solid enough core and CAN be turned around. However, it needs MORE staff to work out bugs and increase release timing, and quite frankly, needs a new vision and direction than what the current producer got put here to do, which was anything BUT what the game was based on - STORY.


They need new leadership - one that can marry the story-driven vision of the old team with the business sensibilities of the current producer. There needs to be a middle ground.


My fear is this isn't going to happen. I have a feeling 3.0 will be the last major story release of this game, and then, they will simply be exactly what they have been to this point - a game borrowing against the work of the people that originally made it, releasing half-baked features over months instead a solid release date, and milking every last thing knowing they don't have anything else of significance or relevance to fall back on anymore now that 3.0 is done and the original material has been bled dry.


EAware has done NOTHING to dissuade me of this opinion, and people white-knighting for the game against my criticisms have proven themselves naïve as the game has continued down this path to irrelevance.


I don't say all these unkind words to troll. I say them because I care about this game, what it was on release, and that it has gone astray in the core story department it was sold on, and that's what makes it different than any MMO out there. I care because there's still time to right the ship, and it doesn't change if you blow smoke up the devs' rear ends over mundane changes, buggy and grossly drawn out releases and unimaginative updates.


I want EA to make me eat these words. But to any white knights out there - EA is the ONLY ones who can - them and Bioware. You championing them is just you fanboi-ing. You don't work for the game. You don't produce results.


I love this game and want it to work. But there's been enough blown chances and missed opportunities that Bioware and EA doesn't get my faith any more. They need to step up and prove it FIRST. They need to EARN my loyalty and dollars back. Because its their mismanagement that has driven them off in the first place.



**Stands and applauds**


VERY WELL SAID!!! I agree 120%

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They've got sith communication of darth levels but let's keep it real.


Makeb was supposed to be the last thing in the pipeline by the original crew = last piece of content. Then it was everything that came after it up to and including GSF. Now it's 3.0. After then it'll be whatever is next so and so on and so forth.


We're trying to rip them a new one over their overly hush hush disclosure policy, can ya'll please take the doom merchandising to one of the gazillion threads dedicated to the falling sky?

Edited by aeterno
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A few patch notes aren't going to sway your staying or leaving, and they shouldn't. If you like the game right now, play it. If you don't, then find something else to do, and check back to see if they add something you want to try down the road.


I am not playing this game for what is hopefully going to come out, or what should be coming out, or what will be coming out down the road.


I am playing it because right now I enjoy it, why are you playing it right now?

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I am playing it because right now I enjoy it, why are you playing it right now?

You're an increasing minority as more and more players quit. To pretend everything is fine just because YOU are happy is an extremely myopic attitude.

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Here's a new idea and plan for operations to make releasing those "easier":


Lets downshift requirements for operations!


- Max 10s video before each boss to take the story forward. The boss, as it dies, casts a teleport, opens a trap door, or the raid is sucked by a whirlwind of pink candy, leading to the next boss.


Having no trash between bosses would be awesome. It's just a time sink anyway. This would also reduce time required to build the operation. Time sink of "having to create uninteresting trash" between bosses and reduces the "Dev-time-sink" of designing long linear tunnel runs such as corridors or landscapes.



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You're an increasing minority as more and more players quit. To pretend everything is fine just because YOU are happy is an extremely myopic attitude.


Oh well I will just enjoy Germany winning the World Championship for now:D

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To pretend everything is fine just because YOU are happy is an extremely myopic attitude.

Nonsense. For me, everything IS fine. I have no need to pretend. YMMV.


And as long as new players are joining and enjoying all the wonderful content that is already here for them, I don't really mind if some long-time players burn-out and leave. No one plays a game forever.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Nonsense. For me, everything IS fine. I have no need to pretend. YMMV.

If this were a single player game, you'd be right. But it's not. It's an MMO that depends on subscribers and caters to (traditionally) group content. You can have fun despite what is going on, but that doesn't make everything "fine".

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The content in question is 3.0


You want to know the truth of it?


3.0 will mark the last major content the old team worked on. Up until this point, this new crew has just been updating or modifying content already in the pipleline from the original crew, minus strongholds, which is the first major update this team created solely on their own.


You have the president of EA saying they want to be player first, and yet we've had no significant new Player story content that doesn't involve a flashpoint, operation or daily area since Makeb, and nothing really immersive and meaningful to your player's story since the class stories of the original release, DESPITE more class story being #1 on the wishlists of SWTOR's current and former players in polls, cantina crawls, and just about every other metric EAWare tries to bury.


The game has a solid enough core and CAN be turned around. However, it needs MORE staff to work out bugs and increase release timing, and quite frankly, needs a new vision and direction than what the current producer got put here to do, which was anything BUT what the game was based on - STORY.


They need new leadership - one that can marry the story-driven vision of the old team with the business sensibilities of the current producer. There needs to be a middle ground.


My fear is this isn't going to happen. I have a feeling 3.0 will be the last major story release of this game, and then, they will simply be exactly what they have been to this point - a game borrowing against the work of the people that originally made it, releasing half-baked features over months instead a solid release date, and milking every last thing knowing they don't have anything else of significance or relevance to fall back on anymore now that 3.0 is done and the original material has been bled dry.


EAware has done NOTHING to dissuade me of this opinion, and people white-knighting for the game against my criticisms have proven themselves naïve as the game has continued down this path to irrelevance.


I don't say all these unkind words to troll. I say them because I care about this game, what it was on release, and that it has gone astray in the core story department it was sold on, and that's what makes it different than any MMO out there. I care because there's still time to right the ship, and it doesn't change if you blow smoke up the devs' rear ends over mundane changes, buggy and grossly drawn out releases and unimaginative updates.


I want EA to make me eat these words. But to any white knights out there - EA is the ONLY ones who can - them and Bioware. You championing them is just you fanboi-ing. You don't work for the game. You don't produce results.


I love this game and want it to work. But there's been enough blown chances and missed opportunities that Bioware and EA doesn't get my faith any more. They need to step up and prove it FIRST. They need to EARN my loyalty and dollars back. Because its their mismanagement that has driven them off in the first place.


this dude laying the law here

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this dude laying the law here


No. Actually he is mostly conflating, projecting, and speculating, with the usual negative sauce slathered all around..... in a manner that best fits his personal narrative about game.


ZH has been negative about the game for as long as I can remember reading his posts. That's his narrative, which is fine as it is his to own. Personally, I prefer facts.. and for that.. we must wait until at least PTS for new content to see details that he demands.


We go through this nonsense every summer it seems...where the doom crowd takes over the forum for a while. I guess the warm weather makes people more restless then normal. As soon as we do get juicy news about what's coming... the doom crowd will shift to ----> why did you do it that way, why did you not do it this way, Bioware sucks, yada yada.

Edited by Andryah
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If this were a single player game, you'd be right. But it's not. It's an MMO that depends on subscribers and caters to (traditionally) group content. You can have fun despite what is going on, but that doesn't make everything "fine".

It makes everything fine for me. I doubt that lack of SWTOR players or revenue is going to cause me any problems before I move on to something else.


I don't really care whether everything is fine for other people, it's not my concern, and it seems like a lot of them will never be happy anyway, especially the EA haters. So if, for example, the PvP and EU servers all withered and die, it wouldn't bother me in the least, because I only play on Harbinger.


I don't worry about the future of the game like so many forum pundits because I don't play the game in the future, I play it now. I let BW worry about the future, it's their paychecks at risk.


As I said, YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary. But I don't care about your mileage. Just mine.

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It makes everything fine for meI don't worry about the future of the game like so many forum pundits because I don't play the game in the future, I play it now. I let BW worry about the future, it's their paychecks at risk.


Exactly. Living in the moment seems to be extremely rare for MMO gamers for some reason. Always looking to the future. You can't play the future.. all you can do is covet it.


Most "worry" presented in the forum is just a passive aggressive way to avoid being honest about their feelings. In most cases, people are not actually "worried".... but it makes for a better soapbox I guess. It an anonymous internet forum... so I really do not understand why people cannot just be honest about things and leave the "worried" and "fear" clichés in it's box. It's a game, not a career, or a home, or a family.


But the core issue with all these thread discussion is that different players want different things, and are mostly indifferent to the wants of others. They are also exceedingly indifferent to what Bioware wants to do with THEIR game. So.... in an effort to gain attention... they promote demands, unhappiness, and conflict.... I guess to garner attention from Bioware.. which silly IMO.

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