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[Serious] Can We Save The Republic PvP?


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Simply terminology utilized for folks to get the drift of the two different walks of life.


/enemies is an odd name for the channel, but then again it is a movement that the entire server has to help with. I've sat in the /enemies channel before and never heard a peep, fresh tends to help, however I'm all ears if folks say we just use it. I figured a channel like /prosandjoes or /pvphelp or something where people kind of understand the purpose of said channel.


It was named in the theme of "allies" for PvE, "enemies" for PvP. Was picked by the group who turned up to the Guild Summit meeting last month, next meeting is this Sunday, I believe. I would have thought this would be a good place for this topic too.


It was generally agreed then that we all have enough channels as it is, and we need to use the channels we have more/better before creating more. Whatever the community wants though. I've seen Enemies used a fair amount, on both factions.

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Perhaps its my times?


Well that sounds like we've got a good channel already set up, we just have to start spreading the word about the channel and get more folks queueing up together. I'm definitely encouraging the premades to break down into possibly two groups of four (and queue separately, not together) to get some power back in the Republic's punch, and hopefully break down into four pairs to keep an eye out for folks who may just need a helping hand at understanding the mechanics and how best to gear for PVP.

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I am as guilty as anyone for lacking confidence in toons and tags that I am not familiar with. I certainly do not say anythg to them, but it most definitely distracts you in a match. Constantly moving camera angle so I can keep an eye on the person guarding pylon, etc.


Something that I have seen a few people do, I think that is very clever, is to use target markers on your own team, as well as enemy targets. I have seen folks mark their own healers and simply state "Saber is our healer. If you see Saber getting hit, attack their attackers". "Our ball carrier is marked, if you get the ball, pass to him and then stay with him".

One thing I found helped with focusing was to type in ops chat " attack saber". Now attack Flame. Now attack shield", etc. Those types of actions turned the tides of quite a few midbies matches I was in during double XP.


Veteren players should not take offence to these suggestions. They will know you are simply trying to help achieve a win. The folks that do take offence to generalized suggestionsof that nature should consider a different game. I here MarioKart 8 is in stores now.

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I would love to see this server in a mario kart comp. the level of hate and rage would go to a whole new level :p


I predict "god damn red-shell scrub, try it without your i-win button"


back to "saving" republic pvp, the short answer is no, not all the time.


for people to improve, there really need to be rolemodel types to inspire them and bounce ideas off and there aren't enough on all of the time. Guard switching, taunting the right targets, effective crowd control, resource management ,target selection for heals, when to use DCDs, focus fire (properly) and target selection are not easy to learn without someone showing you the ropes and I don't think we have enough people pubside willing or competent enough to show them.


I'd love to see people step up and prove me wrong though.


What also doesn't help is ragers, Most of us have done it from time to time, and some more often than others.When we do get one or 2 competent players on a team and a mistake happens (newsflash, they will) the last thing anyone, but especially an up-and comer needs is to be criticized, in public for it by a basement dwelling lunatic. helpful suggestions, maybe after the match would be better surely?

From a new guys point of view, lets say if he didn't see a door call or run to a node quick enough, he probably wasn't standing there scratching his arse, Chances are he was trying to solo a tank jugg near the spawn. but he was trying. Someone probably told him to focus fire in the last game, but didn't explain *** that meant. Ragers are bad.

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I've been queuing on pub side for the past few weeks. I'm actually enjoying it because of the challenge. Sometimes it can be frustrating because you have some really really bad players who are just toxic to the team with their whining and complaining, but overall I think being on pub side has helped me become a better player. Sometimes, you can think you're better than you really are when you're on a good team with good players. I think the real measure is when you're on a really bad team solo queuing and you're going up against a good premade. It gives me an honest assessment where I'm at in terms of my pvp skill. I know what I need to improve and I'm working on improving those gaps in my skillset.

Being on pub side made me realize that as a healer I'm just a little bit above average among the regular pvp'ers on the server, whereas before on imp side I thought I was one of the better healers on the server. I now see that it's not the case. I'm below average on my dps, and my tanking is ok but nowhere near elite level. I think when it comes to playing objectives for civil war, voidstar, novarre, and hypergate I'm above average. For regular huttball I'm average and for Quesh huttball I'm below average. Arenas, I'm average at best and need to learn to manage my cds better when I'm getting focused. So it's been very educational. I think if people take the attitude that they can learn something from playing on pub side, eventually things will get better. I used to have a problem with premades stomping pugs because sometimes it's pretty humiliating being unable to do anything and just watch your team fall apart like a trainwreck. But over time I realized that complaining about it changes nothing. I can't really control other people's desires to become better players I can only control my own desires. So now I go into each wz trying to find new ways to improve my playing. I'll try different strategies and rotations, I'll test out different scenarios in wzs. Look for other ways to increase my survivability.

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I would love to see this server in a mario kart comp. the level of hate and rage would go to a whole new level :p


I predict "gosh darn red-shell scrub, try it without your i-win button"



The blue shell rage. XD They'd rage over the blue shell so bad. XD "No fair! You need to let me win!"


Maybe we should just make Mario Kart a training program for pvpers...

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Has anyone guessed the makeup of Imp-side-only PvPers versus Pub-side? As in only seriously PvPing on Imp side or Pub side, not counting getting a quick daily in here and there on Pub-side, or vice versa? It sounds like it's become seriously imbalanced in favor of Imp side.
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But if the problem is "Republic PvP sucks", it sounds like more than "people playing both factions". It sounds like "the vast majority of the good PvPers focus on their Imperial characters and curbstomp Republic to the point that there's no challenge in it, as all good Pub PvPers either A) quit or B) roll Imp side".
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I feel like the Imps biggest advantage is a 4:1 ration of operatives to scoundrels. :cool:


Or something like that. Pug Pub pvp varies. Ive been in matches with 4 scoundrel heals. We still lost because we only had 3 dps, who didnt focus target.


Over and above the op/scound ratio is the state of the reg solo Q. If a player is in a guild that does pvp on the Pub side, he/she will rarely Q up for reg wz's without their buddies, this leaves maybe room for 3~5 other players. Who may or may not be geared or know rotations or other basics of pvp. But that group still stands better odds of winning than a completely pug group that has never played together and trusts in the infinite knowledge of the wz Q system to team up appropriate players.


If Imp guilds field pvp groups, and Rep guilds field pvp groups, there is a chance that both factions will end up facing one another, but obviously that is not a guarantee. So there is a pretty good chance that the Imp or Pub group will face a pug group of the opposite faction. Leading to a greater chance of a win. This has been happening more and more often. Depending on the group, the matches required for the my weekly has dropped from 11/12 to around 8 or 9.


Now you could chalk that up to being asked to join a more active guild, but I've seen better strategy and overall teamwork more common in Pub pvp. You still will get the ragers, who inspect every player before a match who's health looks shady, then fly off the handle when they see green, or some other such inappropriate gear.


But PvP is getting better.

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I blame the role playing to be honest. So many Republic characters are just jokes to me because they are clearly dedicated to role playing and not doing well in PvP.

It's opposite on the Imperial side. A Republic player will progress based on whatever stupid fantasy they are making and think it will carry over into PvP where a Imperial player will progress they're stupid fantasies based on how well they do in game.

I'm not bashing RPing, to each his own but seriously there is a big lopsidedness when it comes to how people make they're characters on this server.

Republic side has to be the most tight assed group of "if your not role playing then wah I will ignore you and then happily show off my "sigh I have 58 people on my ignore list and I suck at PvP". The two do not go together at all.


Role players make horrible soldiers. They are selfish, defensive, indecisive, shy and naive.

A good PvPer is vocal, offensive, always pushing, quick thinking, everything Role Players are not!


There are too many bad Sages, Scoundrels, and Sentinels.

When I was playing 10-29 as a Vanguard it was surprising how easily I was at the top of the charts just by defending.

The Imps are actually so use to steamrolling these light armored classes that they don't know what to do with Guardians and Vanguards.


More tanking classes to lead the weak and the strong will either learn or follow.

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I blame the role playing to be honest. So many Republic characters are just jokes to me because they are clearly dedicated to role playing and not doing well in PvP.

It's opposite on the Imperial side. A Republic player will progress based on whatever stupid fantasy they are making and think it will carry over into PvP where a Imperial player will progress they're stupid fantasies based on how well they do in game.

I'm not bashing RPing, to each his own but seriously there is a big lopsidedness when it comes to how people make they're characters on this server.

Republic side has to be the most tight assed group of "if your not role playing then wah I will ignore you and then happily show off my "sigh I have 58 people on my ignore list and I suck at PvP". The two do not go together at all.


Role players make horrible soldiers. They are selfish, defensive, indecisive, shy and naive.

A good PvPer is vocal, offensive, always pushing, quick thinking, everything Role Players are not!


There are too many bad Sages, Scoundrels, and Sentinels.

When I was playing 10-29 as a Vanguard it was surprising how easily I was at the top of the charts just by defending.

The Imps are actually so use to steamrolling these light armored classes that they don't know what to do with Guardians and Vanguards.


More tanking classes to lead the weak and the strong will either learn or follow.


Bad sentinel's... It's funny, but that class went from crazy low skill cap to one of the highest skill caps almost over night.


Personally, I think the problem is way over-hyped.

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Bad sentinel's... It's funny, but that class went from crazy low skill cap to one of the highest skill caps almost over night.


Personally, I think the problem is way over-hyped.


You sir don't sound like a role player who has no idea what they are doing in battle and therefore you will receive (1) Golf Clap.

If more people like you played we wouldn't be over-hyping it

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I blame the role playing to be honest. So many Republic characters are just jokes to me because they are clearly dedicated to role playing and not doing well in PvP.

It's opposite on the Imperial side. A Republic player will progress based on whatever stupid fantasy they are making and think it will carry over into PvP where a Imperial player will progress they're stupid fantasies based on how well they do in game.

I'm not bashing RPing, to each his own but seriously there is a big lopsidedness when it comes to how people make they're characters on this server.

Republic side has to be the most tight assed group of "if your not role playing then wah I will ignore you and then happily show off my "sigh I have 58 people on my ignore list and I suck at PvP". The two do not go together at all.


Role players make horrible soldiers. They are selfish, defensive, indecisive, shy and naive.

A good PvPer is vocal, offensive, always pushing, quick thinking, everything Role Players are not!


There are too many bad Sages, Scoundrels, and Sentinels.

When I was playing 10-29 as a Vanguard it was surprising how easily I was at the top of the charts just by defending.

The Imps are actually so use to steamrolling these light armored classes that they don't know what to do with Guardians and Vanguards.


More tanking classes to lead the weak and the strong will either learn or follow.




Sorry I'm not commenting on your entire post but targeting RPers as the problem is complete bull. There's no correlation between the two.


You have roleplayers focused on roleplaying that are stellar at PvP and then you have some that aren't. It's just the same as people who are dedicated to PvP, or PvE, or GSF. You're either good at PvP or you aren't, or you are new to PvP or you aren't.


Just because someone roleplays as their primary pass time isn't grounds to discount then as a PvPer.



I also think it's bull that the problem is people not playing enough vanguard's and guardians.

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I'd also like to remind everyone of a time... a mere 9 months ago where it was IMP pvp that was dead and Game Genie, ZEN, Republic, Core, APEX, MVP, and others were running things on TEH...


Ebs and flows... The sky isn't falling... It's just a little rain..

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I blame the role playing to be honest. So many Republic characters are just jokes to me because they are clearly dedicated to role playing and not doing well in PvP.

It's opposite on the Imperial side. A Republic player will progress based on whatever stupid fantasy they are making and think it will carry over into PvP where a Imperial player will progress they're stupid fantasies based on how well they do in game.

I'm not bashing RPing, to each his own but seriously there is a big lopsidedness when it comes to how people make they're characters on this server.

Republic side has to be the most tight assed group of "if your not role playing then wah I will ignore you and then happily show off my "sigh I have 58 people on my ignore list and I suck at PvP". The two do not go together at all.


Role players make horrible soldiers. They are selfish, defensive, indecisive, shy and naive.

A good PvPer is vocal, offensive, always pushing, quick thinking, everything Role Players are not!


There are too many bad Sages, Scoundrels, and Sentinels.

When I was playing 10-29 as a Vanguard it was surprising how easily I was at the top of the charts just by defending.

The Imps are actually so use to steamrolling these light armored classes that they don't know what to do with Guardians and Vanguards.


More tanking classes to lead the weak and the strong will either learn or follow.


Here we go.

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Here we go.


See.. Role Players just act so high and mighty, they are the biggest ******es. I mean look at him he didn't even try and add any constructive criticism he just thought "Yea this will sound smart and funny.."

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See.. Role Players just act so high and mighty, they are the biggest ******es. I mean look at him he didn't even try and add any constructive criticism he just thought "Yea this will sound smart and funny.."


Why you gotta do this to me? We roleplayers try very hard in warzones as well! I am roleplayer but you gotta give us a chance to get good.

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I blame the role playing to be honest. So many Republic characters are just jokes to me because they are clearly dedicated to role playing and not doing well in PvP.

It's opposite on the Imperial side. A Republic player will progress based on whatever stupid fantasy they are making and think it will carry over into PvP where a Imperial player will progress they're stupid fantasies based on how well they do in game.

I'm not bashing RPing, to each his own but seriously there is a big lopsidedness when it comes to how people make they're characters on this server.

Republic side has to be the most tight assed group of "if your not role playing then wah I will ignore you and then happily show off my "sigh I have 58 people on my ignore list and I suck at PvP". The two do not go together at all.


Role players make horrible soldiers. They are selfish, defensive, indecisive, shy and naive.

A good PvPer is vocal, offensive, always pushing, quick thinking, everything Role Players are not!


There are too many bad Sages, Scoundrels, and Sentinels.

When I was playing 10-29 as a Vanguard it was surprising how easily I was at the top of the charts just by defending.

The Imps are actually so use to steamrolling these light armored classes that they don't know what to do with Guardians and Vanguards.


More tanking classes to lead the weak and the strong will either learn or follow.


>tfw i'm a guy that roleplays quite often and I have the manhunter achievement


Don't lump all RPers in together, some are bad because they don't really even care about the game itself, they just use the game to RP. Those that do can still be successful.


And honestly, Impside has more roleplayers, from what I've seen playing both sides.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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