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Resilience still bugged DAM IT


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This was supposed to have been fixed. I'll check into it and see why this is still happening.


tait it not fixed i stunned a sin last night with shroud up as a sin. Hit him with electrocute and he was cced. Most of the time it does work but it still glitches from time to time. It a lot less then it was before but still happens.

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Always seems to be tech attacks. I had a tech dot on me yday (burning iirc) and resilience didn't even cleanse it. I can't use it to stealth out now. Almost 3 years this has been broken. Without it being my intention of insulting your competency I have to ask, why can't you fix this?
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i am reposting this from the assasin forum:

yesterday it happened to me that force shroud failed somehow. it was the only fail i can recall since the fix. i wanna share the combat log because i don't understand how that could happen, maybe it was just server lag as things went quite fast.

strangely combat looks little different on torparse than it looks when opening the log with parsec.


for those of you who dont speak german i wanna translate the terms used in the log:


Trauma (PvP)= the bolster buff

Sprinten = Sprint

Betäubt = Stunned

Verdunklung = Blackout

Tarnung = Stealth

Schattenschutz = Shadow's Respite

Spieß = Spike

Säureklinge = Acid Blade

Vergiftet (Tech) = Poisoned (Tech)

Gelähmt = Rooted (i think)

Versteckter Schlag = Hidden Strike

Macht des Willens = Force of Will

Entladung = Discharge

Brodelnde Ladung = Surging Charge

Zurichten = Maul

Klappmesser = Shiv

Belastbarkeit = Force Shroud

Meucheln = Assasinate

Machttarnung = Force Cloak

Machttempo = Force Speed

Deserteure erkennen = that PvP debuff that will kick you out of the WZ if it runs out



so i was facing two deception assasins and one concealment operative who took me out of stealth.

at 02:52:32.927 i got hit by hidden strike which applied the acid blade dot.

at 02:52:35.791 i activate force shroud

at 02:52:35.792 i loose the poisoned (tech) effect

at 02:52:35.972 i gain the poisoned (tech) effect again somehow

at 02:52:36.774 i got hit by hidden strike for 0 damage (resisted) and get the acid blade dot while shroud is up.

the next few seconds acid blade is ticking for 0 damage while force shroud is up

at 02:52:41.123 i got hit by the acid blade dot again

at 02:52:42.155 the last tick of acid blade kills me


please note that i was skilled kinetic combat so force shroud lasted 5 seconds. i remember seeing the acid blade icon as a debuff while shroud was up what never happened before. the 5th tick of acid blade took me out of stealth again as i force cloaked while shroud was up.

i'm aware this isnt a classic force shroud fail as i didn't receive dmg while shroud was up, but that acid blade stuff just shouldn't have happened afaik.

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Tech rooted on quesh huttball. Concussion charge knockbacks on nar shaddaa huttball. Lame, all confidence in your ability to fix this now lost. Thanks a lot


Which tech root. For something that has such a small fail chance at the height of the bug, you seem to be getting a excessive amount of shroud failings.

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Which tech root. For something that has such a small fail chance at the height of the bug, you seem to be getting a excessive amount of shroud failings.


Exactly, go figure


And I don't know which root I'm afraid. It was just rooted(tech) on my debuffs

Edited by Marcus__
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