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What's the point in having an in game wife if I can't interact with her?


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At the very least, a different soundset for a married companion would be nice.


I am sorry people have such bad RL experiences with marriages. :eek:


Ditto. Married 10 years and my husband is still my best friend. My parents have been married over 50 years and they are still the most affectionate, loving couple I've seen.


I don't get all the hate for Corso, he's just a good ol' Southern boy... in space.


But he's still awesome in his delightful hillbilly way.


Corso is arm candy. People shouldn't listen to what he is actually saying, but just pat him on the head and think "isn't he cute?" Then buy him more revealing armor.

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Maybe with the new expansion where you get a house, maybe we will get some quests related to the house system, like wash dishes, do laundry, cook the food, feed the kids, take care of my mount, clean the house and dont forget to clean after the mount too. (OK feminist attack NOW)!!! :D:D


(The above post was intended as a joke) :D


(I hope my wife does not read this, otherwise I will be doing all the above) LOL


My female BH gets Torian to mob the ship floor everyday or else he wont get it :eek: and also will to avoid getting shot in the head :rak_03:

Edited by Ottoattack
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I support that approach to Riggs. Wish there was an option of his default face without the dagger side-braids. His voice-set at least is Okay after he kindda decided he's sortta wed to the Captain. I've got your back! and the perennial hit of the "Now you are...." It's comforting. I find it actually weird to hear it from him on my husband's Smuggler. Trade Aric's sounset for his any day. I mean, you give Aric a favored gift and he sounds like you've handed him a grenade with a pin pulled out.
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"I love you!"


"Let's get married after the war!"


"Great idea!"


*Never speak to each other for the next 2 years*


In beta they actually had a lot of content after you romanced your wife, but due to Kira always nagging you to do stuff like take out the trash, it was removed. You know that button that says to send your companion to sell trash? Well she wouldn't do it, in fact she would randomly send you to go sell trash. It was so bad that one player commited suicide since they didn't have the divorce or kill your companion option in during that build. So yeah, be careful what you ask for.

Edited by crubel
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In beta they actually had a lot of content after you romanced your wife, but due to Kira always nagging you to do stuff like take out the trash, it was removed. You know that button that says to send your companion to sell trash? Well she wouldn't do it, in fact she would randomly send you to go sell trash. It was so bad that one player commited suicide since they didn't have the divorce or kill your companion option in during that build. So yeah, be careful what you ask for.


That's not funny.

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We need more story lines for the companions, specifically the romance ones, its like a long distance relationship with the amount we actually talk!


You obviously aren't married. This is the most realistic progression of a relationship in a video game, ever ;).


- Arcada

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**** some of them you don't even get to marry like Ashara and Kira at best it's like a common-law marriage in real life.


Which is fine, that's actually a good thing, because frankly some relationships ending in a marriage are a tad unbelievable or well, unnecessary. Zenith romance for me will be a no-marriage one, but non-the-less the most desirable.

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Which is fine, that's actually a good thing, because frankly some relationships ending in a marriage are a tad unbelievable or well, unnecessary. Zenith romance for me will be a no-marriage one, but non-the-less the most desirable.


I'm not fond of the female Consular romances. Not sure with Zenith but with Doc all the romance options are Darkside oriented.

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I still just wish my female Smuggler could marry one of her companions that isn't a dude :( It gets lonely on that ship sometimes and Corso is not my type.


I was saying back in beta that every class should have had two romanceable male companions, two romanceable female companions, and one "other", be it a "freakshow" alien, droid, or even a "normal" character that wasn't interested for whatever reason (age, philosophy, backstory, whatever).


(I notice that every female is available for romance, unless you count Scorpio, but the males are not even if they aren't of the "freakshow" alien variety. Males are also more abundant.)


And though not interested in same-gender stuff, I thought that putting a button in the game that would reverse the romanceables shouldn't have been that difficult.


There was more, but it doesn't matter. They did what they did and even then it was a pipe-dream. By the time they spent the money that they did on voice work, there was zero chance that they were going to throw any of it away barring some major issue.

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I'd like more companion interaction too, but don't particularly favor companions that my characters are married to over the others. Most of my characters aren't actually married, but I like to think that they are close to the companions they run with, in a non-romantic way.


New Companion conversations are probably unlikely, but I do really wish they'd add new sets of "canned" lines for each Companion. There should be three sets for each one:

- Default: when you get them

- Maxed affection: after they warm up to you/are your friend

- Romanced: after you've completed their romance arc


Of course, there may not need to be a lot of difference for some Companions, but others are quite standoffish when you first get them. Changing their default lines later on would help it seem more like all those conversations actually happened and weren't just a dream your character had, lol.

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We need more story lines for the companions, specifically the romance ones, its like a long distance relationship with the amount we actually talk!

This is a video game...what more do you really want to do? Specifically asking about "romance"...gimme some examples because the only things I can think of would be weird and uncalled for. It's not REALLY a relationship at all...it's a story driven 'romance arc' and you finished it...what could you possibly be looking for?

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Then she'd say:

"Is this some part of my training? I don't get it."

If Ralph Macchio can become a karate master by waxing the car and painting the fence, then Nadia can afford to slice some cheese and spread some mayo.
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It's an accurate marriage simulator.


As soon as they have the ring, all the sex and talking stops.


BW know realism/


Doesn't sound like my marriage, when's the TRO come in? When do I get to break Corso's favorite blaster in front of him and his new girlfriend then kick him out and throw his clothes in the front yard? Y'all gots some funny notions bout marriages.

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Doc's the Knight's one and only option. That, or celibacy. he is that bad, I suppose. Literally has to be the only man in the Galaxy to stand a chance....


You're right I don't really play pub so I get the comps for them mixed up. Maybe I'll play a pub during the double xp weekend.

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Doc's the Knight's one and only option. That, or celibacy. he is that bad, I suppose. Literally has to be the only man in the Galaxy to stand a chance....


Doc is that bad. The first time I met him on my sentinel my boyfriend was ready to kill him. I even wished I could so now he is in his quarters and there he will stay!

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Doc is that bad. The first time I met him on my sentinel my boyfriend was ready to kill him. I even wished I could so now he is in his quarters and there he will stay!


He hee, I didn't find him so bad. I know he comes on strong, but he's got a good heart under those ***** pixels lol.


But my favs are Quinn and Vector, 'Nikos a close second after that tie. :)

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