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EA CEO Says Company Is Changing to Become "Player-First"


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You tell em! While paying them! Sounds like a sustainable business model to me. People keep coming back even after they "quit"? Sounds sustainable. That's what game developer want.


Its not perfect. I have a handful of issues with SWTOR that I think they need to fix but here I am, sustaining their bottom line.


I don't think you know what a sustainable business model is. If SWTOR wasn't sustainable, it would have closed. SInce its open (and making money year over year), its very "sustainable". I think you need to change your argument.


White Knight all you want. Still doesn't change the truth of what I said.

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Blizzard puts out a ton of content in each release.


Much different situation.


Irrelevant. They are both companies with MMOs and you said the way their current business model that swtor is having isn't solid, when Blizzard has been doing it for past few years.

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Hopefully it will not mean turning every game into long grind needed to advance and get all the shineys with real money needed to speed/boost things up (looking at you,plants and zombies 2 and Battlfields N).

Dragon Age : Inquisition sounds like EA actually added open worldish elements into game with rich story which sounds like another,much nicer way to make players invest more time into the game , though cynic in me expects real money speeding things trick as well - maybe via crafting limitations.

Anyway, only time will show what will change and what will remain ,but EA management at least seems to grasp the fact that some kind of change is needed,and it is good news in itself.


We will see. I know I won't preorder it. After ME3 and DA2 I will wait. I am hoping for it to be on par with DAO. SWTOR is the last game I bought that was worth the money. ME3,Da2 and D3 mediocre at best.

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WORST TO FIRST!!!! This is going to be the best turn around of ALL TIME!!!


I respectfully disagree. The best turn around of all time would be to have more than 5 FPS in owPVP when you are 40v40 on section x. When this happens, the sun will go supernova that is for sure.

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Blizzard begs to differ.


Things like real explorable areas and cross-server PvP that allow for constantly changing opponents, plus a behemoth of total content that is beyond overwhelming to the casual player allow Blizzard to do what they do. They lose a number of subs between each expansion; this game doesn't have the content or systems in place to keep people going during sustained droughts. This is going off on a tangent, but bottom line is if the CEO means what he says and can make it happen, all the better.

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I respectfully disagree. The best turn around of all time would be to have more than 5 FPS in owPVP when you are 40v40 on section x. When this happens, the sun will go supernova that is for sure.


I see you missed the sarcasm...I'll use a different font next time ;)

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I want EA to make me eat these words. But to any white knights out there - EA is the ONLY ones who can - them and Bioware. You championing them is just you fanboi-ing. You don't work for the game. You don't produce results.

LOL... neither do you ZH. ;)


And your constant labeling and pejorative name calling stance toward others does not give your personal issues with the game any real credibility in forum discussion. Perhaps.... just perhaps... put your name calling and labeling aside and conduct an actual discussion with people who disagree with you. Or not. Your choice.

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Things like real explorable areas and cross-server PvP that allow for constantly changing opponents, plus a behemoth of total content that is beyond overwhelming to the casual player allow Blizzard to do what they do. They lose a number of subs between each expansion; this game doesn't have the content or systems in place to keep people going during sustained droughts. This is going off on a tangent, but bottom line is if the CEO means what he says and can make it happen, all the better.


Blizzard is exploiting a ten year pool of players, some percentage that they are able to entice to return to the game for a few months at a time. And they need to.. because unlike EA... a sizable % of Blizzards total revenues come from one MMO (WoW).... so they really have not choice. Now that... is how you milk a cow.... so I give them credit for exploiting their installed base for re-ups on subs from time to time. Cannot blame a company for tapping all it's assets.


IF WoW launched today, as a sub only model, it would fall on it's face and convert to flexible access with in 6-9 months. Why? Because it would have no 10 year installed base to milk for sub revenue.

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I'm pretty sure we heard this line 10 years ago, when they were trying to restore their image and *nothing* actually happened. Anyone who believes any of this is an idiot, sorry. EA will always be dollars first.
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I'll see it when I believe it...


I don't believe he even has the power to back up his words.

Let alone actually make a decision that make the consumers respect him for it.

But I'll issue him a challenge... Prove me wrong.


I really hope he can.

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I want them to come in and be part of a universe, immersed in an interactive experience they play for six months, eight months, ten months."[/i]

Guess I might send him my resume then, might be interesting to do something right for once ;)


P.S.: Maybe it's just PR but at least it's good PR.

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MMOs are actually not a large part of the total game business. They are less then 10% of total market revenue and much less then that in terms of % of player base.


....which is why I lean toward the idea that this means bupkis to us. I look at EA looking at MMOs as a supplemental source of income...not it's bread and butter.


Therefore it is likely, in my eyes, they will still look for the same things they have in SWTOR in the future.

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By the way....as I have said in the past the prior dev teams absence is the best thing for this game IMO. They were piloting this vehicle straight into the ground from my perspective, and this current team at least leveled it out.


It remains to be seen if they can make it soar, but despite a few obvious stumbles in my eyes (GSF!!!!!!) I think they have been doing a reasonably good job.


But much more needs to be done IMO if this game is to reach the kind of heights it deserves. I believe EA will have little to nothing to do with any future success or failure this game has. That is in the hands of the current team, and whether or not they are LISTENING.

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On the development front we shall see what is to come, but I had another great customer service experience today. That is something that when it has come to problems involving an individual character that the staff here has always been good about. In terms of content and keeping players involved, time will tell.
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I'll believe it when I see it. EA has had such a terrible reputation for so long I feel hesitant to buy any crap that comes from that company. I'll buy Bioware products even though I cringe at the thought with their recent track record kind of being tainted. Maybe they'll take steps to improving more then just the Cartel Market, and stop reskinning OPS. Maybe.
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