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Ok, I have to ask this (and a BIOWARE mod reply is requested!!) (No it's not a rip)


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LOL... indeed it would appear that way. :)


explains where my response went....:(


credentials and resume only get you an interview. Personality, team fit, passion, get you the job.


Even the most qualified individuals on paper can be pure hell to work with. Rather have someone who is easy to work with, personable, friendly and can handle themselves.


Forget that even though their output is words on a screen, there is a person on the other end that attends meetings, offers feedback, eats lunch etc. You can teach someone to type, can't teach someone to not be an ***** and to enjoy their job.

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We've had what, 5 community "coordinators" (Managers..), in the 3 years the game's been out? Is the SWTOR community *THAT* hard to get along with, that there's such a high turnover?


Well...I can only take the forums for a couple weeks before it drives me crazy to the point that I need to take some time away. That's why you only see posts from me sporadically, lol. And I'm a player. If all the complaining, anger and occasional trolling was directed at me and people I probably considered friends.... Yeah. I think that would be a tad stressful.

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I bet you could have found a way to get that point across without calling someone worthless and demonstrating exactly why dealing with this community might suck.


Sadly, TUXs isn't really exaggerating.

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Don't get me wrong, since Eric took over and put the "more communication and transparency" policy into effect, the forums and info flow has become ALOT better. More info is coming out, feedback is getting listened to... (not as fast or as frequent as some people like, mind you...) Personally, I'm happy with it all as an overall product. The 2.8 rollout was a cluster bug, but even the devs are human.. They make mistakes.. I like the Twitch broadcasts.. Could do more video of the Cantina tours and Q&A's, but that's just me.
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Still, my original point is valid... Are we, as a community *THAT* hard to get along with? I remember Dallas Dickenson, Stephen Reid, james Ohlen then Amber Green... Now we have Eric Musco, Tait, Courtney and now the new one, Hillary Nicole... I guess you could call them the "faces of SWTOR"...


lol James Ohlen is the creative director and VP for bioware Austin, he never has been part of the community team and Dallas Dickenson was/is a producer both I believe still are working for bioware Austin [well at least up till the GSF expansion] the two prominent ones you left out were David Bass who left to hop on the wild star band wagon and has since moved on and that Joveth guy who was around shortly between Stephen Reid and Eric Musco, Eric I will say has done a great job with the community cantinas, live streams and communication, Reid im glad moved on, he seemed like a decent guy but never seemed happy or that he liked dealing with swtor fans, Eric has always seemed like one of us and I was glad to see him go from the community to the community team to community manager


As for Hillary we will see how long that lasts, nothing against her I used to watch her pvp streams, mmorpg blog, and back when she would help host the republic, but I never got a very "community friendly" vibe from pocket and haven't seen her stuff last to long before she moves on to something else but we will see, she does play swtor and hasn't been overly critical about the game

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I really don't think it's fair to blame someone doing their job to the best of their ability for directives from above that constrain what they can do without losing that job. We all like to be employed, lol.


On a side note: Given the community's tendency to make wild assumptions about information they *are* given and to have a collective spasm about every little thing that doesn't meet individual personal needs, I'm not sure I'd give us much, either, lol.

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Anything is better then the communicationlevel they have had this year, so lets hope the new recruit will do something.


We have so many questions and so many things gets suggested over and over and over again without any answers.


Even a little "Hello, we have seen your suggestion" helps to keep the morale up.

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Still, my original point is valid... Are we, as a community *THAT* hard to get along with? I remember Dallas Dickenson, Stephen Reid, james Ohlen then Amber Green... Now we have Eric Musco, Tait, Courtney and now the new one, Hillary Nicole... I guess you could call them the "faces of SWTOR"...


Ohlen, Reid and Dickenson never were community managers... they were developers.

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I really don't think it's fair to blame someone doing their job to the best of their ability for directives from above that constrain what they can do without losing that job. We all like to be employed, lol.


No kidding, People who have never been unemployed or are to young still to have worked don't get how stressful being without work can be. I've been there, It's not all fun and games where you can play your favorite video game all day everyday. :(

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Anything is better then the communicationlevel they have had this year, so lets hope the new recruit will do something.

I agree with this. I am not happy with the communication level. Most of the time, too late or too little. Some threads go unnoticed or ignored (esp if it was not about CM) for months.

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then how do we decide if he is doing a good or bad job.


we didn't have nearly as many cantinas and the info that came out of them was way less then we get now, we didn't have weekly live streams with devs answering questions, we didn't get ANY communication about bugs or if things were working as intended, between Eric and Tait that is handled very well now, for better or worse we didn't have the class reps, we didn't used to get patch notes the day before or the lore / fun facts that Courtney does, and we didn't get the dev blogs for upcoming updates like we do now


just a base comparison of the community team now and then

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Sadly, TUXs isn't really exaggerating.


Whoa...not exaggerating at all. I have the utmost respect for Eric and the job he does here. He communicates what he can and I honestly believe he's doing an outstanding job given the restrictions he must have. I don't envy him most days. Previously I was expected to follow someone's personal twitter feed to get information about this game - to me, that is extremely poor customer service - Bioware agreed with my view and replaced the offender.

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Whoa...not exaggerating at all. I have the utmost respect for Eric and the job he does here. He communicates what he can and I honestly believe he's doing an outstanding job given the restrictions he must have. I don't envy him most days. Previously I was expected to follow someone's personal twitter feed to get information about this game - to me, that is extremely poor customer service - Bioware agreed with my view and replaced the offender.


I was referring to the previous manager to Eric, I like Eric. Met him at the cantina tour, very personable. We tried to get him drunk to divulge more info, didn't work he caught on to us.

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I was referring to the previous manager to Eric, I like Eric. Met him at the cantina tour, very personable. We tried to get him drunk to divulge more info, didn't work he caught on to us.


Oh, I knew who you meant, that's who I was taking about too, not Eric :) Sorry if I wasn't clear...quoted you just to confirm what you had said, not argue.


Hmmm...we'll have to find his weakness. Booze didn't work so I suggest we try sweets, specifically chocolate chip cookies ...perhaps by sending him into a sugar comma, we may be able get him to talk.

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We've had what, 5 community "coordinators" (Managers..), in the 3 years the game's been out? Is the SWTOR community *THAT* hard to get along with, that there's such a high turnover?


SWTOR community has nothing to do with it. While I wouldn't necessarily characterize it this way, there is a "high turnover rate" in the gaming industry. It's just the nature of the business. It's actually rare to find a developer that has worked with only a couple of companies or less than a handful of projects. The seasoned vets have been around the block many, many times. It is even more so for the "lower tier" type of jobs like CM and such. These positions are more or less a stepping stone to a higher position down the road. Regular changes are to be expected.

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SWTOR community has nothing to do with it. While I wouldn't necessarily characterize it this way, there is a "high turnover rate" in the gaming industry. It's just the nature of the business. It's actually rare to find a developer that has worked with only a couple of companies or less than a handful of projects. The seasoned vets have been around the block many, many times. It is even more so for the "lower tier" type of jobs like CM and such. These positions are more or less a stepping stone to a higher position down the road. Regular changes are to be expected.


Yes we do, we are bad to the bones ----->

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Well it is until the spouse comes home and finds dishes piled in the sink and the carpet still needs to be vacuumed.


Yeah well, I wasn't that crazy while I was unemployed if I was told to do something I did it. :D

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Ohlen, Reid and Dickenson never were community managers... they were developers.


Reid was very much a community manager here. read his linked-in, if you choose not to believe me. https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=2203353&authType=NAME_SEARCH&authToken=f-pH&locale=en_US&trk=tyah&trkInfo=tarId%3A1403641234529%2Ctas%3Astepen%20reid%2Cidx%3A1-2-2


In fact.. he was in charge back when there was a very large Community Relations Staff (like around 50) leading up to and through the launch. But the community facing staff have been greatly reduced as they restructured and shifted the business model.

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