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My annoyances, aside from the lack of cross-server WZs and ranked 8v8 WZs being taken out...


Weapon selection too narrow


Most of the classes that use a blaster of some kind use a pistol in cut scenes (if blaster pistol isn't their main weapon), but can't choose to use one as their main weapon. This is stupid. I'd like to actually look sneaky as my Agent. Sniper rifles are so conspicuous. It would be awesome if everyone could at least use the base version of their weapon type (blaster pistol, single saber) and/or be even better if they have open choices (Use any type of blaster for a blaster-wielding class, use any type of saber for a Sith/Jedi).


I realize this has to do with BW wanted classes to be more identifiable...but maybe with 3.0 it's time to rethink this dogma. You are giving all the specs different abilities to help make them all feel more unique and identifiable. We have spec icons over our heads. Can we finally customize our characters more and use the type of weapon we want? (Yes I realize there is some issue with animations, but the mirror classes' animations are already there for the using in most cases. And if they are doing new animations for new abilities, let's strike while the iron is hot.)


Appearance Kiosk


You guys added a few new hairstyles to humans...and then nothing. You mentioned adding updates to this a regular basis, but that didn't happen. Can we get some new hairstyles? Lana Beniko has a new cut. Can we get that? Furthermore, can the rest of the human races with a paint job get the hair cuts you added waaaay back ago? It seems really silly that Cyborgs, Chiss, Miraluka, and Mirialan can't use these. After being gone for a year from SWTOR and coming back, I had hoped this would have been addressed by now...

Edited by ThePedigree
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1. Vector still wearing my Agents bra after two years (but they sure could make sure we couldnt keep that nice zoomed out view of our characters at the select screen that a large majority if people preferred, such great priorities they have)


2. No High or Bountiful yield missions for grade six gathering professions.


3. End game loot boxes giving those PoS Inheritance items. (Really, at this point, just make a jawa pop out of a box giving us the finger, make it literal :mad: )


4. Short listing time for the GTN, even one more day making it 3 days instead if two would be nice.


5. Ability to purchase more item slots for strongholds, tatooine especially could use 500 or 600.


6. The game forgetting I was in my stronghold when I logged out, and putting me in the arrivals area if the fleet that you can't fast travel out of (the other day it put me on the belsavis orbital station, and that character hasn't been to belsavis for probably 6 months to a year so I know she wasn't supposed to have there as a return to option)




7. Not being able to feed Ashara to Khem :p


8. Unify colors not working in cut scenes for companions/hidden helmets showing up on them

Edited by XiamaraSimi
forgot a few
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Thanks for adding some of mine on to the master list. Quite a few of those I listed have bugged me for some time now.

The one I didn't add where because I did not know whether they where top 3 or major/minor.


If you'd specify I'd be glad to update the OP.


The idea is to express what's really bothering players (top 3)

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(Preface: I and others in my guild have been playing MMORPGs since 'The Realm' and 'Meridian 59'. In addition to the 'Big 3' we've also dabbled in DAOC and RIFTs. We really got together during EQ. We've seen births, marriages and deployments (not in that order). Suffice to say it's more of a clan than a guild. So we have some perspective)


We used to say about EQ: "There's always something to do in EQ." Which was true. They used the fishing paradigm to keep people playing ad infinitum. Then EQ turned into Ever-raid and WoW released.


WoW: Much more immersive than EQ. (You needed binders of documents to play the latter. It was NOT friendly at times.) I can't recall how many weekends I'd look up at the clock and it was 0300 on a Saturday and I'm still in uniform. Much more open world imo than SW.


Insofar as this game - there is always a hiccup to remind me that I am playing a MMORPG. Some little something that makes me (us) say, 'Dangit, I wish they'd fix (change) that.' Maybe we're older (and we are) but it is MUCH easier to walk away from SWTOR than the other two.


To wit:


1) Loading screens - dunno what the problem is, but sheesh. Tat and Alderaan are the worst for me. No issues with fleet.


2) Crafting - Clunky is not the best description, but it's the one I'm going to use. Collection missions are WAY too limited and there isn't even a full spectrum (Rich, Bountiful, Abundant, Moderate) for each level of each skill. Don't get me started on Reverse Engineering. (Guild record is 17 tries at a 20% schematic.)


3) Linearity of story - Starting planet - Drommund Kaas - ... - Corellia. The story lines themselves are great, but (for example) in WoW, should you choose to level on a different continent - you can.


4) Legacy. Oh my stars could so much have been done with this. And wasn't. Storage, maps, flight paths, gear, et al. Nope and nope.


5) Command Team emphasis: Lost a couple of guildies to Archeage due to 3) (in their words there are only so many times you can go to Belsavis) and their opinion that the leadership of EA was more focused on Cartel Market than story development. (*) Re-skinning existing items does not make them 'new'. While I give the CT credit insofar as not allowing "gear-flation" to rear its ugly head, I do wonder at how they go about things in-house.


For example, the release of SoR was some sort of secret for the longest time. Meanwhile WoW is playing up WoD (Warlords of Draenor) with multiple videos et al. If you lack confidence in your OWN product or you can't be arsed to properly promote said product, why should people use said product? We're not talking the Manhattan Project here. Give people a reason to be excited about SoR and not just because it's "new". (this was one of ESOs many failings - there was no 'hook' or compelling reason to play the game)


Then there's the whole fiasco with the skill trees. Don't blame the players because collectively they figured out how to min/ max. (Never ceases to amaze me and never fails that Devs are always blindsided multiple times by players and player ingenuity.) Was there REALLY a problem with 'Hybrids'? And if so, perhaps some articulation is in order. Because quite frankly (and granted we've only grazed NiM content), what was the problem?


6) Lore. Forget fan fiction. Forget speculative fiction. SW has MASSIVE lore. And even if you (the player you) don't give a crap, there's a lot more out there than 10 races and 30 planets. Again, like legacy, SO much more could've been done with this. (But at least you didn't introduce Space Paladins)


In conclusion we do like the game. Will we stick with it? Not sure. I do know come November 13th (or whenever) many of us will be back in Azeroth.


(*) I get that the game had to introduce FTP and Cartel Market to survive. However, the CT might want to examine why and how they got to that point.

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We know that the devs are trying, but it also seems like they're determined to follow WoW's path, instead of learning from WoW and other MMOs that went through the same challenges and issues years ago -- they keep reinventing the wheel instead of looking at all the wheels that others have made and moving on to make the wagon.
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Gear clipping .... dear god the gear clipping.


It's horrible. This is, arguably, the single worst game i've ever played (and i've been a gamer since 1983) for gear clipping.


There are a hell of a lot of armour and weapons I refuse to use because of the clipping. I can't use anything that "dangles" or robes because they clip through mounts and it irritates me. They clip through body parts, weapons clip through them. It's horrible to look at.


And people have asked for cloaks ... they can't sort the clipping on what they have now and people want them to add cloaks that are notorious for clipping issues.


Companions need a purpose other than doing, again arguably, the worst crafting i've ever seen. Starts off well and then you finish their conversations and they instantly become ship furniture you'll never speak to or even use most of them ever again.


Proper idle animations and have them doing anything but just standing there all useless looking would be great.


Just general improvements to bring the game out of 2004 which a lot of it is still stuck in like stationary NPC's. Yeah idle chatter is great, repetitive but great, but it still feels lifeless. They just stand around doing nothing. Nothing at all.


As much as it annoys people i'd also like a bit of planetary phasing.


"You have delivered me Balmorra" said Darth Lachris.


No, no I haven't. It's still exactly the same as when I first started. Not a single thing has changed. I'd like to at least see a bit of progress, some sort of change.


My biggest problem is it all feels a bit dated. I know they started developing it in the early to mid 2000's and a lot of what is in the game is still stuck there. It needs a hell of a lot of modernising.


Outside of class story it doesn't do anything at all I haven't seen in other games. I've seen it better in a few others. It's the same old thing with a new coat of paint. I'd like them to put wallpaper up instead and try some new things.

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Well, this stronghold related annoyance might be too soon but given that BW has actually managed to somewhat fix the 25 npc limit problem in the most recent patch, I'll just throw it out there.



  • The lack of priority transport terminal and weekly/daily mission box decorations for Stronghold.


I personally avoid the fleet like a plague these days due to the lag and inane general chat but the lack of those above items in my SH still forces me to enter that cesspool of stupidity.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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I only have one actual annoyance: The inability to turn off or minimize informational combat effects outside ops or pvp and the ridiculous overkill on those effects when they are needed. ie. trooper aoes could be marked with a more realistic 'target' effect. A sorcerer could mark target area with something that bears a passing resemblance to the ability in question, rather than a lurid green faction symbol. If I want to turn off selection circles on enemies and my companion outside fps, heroics, ops and pvp, I should be able to.


I can see why having some kind of information marking is necessary in group play, particularly in pvp, but if I want to be able to turn it off for more immersive story content or dallies, I should be able to. This isn't that hard. All I'm asking here is that gameplay outside group content look more like it did at launch.


Also, less inexplicable ability effects, in general. I'm looking at you, sniper volley. I'm also looking at you, 'unstoppable' shield symbol on the vengeance Jugg, made worse by the fact that the knight equivalent has no such ridiculous marking.


Or, at the very least... make them accurately display the AOE circumference.

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Insofar as this game - there is always a hiccup to remind me that I am playing a MMORPG. Some little something that makes me (us) say, 'Dangit, I wish they'd fix (change) that.' Maybe we're older (and we are) but it is MUCH easier to walk away from SWTOR than the other two.




For example, the release of SoR was some sort of secret for the longest time. Meanwhile WoW is playing up WoD (Warlords of Draenor) with multiple videos et al. If you lack confidence in your OWN product or you can't be arsed to properly promote said product, why should people use said product? We're not talking the Manhattan Project here. Give people a reason to be excited about SoR and not just because it's "new". (this was one of ESOs many failings - there was no 'hook' or compelling reason to play the game)


Then there's the whole fiasco with the skill trees. Don't blame the players because collectively they figured out how to min/ max. (Never ceases to amaze me and never fails that Devs are always blindsided multiple times by players and player ingenuity.) Was there REALLY a problem with 'Hybrids'? And if so, perhaps some articulation is in order. Because quite frankly (and granted we've only grazed NiM content), what was the problem?




In conclusion we do like the game. Will we stick with it? Not sure. I do know come November 13th (or whenever) many of us will be back in Azeroth.


(*) I get that the game had to introduce FTP and Cartel Market to survive. However, the CT might want to examine why and how they got to that point.

Well more a review of the game here, but can't say I disagree with what you are saying.


In fact think you nailed it:

  1. Game feels like made before the WoW era, ie when it was fine to have bugs and non polished content.
  2. Hiding future content and features to players till the last minute gives a wrong message.
  3. Revamp of skill trees indeed feels like devs can't tweak their own game.
  4. SWTOR is easy to quit because, but the IP, we can find at least on par if not better games elsewhere.
  5. CM and F2P is a consequence of bad choices, look into how it we came to this.


(edited the OP wih a few entries, will add more later)

Edited by Deewe
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  • 4 weeks later...

You'd think the devs would have at least fixed companion gear in cutscenes. What's the point of getting gear and dyes for them when it just reverts back during a cutscene.


How can I trust Bioware to deliver on Shadow of Revan and the disciplines when they have trouble with something so basic?

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