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RP-SOCIAL•No ability to write a bio


This is probably specific to me only, but inability to write long letters was a major let-down for me. I wanted to send letters between my alts as they adventured, but the game crops them at a tiny character allocation. I have the set written out (and continue doing so as I play), but could never mail it in the game. Meanwhile, Bio sends me these nice long letters :(

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Fantastic idea to add member lists to your OP. Kudos.

For sure, digging one post at a time.


There's lots of valuable info in the people answers here, especially as it's an open thread.

Now the difficulty is sometimes to separate what's a top 3 for a player and what's either major or minor.

Edited by Deewe
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My true annoyance with this game is loading times, it's so bad I never want to leave fleet because that is the only place aside from my ship that doesn't take 3 mins.

but since everyone is on about interface, I'd like an option to completely dismiss companion, not just send away only to have them come back out all the time, but to get rid of their whole area portrait like when you're in your ship..or during certain parts of the story.


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My true annoyance with this game is loading times, it's so bad I never want to leave fleet because that is the only place aside from my ship that doesn't take 3 mins.

but since everyone is on about interface, I'd like an option to completely dismiss companion, not just send away only to have them come back out all the time, but to get rid of their whole area portrait like when you're in your ship..or during certain parts of the story.


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I have played other games that at the launch screen you have the choice to download the entire game into your PC so you dont have to wait to go from one place to another, why can't we do that here?

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We all play the same game and have different expectation, as such was wondering what was your list of:


I have a large list, hopefully not too much repeat of what others have said.



The collections UI needs some clarity. On one hand, it appears to be a catalog of everything available from the cartel market, however other non-cartel market items are present. It also appears to be a place where you can view account unlocks, but not all account can be viewed there (just how many account wide cargo bays have I unlocked?). Create two different UIs (Below), once that is clearly a UI for all account wide unlocks, and another that is a catalog of all items in game, regardless of source.


Account Unlocks (Currently part of what collections does)

The account unlocks section would complement the current character and legacy unlock windows, and it would be nice to equip cartel market armor and not have to relog to another character to perform the account unlock. The account unlocks section should also allow us to the cost for an account unlock even if we do not yet own the item.


In-Game Catalog (Currently part of what collections does)

The catalog would be great with all in game items, and provide a search function for it as well. This would make finding new outfits much easier, if I could see the “Jedi BattleLord” outfit in a catalog, preview it, and find out that it is a world drop. Having all of the dyes in a catalog would be amazing. Finding out that a chest plate I want is craftable would cause me to go to the GTN or hunt down a crafter. Right now the collections UI pretty much does this but usually if it is a cartel market item, or from another source like a pre-order or from a cartel coin card.


Heroic Missions

Please add a different indicator over NPCs heads please.


VIP vendor/Collector’s Edition vendor/Security key vendor

Can these be updated please? The VIP vendor is the worst, it has hardly anything on it. Perhaps add some armor and the reverse of the collector’s edition vendor dyes like gold/black?



  • I would like to see a tab that shows a log of all of my past GTN purchases.
  • I would like to see a tab that shows a log of all of my past GTN sales.
  • The search portion of the UI needs some adjustments. For example, I can’t search by cartel market rarity. I can’t search by a “luxury” companion gift type. It seems that there are some more/dynamic drop down boxes that are needed depending on other selections that are missing.
  • I can’t search for cartel armor boxes very well. They are purple, but filtering on purple shows be orange items as well, so I see all of the armor. None of the boxes have “box” in the name as an easy way to do a string search either.
  • I want to be able to search on seller.
  • I want to be able to search through the items I have for sale. Sometimes I have 8 pages of items up for sale, and I have to simply page through each tab until I find what I’m looking for.
  • A GTN holo terminal that comes from a cartel pack like the revan holo would be awesome to have.


Open World Gathering

Allow those grouped with me to loot a node that I have gathered within a limited time before it despawns. I should not be fighting with my friends on who gets to mine a node. This is a multi-player game and gathering feels like same-faction PvP most of them time.



We need search and better sort functions added to the UI to filter the results of that schematics we see. It is too messy when you have a lot of schematics.


Some clarity on the end game vision for the crafting roles would be great. Currently, everyone goes either BioChem or Cybertech due to the direct impact on combat effectiveness that the other roles do not have. There needs to be some sort of pass to make all them equally desirable at end game.



  • Change the legacy armor available at the capital cities to be adaptive and remove the class restrictions.
  • Allow orange droid parts to accept armoring’s that are slot bound. Right now, droids are more difficult to gear than other companions due to this restriction.
  • World drop armors: There are some world drop only armors (such as the jedi battlelord armor) that are awesome. The world drop lists does have some gaps, such as some classes not having an equivalent drop available at a level range, and also the world drops not continuing into the 50-55 range with the Makeb expansion.
  • All of the planets have vendors that sell white (trash) classification armor and weapons that do not have any attributes, only armor or weapon ratings. I have never heard or seen anyone ever use these….ever. Either convert them all from white to moddable orange, or allow crafters to RE them to get an orange version.
  • Do something to make Birthright/inheritance gear
    desirable. Make orange/moddable, give it a set bonus that increases xp gain, make it auto-level, something.
  • Via a toggle to turn on/off, allow the crystal of offhands to impact the visual effects of some abilities (force lightning, etc…)
  • Costume/Appearance tabs
  • Save keybinds/specs and load/unload them
  • Hood Toggle Plus. Let us go to a armor appearance designer and toggle all sorts of stuff, like a hood, backpack on/off, crazy shoulder pads, etc...Maybe we can collect unlock base armor models and visual attachments that could be turned on and off.



  • The map of a planet should update every X minutes or so showing a hotspot where members of your faction has been killed by the other faction. This would quickly show you where there is activity (even if it is uneven levels/ganking, but at least you know)
  • Add some cosmetic armor with no mods available from a vendor that costs credits that also requires valor level. Think of the social armor sets, just a valor level instead of a social level. They don’t need to look super crazy just some NEW and UNIQUE armor models here would be nice. I just want something else to buy with WZ comms.
  • Killing a member of the other faction in OWPVP should result in some sort of reward/recognition, other than the kill count achievements.
  • If there is a huge faction in-balance in world PvP, make those on the side with more numbers get less of a reward, and those with lower numbers get more of a reward, and weight that by level.
  • Create open world PvP bases on three different planets (Hoth, Voss, Corellia). Capturing (NPCs should be present to defend against a capture) each one would provide access to some unique vendors. For each of the three bases your faction has control of, another vendor becomes available with unique rewards to provide an incentive to capture and hold all three. With a two faction system, each faction will usually have at least one of these captured. When captured, the base should spawn champion NPCs to guard it. Attackers will have to capture the base by fighting through the NPCs, and any PvPers (if present). When attackers attempt to capture the base, a planet wide system message should go out. Any rewards from vendors should be faction locked, so players cannot dominate with one faction and send rewards to an alt of the other faction.


MOAR Titles

I want more titles for in game things. For example, if I level up archaeology, why I can’t I have the title <Name> the Archaeologist? All of the gathering, missions, and crafting professions should grant titles, and not just at level 450 either. They could be done as you level up. While you are at it, add the title “The Entitled” in the game. Maybe you have to post crazy posts like this one on the forums to get it.


World Maps

I would like to be able to mark world maps and save those markings/waypoints. Personally, I would like to do it for things like treasure chests, but I’m sure others could find great uses as well. Another nice feature is if we could share the waypoint with others.



I do not want these taking up my inventory once I have used/bound them. Can we either get a tab for toys or make them abilities?

I would like to see have a regeneration ability that calls a random regen toy (even the standard class ability). It would be great if I could shut off certain toys from being used in the random ability, much like how you can shut off specific companion abilities from use.



I would like to see have a mount ability that calls a random mount. It would be great if I could shut off certain mounts from being used in the random ability, much like how you can shut off specific companion abilities from use.



Why can’t I give companions gifts while on my ship?


When I’m on my ship, I can view all of my companions gear easily, however outside of my ship I cannot. The ability to see all of their armor outside of the ship should be enabled.


Companion Customization

We need a way to customize the companions outside of the armor appearance. Currently, player characters have an advanced class and three talent tress for specialization, while companions have nothing. From a combat perspective, they are stuck in their roles, and visually we can’t do much to change their appearance (i.e. species, like the appearance designer). We have a ton of companions, but not much of a system that provides any depth of tinkering them. Perhaps we could even unlock species that will NEVER be available for player characters, but could be usable for companions?



Voss travel lanes should connect. I don’t want to have to go to Voss-Ka for every place I want to go to. A couple of the spots are nearly right next to each other on the map, but instead of just flying over the small mountain range that separates them, you have to take the long flight to Voss-Ka first. Apply this comment to all of the planets, Voss is just an example.


I would like the ability to toggle all taxi rides on/off to act like the Makeb taxi rides that port you to the end of the ride.


Expand the daily area quick travel abilities so there is a quick travel ability to every planet and daily area. Allow users to purchase the unlocks as they do today, but also allow the abilities to be acquired in-game. All regular planets could grant the ability once someone has completed the planetary story arc on the planet. For dailies, put it on the reputation vendor and require hero status. For the outlaws den, put the ability on the PVP vendor so it can be bought with WZ comms and add a valor requirement IF purchased from the WZ vendor.


Companions in taxi’s. I get that droids are an issue, but maybe the droids just disappear? We are already used to everyone disappearing, so if we got to see everyone except the droids it would be an improvement over what we have now.

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Really constructive post, OP. Glad to see someone putting some thought into things before they post.



Now, with that said, my first reaction to your thread was to kinda giggle to myself at the suggestion for us to be able to write ourselves an RP bio in our profile. The reason why I giggle is, as a former SWG player, it seemed like bios in SWG were pretty much a waste. Why is that? Well it seems that the bulk of them started like this...


"Orphaned at a young age...."


Yeah. They really did start like that. SWG was filled with orphans and people who didn't really have much artistic vision. If we get player bios, prepare for a genocide of fictitious parents in the Old Republic.


Oh the virtual humanity.

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Wow you guys post faster than what I'm able to manage!


I read some crazy good posts here, I'll do my best to parse them into the OP.


Although getting tired here, so... tomorrow is another day ;)

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"Orphaned at a young age...."


Yeah. They really did start like that. SWG was filled with orphans and people who didn't really have much artistic vision. If we get player bios, prepare for a genocide of fictitious parents in the Old Republic.


Oh the virtual humanity.


And yet people wonder why RP'ers get teased.

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One can do both. Read tips, take advices from other players, etc. Experiment a bit and then draw your own conclusion, but tbh, someone who is reading and informing themselves on their class is commendable. People who don't read anything are most likely to have the wrong mainstat than the ones that do.

IMO, reading, researching, getting opinions from other players is best done earlier than later


Sure but if your dieing to normal content of SW:TOR and find the leveling combat very hard or to difficult


you have done to much reading and not enough experimenting first hand.


Reading someone elses opinion/build/rotation only helpful if you understand your class and what the person talking about.


If you just read and try to mimic/copy what you read with no first hand knowledge,

you die

Or you find SW:TOR very difficult


Example: Long before Makeb or even Terror From Beyond I was in a Raiding guild and we ran hard mode EV, Kragga's, EC weekly. Normally with a set group


One week some of our regulars couldn't make it and we filled roles with some new members who wanted to try


We do EV and get to (been awhile so forget the names now, the part where you have to go back and forth on terminals to unlock passage under ground, after volcanic boss).


So one of our members pipes up

"I know this fight, I read about it on line" and promptly started hitting buttons wiping group

We tell him to not push any more buttons but he argued he knows the fight and went on to tell us step by step exactly what you suppose to do correctly


Only problem is he had never done it, only read about it so had no practical standard/experience to make sense of what he had read online.


Same goes for builds/rotations/all that

if you DON'T understand your class and your skills

Reading about it is meaningless and worthless


Reading others opinions and designs is only helpful if you understand the character your playing already.


And if you find the base leveling game of SW:TOR to challenging,

then sorry you don't have a grasp or understanding of your class

Simple as that so stand by what I said earlier.

Truth of matter is you can easily defeat the base leveling game by wearing blue gear 15 levels lower then you and only using your base class abilities with out ever training an advanced class for your character.

This game is NOT HARD,

So if your having problems with leveling that means you are not grasping the design of the character your playing.


I've helped a great number of players understand rotations and stat distribution and all that over the years.

But before I ever do that I make sure the players can play their classes and understand their classes

Cause if their just button mashing and doing base attack types

advanced tactics are well beyond their understanding at the time

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My main annoyance is called "no straight transfer to the planet". I can use my Fleet Pass anytime, but if I want to return, I have to go to my hangar, then to my ship, then choose the planet on the star map, then go outside the ship to the access corridor, then to the orbital station, and then, finally, take a shuttle to the planet. And if I'm unlucky and this planet is Hoth, I need to navigate the base and take a loooong elevator up before I'm even able to use my quick travel.
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Would love the fleet shuttle you have on every planet to be a 2-way shuttle.


Rancor mounts..... i just dont like the idea of a Savage beast used as a mount by other than maybe the most poverfull forceuser. I dont like beast mounts on fleet. I'd prefer keeping the beast mounts on the planet they originate from. Riding tauntauns on Hoth and Ilum makes sense. but a tauntaun on Correlia or Corruscant ?


I know it's not going to change, but still it would have added something to the game imo... depth ? i dunno.


Droid v human armorings. Bit anoying that i can only use my old armorings on my humanoid companions, not my droid companion.


When i use the exit on my spaceship it lands ??? Maybe if i used the flightcomputer to exit my ship, but why would i try to exit my ship when it's still in space ?


When i enter my spaceship it takes of ? Not as bad as the exit part. I would however like to pilot my own takeoff, but at least i can RP a crewmember taking off.


Companion aoe's. Especially tank companions. They're just stupid when it comes to using their aoe. Dont use it if it will break a CC.... And i would love for companion tanks to have a smart aoe, most if not all other tanks have had their aoe's changed to be smart.

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And if you find the base leveling game of SW:TOR to challenging,

then sorry you don't have a grasp or understanding of your class

Simple as that so stand by what I said earlier.

Truth of matter is you can easily defeat the base leveling game by wearing blue gear 15 levels lower then you and only using your base class abilities with out ever training an advanced class for your character.

This game is NOT HARD,

So if your having problems with leveling that means you are not grasping the design of the character your playing.


You don't have to say 'sorry'. Your opinion is valid. I am a poor player I admit it freely. But I just do not know what else I can do to gain understanding of my character. I read her abilities, arranged them, looked for advice, read articles, equipped her diligently, and played her without much troubles all the way till Corellia, and it took me about 5 months. I did not rush, and I did pay attention.


And, I still find that Riggs gets us killed on Corellia on (admittedly avoidable) Elites and Unavoidable Champions or drops to such low HP, that one or two hits would finish him off, which is far too uncomfortably close call for me. I have to use Treek and I don't like that. All and all, I was never someone who played games on any other difficulty than Normal, and did not feel like I should go on a Difficult mode or something. I feel that the game by whatever reason got pushed into Difficult mode right now.


So, I am doing the only thing I can think off. I am going to go through every frigging old planet, farm comms and try to get purple crafting for earpieces, and maybe buy implants (my BioChem is far too low, so I used the game drops). Maybe buy stims and adrenals (again, no access to it right now by crafting). I don't know. It feels like a trap. Maybe I can do another area on Corellia right now, but then I will level fast and equipment update to L50 will become irrelevant, I will benefit the most from it right now, and then doing Corellia should provide some credits to go to the higher level equipment (or materials to craft it). Logically, I understand. Emotionally, it is, well, hard to turn back for very good reasons 3 areas away from the end.


Rest assured, I do not impose myself on strangers, in Flashpoints or gods forbid ops (I do FPs with my husband or with my friends only and I won't touch OPS with a 10 foot pole after my experience on Corellia and reading uo what kind of equipment is expected to even join OPS). I have no desire to incur someone's wrath. I just want to see the end of my class story and do it with Riggs. I will know now to equip each of my solo characters to the TEETH (in my skewed world view) before stepping on Corellia. Luckily, my Mara has Quinn as her primary, but what my Sorc is going to do, I just don't know. Probably go balanced before we go there to keep Ashara alive. Or craft BioChem.


But, in the end of the day, I am annoyed by the difficulty of the last Story planet and also by the heavy reliance on the equipment the game has. I understand that the same is the cause of enjoyment for other players, so I would not dream of asking to change that.


But having an option to drop to an easier mode in Chapter 3 on those huge and empty planets, would be nice. because, you know, it would have been rewarding to finish the game this month, instead of having to delay the gratification for another three or so.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Top 3


- Pazaak and Swoop Racing still not in game

- Still not RVR style PVP for people not interested gear > skill war zones

- Bugged achievements (when you return you don't get full credit for all the achievements you did before but the big one is some of those you CAN NOT redo (like hitting lvl 50 legacy) so will never get credit till this finally fixed)





-STILL can not que up 5-6-7 companion crafting missions to a single companion before logging off

- no reskill packaged for companions so you can choose the companion you want with the skill set you want (some of us don't like Ewoks)

- heroics still don't adjust to level of party so redoing old heroics are meaningless as no challenge

- Still pushed to do ops to much. Ops are a small part of game and not everyone really interested in ops

- there should be no achievements tied to cartel shop, period

- no mentoring system in game yet

- Lack of multi species




- to slow on new content updates

- game is still way to easy to level in and is trending wrong direction (its getting easier, not more challenging)

- memory leak is still present. Its diminished from what it was but its still there

- some areas (like Ilum) need to be retooled as under utilized now as level 50 content

- Syncweaving is beyond useless as a crafting skill (armor crafting not much better)

- Game still allows ninjaing of objectives (like chests) rather then tieing chest to mobs protecting it and people that kill mobs are people that open chest

-Birthright/inheritance drops are beyond worthless but still drop regularly in CZ, Makeb, Oricon

A well put and easily exploitable post, thank you!


MINIGAMES: Wish someone could riddle me why SWTOR was launched without Pazaak or Swoop Racing and instead of bringing say Pazaak we get the slot machines. When we know not only it's a much looked after mini-game even more topped with a multiplayer mode and BioWare owns the source code of Kotor.


PVP-RVR: let's start with World PvP then why not RvR. No planets nor area, on PvP servers, should be safe.

Anyway I'm too biased here STUN WARS is a joke and blows.


BUGGED ACHIEVEMENTS: From a player perspective it looks as a half baked system pushed live. How come the devs did not get the required time to build the needed SQL request to populate the BD accordingly?



CREW MISSION LIMIT: there's another proposal to allow players manage crew skills on alts without the need to log on them. Would be better especially for players with slow PCs[/b]


COMPANION ROLES: Already parsed


HEROIC SCALING: Would be nice to have the option to scale up Heroics and well any quest.


OPS: Never done any ;)


$$$ tied ACHIEVEMENTS: Can't deny EA needs money, still would be nice it was in exchange for real content.


MENTORING:Could you elaborate what kind of mentoring, RP padawan/master or leveling?


MULTI-SPECIES: Could you please be more specific?



LACK OF CONTENT UPDATES: Game feel like on a respirator right now, especially considering the overuse of re-skinned content when it's not even just a gamma color parameter in the item entry.


EASY LEVELING: Seems to me there's a need both to easy content and hard. Still both can coexist. A XP rate slider to lower it would help a lot hardcore, casual and RPer players.


MEMORY LEAK: Been involved in tracking one long time ago in a game and well it's far from an easy task. Although totally agree it's annoying. I'd put it in the same bag as companions not staying spawned of weapons being kept out or being stuck in combat: bad programming...


REUSING CONTENT: Funny thing there's a plethora or reusing some content: meshes, skins, missions types but the planets and as such making some depleted.


CRAFTING: Crafting in TOR is alas very bad and mostly pretty much useless for the most part. Few tweaks could make it much better but then the suits won't sell that much CC items.. Still starting with a Gear tab system would help both Syncweaving and armor crafting a lot.


NINJA's: You can't really get rid of jerks although one should not be able to grief another. In my book it's treating customer's very poorly not fixing that.


LOOT: Birthright/inheritance gear... to be honest they aren't great but at least, for most of them not as worse as some totally off crap looking gear considering it's supposed to be SW game.


P.S. edited the OP with your entries.

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Annoyances? lets see...


- Overall spotty performance, even on powerful rigs. (the engine sucks, blahblahblah).

- Long load times.

- Obligatory Ship -> space station -> planet travel.

- Teleport to ship should be a base ability.

- UI: this is a big one. The UI, Achivements or Collections UI for example, never remembers where you were or how you left any of their menus. This means I have to constantly collapse/open/scroll to see what I want to see every. damn. time.

- The crafting UI takes ages to load, needs more and better filters.

- Gearing droid companions is a pain.

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The game engine and its godsawful inability to be properly optimized for GPUs.


Customer service is either hit or miss. You see posts praising them for being awesome, or posts damning them to hell for the miserable way they treated a player. There should be a middle ground.

Edited by RobNightfall
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Mentoring is being max level but wanting to play with you level 17 friend.


So you mentor down to his level and play


You still have all your level 55 skills but the damage out put is adjusted to level you mentoring down to.

Your hps are adjusted to level you mentoring down to.

Your gear states and what not adjusted to level you mentoring down to


And thus you can play with your friend as a powerful but properly level player with your friends.


I first saw this in EQ2 and was a wonderful system that greatly enhanced the game and frankly guilds.


Please note: This is PVE content. You couldnt mentor down to enter a lowbie PVP instance or anything.


Just makes sense and promotes socializing.


Of course in EQ2 it also gave person being mentored a small xp % boost but I wouldnt suggest that here as way to easy and fast to level already that it needs to be slown down some, not sped up.


Multi species is simple


This is Star Wars and Star Wars has amazing and vast number of alien species in it

how ever TOR does not


Im terrible at names but I outright reject the so called statement that if it doesnt speak basic/common it cant be a player character. Through a universal translator on any species and problem solved


Id just like to see more species in SW:TOR to give it a more Star Wars feel to it.


way to many humaniods right now

Edited by Kalfear
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One more annoyance, pertaining to the forums.


People that comment on or counter open opinion lists that are solicited as single post pieces, not discussions.


Because, after all....it's important to debate even hot lists. It's not like people know what they really like and don't like so you're doing them a favor...right?


Some folks can't seem to avoid ice skating uphill.

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Assuming the player uses the most efficient leveling spec, dps, they find that tanking companions are very tedious to work with(as they'll lose a lot of hp requiring a near full regen animation),


Rocket boots (or mount up if you're lacking the legacy level), instant full heal for companions. Try it sometime.

Edited by mokkh
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Some of my "why is this even/still an issue?" things:


- Lack of a Companion role change feature. Tanks and healers in "DPS stance" are not as good as actual DPS Comapnions, and DPS Companions can't do anything but DPS. IMHO every Companion should be able to optimally fulfill two different roles (which ones, depending on their character/personality).


- Pets don't stay summoned. They used to, but they haven't for a long time.


- Companions with gear display/skin texture issues. Vector and Scourge, I'm looking at you! They managed to fix aliens like Ashara and Qyzen, presumably by making them new skin textures, so I am completely stumped as to why they haven't fixed the ones that should use already existing skins (yes, I am annoyed 'cause I wanted to use the Revered Seer set on Vector, but it looks awful :p).


- Obvious and avoidable gear clipping, such as heads clipping through hoods and legs clipping through skirts.


- Legacy gear from the vendors on the Capital worlds is in serious need of a revamp.

First one is indeed a major issue as we are supposed to play with companions we like not the one we need to be grouped with to be optimal. It's a major flaw in the design of the game.


Next three ones are obviously due to a lack of focus on the issue from the producer and now guess a lack of resources/budget.


Last one also looks like having the same problem as the above ones.


(edited the OP)

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Mentoring is being max level but wanting to play with you level 17 friend.


So you mentor down to his level and play




Id just like to see more species in SW:TOR to give it a more Star Wars feel to it.


way to many humaniods right now

Wasn't sure you were speaking about "mentoring" and non human species.

Thx for the highlight, updated the OP accordingly.

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Don't really have annoyances per se other than maybe the spam of gold spammers and the long binding time of bought items on the CM. Oh I almost forgot lag. Especially fleet. Major issues: Star cluster pack debacle, lack of inherent PvP balance and long dry spell in between new operations.


I am going to go on a tangent here and ask a question that has been bothering me. Tell me why is chat bubbles so important for people? I mean honestly I have seen them in other games and they annoy me it's as simple as that so can anyone honestly explain their appeal?

Gold spamming, guess we all wish reporting a gold spammer would not only ignore him on the current character but also on alts and mute him if there are enough people reporting it.


Binding time on cartel items: bit annoying for sure.

My biggest pet peeve is that there is no good in-game guide to what every darn stat does for you and the interpretation of those % you see and how they are calculated, and all that. Past primary stat it is hard to figure that out.



1. No flexible Companion Customizations, including species customization

2. Next to no flirts for a female character

3. no healer mode for all companions

4. Lags, lags and more lags

5. Endless, endless load screens

6. No story mode on the higher-level planets (where the population is like 20 players for a HUGE planet) that would make at least some of the virgin mobs to leave you alone and get on with your story instead of endlessly fighting and not moving onward

7. taxi and inter-space travel costing a fortune (and almost the same on some planets)

8. Mirror classes having different names for the same abilities, particular the essential ones.

9. Hairstyles with hanging braids, side-braids etc. They look very unnatural.

10. Inability to set a beacon so I can return to the place OTHER than the quick travel terminal

About companions customization, few months before leaving BioWare, Emmanuel Lusinchi explained they weren't happy with companions customization,especially appearance kits and had in mind to bring something along the character creation tool, but but for specie or sex changes for the companions.


Actually inter-space travel is very often cheaper than taxi ride. Always left me puzzled.

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  • 2 months later...
(1) Load screen times are horrific.

(1a) initial loading of game.

(1b) traveling to Fleet.

(1c) traveling to any other planet.

(1d) getting on/off your space ship.

(1e) after (some) taxi rides.


(2) Black screen after log ins.


(3) Frame rate crashes.


I want so desperately to love this game, but it's like dating someone you're crazy about but he/she is always super-late to any date and they show up in ratty clothes, and slouch a lot, and have a flatulence "issue."


SWTOR: great for a date but not for marriage.



Don't know if tbeing able to travel to your stronghold helps but I miss being able to instantly travel to space ships like we can with SG.


As for now I usually always travel to SG then ship then planet. It saves from having to walk into the fleet all the way up to the ship hangar.

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If I could post a few. Many have already been fixed, to the credit of the current dev team.


1) I hit a box, but my weapon doesn't go away.....


This is one that has been around since launch. You hit a box with your weapon, and that weapon is now gripped like a pistol in one hand, even if it is an autocannon. If you mount it looks even more odd IMO. You have to use a keystroke to draw out your weapon and then put it back, or attack a mob to get the weapon to "holster".


2) Open seams in some of the environment meshes

3) CRAFTING and REing for better schems, and length of crew missions

4) Lack of an ability to respawn the list of crew missions with a button push

5) Small stacks

6) Lack of unique leveling for PVE space combat (currently tied to world level) and lack of multiplayer capability (like turret play)

7) Animations that play AFTER special has triggered, like overload

8) Lack of single kiosk to grab planetary heroics after completing them all on a planet

9) Lack of group summon

10) Glitchy speeder travel instead of a fade out like on Makeb

11) Color choices and gear that does not persist or display properly in cutscenes


Those are my real pet peves at the moment.

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If I could post a few. Many have already been fixed, to the credit of the current dev team.

Hey LordArtemis,


agreed with that still, would you mind sorting your entries in:

  • Top3
  • Major
  • Other


Might help the team to know on what to focus, hopefully.

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