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We all play the same game and have different expectation, as such was wondering what was your list of:


  • [...] should have been fixed long time ago?


(edit: parsing the posted entries in no specific order, one post at a time...)


Mentioned as top 3



  • Loading times and as such take off and orbital stations as most of the time useless
  • FPS frame rate versus what can be achieved in other games with even more characters around
  • Grass draw distance i.e. farclipscale server side locked



  • Lack of companions roles
  • [new] PvP teams with more players not being balanced, ie not locking players in a queue.



  • Lack of a way to reshuffle crew missions offered
  • Very low crit rates for RE, no way to boost them substantially
  • Difficulty in farming purple quality mats
  • Manage crew skills for alts without needing to waste time logging on



  • Birthright and Inheritance gear being next to worthless, yet dropping all the time
  • Long binding time of bought items on the CM



  • [new:] Lack of joystick support for GSF
  • [new:] Inability to turn off or minimize informational combat effects outside ops or pvp but make them accurately display the AOE circumference when needed.
  • Gold spammers management
  • Lack of mouse steer toggle
  • No good in-game guide to what every darn stat does for you and the interpretation of those % you see and how they are calculated
  • No way to set the order of your characters on the log in screen
  • Impossibility to arrange companions skills both in their quickslot bar and the character's ones.
  • Lack of map notes
  • Mail : auto-complete names from alts, recently mailed
  • Inventory: browse or even manage alts inventory without needing to load alts.
  • Inability to turn off or minimize informational combat effects outside ops or pvp (ie area tags)



  • Gear clipping .... dear god the gear clipping.
    No AA on shadows



  • No ability to write a bio



  • Bugged achievements, especially the ones you can't redo
  • Companions and pets don't stay summoned
  • Companions with gear display/skin texture issues especially Vector and Scourge


New features

  • Pazaak and Swoop Racing still not in game ([new] Had prototype, network latency issues == not possible)
  • No RVR style PVP for people not interested gear > skill war zones




  • Lack of multi-specs
  • Lack of gear tabs ([new] Separating stats from look supposedly in the works)
  • Heroics still don't adjust to level of party so redoing old heroics are meaningless as no challenge
  • Still pushed to do ops to much. Ops are a small part of game and not everyone really interested in ops
  • There should be no achievements tied to cartel shop, period
  • Lack of non human species
  • Lack of mentoring system to play with players below the character's level
  • Star cluster pack management
  • Lack of inherent PvP balance
  • Long dry spell in between new operations
  • No "grey" sided gear.




  • [new] You cannot travel to a Stronghold from this area ....
    [new] The lack of priority transport terminal and weekly/daily mission box decorations for Stronghold.
  • Impossible to choose which WZ to queue
  • 3 days only GTN without even repost feature
  • No bid options on GTN
  • Half working search function on the GTN
  • No alts shared friend lists
  • Lack of hide any gear slot option
  • Lack of more customization options during character creation
  • No way to alter companion appearance except through kits
  • Companions having a weird posture as twisting their torso to always look at the player character and either look up or down depending on the size of the character.
  • Lack of save/load key bindings
  • Remote in game email and GTN access
  • Lack of chat bubbles
  • No name plate hotkey toggle
  • Very difficult to tell heroics from regular quests (same color icon)
  • Hunting for dailies on planets
  • Speed of personal speeders (too slow IMO)
  • Limitations on healing pots in PVE
  • No workstation for personal starships
  • No field comm or field crew skill trainer to unlock
  • Double XP as an event instead of a buff that can be dispelled if desired
  • Still too many holes/gaps/bugs in environment
  • Keep the mail send panel open upon sending an email
  • Keep last sent email name and highlight it to replace upon key strokes
  • Remotely manage emails
  • UPS packages pickup and delivery (home, space ship, by companions)
  • Too slow on new content updates
  • Game is still way to easy to level in and is trending wrong direction (its getting easier, not more challenging)
  • Memory leak is still present. Its diminished from what it was but its still there
  • Some areas (like Ilum) need to be retooled as under utilized now as level 50 content
  • Syncweaving is beyond useless as a crafting skill (armor crafting not much better)
  • Game still allows ninjaing of objectives (like chests) rather then tie chest to mobs protecting it and people that kill mobs are people that open chest
  • Legacy gear from the vendors on the Capital worlds is in serious need of a revamp
  • Next to no flirts for a female character
  • No story mode on the higher-level planets
  • Taxi and inter-space travel costing a fortune
  • Mirror classes having different names for the same abilities, particular the essential ones.
  • Hairstyles with hanging braids, side-braids etc. They look very unnatural.
  • Inability to set a beacon so I can return to the place OTHER than the quick travel terminal
  • [new] Make "Match with in progress group" ops setting checked by default
  • [new] Toogle to disable/move/resize stronghold and planetary conquest nameplate
  • [new] Inability to port to space ship as often as to GSH

Edited by Deewe
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Optimizing the client code. Takes twice as long to load while looking a bit more than half as good and bogs down with less than half as many players in the same area as some other games i play. Hardly unplayable, but it can be annoying and distracting at times.


(i am generalizing for humorous value, of course. SWTOR actually takes closer to three times as long to load and has a lot of odd quirks about delays in displaying terrain, objects, and characters.)

Edited by NyxNoxNothing
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My top six


1) Lack of a way to reshuffle crew missions offered

2) No way to set the order of your characters on the log in screen

3) No ability to write a bio or mark the map with notes

4) Very low crit rates for RE, no way to boost them substantially

5) Birthright and Inheritance gear being next to worthless, yet dropping all the time

6) Difficulty in farming level 9 mats, compared to level 6 mats


Lesser annoyances


1) Very difficult to tell heroics from regular quests (same color icon)

2) Hunting for dailies on planets

3) Speed of personal speeders (too slow IMO)

4) Limitations on healing pots in PVE

5) No workstation for personal starships

6) No field comm or field crew skill trainer to unlock

7) Double XP as an event instead of a buff that can be dispelled if desired

8) No way to alter companion appearance except through kits

9) Companions are stuck with role (no way to customize role)

10} Still too many holes/gaps/bugs in environment

11) Lack of more customization options during character creation

Edited by LordArtemis
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1) Having to endure load times as I rotate through my toons to search for items and/or send companions out on missions. A light-weight character load option that allowed me to just do things like that would be nice.

Perhaps Strongholds will be quick enough to load that it won't be an issue.


2) No email auto-complete on alts in the other faction.

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My list of annoyances that should be fixed is much longer than the ones that I believe they should've fixed by now, but here's the latter.


1. Bugged achievements.

2. More guild rewards(granted they are doing stuff for that in August)

3. The crafting UI

4. The imbalanced leveling experience between stealth and non-stealth classes(being able to turn-off aggro while going from point A to B would be lovely)

5. The bias towards healing companions

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What exactly do you mean by "bias towards healing companions"?


Healing companions are simply more effective for leveling(measuring from the perspective of speed).


DPS spec is the most effective for a character to level as because they kill mobs the most quickly.


After that is heal spec and tank spec.


Assuming the player uses the most efficient leveling spec, dps, they find that tanking companions are very tedious to work with(as they'll lose a lot of hp requiring a near full regen animation), and dps companions aren't tanking(so the player needs to spend the time with the regen animation here too).


Healing companions lead to much less downtime as well as allowing for easier completion of most fights(although technically a heal spec player with a dps/tank companion is the one best able to complete high difficulty activities like heroics solo).



Now I personally prefer to play with the companions based on their personality. Its a real pain to deal with the gap in companion effectiveness.

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Healing companions are simply more effective for leveling(measuring from the perspective of speed).


DPS spec is the most effective for a character to level as because they kill mobs the most quickly.


After that is heal spec and tank spec.


Assuming the player uses the most efficient leveling spec, dps, they find that tanking companions are very tedious to work with(as they'll lose a lot of hp requiring a near full regen animation), and dps companions aren't tanking(so the player needs to spend the time with the regen animation here too).


Healing companions lead to much less downtime as well as allowing for easier completion of most fights(although technically a heal spec player with a dps/tank companion is the one best able to complete high difficulty activities like heroics solo).



Now I personally prefer to play with the companions based on their personality. Its a real pain to deal with the gap in companion effectiveness.


As long as the discussion does not become the common "make all comps have a heal role". That is an unimaginative suggestion that would strip away companion individuality and in some cases make no sense. Skadge is no healer.


Now something along the lines of an increase in the DPS boost the Presence gives your comp and maybe an armor buff to tank comps from Presence (the extra HP pool means they just take longer to heal after the fight) would be a start.

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OP: you don't need to rearrange the companion quickbar. The AI doesn't need that convenience and they have so few abilities, changing stance is fairly trivial. The player CAN rearrange the quickbar. Just click the lock on the left to open it and move stuff around, then lock it again. You can also rearrange the location of your quickbars in the interface editor. I find it most efficient to have 2 on the sides and 2 at the bottom.
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I only have one actual annoyance: The inability to turn off or minimize informational combat effects outside ops or pvp and the ridiculous overkill on those effects when they are needed. ie. trooper aoes could be marked with a more realistic 'target' effect. A sorcerer could mark target area with something that bears a passing resemblance to the ability in question, rather than a lurid green faction symbol. If I want to turn off selection circles on enemies and my companion outside fps, heroics, ops and pvp, I should be able to.


I can see why having some kind of information marking is necessary in group play, particularly in pvp, but if I want to be able to turn it off for more immersive story content or dallies, I should be able to. This isn't that hard. All I'm asking here is that gameplay outside group content look more like it did at launch.


Also, less inexplicable ability effects, in general. I'm looking at you, sniper volley. I'm also looking at you, 'unstoppable' shield symbol on the vengeance Jugg, made worse by the fact that the knight equivalent has no such ridiculous marking.

Edited by errant_knight
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Top 3


-Pazaak and Swoop Racing still not in game

- Still not RVR style PVP for people not interested gear > skill war zones

- Bugged achievements (when you return you don't get full credit for all the achievements you did before but the big one is some of those you CAN NOT redo (like hitting lvl 50 legacy) so will never get credit till this finally fixed)





-STILL can not que up 5-6-7 companion crafting missions to a single companion before logging off

- no reskill packaged for companions so you can choose the companion you want with the skill set you want (some of us don't like Ewoks)

- heroics still don't adjust to level of party so redoing old heroics are meaningless as no challenge

- Still pushed to do ops to much. Ops are a small part of game and not everyone really interested in ops

- there should be no achievements tied to cartel shop, period

- no mentoring system in game yet

- Lack of multi species




- to slow on new content updates

- game is still way to easy to level in and is trending wrong direction (its getting easier, not more challenging)

- memory leak is still present. Its diminished from what it was but its still there

- some areas (like Ilum) need to be retooled as under utilized now as level 50 content

- Syncweaving is beyond useless as a crafting skill (armor crafting not much better)

- Game still allows ninjaing of objectives (like chests) rather then tieing chest to mobs protecting it and people that kill mobs are people that open chest

-Birthright/inheritance drops are beyond worthless but still drop regularly in CZ, Makeb, Oricon

Edited by Kalfear
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Some of my "why is this even/still an issue?" things:


- Lack of a Companion role change feature. Tanks and healers in "DPS stance" are not as good as actual DPS Comapnions, and DPS Companions can't do anything but DPS. IMHO every Companion should be able to optimally fulfill two different roles (which ones, depending on their character/personality).


- Pets don't stay summoned. They used to, but they haven't for a long time.


- Companions with gear display/skin texture issues. Vector and Scourge, I'm looking at you! They managed to fix aliens like Ashara and Qyzen, presumably by making them new skin textures, so I am completely stumped as to why they haven't fixed the ones that should use already existing skins (yes, I am annoyed 'cause I wanted to use the Revered Seer set on Vector, but it looks awful :p).


- Obvious and avoidable gear clipping, such as heads clipping through hoods and legs clipping through skirts.


- Legacy gear from the vendors on the Capital worlds is in serious need of a revamp.

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(...) - Companions with gear display/skin texture issues. Vector and Scourge, I'm looking at you! They managed to fix aliens like Ashara and Qyzen, presumably by making them new skin textures, so I am completely stumped as to why they haven't fixed the ones that should use already existing skins (yes, I am annoyed 'cause I wanted to use the Revered Seer set on Vector, but it looks awful :p). (...)


It's not exactly a fix but there are customizations available for both characters where such issue does not occur.


My main has Lord Scourge here using that customization, seeing his default appearance has an issue with the Naga Sadow set.

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I have to admit seeing how dead the forums are now, compared to two years ago, it's surprising to see that many answers, especially on such topic.


Optimizing the client code. Takes twice as long to load while looking a bit more than half as good and bogs down with less than half as many players in the same area as some other games i play. Hardly unplayable, but it can be annoying and distracting at times.


(i am generalizing for humorous value, of course. SWTOR actually takes closer to three times as long to load and has a lot of odd quirks about delays in displaying terrain, objects, and characters.)

Did not think of that one although, while playing Wildstar lately, I was quite pleased how the game managed loading and the average FPS I got without inferior graphics and with even more characters around.


That being said loading times in SWTOR are indeed very annoying, even on a decent PC with the game on SSD.


Few things come to minds:

  • [Pre-loading] Not sure the game is that much optimized to preemptively load parts of areas when you are next to them.
  • [Orbital stations and porting] Wish we got rid of most of them by now and that we could land to more places than spaceports.
  • [Shadows] Last patch increased the graphic quality nicely, still it's a shame to have blocky shadows during cutscenes
  • [Draw Distance] Wonder why "farclipscale" was locked? We are now stuck with seeing the grass grow around us while moving.

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Don't really have annoyances per se other than maybe the spam of gold spammers and the long binding time of bought items on the CM. Oh I almost forgot lag. Especially fleet. Major issues: Star cluster pack debacle, lack of inherent PvP balance and long dry spell in between new operations.


I am going to go on a tangent here and ask a question that has been bothering me. Tell me why is chat bubbles so important for people? I mean honestly I have seen them in other games and they annoy me it's as simple as that so can anyone honestly explain their appeal?

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My biggest pet peeve is that there is no good in-game guide to what every darn stat does for you and the interpretation of those % you see and how they are calculated, and all that. Past primary stat it is hard to figure that out.



1. No flexible Companion Customizations, including species customization

2. Next to no flirts for a female character

3. no healer mode for all companions

4. Lags, lags and more lags

5. Endless, endless load screens

6. No story mode on the higher-level planets (where the population is like 20 players for a HUGE planet) that would make at least some of the virgin mobs to leave you alone and get on with your story instead of endlessly fighting and not moving onward

7. taxi and inter-space travel costing a fortune (and almost the same on some planets)

8. Mirror classes having different names for the same abilities, particular the essential ones.

9. Hairstyles with hanging braids, side-braids etc. They look very unnatural.

10. Inability to set a beacon so I can return to the place OTHER than the quick travel terminal

Edited by DomiSotto
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6. No story mode on the higher-level planets (where the population is like 20 players for a HUGE planet) that would make at least some of the virgin mobs to leave you alone and get on with your story instead of endlessly fighting and not moving onward

10. Inability to set a beacon so I can return to the place OTHER than the quick travel terminal


Countless boring fights, the same mobs over and over, make leveling like a chore, while it should be fun.


And quickly returning to a specific point on a map would help a lot. Now, if for whatever reason you want to go your ship or whatever to access your cargo hold, the gtn or something, or you go to another outpost for a heroic, then you need to do all the way back, fighting again those gazillions mobs again... Plenty of times I simply ignored a LFG for a heroic on planets because of this

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It's not that people aren't coming to the forum, it's that most who do stay out of general for the most part as it tends to turn into a circular firing squad over the most trivial matters. ;)

Not sure about trivial, but agreed on the circular patterns. Still I'd say most of them are due to the lack of fixes from EA.


My top six


1) Lack of a way to reshuffle crew missions offered

2) No way to set the order of your characters on the log in screen

3) No ability to write a bio or mark the map with notes

4) Very low crit rates for RE, no way to boost them substantially

5) Birthright and Inheritance gear being next to worthless, yet dropping all the time

6) Difficulty in farming level 9 mats, compared to level 6 mats


Lesser annoyances


1) Very difficult to tell heroics from regular quests (same color icon)

2) Hunting for dailies on planets

3) Speed of personal speeders (too slow IMO)

4) Limitations on healing pots in PVE

5) No workstation for personal starships

6) No field comm or field crew skill trainer to unlock

7) Double XP as an event instead of a buff that can be dispelled if desired

8) No way to alter companion appearance except through kits

9) Companions are stuck with role (no way to customize role)

10} Still too many holes/gaps/bugs in environment

11) Lack of more customization options during character creation

Usually love crafting in MMO still SWTOR implementation and the poor UI made me stop doing that.


Although totally agree with the lottery way to handle crew missions, the RE and well farming level 9 mats

Speaking of crafting the following things should be in by now:

  • Start the crew skill lists collapsed
  • Remember the last bracket level selected
  • Have consistency displaying crafting level: either always mention item level or crew skill level not one or the other
  • Have more filters and being able to have multiple filters enabled
  • Option to hide the mission texts, who read that anyway and why are we obliged to even scroll down to see them all?



#$%..! @character shuffle on the log in screen.

Where is the check box to opt-out this totally stupid system?

A good system would have been:

  • @ TOP : [Last Logged Character]
    ------ separator ----
    Alphabetically sorted characters including the last logged one


Interesting how for some players being able to write down a bio is a deal breaker.

95% of the producers I know don't care at all about that and are clueless of the ties.

Put this along chat bubbles, being able to sit on chairs, have macros for RP and so on.

Sadly most of these aren't that costly to implement at all.


Map and map notes suffer from the same lack of focus. Honestly SWTOR maps are the worst MMO wide I ever encountered. Well Wildstar ones suck mostly because of the Icons, but still you can do way more than here.

So regarding maps we should be able to

  • Browse them remotely
  • See mails icons and fleet shuttles ones
  • Re-size the map frame and move it around
  • Have different icons for the type of gathered resources
  • Have different icons depending on the type of the quests, solo, H2+,H4, daily, story, flashpoints


Birthright and Inheritance gear aren't great but at least they don't look bad compared to too many gear piece that doesn't even belong to a SW setting. Still wish they would stop dropping that much too.


Moving speed would not be that bad provided we only had animal mounts and not speeders.

Still my characters in Wildstar actually sprints faster than what a speeder goes in SWTOR.

And most annoying is speeders are stuck by 1 feet high rocks and being damaged by 3 feet drops.

So much for an advanced Sci-Fi galaxy with Hyperspace travel..


Leading to the inability to manage in game emails remotely (yeah Sci-Fi...) something that was done in SWG 11 years ago.

Speaking of which Sci-Fi why can't we UPS packages, nor browse the GTN remotely, or have our companions be useful for once and take care of packages for us?

It feels so clunky!


The double XP is just one more line in the story of the game showing that the studio is clueless of how to do things properly.

There have been many and lengthy treads requesting a stop XP feature and then not only the dev didn't do it but they even oblige players to level faster when some would like not to.


Character and companions customization are lacking and it's obviously a miss considering how many times players see their them in close ups during cinematic. In fact character and companions customization both physical and through gear should be in the top priorities. I remember Emmanuel Lusinchi before he left mentioning how they were unhappy with companion customization and were looking into making it more like the character customisation.


Finally one should choose a companion for his personality not be stuck with it because of it's role, especially considering a story based game. Then most of us would have toasted characters like Quinn once for all.

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And quickly returning to a specific point on a map would help a lot. Now, if for whatever reason you want to go your ship or whatever to access your cargo hold, the gtn or something, or you go to another outpost for a heroic, then you need to do all the way back, fighting again those gazillions mobs again... Plenty of times I simply ignored a LFG for a heroic on planets because of this


Exactly. I can't express loudly enough just how bad Corellia is. Not only you can't get to a cargo hold or mail easily, it also takes a lot of running there and back to do all the quests. Through thick mobs. That respawn at an alarming rate intended for Coruscant-sized crowds. All alone. I think it took me 4+ hours to finish the first map on Corellia. the huge cantine in the middle of the map that is far better located than spaceport one is neither rest zone, nor have a mail iirc. It made me miss Taris it was so bad!

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Another minor annoyance:


Companions sometimes spawn duplicates of themselves on our starship when working on crew skills (one copy appears at the work station and the other copy at its normal location).


That is actually intentional I believe.


If you have a companion working on a crew skill but unlocked additional conversations, why should you cancel the crew mission or wait for it to finish?

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