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This, combined with the lackluster and bug-ridden 2.8, has left me somewhat miffed as well. I don't buy hypercrates, but I often will buy a few of a new pack right when it comes out if I like a lot of the stuff in it. Now I'm thinking that might not be such a good idea.


I'm glad that this new pack is being embargoed in 2.8.1. It has some awesome items but quite frankly left a bad taste in my mouth. I like the idea of limited time packs, and would have been fine with slightly increased unlock prices for these items due to them being "special", but the implementation here was horrible. :mad:


EDIT: also, I suggest anyone who is not sure what the fuss is about head over to the bug report section and check out the dev replies in this thread.

Edited by Gwena
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Sorry, I found the OP incredibly impossible to read. What exactly is the problem? You don't like how much things cost on the cartel market or some such?


How can I put this?


I am upset that I was deceived. I have been an avid supporter of the CM since it's inception and the collections. Drop rates in packs were consistent thruout each series. Collections unlock prices were consistent thruout. We had a great fair system in place that didn't need changing.


I can understand them wanting to experiment, I mean they are a company after all, but to do so without informing players of something like this before hand? Not cool.


Does that help?

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This particular set of issues is complicated IMO. It remains unclear if this really is "as intended", especially given the large change visible in drops rates within a set and the 4-5X change in Collections prices for the pack contents. It reads much more like ---> holy @#%^... we released a big pile of broken here"... with no way to fix it except to embargo the pack on 2.8.1 and announce it as "intended by design". That position is a bit dishonest IMO but it gives the devs an "out" on the issues..... marketing cover essentially for a design mistake. But I Feel bad for Eric having to be the one that communicates this to us because IMO it is Erics credibility and trust with players that will take the hit here.


Like all crazy things in MMOs... this one too shall pass once the dust settles and players move on to their next issue.


But hey... look at the bright side.... we went a week of discussion about these two issues without anybody declaring any faces slapped. :p


I think the fact that there wasn't any real "shipment" associated with this and no rep that they knew there might be some issues. In the end as you say, it will come to pass, it will get released in the future as an embargo pack with full sets rather than pieces.


given their "rock and hard place" there really is no "best solution" in all cases someone will be more upset than previously. At least saying "it is what it is, and we're not going to be doing it again in the future those who got lucky grats. But nothing we do now can change the past, nothing we do will fix the problems currently there, only prevent them from happening again."

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They wanted to see just how much people would pay for some unlocks...


They couldn't TELL people before hand that this was a test... far less people would have bought them, and the test would have been skewed.


If you judge the unlocks to be too expensive... just don't buy them.. I don't get what the problem is here...


Mounts like the rancor SHOULD be extremely rare... otherwise, they aren't as awesome to see and obtain.


I'm not a big fan of EA's practices in anyway tbh, but this all seems like a petty thing to get upset about.

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Ugh... just... ugh. Here I was, genuinely impressed by the Nightlife Packs - the Tulak Hord set looked amazing, sets based on the first Sith Lords and Mandalore the Ultimate had my lore-love kicking into overdrive, bringing back the old-school sets people had been asking for, and Rancor and Walker mounts to top it all off.


Heaven forbid they were actually just been stepping up their game and releasing all-around solid packs! No, these have to be limited-duration packs to encourage people to "Buy! Buy! Buy!" before they're gone, and on top of that they made certain pieces of the sets rarer than the other pieces so that it further encourages more pack sales.


The super-high Collection Prices actually make a perverse sort of sense with these being limited-term packs, the items/sets in them will be that much rarer overall as a result, "justifying" the higher price.


If they'd pulled something like this around the time of 2.4, I'd have been fairly annoyed. Putting it out at the same time as their hands-down weakest update ever? That is extremely disappointing.

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I don't buy packs or anything directly from the CS except some legacy and storage stuff, but think those that pay these lulzy prices should at least get some sort of unique rep. Make a new rep. BW, call it "Tribute status with Darth Monetizationmattersmoar". Edited by Joesixxpack
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I had just read somewhere that the CEO of EA wants to change EAs image. Maybe he is not a micro-manager to see this announcement coming from their Bioware division. it certainly will make the struggle to turn reputations around more of an uphill battle but I'm not sure how much that matters when you're already at the bottom of the hill to begin with.
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I don't buy packs or anything directly from the CS except some legacy and storage stuff, but think those that pay these lulzy prices should at least get some sort of unique achievement. Make a new achievement BW, call it "Tribute status with Darth Monetizationmattersmoar".


Not sure if they do it for all types of packs, but the Starfighter packs from a long while back came complete with a reputation grind that netted you a couple titles.

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Let me preface this reply by stating that I swore to never give Bioware or EA money again. I did it anyway because this is Star Wars. While it may seem that I'm defending them in my replies, I am only doing so because the train of thought in this thread is completely backwards.


First of all, there's nothing wrong with greed. Second of all, and I'm not usually one to say this, but the more money they get the more content they can (ostensibly) produce. If you actually trusted them you wouldn't be criticizing them, you'd trust that they were going to handle your money properly, in your best interests (which would make you naive, to say the least). The simple fact of the matter is that you don't want to pay that amount for the unlocks and you're upset that they would even propose to inconvenience you with high costs.


Admit it. Your broken trust comes from indignation, nothing noble. Or don't and continue to live in denial. Pay the high price for the unlocks or don't but do yourself and everyone else a favor and get off your moral high horse(s).


I agree that the prices to unlock collections for the recent pack is ludicrous but as long as they backpedal I can forgive them; that means they're learning from their mistakes.


Eeeh... so greed is good?

trust is not earned but something that should be given and never questioned.


No, the reason I'm upset isn't that "i don't want to pay that high a price".

The reason I'm upset is because I actually didn't believe that they would make such an enormous price increase (up to 5 times on some sets).

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They wanted to see just how much people would pay for some unlocks...


They couldn't TELL people before hand that this was a test... far less people would have bought them, and the test would have been skewed.


If you judge the unlocks to be too expensive... just don't buy them.. I don't get what the problem is here...


Mounts like the rancor SHOULD be extremely rare... otherwise, they aren't as awesome to see and obtain.


I'm not a big fan of EA's practices in anyway tbh, but this all seems like a petty thing to get upset about.


You really should read the thread in the bug report forum...

It's not about the drop rate of rare things like the rancor.


It's about the messed up drop rates of the supposedly common things like the armour crates.

And their very warped unlock prices in the collections (usually 90cc, now 480cc)

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I don't buy packs or anything directly from the CS except some legacy and storage stuff, but think those that pay these lulzy prices should at least get some sort of unique rep. Make a new rep. BW, call it "Tribute status with Darth Monetizationmattersmoar".


This isn't about buying stuff off the CM.

This is about collections unlock prices.

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I have never bought any packs/crates ever. So I don't see what's the issue here. OP must be trolling. :rak_04:


Go back to <insert game name>. Stop whining. You are not entitled to anything.


Have you ever bougt anything off the GTN and then used collections to unlock it?

Because that's what this is all about. Not so much the packs themselves.

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Well said Joe. It's funny how when other people have an issue with content like the lack of warzones or lack of Ops, they get told to stop whining...when it's an issue that impacts YOU though...it's a whole other story.


It sucks Reno. But it doesn't impact me really. Not only do I seldom buy packs, I generally don't buy much off the GTN from them either. Kinda sucks that you waited until THIS pack to buy 2 hypercrates, but....that's why supporting them that way is dangerous.


Indeed, you'd think folks would have a little more foresight that to an extent everyone's in this together but hey never too late to learn a lesson.

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Have you ever bougt anything off the GTN and then used collections to unlock it?

Because that's what this is all about. Not so much the packs themselves.


Yes, but i dont pay the unlock price, I send it directly to the toon that I would like them use the particular set. I have one sugardaddy main that will sponsored all my other toons shopping need.


I really found it's silly when they ask us to pay twice for stuff. One for the pack and one more time for an unlock.

Edited by apanbest
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Eeeh... so greed is good?

trust is not earned but something that should be given and never questioned.


No, the reason I'm upset isn't that "i don't want to pay that high a price".

The reason I'm upset is because I actually didn't believe that they would make such an enormous price increase (up to 5 times on some sets).


1. Greed drives innovation and progress, so yes, it is. That they're trying different things at all is a good sign (even if we don't like it).


2. If all it takes is one thing to break the trust that was earned then it wasn't very strong or deserved.


3. Then you're naive. This is a company out to make money. That is their first priority. You need to fully expect every decision they make to be first and foremost framed by the question of cost.


It's sad but true, this is the state of game development today and while it is cancerous, it's reality.

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Yes, but i dont pay the unlock price, I send it directly to the toon that I would like them use the particular set. I have one sugardaddy main that will sponsored all my other toons shopping need.


I really found it's silly when they ask us to pay twice for stuff. One for the pack and one more time for an unlock.


That's because if you like the set, you can avoid buying it twice by paying a lower cost to get it account wide which made it worth the price to unlock it.

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Yes, but i dont pay the unlock price, I send it directly to the toon that I would like them use the particular set. I have one sugardaddy main that will sponsored all my other toons shopping need.


I really found it's silly when they ask us to pay twice for stuff. One for the pack and one more time for an unlock.


So instead you pay twice on the GTN? Or three times if you want the gear on three toons?

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Yes, but i dont pay the unlock price, I send it directly to the toon that I would like them use the particular set. I have one sugardaddy main that will sponsored all my other toons shopping need.


I really found it's silly when they ask us to pay twice for stuff. One for the pack and one more time for an unlock.


Well then good for you. But like I said, this isn't about the cartel packs themselves as much as it is about the unlock prices. So saying that the OP only has himself to blame is wrong.

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1. Greed drives innovation and progress, so yes, it is. That they're trying different things at all is a good sign (even if we don't like it).


2. If all it takes is one thing to break the trust that was earned then it wasn't very strong or deserved.


3. Then you're naive. This is a company out to make money. That is their first priority. You need to fully expect every decision they make to be first and foremost framed by the question of cost.


It's sad but true, this is the state of game development today and while it is cancerous, it's reality.


Some companies earn money by providing value to their customers. They go out of their way to figure out how to provide more value to their customers, not trying to figure out how to trick them into spending more money for the same stuff.


This move... does not provide any value whatsoever to EA customers.

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Some companies earn money by providing value to their customers. They go out of their way to figure out how to provide more value to their customers, not trying to figure out how to trick them into spending more money for the same stuff.


This move... does not provide any value whatsoever to EA customers.


Tell me how many of those companies have become as big and successful as EA?

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