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No no no...you don't get it...they're not whining the same way others whine...theirs is different. Theirs is justified.


"justified" is not the right word. They are still treating all so called "defenders" like they insulted them themselves. Its like if you went to bar, a drunk guy in a football team shirt insulted you and picked a fight with you, then you pick fights with everyone who happens to be wearing clothes of the same football team even though they have no other relation to the drunk guy, and then rant to everyone else in the bar about how that teams fans were all rude and that you are "justified" in fighting them.


not aimed at you or anyone else in particular jsut to be clear, but still I am getting tired of the "justified" talk as if everyone did it, I know people who are polite when "defending" the game and respectful, so its not like all "defenders" are rude and tell anyone who complains to leave the game.

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You asked a fair question. The problem is that 99% of the time I'm too disinterested in expanding on my posts to bother.


ROFL! And that's the forum in a nutshell.


Oops, reat that wrong. Need more coffee. I saw 'Too interested in expanding my own posts', which is a great deal more amusing.

Edited by errant_knight
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"justified" is not the right word. They are still treating all so called "defenders" like they insulted them themselves. Its like if you went to bar, a drunk guy in a football team shirt insulted you and picked a fight with you, then you pick fights with everyone who happens to be wearing clothes of the same football team even though they have no other relation to the drunk guy, and then rant to everyone else in the bar about how that teams fans were all rude and that you are "justified" in fighting them.


not aimed at you or anyone else in particular jsut to be clear, but still I am getting tired of the "justified" talk as if everyone did it, I know people who are polite when "defending" the game and respectful, so its not like all "defenders" are rude and tell anyone who complains to leave the game.




On a bright note.... the next time someone wants to attempt bogus forum prosecution on their typical target of pejoratives like "defender"..... targeted at players who allegedly never say anything critical of the game or of Bioware... we can always refer back to this thread to serve up a cold bucket of water on the nonsense. :D

Edited by Andryah
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Of course you're not...your whining is different. THIS they should communicate about (even though it specifically tells you BEFORE you unlock it how much it is), but those people trying to get information and communication about the game itself are whiners.


think you are making some assumptions here. I could care less what the unlock price is, they are free to set it as they feel. If they want something to be so outrageously priced I am free to purchase it or not. That is all on them. They are free to explore their price/demand curve at their leisure. communicated or not.


I'm not sure what you think I am "whining" about. I am simply stating that the biggest buff for people is lack of communication, you take it as hypocrisy. And for some reason lump me into that as well.


Just because people didn't bash bioware everytime everyone else did (for some times unrealistic expectations) that they can never point out things without being called hypocrites.


Criticism when warranted as always been allowed, and welcomed. As long as they are realistic and constructive. Bashing and hating just because someone doesnt' like something is not helpful.


People here have said, hey, you messed up, please communicate better in the future. <-constructive comment and warranted criticism


"game engine is poo and worst game ever, population is dieing because team is spending more time on CM fluff" is not.

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BW must be a bunch of tards if they can piss off one of their most loyal customers.

Actually, it's the most "loyal" that are the easiest to piss off. They are invested in the game. More casual people who just enjoy the game as it is are much harder to piss off.


My non-random sample of three players (me, my wife, and our friend who got us into the SWTOR), all subscribers, all with over a dozen 55 toons, and all with an enormous amount of time spent playing the game, shows that none of us were upset by the rarity or unlocking pricing of the new CM packs. Perhaps we aren't as loyal as some others. Perhaps we are just playing a game that a profit-oriented corporation has created in the hope it would entertain us, just as we might watch a movie or read a book.


BTW, my sample is just as statistically valid an indication of how the overall population of SWTOR players feel about these matter as posts to the forum are -- not at all.

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If we wrote up a checklist I think they'd have every collective covered now. I wouldn't put this up there with the "Season 1 has finally arrived! P.S. we're yanking 8 v 8", but PVP's not handled as a priority and cartel coin-related things are tier 1, so wth are they thinking?


If there's any plus to this, everyone's felt the burn and are hopefully on the same page about wanting reasonable communication. We'll see if human nature prevails and it returns to insular nerds poking fun at whoever gets the short straw next.


I've definitely changed based on this.

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It would behoove many to have a more community-oriented perspective and encourage others to do the same. It doesn't matter if you don't RP, PVP, PVE, GSF, buy CM outfits, or whatever. All contribute to game health. Game health is good for everyone. Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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I have to believe that BW is not seeing as much revenue from CM Packs as it once did. I also believe that GSH is our next major patch for one reason only: to increase CM sales (apartments, furniture and decorations). The trouble, is that GSH development is taking longer than the bean counters at BW want, so they pushed out a massive price increase on CM gear and unlocks to "test" what would happen (while at the same time pocketing a few more dollars).


It looks to me like BW is testing the resolve of the biggest whales in the game, to see how far is too far. Perhaps they found it. Or perhaps they didn't. Only the bean counters will really know. And not for a couple of packs yet.

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I have to believe that BW is not seeing as much revenue from CM Packs as it once did. I also believe that GSH is our next major patch for one reason only: to increase CM sales (apartments, furniture and decorations). The trouble, is that GSH development is taking longer than the bean counters at BW want, so they pushed out a massive price increase on CM gear and unlocks to "test" what would happen (while at the same time pocketing a few more dollars).


It looks to me like BW is testing the resolve of the biggest whales in the game, to see how far is too far. Perhaps they found it. Or perhaps they didn't. Only the bean counters will really know. And not for a couple of packs yet.


The pattern of pushing boundaries with CM packs is well established. The question for the future is not whether or not they will continue to push, because they will, but what the next push will look like.


They got away with +41 level 10 color crystals.


They got shouted down over story content and massively accelerated access G7 space-on-rails components. And now they got shouted down on unannounced switches to pricing schemes both for gear set rarity and legacy unlocks.


What's next? I don't have the sort of mind that tries to trick my customers into spending more money; I prefer to add value and ask for the money for that. So... any Decepticons out there care to hazard a guess what BW will try next to push the CM envelope?

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The pattern of pushing boundaries with CM packs is well established. The question for the future is not whether or not they will continue to push, because they will, but what the next push will look like.


They got away with +41 level 10 color crystals.


They got shouted down over story content and massively accelerated access G7 space-on-rails components. And now they got shouted down on unannounced switches to pricing schemes both for gear set rarity and legacy unlocks.


What's next? I don't have the sort of mind that tries to trick my customers into spending more money; I prefer to add value and ask for the money for that. So... any Decepticons out there care to hazard a guess what BW will try next to push the CM envelope?


You may never know what's "next". We have no data on what the expected drop rates are so we have no way to know if tweaking of "rare" items is common or not. We go by assumptions. Maybe they'll just scale back the drop % a little bit at a time until the current situation is common.

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You may never know what's "next". We have no data on what the expected drop rates are so we have no way to know if tweaking of "rare" items is common or not. We go by assumptions. Maybe they'll just scale back the drop % a little bit at a time until the current situation is common.


That would probably take a long time. People forget stuff but even so, I doubt they'll forget going from 90(!) CC to 480(!) CC that quickly.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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That would probably take a long time. People forget stuff but even so, I doubt they'll forget going from 90(!) CC to 480(!) CC that quickly.


That's a visible change though - I meant tweaks to the drop %'ages, not something we can physically see.

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Told me what? Who are you again?


I'm nobody! Who are you? (Are you nobody, too?)


It was a while ago now (I think it was in that "I spent USD 800.00+ on Hypercrate and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!" troll-thread), but:


Basically, if you keep buying their crap with your real money, it's not going to do anything but tell them that they're free to shovel more crap out, because they know you'll always buy it.


That's where it ends for them, because they see that they can get away with it.


Stop giving them your money beyond the monthly sub. Vote with your wallet. Threadnaughts like this aren't going to change a damned thing.

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That's a visible change though - I meant tweaks to the drop %'ages, not something we can physically see.


Again, I really doubt it. For a serious while, I assume that some people at least will be absolutely paranoid concerning drop ratio.


If we start seeing ten pages filled with lower body armor lockboxes and only one for upper and supplementary, well... Kinda hard to miss.

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I'm nobody! Who are you? (Are you nobody, too?)


It was a while ago now (I think it was in that "I spent USD 800.00+ on Hypercrate and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!" troll-thread), but:


Basically, if you keep buying their crap with your real money, it's not going to do anything but tell them that they're free to shovel more crap out, because they know you'll always buy it.


That's where it ends for them, because they see that they can get away with it.


Stop giving them your money beyond the monthly sub. Vote with your wallet. Threadnaughts like this aren't going to change a damned thing.


I actually am nobody. Reno isn't even my real name. (wish it was.) Also this thread wasn't meant as a do what I want or I'm leaving thread. My views of the CM have changed is all, I was merely discussing why I personally felt deceived by recent events surrounding the latest pack that I was looking forward to. I hope that clears up any misunderstanding you may have.

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