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Sorry, but that argument only holds true, if the change was announced.


Disagree. Unlock prices for items are and were never announced, as far as I know. And there was no "change," because no previously-known availabilities or unlock prices changed. Instead, new items came out with new rarities and unlock prices, same as always.


What was different this time was that players who thought they could predict the new unlock prices turned out to be wrong. Well, up until Eric's most recent message, BW never told them they could expect to be able to predict unlock prices. They assumed wrong, got disappointed, and now they are QQing over it.


My advice to the QQers is this: stay out of the stock market. That's probably why all this seems overblown to me -- taking six figure losses during a market collapse gives you perspective. QQing is useless, you just push back retirement a few years and carry on.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I completely understand WHY you're upset...you have every right to be.


What I dislike is how THIS is the one issue that has so many traditional "defenders" up in arms. THIS is a 100% optional and completely VOLUNTARY purchase, that has ZERO impact on anyone's ability to enjoy the game.


When Bioware removed Ilum, they cheered and made posts hoping PvPers would leave the game. When Bioware changed all our 50 PvP gear to remove Expertise, they laughed at those of us who complained. When Bioware removed 8v8 ranked WZ's, they antagonized the PvPers. When PvPers complain about the lack of WZ maps, they declare that this is a PvE game. When PvEers complain about the boredom they're going through now, they mock them. No matter WHO complained before this, they defended Bioware and chastised the player...and suddenly, on some 100% fluff freaking item, they get upset? I DO NOT GET IT!


Don't like it? Don't buy it. It doesn't impact my gameplay at all!!!! Not even a tiny bit. ZERO!


I agree with their outrage, they should be upset...they were taken advantage of...but they never do the same for anyone else. Unlike them, I think THEY matter too and their issue is MY issue because WE are the community, no matter what we like to do individually.


Two thumbs up. Yes this was a couple of pages back but Tux this was the quote of the thread if you ask me. Kudos.

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LOL It's funny because I was thinking the quick embargo was due to how poorly the pack was received. Seeing that it was planned tells me that they hoped to make it more urgent for people to dump money on these packs as quickly as they could in order to get what they want before it ends.


It's a money grab and all signs point to it. The only thing Bioware is doing is basically saying they didn't trick people as much as they hope and will go to their old ways of grabbing money.

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Well I just read Eric's response in the other thread. It's nice and all but I'm going to take a wait and see if it's true approach.


I apologize to anyone who think I may have over reacted in this thread. As someone whose supported the CM for a long time I was simply thrown for a huge loop by this.


Thanks again for keeping the thread civil for majority of the part.

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Well I just read Eric's response in the other thread. It's nice and all but I'm going to take a wait and see if it's true approach.


I apologize to anyone who think I may have over reacted in this thread. As someone whose supported the CM for a long time I was simply thrown for a huge loop by this.


Thanks again for keeping the thread civil for majority of the part.


You got a Rancor dude, be happy! :)

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You lied about the Collections System

You lied about fixing the Blood-Red Color Crystal (aka Orange Sherbert On A Stick Color Crystal)

You jack up Unlock prices in an experiment.


I am through supporting your Cash Grab Market until you reign it in. But knowing you and EA, it is highly unlikely you ever will. Instead you will seek to push that price just a little further.


Just watch fellow players, that 600cc Cap they currently have? Watch it get jacked to 1000cc by the end of next year for items of similar value. It'll happen.


I have to wonder if they will reduce the prices for the new packs to the norm, or keep them as is, or jack them up again.

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It is funny how BW managed to silence critics of the rare items ratio in their packs, by releasing this nightmare. Today everyone will gladly accept the old packs.


Indeed. Once gasoline flirted with $5 per gallon, we were all happy to bend over to pay $3.75.

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I noticed the price increase for collection unlocks when they released the dewback mounts. Bought one off the GTN, went to unlock it in collections......600 cartel coins?!?!?!? That's a ripoff. Haven't bought a pack since....or unlocked anything.
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Hell i haven't seen any thing on the CM i wanted so i saved up almost 3000 of the FREE monthly CCs, and thought this new pack has a rancor in it i try for that, and like the reason why i stop spending RM on the crap cause i spent that 3000 free CCs and got crap.....
This is exactly why Bioware did this. They are wanting the people that has banked all those CC's to spend them before the housing drops so you have to spend more real money for the CC's to unlock the housing stuff.
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I noticed the price increase for collection unlocks when they released the dewback mounts. Bought one off the GTN, went to unlock it in collections......600 cartel coins?!?!?!? That's a ripoff. Haven't bought a pack since....or unlocked anything.


The thrones and hover chairs have always been 600. Same with the skiffs, varactyls, and Morlingers. Heck, even Kowakians were 600 right off the bat.

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I can't help but wonder what Biowares approach to a decreased number of people buying the packs and unlocking collections items would be.


I really do believe it would be to increase prices instead of decreasing them.

The whole "charge less, sell more" philosophy doesn't seem to be a favorite in the company.

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We assumed BioWare would tell us up front if they made any significant changes. You know, the sort of thing a business does when it respects its customers?


Your fault. You assumed. How many other changes have they made without announcement or only announcing after the fact. This isn't a "significant change" , it is a tweaking of the numbers. Again, they don't owe the players an announcement for every little thing they do. You are mountaining a mole hill.




Say you went to a gas station and the price per gallon always read ?.??. Say you bought gas 17 times in a row at that gas station and the price that showed up when you finished buying the gas was always between 3.45 and 3.75. Say the 18th time, the price was 6.79.


Red herring. The analogy has zero to do with the topic not to mention being something that will never happen. If you are going to use analogies for argument sake, use real ones that can actually happen, otherwise you simply look like you are making stuff up to support an otherwise unsupportable argument.


Perfectly fair, right?


What, making up impossible scenarios to support an irrational argument?


No, businesses don't get to do that stuff and not irk customers. Customers have the right to feel disrespected, unappreciated, and even "done dirty" when that happens.[/color][/font]


You have the right to feel whatever you want, that doesn't make those feelings rational or correct. Businesses get to do whatever they want. The customer is not always right and the only avenue you have outside of railing against the injustice is to stop paying the business. I don't see that happening.




Or it's the business's fault for not telling its customers about what effectively is a price change.


Again, irrational. The price for the packs stayed exactly the same as they always were. The only thing that changed were some probability rates. They are gambling packs. Even casinos regularly tweak the odds of their slot machines and you can bet they don't announce it to their customers when they do. You got exactly what was promised, a pack that contains X items of Y type randomly distributed. The fact that you assumed the random distribution wouldn't change is no ones fault but your own.


You misunderstand how business works. EA will get away with it because they're big enough to absorb the loss, and because maybe BioWare will do something to make it right.


But that doesn't mean what they did was a good, fair business practice.


You misunderstand. EA will tweak and experiment in order to make as much money as they can. They will add to and improve, adjust and measure, and do this for the entire life of the game because that is how it works. Not all changes will be winners nor will all players like the changes.


You are judging "good and fair" based on your (again) assumptions. Those assumptions are your own and have no bearing on the businesses decisions. EA/BW are not mind readers and will never base business decisions on what players may or may not be assuming at any given time.


Stop assuming. Stop believing you were made a promise that was never made. Suck it up and deal with the fact that change happens.


Not really. It just means we need to be continually wary for the next spot they want to "experiment" with how to use deception and obfuscation, rather than improving their product, to extract dollars from us.


What deception and obfuscation? Because they didn't run something by you first they are hiding something? They were pretty quick to tell us exactly what was going on when people started asking questions so again your assumption that things would never, ever be different color your perception.


You think everyone at EA/BW knows everything that is going on? Anyone working in corporate America has seen times where one hand of the corporation doesn't know what the other is doing. I run into it daily at the multi-billion dollar multi-national corp I slave...I mean work...for.


Because you assumed, you believe you have been slighted. Because you believe you have been slighted, you lash out irrationally. In truth, a big brouhaha over nothing is all that has happened.


Until EA/BW gives us a real screwing, I'm saving my ire for things that matter.

Edited by Grayseven
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Imagine, if you will, you collect Magic: The Gathering trading cards. You have done so for years, The basic premise is always the same. In each $ 4,99 booster you get 15 cards, one rare, four uncommon, ten common.


Then, a new set comes out. You pick up a booster box as you normally do. Out of the box, you discover that of the 36 booster packs, 12 of them have five uncommon cards and no rares. You go on a forum and read that all over the country, people have been opening packs and seeing the same thing. You try to order singles online but as it turns out, as 'rares' are now much rarer than usual, it will cost you considerably more to complete the set.


Note that Wizards of the Coast, in this example, only comes forward and say they were trying something new with the rarities of the set until well after the forums flooded with the complaints. Certainly not before all the booster boxes were sold.


What do you think would the general consensus be if WOTC had in fact pulled the hypothetical story above? That is was, all in all, unimportant? Or, that something was terribly amiss with the way marketing handled it? I suspect the latter, myself.

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Imagine, if you will, you collect Magic: The Gathering trading cards. You have done so for years, The basic premise is always the same. In each $ 4,99 booster you get 15 cards, one rare, four uncommon, ten common.


Then, a new set comes out. You pick up a booster box as you normally do. Out of the box, you discover that of the 36 booster packs, 12 of them have five uncommon cards and no rares. You go on a forum and read that all over the country, people have been opening packs and seeing the same thing. You try to order singles online but as it turns out, as 'rares' are now much rarer than usual, it will cost you considerably more to complete the set.


Note that Wizards of the Coast, in this example, only comes forward and say they were trying something new with the rarities of the set until well after the forums flooded with the complaints. Certainly not before all the booster boxes were sold.


What do you think would the general consensus be if WOTC had in fact pulled the hypothetical story above? That is was, all in all, unimportant? Or, that something was terribly amiss with the way marketing handled it? I suspect the latter, myself.


Again, red herring. It isn't a valid argument. WotC has released the way it packs the boosters. IIRC, they list what's in the pack directly on the wrapper. If they said they were doing X but instead did Y when the package said they were doing X, you'd have a valid gripe.


EA/BW never released anything outside of what you would get from a pack, i.e. Two rare with a chance at a super rare, one boost, one companion gift of at least prototype quality and the scrap materials. At no point were certain odds promised, nor was a set rarity promised.


People are whining about their assumptions being wrong and since no one wants to take the blame for their own mistakes they have to blame someone else. Typical.

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