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Hello I am Reno,


Everyone who has known me or seen me on these forums know I've been one of the biggest supporters of this game for a long, long time. But recently (Okay this morning to be exact) It's changed.


Our latest pack, The Star Cluster pack was found to have been an experiment to see if the prices on Unlocks and splitting up drop ratios could be changed. This was addressed at first like it might have been an issue, like it might have been a mess up, but it wasn't. It was intended. Now Eric has said that they've heard our feedback on how we (We being the users who brought this up in the first place and do not approve of these changes) dislike this experiment and how it would affect future packs, but it's too late.


Why you may ask? Because the damage is done, the trust has been broken for this user. I know I might not matter in the grand scheme of things, but there must be something wrong when one of it's biggest supporters goes from having full faith in the future of the game to having heavy doubts about whether or not it's worth giving his money to game anymore.


I had more I wanted to say but I wanted to keep this as civil and polite as can be while conveying why I felt how I did regarding today. I simply ask that everyone else who posts here in this thread do the same please.


Thank you for taking the time to read it.

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This broke my trust in this game and this company.


And no, those of you who claim the company was milking its customers were not "right all along". The previous prices were not milking the customers. They were pretty fair for cosmetic items.

And the unlock prices were pretty fair too.


But this was not fair.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Again, one can only hope that they seriously consider the feedback that was given, provided that the people who play this game - other than us - REJECT altogether the new unlock prices and the drop-ratio.


In other words, by not buying more crates or hypercrates of the latest CM pack.




And mostly by not unlocking anything until they revise these prices.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Again, one can only hope that they seriously consider the feedback that was given, provided that the people who play this game - other than us - REJECT altogether the new unlock prices and the drop-ratio.


In other words, by not buying more crates or hypercrates of the latest CM pack.




And mostly by not unlocking anything until they revise these prices.


Well I certainly is in no hurry to unlock anything.

I have all the outfits unbound luckily.

My usual MO would be to just put them on and then unlock them later when I needed them, but now I will never do that again.

A montly procedure for me pretty much so that's money BW will no longer be getting from me.

Seriously thinking about unsubbing too since I mainly play the game to do the storylines and record those. And I can do them without being a sub.

I just need to level up my toons during the double xp week and I'll be set to go later...

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That's a drag. Welcome to the world of "My favorite part of the game is getting pooped on." Never thought I'd see such a complaint regarding the CS, but shouldn't be amazed BW found a way to make it happen.


Well said Joe. It's funny how when other people have an issue with content like the lack of warzones or lack of Ops, they get told to stop whining...when it's an issue that impacts YOU though...it's a whole other story.


It sucks Reno. But it doesn't impact me really. Not only do I seldom buy packs, I generally don't buy much off the GTN from them either. Kinda sucks that you waited until THIS pack to buy 2 hypercrates, but....that's why supporting them that way is dangerous.

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If all it takes is for the company to test the waters with a new paradigm to break your spirit and trust, then you can't have been terribly die hard. If they try it, it's not liked, and they then reverse the decision, shouldn't that mean they're more worthy of trust, not less?
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Again, one can only hope that they seriously consider the feedback that was given, provided that the people who play this game - other than us - REJECT altogether the new unlock prices and the drop-ratio.
Like you have any idea what the normal ratio is anyway? It's gambling...odds are in their favor and they're making a mint off you guys buying this stuff blindly.
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Again, one can only hope that they seriously consider the feedback that was given, provided that the people who play this game - other than us - REJECT altogether the new unlock prices and the drop-ratio.


In other words, by not buying more crates or hypercrates of the latest CM pack.


Still, the damage has been done. I was looking forwards to some of these sets, but I'm not willing to pay these collection prices because I do not agree with this practice and there's no way I can afford further copies from these sets from the gtn (bought them one time, but it really hurt my wallet).


I doubt they will change anything for this pack, and atm I don't care for future packs, it was this pack I was excited about.


I am deeply disappointed in them. This isn't fair to the customers, especially as it wasn't communicated in advance.


I never thought their overall prices were unfair and that they were milking us, but now I lost faith in them.



I'm considering unsubbing, too as there isn't really something I'm looking forward to atm.

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Well said Joe. It's funny how when other people have an issue with content like the lack of warzones or lack of Ops, they get told to stop whining...when it's an issue that impacts YOU though...it's a whole other story.


It sucks Reno. But it doesn't impact me really. Not only do I seldom buy packs, I generally don't buy much off the GTN from them either. Kinda sucks that you waited until THIS pack to buy 2 hypercrates, but....that's why supporting them that way is dangerous.


I only bought one Hypercrate (But bought a bunch of packs right after to try and finish my SW set (which I got a rancor inside the same pack as the SW Upper Box), unaware of the changes) and I was so excited for this pack and the next one too.

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If all it takes is for the company to test the waters with a new paradigm to break your spirit and trust, then you can't have been terribly die hard. If they try it, it's not liked, and they then reverse the decision, shouldn't that mean they're more worthy of trust, not less?


That depends on how they try it.

Raising the prices by 10-50%? Sure... that's fair. It would show if customers were willing to pay more and there would be a discussion about it, but not an outrage on the forums.

But raising the price more than 5 times for some unlocks?

That's not testing the waters, that's just greedy.

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I only bought one Hypercrate (But bought a bunch of packs right after to try and finish my SW set (which I got a rancor inside the same pack as the SW Upper Box), unaware of the changes) and I was so excited for this pack and the next one too.


Said it before, will say it again: Best thing about 2.8 for me, shortly before it was released, was the return of the Battlemaster- and Rakata-like shells, not to mention the Lore outfits.


Said that several times really and I'm not the biggest fan of the CM either.


Yet, even there, they preferred to extended towards a significant chunk of their player base the middle finger. Good show.

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Ok, maybe it's because I don't buy any of the packs on general principals. (If I can't by it directly from the CM, I'll buy it on GTN and then unlock in collections). But what exactly did they change?


they increased prices on collections by a lot, like 600 cc's for an emote

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Again, one can only hope that they seriously consider the feedback that was given, provided that the people who play this game - other than us - REJECT altogether the new unlock prices and the drop-ratio.


In other words, by not buying more crates or hypercrates of the latest CM pack.




And mostly by not unlocking anything until they revise these prices.


Hopefully many, many more will follow this as well. Since there is virtually no cost of goods associated with Bioware producing cartel items (beyond paying the artists) it all comes down to amount of Cartel Coins spent.


If previously 1000 bought an unlock at 600 CC and now 750 buy the unlock at 1200 CC, Bioware will feel the change was positive. If only 250 buy the unlock at 1200 CC they have brought in less CC's and will hopefully revise the pricing. At the new prices, I think we will see this.


P.S. Hey Reno, sometimes a PR mess can be turned into a positive if handled correctly. Lets hope the right people at Bioware prevail and fix this and make good on it.

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I don't buy gambling packs to begin with, but I feel your pain. I think we see "the EA effect" in full force here. Pricing for collections unlocks needs a lot of work - not to mention that all items in the CM should be unlockable for all characters, imo, but that's another thread.


The F2P business model as a whole is a good thing for gaming, and the Western Market implementation is many levels above the Eastern Market. However, RNG items and things like this are the evils we see still prevalent in our games and that will only change if we make our voices (and our wallets) heard.

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Our latest pack, The Star Cluster pack was found to have been an experiment to see if the prices on Unlocks and splitting up drop ratios could be changed. This was addressed at first like it might have been an issue, like it might have been a mess up, but it wasn't. It was intended. Now Eric has said that they've heard our feedback on how we (We being the users who brought this up in the first place and do not approve of these changes) dislike this experiment and how it would affect future packs, but it's too late.


This particular set of issues is complicated IMO. It remains unclear if this really is "as intended", especially given the large change visible in drops rates within a set and the 4-5X change in Collections prices for the pack contents. It reads much more like ---> holy @#%^... we released a big pile of broken here"... with no way to fix it except to embargo the pack on 2.8.1 and announce it as "intended by design". That position is a bit dishonest IMO but it gives the devs an "out" on the issues..... marketing cover essentially for a design mistake. But I Feel bad for Eric having to be the one that communicates this to us because IMO it is Erics credibility and trust with players that will take the hit here.


Like all crazy things in MMOs... this one too shall pass once the dust settles and players move on to their next issue.


But hey... look at the bright side.... we went a week of discussion about these two issues without anybody declaring any faces slapped. :p

Edited by Andryah
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That depends on how they try it.

Raising the prices by 10-50%? Sure... that's fair. It would show if customers were willing to pay more and there would be a discussion about it, but not an outrage on the forums.

But raising the price more than 5 times for some unlocks?

That's not testing the waters, that's just greedy.


Let me preface this reply by stating that I swore to never give Bioware or EA money again. I did it anyway because this is Star Wars. While it may seem that I'm defending them in my replies, I am only doing so because the train of thought in this thread is completely backwards.


First of all, there's nothing wrong with greed. Second of all, and I'm not usually one to say this, but the more money they get the more content they can (ostensibly) produce. If you actually trusted them you wouldn't be criticizing them, you'd trust that they were going to handle your money properly, in your best interests (which would make you naive, to say the least). The simple fact of the matter is that you don't want to pay that amount for the unlocks and you're upset that they would even propose to inconvenience you with high costs.


Admit it. Your broken trust comes from indignation, nothing noble. Or don't and continue to live in denial. Pay the high price for the unlocks or don't but do yourself and everyone else a favor and get off your moral high horse(s).


I agree that the prices to unlock collections for the recent pack is ludicrous but as long as they backpedal I can forgive them; that means they're learning from their mistakes.

Edited by NightEngine
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I'm right there with you. Now I have to look at everything BioWare does with a skeptical eye.


Why can't EA pursue revenue by finding a way to provide real value? I mean, it's not that hard to conceptualize, right? Give players more game to play - flash points, ops, war zones, quests, STORY, etc.


Why do they have to do things that make them seem like all they have is scheming and plotting and dishonesty?

Edited by DarthTHC
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