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[VIDEO] Enough with the LAG (switches)!


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PvP on PoT5 has become unplayable. No, it's not my PC. No, it's not my connection. No, it's not the game. Everything works wonderfully on the fleet, in FPs and in Ops.



Also, I'm pretty sure that everyone at EA/BW has been laid off because I report this 9/10 times and haven't heard anything back for weeks. When will there be some action on this one?

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This is typical situation for me, lagging in all warzones, arenas are much better. But my pc charasteristics are barely as recommended for swtor, I thought this is about system. Situation became worse after 2.7 patch.


I have also noticed some slightly more choppy play in the last two patch cycles. Lots of instances in delays of activating abilities. Very tough on a mara/sent. My system is very high end as well and my frame rate is not dropping during play, just getting occasional pauses.


Edit: What you are showing is a bit worse than what I am experiencing. Mine is just random chop every 20-30 seconds.

Edited by Vodrin
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I get 60fps with no problem on my machine. Even with most of the settings turned way up. I just find it to be too much of a coincidence that the game plays as smooth as butter except for WarZones. Lag switches are the most common cause for this. And it's the same folks every time. I'm just sick of being stuck while some moron racks up 50 kills or whatever.
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Your video shows a constant "lag" or choppiness the whole way through - and it appears to be FPS lag. In other words, your system seems overloaded to start with, not even mentioning anything that may be happening server side to slow things down.


Hit ctrl+shift+f in game and watch your FPS.

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Yeah, I've noticed the same thing. I've gone to some lengths to fix things on my end to no avail. I ripped my comp up and down ensuring no loose cables or bent pins, blew it out with air, updated all my drivers, diagnostics returning no memory failures.


Even after turning everything to the lowest settings possible I still get lag in WZs and my comp is not that bad. I'm running quad-core i7 @ 3 GHz, 6 GB DDR3, Radeon 6950. It's not top-of-the-line these days but it's not outdated by any means either. I was running this game on max settings just a month ago or so with no problems whatsoever.

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Your video shows a constant "lag" or choppiness the whole way through - and it appears to be FPS lag. In other words, your system seems overloaded to start with, not even mentioning anything that may be happening server side to slow things down.


Hit ctrl+shift+f in game and watch your FPS.


To be fair, he was recording the game. Without dropping some settings to compensate for it, this is typical unless the comp is so powerful that it easily handles max settings in the first place.


I've turned my settings down so far that the game looks like a PS2 game and I still get terrible lag in WZs when people bunch up. Now if I was able to max out settings just a month or so ago with no hiccups whatsoever, but now I can't even get a smooth experience on lowest possible settings after making sure that nothing on my end has changed, what else can I conclude?

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They did make recent changes to some graphical settings, pertaining I think to shadows...


See if they ninja-changed any of your settings.


I believe it was shadow cascades. I've turned shadows completely off and still no fix. Like I said, I've turned this game down to the lowest it will go, no anti-aliasing, no shadows, no bloom, everything either off or at lowest setting possible. Game looks like utter ***, one step above Minecraft, and I still get the same performance. I've learned enough from my WoW days to know at this point to just wait it out and it will magically fix itself with no word from the devs about the problem or the fix they pushed through.

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I hear ya..what I find is I see choppy lag on fleet..interestingly not every day.

and in warzones for sure...but again not every warzone..I played beta and remember when lag was there consistently and for everyone. This is why I find warzone lag sometimes suspicious. old world pvp on ilum used to get it too..and that was consistent. when you have over 20 players casting and fighting it was almost painful but again...that affected everyone not just 1 side or certain players trying to play defense or stop other players.


This is where my alarm bell always goes off.


Where I always see lag start up is hut ball when my team is trying to stop the ball carrier and suddenly we are moving through glue. Meawhile the "OP" ball carrier is shooting across the screen like a cannonball....how convenient.

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I don't think some people in this thread understand. The OP is accusing a player of purposefully disrupting network traffic (when he is targeted by the OP) to cause stuttering movement on the OP's side taking advantage of client prediction on the alleged cheater's side.
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I don't think some people in this thread understand. The OP is accusing a player of purposefully disrupting network traffic (when he is targeted by the OP) to cause stuttering movement on the OP's side taking advantage of client prediction on the alleged cheater's side.


Yeah. An you can actually what the Op was talking about near the end of the video. He was chasing said Sorc and the Sorc died. The lag cleared up until said Sorc was back on the grid within attacking range. I've seen this on Harbinger, too, but it's pretty impossible to prove even though there are common programs out there to cause this.

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Performance is always all over for me in ground PVP. Sub 55s are usually pretty solid, but something at the 55 level makes for extra choppiness in plenty of matches, particularly at their start. Not sure if it's just the many more abilities that can be activated, or what it is. Particularly egregious for me are the stealthies that drop out of stealth and start attacking, but they're nowhere to be seen on my screen. This is a pretty regular occurrence, particularly at the start of a match.


Happens a lot less in arenas, but it can happen.

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that dude the player in the vid complains about also teleports around several times if you watch closely. not due to lag, since others move normally and dont cover that much distance in that time. it also isnt forcespeed or the skillable speedbuff in the madnesstree.. at the end of the vid it should be obvious for everyone.


good vid btw.

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I don't think some people in this thread understand. The OP is accusing a player of purposefully disrupting network traffic (when he is targeted by the OP) to cause stuttering movement on the OP's side taking advantage of client prediction on the alleged cheater's side.


I'm sure that sometimes I experience true lag in some places but consider the following:


1.) I have a BEAST of a machine. i7, SSDs, 16GB RAM, etc. etc. etc.

2.) I don't experience lag anywhere else. Fleet, planets, FPs, Ops

3.) I have a really good connection to the Interwebz


When I go into a WZ and all of a sudden everything starts to CHOP CHOP CHOP... that's when I become suspicious. It just ruins the experience for me. Also... when was the last BW/EA post that we've seen here in the PvP forums?????

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When I go into a WZ and all of a sudden everything starts to CHOP CHOP CHOP... that's when I become suspicious. It just ruins the experience for me. Also... when was the last BW/EA post that we've seen here in the PvP forums?????

when nobody else has your lag problem it just has to the game's fault, it could never possibly be your computer.

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a "lag switch" isn't going to make everything lag for you. someone who is using a lag switch will appear to TP all over the place in a small area and or rubberband but everyone else will be normal. if you are getting major lag where everyone is lagging or everything is lagging, then its something else.
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This doesn't have something to do with that new shadows thing does it? I haven't experienced the problem myself.


Though I do agree with the guy who said 55s have always seemed a bit slower than lowbies for whatever reason.

Edited by Alphasgimaone
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Good I thought it was just me having new issues since around 2.8.


Typical new scenario at least a few times per night: Arena round starts, engage, screen freeze, dead.


Prior I'd get the same rubberbanding that everyone else in the match *****ed about; and that happened very rarely.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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  • 2 weeks later...

First, can someone explain technically what a lag switch is and how it works... Is this some sort of hack?


I do know that the new Hutt Ball and even the old Hutt Ball are probably the laggiest of all maps... That's obviously the game... Please fix Devs

I have noticed that lvl 55 "lag" happens more than pre55... Is this lag switching or is it the game/extra abilities?

I have noticed that playing certain players seem to "create" lag... is this because they have better ping or lag switching?

I have noticed going near certain players make my "buttons"/abilities seem spongy and laggy... But when away from them all is fine... What it the reason for this??

Playing against certain guilds seems to cause all of the above consistently... But not against others... Why??

FPS seem to drop considerably when this lag happens... Usually sub 30fps


I have my settings mostly low and shadows completely off

I have the following system

i7 4770k @4.2ghz, Asus z87-WS MB, 16gb ram, Sapphire HD7970 Ghz VaporX 6Gb, Intel 520 SSD's

Normal FPS outside of PVP maps is 110fps... Except on heavily populated fleet instances where it can drop to 60fps

I have a 50mbs connection with 15ms ping to my ISP and 187ms to swtor

I have done many trace routes when the above starts happening in multiple WZs to check server lag and node jumps... With no noticeable problems

I have restarted my PC to make sure there is no memory leak (which I have been told swtor can produce)


So can someone please give me a reasonable, technical response to why those issues are happening??

If it is this so call Lag Switch... Isn't that against the Bio EULA... And wouldn't that be considered a hack??

If it's some other reason, please fix it

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PvP on PoT5 has become unplayable. No, it's not my PC. No, it's not my connection. No, it's not the game. Everything works wonderfully on the fleet, in FPs and in Ops.



Also, I'm pretty sure that everyone at EA/BW has been laid off because I report this 9/10 times and haven't heard anything back for weeks. When will there be some action on this one?


Could you show your FPS if you do another vid?

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