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This event is pathetic


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2. you have an entire casino and yet you chose to place the event in a small area right when you get off the taxi?


This bothers, too. When I first came to the casino, I immediately headed upstairs towards the actual casino, just to find out there is absolutely nothing going on. I mean, there are the exaxt same machines standing in the casino. Why can't I click them? There are machines placed on the ship at the promenade, too. But not in the casino itself. Well, this is baffling.

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3) Who actually is going to enjoy this event? Sure those who get lucky and win the rancor early will feel great about their luck, but a majority are not going to be in that category. I bet if you took 10 people and made them play these slots for 1 hour straight, 1 will be lucky and enjoy it. 3-4 will say "it was ok, but I am kind of tired of it. I would rather not play again." 5-6 are going to say "this was really boring after the first 15 minutes and I did not enjoy my next 45 minutes."


I enjoyed the event. Then again, I take responsibility for my choices and desired outcomes when playing a game.


I do like I always do with events in SWTOR:


1) check the event vendor to see if there is anything being sold that is worthy of my time and effort to gather the event currency required. If no.. I continue doing what I was doing before the event popped. If yes....I proceed to step 2.


2) take a few minutes to read dulfy.net for the event info and then decide the best path to the event currency that I need to buy the event items I want to buy.


3) proceed with plan until I have sufficient event currency for my needs. Then move on to what I was doing before the event.


Note: I do not play for the random super rare item drops. If I get them chasing the gathering of event currency great. If not, great.


I obtained all the gold certificates I need in a few hours of playing and about 400K spent. I got three Vectrons in the process, and no Rancor...and I am fine with that.


Despite some of the usual grousing and complaining in the forum about <insert ANY event name here>.... my observation is the event has been largely enjoyed by players...and so I think we will see the Hutt Casinos expanded in later patches for more games of chance to lure players to try their luck.

Edited by Andryah
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Sounds to me like you are spending 50K a pop for the Kingpin coins. Not the best way to play if credits is your concern. It's fine if credits are no object to you and you have limited time to play...as it is faster. But Kingpin coins drop from the Smuggler slots and is a more credit efficient way to play the event.


Personally, I have spent about 400K on smuggler coins and have gotten nearly 30 gold certs and three Vectrons.


Nope, he claims it's all on smuggler chips...


Considering there is a 0.3% chance to get a gold certificate for each of those 500 rolls he did, I find his claims to be pretty inconcievable.

And for the kingpin machine it's even more at 4% (5.18% with feeling lucky).

Assuming he got about 1 kingpin chip for every 6 smuggler chips spent (as it was calculated on dulfys) that means he had 83 kingpin chips.

And that would give him at the very least 4 golden certificates statistically. Usually people get more since you also have a 50+% chance to get your kingpin chip back.


Of course, it's completely possible that he only got 1 gold certificate out of those 500k, but it is also highly unlikely and much more probable that he is exaggerating the numbers.


All I can say is that for 500k worth of smuggler chips I got 1 speeder, blew up two machines and got enough gold certificates to buy all the weapons more than once and the entire outfit.

And I'm never lucky in gambling.

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Nope, he claims it's all on smuggler chips...


Considering there is a 0.3% chance to get a gold certificate for each of those 500 rolls he did, I find his claims to be pretty inconcievable.

And for the kingpin machine it's even more at 4% (5.18% with feeling lucky).

Assuming he got about 1 kingpin chip for every 6 smuggler chips spent (as it was calculated on dulfys) that means he had 83 kingpin chips.

And that would give him at the very least 4 golden certificates statistically. Usually people get more since you also have a 50+% chance to get your kingpin chip back.


Of course, it's completely possible that he only got 1 gold certificate out of those 500k, but it is also highly unlikely and much more probable that he is exaggerating the numbers.


All I can say is that for 500k worth of smuggler chips I got 1 speeder, blew up two machines and got enough gold certificates to buy all the weapons more than once and the entire outfit.

And I'm never lucky in gambling.


Yeah... his "alleged bad luck" is simply not believable then. 500K worth of smuggler coins and he would have had several gold certs just popping from the smuggler rolls themselves + somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 Kingpin coins. And there is simply no reasonable chance that he would goose-egg on all those Kingpin coins.

Edited by Andryah
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sounds like he was just randomly clicking the machine and thought that there was no actual "way" to play. I can take 99 smuggler coins and walk away with 4-5 gold certificates easy. The game is not random. The only thing that is random is what happens if you line up the arrows... So far I can line up the arrows and 3 out of 4 times I get nothing... and every now and then something happens like jackpot.. so the arrows are not always a jackpot.
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Yeah... his "alleged bad luck" is simply not believable then. 500K worth of smuggler coins and he would have had several gold certs just popping from the smuggler rolls themselves + somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 Kingpin coins. And there is simply no reasonable chance that he would goose-egg on all those Kingpin coins.


Of course, the best part about his claim is that he claims to have gotten 1 single gold certificate.

If he had claimed to get none at all, the statistics would have said it was a nigh-impossibility.

This way, it is simply extremely improbable, albeit actually possible.

That's the charmer, you know?

We can't say for certain that he is lying. But it sure as heck is extremely improbable.


And when it comes to improbable claims on the internet, I tend to stay on the sceptic side.

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Of course, the best part about his claim is that he claims to have gotten 1 single gold certificate.


I think I have it -------> he did not realize that the certs stack in his inventory and since he only sees one icon, he assumes that means he won only one gold cert.


That I could believe. :D It's totally possible that he dropped 500K and did not get a Rancor or Vectron.....but he would have ~30 certificates.

Edited by Andryah
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i have enjoyed this event. But I did get the rancor, the speeder, and all the items selling for certificates other than the speeder for 15 certificates and I am 13 away from that.

However I have played the event when waiting on wz pops.. something to kill time and not just simply overplayed and hated it. I am still enjoying it and will continue while I wait for wz pops.

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i have enjoyed this event. But I did get the rancor, the speeder, and all the items selling for certificates other than the speeder for 15 certificates and I am 13 away from that.

However I have played the event when waiting on wz pops.. something to kill time and not just simply overplayed and hated it. I am still enjoying it and will continue while I wait for wz pops.


Honestly, I think that's the best way to do the event.

Have a bit of fun between queues for WZ/FP/OP or while crafting...

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We went through this already: You're the Silly Wrath.


You dare mock the true POWAH of the Dar- Oooh a Taco! Nom, Nom...


Try me sith-boy! I've taken down plenty of your kind before. Most of them are plenty surprised by an electric stun-dart ot the eye or a burst of carbon-freeze :D


I break beast's neck in my sleep Wow that's surprisingly graphic... :eek:

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