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Best way to deal with ...


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... harassment.



I open this thread to make sure I take the best course of action in getting this fixed. I have perused the 'code of conduct' section of this website, have seen the steps, but these are very general and most of the time yield a random ticket opened with no reply from BioWare. For example, I am using the

Harassment can come at any time and from anyone. We encourage those players who encounter harassment to take the high road and ignore the harassing ....
method but it does not seem to help because of a few reasons such as openly continuing this said harassment and having multiple characters. Discussion with officers and the guild master of the [won't name and shame guild] have taken place yet the issue continues for more than 7 weeks. Yesterday's random attack was a turning point for the worse, affecting our recruitment policy, and I am interested in some suggestions as to the proper way of sorting it by having BW look at it.



The relevant sections of the code of conduct are these :




This includes anything that is crude, offensive, pornographic, abusive, or vulgar in nature (including deliberate misspelling of profanity to avoid being filtered).





This applies to the negative portrayal of any sexual orientation, either pertaining to oneself, or insulting another player based on their (real or perceived) sexual orientation.



To have an idea of what is going on, I have taken a screenshot (plenty of those on my computer in the last 7 weeks) and have censored him not to openly name and shame as this is not the purpose of this thread. I would like to thank you all in advance for your contribution.







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I would suggest PMing Eric Musco, perhaps. Maybe he can get CS to deal with it properly.



Excellent idea, thank you. It did not cross my mind to go straight to Eric. I will draft a formal letter on the matter to explain in great detail how sometimes you can't ignore certain things as much as you try. The best way to contact him?

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Excellent idea, thank you. It did not cross my mind to go straight to Eric. I will draft a formal letter on the matter to explain in great detail how sometimes you can't ignore certain things as much as you try. The best way to contact him?


If you click on his name to access his profile, there's a section called something like contact info. There's a button there that says PM Eric Musco.


Edit: I accessed his profile from his stickied thread at the top of this page.

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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What's the point of Spotify being in the picture?

(I'm not attacking you, I actually agree with your post. It just seemed so... random)



I am using multiple screens on my pc and when I snip a full area, it captures my active desktop. When I took the photo, I had two out of 3 screens running. I have to admit, the playlist I use and the fact that I captured more than the game is very relevant to the topic at hand and of the highest importance.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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I am using multiple screens on my pc and when I snip a full area, it captures my active desktop. When I took the photo, I had two out of 3 screens running. I have to admit, the playlist I use and the fact that I captured more than the game is very relevant to the topic at hand and of the highest importance.


I'm sensing sarcasm, though I can't be sure because my sarcasmdar is not working properly this early on Sundays.

Either way, I was just asking because it doesn't seem relevant. No need to get angry.

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I am using multiple screens on my pc and when I snip a full area, it captures my active desktop. When I took the photo, I had two out of 3 screens running. I have to admit, the playlist I use and the fact that I captured more than the game is very relevant to the topic at hand and of the highest importance.

You should use "Paint" before upload your photos. You can easily cut the screen shot and make it in normal size.

If you are using Windows , this program is default.

Edited by iankalo
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Not to be an ***

The same as Kaldriss ,

but if you cant handle to be called a "retarded" person in some MMORPG game chat , played by many 10-15 years old kids , how can you handle the real life? You are calling the police everytime when someone call you a "*****" or something rude? Just "ignore" them (even without the /ignore option). Play the game and dont read what these angry kids says. Im laughing when someone call me a retard or something :rolleyes:

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Ignoring a person, as I have stated in my original post, can only take you so far. Just because I put him on my ignore list, it does not mean the damage he is doing towards my guild for the past 7 weeks with his comments at our PVE progress is going away. For example, I have him on ignore, when my guild is looking for players, he continues his attitude and this is from a guildie of mine.



I have opened this thread to ask for advice on better dealing with the situation as it is preventing my guild to enjoy content on the server and far worse to recruit possible people during these times where going away on holiday is reducing attendance.



Ignore is not an option anymore, hence, my plea to the star wars forums for a quick and easy solution on how to deal with this. At the end of the day, I am trying to enjoy SWTOR and not end up harassed when I try to improve things for my guild and for TOFN. This is not your ordinary spat between people where ignore does wonders. This is a serious issue where my guild Rebel Dream is being reduced to trash by people from another guild and nobody does anything about it. It has been going on for 7 weeks, since we started our DF NIM progress. The first time things got out of hand badly was when we killed Brontes in 8M Nim republic side first. We ignored that spat but now we have reached a point where this is not possible anymore.

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Ignoring a person, as I have stated in my original post, can only take you so far. Just because I put him on my ignore list, it does not mean the damage he is doing towards my guild for the past 7 weeks with his comments at our PVE progress is going away. For example, I have him on ignore, when my guild is looking for players, he continues his attitude and this is from a guildie of mine.



I have opened this thread to ask for advice on better dealing with the situation as it is preventing my guild to enjoy content on the server and far worse to recruit possible people during these times where going away on holiday is reducing attendance.



Ignore is not an option anymore, hence, my plea to the star wars forums for a quick and easy solution on how to deal with this. At the end of the day, I am trying to enjoy SWTOR and not end up harassed when I try to improve things for my guild and for TOFN. This is not your ordinary spat between people where ignore does wonders. This is a serious issue where my guild Rebel Dream is being reduced to trash by people from another guild and nobody does anything about it. It has been going on for 7 weeks, since we started our DF NIM progress. The first time things got out of hand badly was when we killed Brontes in 8M Nim republic side first. We ignored that spat but now we have reached a point where this is not possible anymore.


I dont think this is an issue ... So , you are thinking ppl reject to come to your HM NiM group , cuz some random bastard said your guild is retarded? I dont think so. This is just a childish excuse or human with small brain. You really dont need that kind of players in your NiM group ;p

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I have opened this thread to ask for advice on better dealing with the situation as it is preventing my guild to enjoy content on the server and far worse to recruit possible people during these times where going away on holiday is reducing attendance.


Taking the high road is indeed still very possible.


Fleet chat is exactly what it is, don't expect it to improve any time soon due to the nature of some players who have nothing better to do than lament at others progress in a game. The only players that get shown up are the ones who do the bad mouthing.


You really have to ask yourself this, would you like new members you recruit to actually be of the frame of mind to respond to juvenile posts, or would you prefer for them to be more interested in raid progression? Anyone worth having will quite happily ignore (and in a lot of cases literally ignore) those who choose to show themselves up in "public".


Take the high road, by all means follow others suggestions of sending Eric an email, he may well indeed be able to help further. Certainly don't let others spoil your enjoyment of the game by stooping to their level though. High road is always better. Good luck in sorting it out.

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I would ignore them and then report them. I mean, out here in the real world, my circle of friends is far more abusive to each other than that, but we've known each other for 40 years or so. Damn it sucks to be able to legitimately say that. It would, however, take care of them account wide, as opposed to just a single character. Then they can argue with CS about getting their account back.
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I notice on the second screen you provided that Rebel Dream is repeating its recruitment rather often. Of four actual posts (as opposed to system messages) the exact same Rebel Dream post appears three times. The server is not at all busy with the majority of people being Guild members on it. You have less than 10 people on the server to recruit, with one being your nemesis. If someone was going to respond to your offer, they would have done it already. This kind of reminds me of the credit spammers repeating their message over and over and over and over again. That's irritating, too. There's no reason to repeat your query. It isn't as if it has scrolled up out of sight and been lost. All three identical messages are still there. You are dominating and spamming the chat. There's no excuse for the juvenile harassment you are experiencing, but I can't help wonder if there is more to this thing that the single side you have presented.
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This may seem crass, but if all hes doing is being a jerk in fleet, ignore him .... get your guild members to ignore him, too.


No one is going to pay attention to the rantings and ravings of some numbskull calling people bad who are, quite clearly, capable of clearing what was the hardest instance in the game.


Now, if he starts doing this in whispers to you and your guild members, making/using alts to get around being ignored, then youve got a harassment case on your hands.

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We had a chat, we agreed to move forward from here as I am no stranger to finding a common group. We will work together to avoid such a situation in the future. Hopefully, this will not escalate again but in case it does, I know where to go, so I thank everyone for their feedback and advice.
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Taking this matter to a childish rant on the forums makes the troll that much more successful.


Also, you can take the few seconds to censor a guy, but not the 10 more seconds to remove the image of your playlist? :sul_confused:

Edited by Subach
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