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Kingpin assault cannon graphics issue


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Maybe its my graphics settings, or maybe its a pc issue, but for some reason my Kingpin Assault Cannons' graphics look like crap. Its almost like its reflecting too much light on the surface. It only appears that way in game, but looks fine through a preview weapon. I have asked other players and they all claim from their point of view it looks fine. Strangely also, is the fact its only that one weapon, I have tried equipping others. I have tried changing all my graphics settings ( I usually play high for all). Heres a picture link of what I see, showing a normal weapon, the weapon preview, and the weird appearance.http://tinypic.com/r/ev18g5/8

Does anyone have any idea why this might be so or how to fix...its annoying the hell out of me.

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It depends on the lighting. Running around most of the fleet the cannon is covered in glitter. I bought it in the casino based on the preview window and mailed it to my commando, only to equip it on the fleet and instantly regret the purchase. In a well lit, outdoor area its not so reflective.


Truth be told, when I saw it in game my first thought was of the frictionless spaceship from Hitchikers and instantly wanted a GSF ship with the same paint job.

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Please no. Just let them be. I think it looks fine. They do not need to be touched at all....don't push these weapons to get ruined....



The problem is it looks different from the preview picture. If preview looked the same i would agree, no need to change the look, i do however think items should allways look as they can be seen in preview.

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The problem is it looks different from the preview picture. If preview looked the same i would agree, no need to change the look, i do however think items should allways look as they can be seen in preview.


that could be said about all of the color crystals when previewed with a lightsaber. i agree with what youre saying though. preview should be the same as an equipped item.

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I don't care for the chrome effect, but given the number of other weapons in game that have the same 'issue' I'm guessing this is by design.


My personal concerns with the cannon are


1. Sometimes when it auto sheathes after combat the cowl vanishes/turns transparent.


2. The designer who worked on it clearly died halfway through the process because he only designed the front end of it, the back end looks like it was made of some old lead pipe and cereal boxes, which kind of lets down the cool part at the front end.

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that could be said about all of the color crystals when previewed with a lightsaber. i agree with what youre saying though. preview should be the same as an equipped item.


They made an effort recently to bring the preview in line with in game crystal colors. At least it was in a patch note.


The biggest joke related to his is cloaks on speeders. Preview a speeder with a cloaked character and your cloak will be neatly tucked away and looking great. Since they're clearly unable to fix this in game, I think they should remove the 'fake' fix in the preview window to avoid misinformation.

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Its not a matter of the item looking different in the preview window, although that does clearly show the weapon is not "chrome". Even if it was chrome it would be cool, if the graphics were even and the reflection was uniform and consistent. The issue is with the texture/ reflective graphics. The item looks like its covered in moving static when indoors under light. The reflection has a snowy effect and even moves like static when standing still. its horribly annoying, and takes away from a weapon that is actually pretty cool looking. Take a look at this pic then tell me that's what was intended, even if you think that's chrome...http://i57.tinypic.com/hrgg1t.jpg. I have asked others players and quite a few have told me they have the same issue.
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