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Now is the time for GSF!!!


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With the new ships, double req payout and the ridiculous about of money 8.5k to 15k per match, ya know, in case ya spent too much time at the slots... There has never been a better time to jump into space and blow #@!%&*#@$! up!




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Well, I cant argue with the OP. This would be a good time to try it out.


I will not be one of those people however. "Perfume on a pig" and all that.


I'm exaggerating naturally. I do not think it is that bad. It was so far below my expectations, however, it caused me to walk away from the game for a substantial amount of time....only the possibility of housing caused me to return.

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No, GSF is dead, they should not waste resources on it.


Let me guess... you play mainly PvP?

I'd even wager a guess that you are from the Pot5?


Let me assure you that GSF is alive and well on most other servers...

For some reason it seems mainly the PvP players are against GSF... Might have something to do with the fact that you have to aim and stuff :rolleyes:

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Go play Eve


Or wait for Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous. They are going to be way better at this stuff. SWTOR was never a sandbox style game, never will be. You can ask, but it really doesn't fit in with the direction everything else has gone. The engine probably couldn't handle it anyway,

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Let me guess... you play mainly PvP?

I'd even wager a guess that you are from the Pot5?


Let me assure you that GSF is alive and well on most other servers...

For some reason it seems mainly the PvP players are against GSF... Might have something to do with the fact that you have to aim and stuff :rolleyes:


Or it's about the fact most ground players respect the fact that GSF is far less skill than luck.


I can 3v1 at a node in ground PVP without much difficulty if the classes are right. In GSF, you literally can't survive against more than 2, ever, because you've got 1-2 escape tools. And ground PVP is harder to do well in.

Congrats, you have to point and click, sounds so much harder, that's totally the reason most people hate it :rolleyes:

Edited by Selenial
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Well, I cant argue with the OP. This would be a good time to try it out.


I will not be one of those people however. "Perfume on a pig" and all that.


I'm exaggerating naturally. I do not think it is that bad. It was so far below my expectations, however, it caused me to walk away from the game for a substantial amount of time....only the possibility of housing caused me to return.


first off its lipstick not perfume B^) secondly i agree and am in the same boat with ya. i came back for GSF but was let down. it turned out to be a really bad copy of a game i was already playing for the past year called star conflict. right before i was about to cancel again they announce player housing.... though im not so sure i care anymore about that, they really need to start sharing some info about the hosing soon because im really starting to loose interest entirely

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Unfortunately my experience with GSF has been lackluster lately


The first couple of months were fun, but now you're forced to group up, because if not you'll be on a team of randoms running around like headless chickens while a premade with nothing but bombers and gunships will be ripping you apart

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Developing GSF was ok i guess. It's not for me though. The problem with GSF is it's a different type of game, and it have slowed development of the basic ground game. If another team had been hired to make GSF and Strongholds and other minigames that would be great, but it just seems like it's not. For me at least it seems like Stronghold and GSF have slowed the development of the basic content we know and love in the hope that we will come to know and love this new type of content.
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Or it's about the fact most ground players respect the fact that GSF is far less skill than luck.


I can 3v1 at a node in ground PVP without much difficulty if the classes are right. In GSF, you literally can't survive against more than 2, ever, because you've got 1-2 escape tools. And ground PVP is harder to do well in.

Congrats, you have to point and click, sounds so much harder, that's totally the reason most people hate it :rolleyes:


Well, no. Success in GSF is pretty much entirely skill-based, aside from the randomness associated with pugging (but you have the same issue with ground pvp).


I'm not going to argue that GSF requires more skill, they're just completely different skill sets. You have to manage CDs in both games - though, granted, there are far fewer to keep track of in GSF. But on the flip side, you have to be much more careful with movement in general and (yes) aiming. Unless you want to face-plant into a rock or asteroid.


Both games require a high level of situational awareness. In ground pvp, you've got to know who you're fighting, where they are, and what they can do. Same goes for GSF. You have to be mindful of who's behind you, where the gunships are lurking, when a node is under attack, which bombers are plodding towards which objectives...and so on.


Like I said, I don't think one necessarily requires more skill than the other - just different skills. It's hard to be really good at either.

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