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Which is the best SW movie?


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It's hard to take the OT as anything but a cohesive set, likely because that's how I've always known them.


The fact that the same can't be said of 1-6, or even of 1-3, is a tragedy. What could have been great was instead a joke.


That said, Empire. (followed closely by SW, followed a bit further back by RotJ)

Edited by jaiAtillar
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mine is return of the jedi


as for the I-III there horrible, its starts wrong from the very start. at the beginning where it says the council sent 2 jedi knights.....obi wasent a knight he was still a padawan.

the focal point the intier plot starts off with "a blockade is used to keep resorces from getting from one point to another, in wich padame says her ppl are starving and dieing" has anyone seen there planet, its lush and green and full of resorces, you telling me not one person on that planet can farm?

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mine is return of the jedi


as for the I-III there horrible, its starts wrong from the very start. at the beginning where it says the council sent 2 jedi knights.....obi wasent a knight he was still a padawan.

the focal point the intier plot starts off with "a blockade is used to keep resorces from getting from one point to another, in wich padame says her ppl are starving and dieing" has anyone seen there planet, its lush and green and full of resorces, you telling me not one person on that planet can farm?


They elect teenagers as monarchs and let Gungans serve as their representatives in government. They can't be that bright.


As for me, I'm going to have to go with Empire. It's just well-plotted and tight, with everything that made the original fun cranked up a bit and cool set-piece action as well.

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I rate them from greatest to least, as follows. 1,6,5,3,4,2.


Yes, I like Episode 1 the best. Ray Parker was fantastic, that whole fight was fantastic, and that is the parts of those movies that I enjoy the most, that and any details I ca get about the Force. Which is why I like RotJ and TESB almost as much.

Edited by Jorander
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Hi all heres my view,


Empire is by far my favourite, mainly because its the only film in the series that doesn’t conclude something lol, set in the middle of the GCW leaving an ending open to interpretation (within reason). By far empire was the best written and directed.




My second favourite would be Attack of the Clones, i know, i know... Its my second favourite because its the first star wars that i saw in the cinema (i was about 14 at time of release), with the exception of the supposed love scenes with padme and anikin as there no way anyone on any planet would marry someone they met (ignoring there prior meeting where they were both too young) without insane amounts of alcohol and a quickie divorce.


Ive always thought that attack of the clones portrayed the star wars universe well, showing the galaxy during the height of the republic, leading up to the clone wars.




Shockingly ROTJ is my least favourite, and also the first of the originals i ever saw when i was around 13 (my parents were anti-sci-fi shocker i grew up a geek lol), at the time i didn’t get how this massive military force with literately thousands of mile long warships, and millions of troops could be beaten so utterly in 1 battle like that especially with the Ewoks leading the charge on the ground. (if you read the books or the comics you learn that the the empire wasn't destroyed simply crippled, the empire was just pushed out of power with no political leaders and a large chunk of its fleet crippled).




While i can clearly understand why many people dislike the prequels i would like to make the point that without the narrative and setting from them KOTOR and TOR would not have such a rich background story as the galaxies political systems and Jedi ranks were clearly defined in the prequel series, if anything those films did help to define what the galaxy is truly like lol.

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General consensus is that V was the best, and I happen to agree. Of all the movies, V is my favorite.


I rank them as V, IV, VI, III, I, II.


Why is one ranked before two. One reason. Both movies have too much JarJar (that is to say any at all), both have whiny anakin, but only one of those movies contains darth maul.


I never really understood the absolute acidic hate for the prequel trilogy. Yes, I get it, the original trilogy is better, but the prequels aren't terrible movies. They're just not as good. I think people were expecting the same insta classic that the prequels were, and got themselves disappointed. Unless you walked out of the theater half way through any of the prequel movies, you cannot genuinely say they have no redeeming qualities. And if you saw them all in theaters, some part of you liked those movies when you first watched them.


I'm re-watching all 6 movies as part of my countdown to TOR (one every day until the 20th), and number 1 was watchable.

Edited by spencer_
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V no doubt, IV, VI Kinda equal. I II III was not in the same league though i did like some characters and II and III had it's moments. Dooku was awsome, hands down my favorite sith after "cyber" Vaider. The emperor is awsome but dooku had a moustach twirling elegance the emperor lacked. Cyborg vaider just speaks to me, a crippled man trapped in a hell he created for himself loyal (as much as a sith can be) to a man he hates, once of great potential reduced to husk and saved by his son.


Darth Maul had a dubbel bladed lightsaber and like two lines. A total waste. Not to mention Anakin who sucked as a character right up until the very end when he made a final semi good performance battling Obiwan.

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In order of my Favourites(Least Favoured First - Love all of them really so meh):



EPI:The Phantom Menace

EPV:The Empire Strikes Back

EPII:The Attack of the Clones

EPIV: A New Hope

EPVI:Return of the Jedi

EPIII:Revenge of the Sith



Although the classics are generally better then the New ones My overall favourite is the Revenge of the Sith. Dispite stumbling with Phantom Menace Lucas eventually finds his stride again with Attack of the Clones; Then goes on too excel himself with his best work yet in the Revenge of the Sith.



Im hoping we get too see the Final Trilogy before he the great man passes away, Maybe they will be made Pos-humosly (sorry if thats not the correct word or spelt wrong im terribad at english) Mark Hamil is kind of the right age now to play himself as an older version of Luke. So maybe we will see the Final trilogy comming together soonTM ?

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Empire Strikes back. I think Return of the Jedi could have won if they left out the ewoks and found a way to "win" that wasn't so silly. The Emperor scene at the end was fantastic but the whole thing gets destroyed by the fact that a buch of stuffed animals defeated the Empire in ground combat.
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