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MERC, PvP mobility


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I was searching for a thread on advice but found none, seems like all the Mercs main abilities are channeled 1.5 to 2 secs int he warzones/BG's when it is a dog fight at one node, standing in one spot trying to cast an ability is a death sentence, there a way to be more mobile in pvp as a Merc? as BH i was expecting to be able to shoot and run being mobile =) not to mention when the jedi are all in your face and have one knock back , any advice ?


thanks in advance

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But you have Rail Shot, Explosive Dart, (missile blast if you are REALLY desperate) and talented, rocket punch becomes a knockback good enough to get off a tracer missile, as well as a talented jetboost gives plenty of room for kiting.

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Pyrotech brings "more" mobility and some handy tools like the faster cooldown resets on Kolto Overload and Energy Shield. But compared to Powertechs Mercs will not be able to benefit from regular Railshot resets if you want to stay on the move becuse both abilities that can reset the CD on rails shot make you a sitting duck. The DoT damage alone however is not enough to take someone down fast enough. In a DPS race you will most likely loose without regular railshots. But I have to test this out a bit more. That´s just what I think so far (lvl 35 Pyro Merc)
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I was searching for a thread on advice but found none, seems like all the Mercs main abilities are channeled 1.5 to 2 secs int he warzones/BG's when it is a dog fight at one node, standing in one spot trying to cast an ability is a death sentence, there a way to be more mobile in pvp as a Merc? as BH i was expecting to be able to shoot and run being mobile =) not to mention when the jedi are all in your face and have one knock back , any advice ?


thanks in advance


In my experience with my Merc, you are more of a 'support' dps class. If you try to roll out and 1v1 everything, especially melee, your going to have a tough time since all your main abilities require a cast time that can be easily interrupted.


I leveled a Merc to 25 and ended up leveling another BH but going Powertech instead. Better survivability, roughly only a 5% difference in damage from Merc, can hold your own against Melee, can use stuns and grapple to bring ranged to your terms. Not to mention you can guard ball carriers and healers.


I don't think i'll be going to back to Merc, Powertech can pretty much dish out what Merc can but has more 'tricks' and can hold their own 1v1.

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In my experience with my Merc, you are more of a 'support' dps class. If you try to roll out and 1v1 everything, especially melee, your going to have a tough time since all your main abilities require a cast time that can be easily interrupted.


I leveled a Merc to 25 and ended up leveling another BH but going Powertech instead. Better survivability, roughly only a 5% difference in damage from Merc, can hold your own against Melee, can use stuns and grapple to bring ranged to your terms. Not to mention you can guard ball carriers and healers.


I don't think i'll be going to back to Merc, Powertech can pretty much dish out what Merc can but has more 'tricks' and can hold their own 1v1.


unfortunatly that is true. The Merc doesn´t make as much use of the Pyro tree as powertech. And I hope BW will make Mercs viable in PvP by providing a railshot reset that is not cast time/channel and doesn´t heat you up in a hurry. Power shot generates 25 heat compared to flame burst´s 16 and you have to remain stationary, casting 1.5 seconds. So we generate more heat and have to stand still for 1.5 seconds for a 30% to reset railshot. That is just plain impractical. Or rather suicide.

Mercs can however spec so power shot generates 9 heat less but that are way too many points to invest in a sitting duck skill.


Atm I´m trying to see if there is a way to play effective without depending on railshot resets but I wouldn´t count on it. I just don´t know where the damage is supposed to come from. And I have to watch my heat level so I can´t use missile burst on a regular bases.

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as a high level Merc arsenal I have no issues in 1v1. There are plenty of talents in the arsenal tree that helps you with the survivabillity.


Your Jet knockback will be stronger and it provides a slow, you have explosive dart, concussion missile and lets not forget the knockback from the melee punch. It's not really that bad. On top of that we have the bubble and Kolto Overload wich helps out a ton! We also have the slow effect on the channeled pistol abillity.


I can't see why people say we lack the mobility. The casting time on Tracer is only 1,5 sec and we have a talent to reduce pushback.


I do agree that pyro tree is lacking majorly for merc though. It's not even worth trying it. You get overheated whatever you do so fast.

Edited by Acharial
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Personally - I dont understand why people are using the Arsenal tree for PvP, In pyrotech we get a free snare on combustable + additional dot DPS. Incendry missle is cue for rail shot, and a chance to make it cost no heat + finish its cool down on pwershot+unload.


Ive been going down Pyro so far and am doing really well in 1v1, i am not having heat issues because of the snaring/dot i do with rapidshots, is essential to the play style and gives me plenty of time to manage my heat.


not only that, almost all abilitys in Pyro whilst big heat generators are insta cast, and this allows me to kite players very well so far.


I am however considering not getting a 31 point talent in ANY tree and doing a full hybrd build between Arsenal and Pyro.


I think the issue is that "arsenal" has a lot eye catching abilitys; Pyro has actual real PvP abilitys in it if you ask me. The ability to reduce snares with shield, vent heat when stunned etc are all totally worth while in a game where CC effects are the difference between lving and dying. Not to mention the freee snare on a heat free ability (rapidshots).


If anything this build makes me weak to other ranged players, but certainly performs well against melee.


I might be wrong but this is the way i am leaning right now.


EDIT: for a traditional 10//0/31 take a look @ http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bfRZZfhrrzhGMs.1 feel free to comment and troll it i am genunily interested. Not i use rapid shots a lot to kite and manage heat, its note as terrible as it sounds in 1v1s.

Edited by trindermon
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some good tips, thanks, 1 vs 1 wasn't really in issue, it was mainly having 2 or 3 on you trying to burn people down, and rail shot etc just doesn't do it, the melee classes just burn me down, i will have to maybe just o to 50 and then twink the tree here and there see what works for me, if i have too go powertech lol, i love the abilities in merc,
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I just started PVP last night at level 40. I had been procrastinating for a bit, but really needed to set up my keybindings so that I wasn't an embarrassment anymore. I'm spec'd bodyguard, after only about 5 matches and a few UI adjustments I ranged from 190k to 300k combined healing/damage (at about 10 frames per second) in warzones.


If you want mobility you have to alter your tactics a little bit and give up some DPS abilities. However we are most definitely mobile. I like to open up with fusion missile, explosive dart and rail shot if I'm going for mobility. There's a hybrid build posted in the ask a BH thread (or used to be) with some points in arsenal and bodyguard up to kolto shell. If you get Kolto shell that will help drastically with mobility, it's like having 3000-6000+ extra hitpoints if you can manipulate the enemies LoS to drag the fight out about half the classes are toast right off the bat.


by default Q and E are bound to strafe, rebind those to A and D then bind abilities with priority to instant cast DPS/heal abilities to Q,E,R,F,G,V,C and you're golden (vent heat goes to H). I have Death from above & kolto missile bound to mouse buttons and also have ctrl bound to a mouse button, but I haven't finished rebinding my keys to take advantage of ctrl.

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I've played a lot of pvp as arsensal and really enjoy it. I've found that I generally stay on the fringe and pick people off at range. In 1v1 situations, I use most of my normal rotation and will stun them when needing to reposition. Use line of sight/positioning to your advantage as well.



This is a very fun spec/class to pvp with IMO, but you can't run in and go toe to toe with the melee classes.

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I've played a lot of pvp as arsensal and really enjoy it. I've found that I generally stay on the fringe and pick people off at range. In 1v1 situations, I use most of my normal rotation and will stun them when needing to reposition. Use line of sight/positioning to your advantage as well.



This is a very fun spec/class to pvp with IMO, but you can't run in and go toe to toe with the melee classes.



Basically what I am doing. However, I found out after a while people are looking for you and its stun lock >dead from there. Thankfully when that happens it seems your team is usually winning since 3 or 4 enemies are always looking for the BH.

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Basically what I am doing. However, I found out after a while people are looking for you and its stun lock >dead from there. Thankfully when that happens it seems your team is usually winning since 3 or 4 enemies are always looking for the BH.


Pretty much this... the one thing people do not understand about balance, and seeming bioware included, is that the player will always take the path of least resistance, or simply, they will fight was is the easier kill. That being said, I am getting trained hard HARD by melee already. If a player of X class always guns for the Y class that means the player of X class knows he, through experience, can kill the Y class easily. Hard counters should not exist.


Right now, merc BH is the equivalent of the WoW Elemental shaman, with the craptastic resource pool, hunter focus and the warlock survivabilty against melee.


I hit 50 a couple days ago, I bought the 150 CE box set and I am already considering quitting the game. Merc is the new WoW hunter and I have a bad bad feeling the spec will only receive nerfs because of republic QQ but at the same time will not receive mobilty or survivability buffs.

Edited by Raideen
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Yeah, I'm PT and if I see a merc off I'm instantly going for him, even 50s are free kills


I hear a lot of people saying that they are like ele shammys, I would of said yeah before 4.2patch. Now thy are nothing like shammies

-shamans have a lot of instant cast now

-suprisingly they can take a lot of damage

-they can deal with meele because they can move while casting lightning bolt


So really they are like begining fats shammies, underpowerd in mobility, huge damage but can't take kerosene 1v1, even tho they use heavy armour they get dropped easily


(got. 2k eke shammy and level 35 commando gunnery. Mirror to merc, now rolled PT bcuz its actually viable for pvp)


Lurk is actually really really good though, espeicially at 50

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I think the biggest issue with melee versus merc is the oh **** reflex.


Once someone starts circling you, you tend to panic worried about losing your cast bar. This will cause you to mess yourself up by trying to turn while casting.


Here's the tip. This isn't WoW. Keep casting. It takes a VERY skilled and alert player to break your cast cycle. To break your cycle he has to run through you exactly after you cast a ability. It has to be through and not around, otherwise ALL your abilities track.


Unload will cause you to spin, Tracer missiles will spin you as well.


Take a deep breath calm down, and keep casting. Use your shield and use your 2 min heal cooldowns.


I was attacked yesterday by an Assassin while at less then 20% health with them at full, I killed them and then another melee shortly after. I laugh when melee circle me and keep casting, only worrying when they actually run away to try and LOS me.


I'm consistently number one in damage and kills on my server, and while I might die more then some other classes, that's the trade off. You have heavy armor, and a plethora of defense cooldowns, stop acting like a Hunter or Mage and stand and fight. Trust me, you'll get a lot more kills.

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I think the biggest issue with melee versus merc is the oh **** reflex.


Once someone starts circling you, you tend to panic worried about losing your cast bar. This will cause you to mess yourself up by trying to turn while casting.


Here's the tip. This isn't WoW. Keep casting. It takes a VERY skilled and alert player to break your cast cycle. To break your cycle he has to run through you exactly after you cast a ability. It has to be through and not around, otherwise ALL your abilities track.


Unload will cause you to spin, Tracer missiles will spin you as well.


Take a deep breath calm down, and keep casting. Use your shield and use your 2 min heal cooldowns.


I was attacked yesterday by an Assassin while at less then 20% health with them at full, I killed them and then another melee shortly after. I laugh when melee circle me and keep casting, only worrying when they actually run away to try and LOS me.


I'm consistently number one in damage and kills on my server, and while I might die more then some other classes, that's the trade off. You have heavy armor, and a plethora of defense cooldowns, stop acting like a Hunter or Mage and stand and fight. Trust me, you'll get a lot more kills.


if you let me stand and hit you, I can interrupt ur traced missle, if u let me hit you like that ill drop you in seconds, when good premades start, u will soon realise that u get locked dwn easily. My interupt is 6secs, so u can't cast traced for 4seca. By time u do ill b able to interrupt again, all ur other move I'm totally fine with just letting it hit me while I drop you. I used to play merc mirror before I rerolled Nd when I faced a powertech that inspired me to refill, the same level as me,35 I done exacly what you do, just stand there and o didn't even get him to 50%, after that I didnt even bother to stand still bcuz they have nuts damage too.

Against good ppl u can't do nuffin

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if you let me stand and hit you, I can interrupt ur traced missle, if u let me hit you like that ill drop you in seconds, when good premades start, u will soon realise that u get locked dwn easily. My interupt is 6secs, so u can't cast traced for 4seca. By time u do ill b able to interrupt again, all ur other move I'm totally fine with just letting it hit me while I drop you. I used to play merc mirror before I rerolled Nd when I faced a powertech that inspired me to refill, the same level as me,35 I done exacly what you do, just stand there and o didn't even get him to 50%, after that I didnt even bother to stand still bcuz they have nuts damage too.

Against good ppl u can't do nuffin





I cant believe Bioware would let the merc be in this condition...The damage is not enough imo, for a class that has to stand still, gets easily interrupted/ run though and has a resource system that requires you to spam high damage attacks because your kiting resources are limited ( to kill target asap, cause kiting is not an option) but then your heat reaches 100% and you are basically done...


I canceled my account already. I sent a ticket in to get my advanced class to power tech and it mysteriously disappeared. I am lvl 50 and not going to waste 168 hours to reroll the same class because the issues are not apparent until you get higher up.

Edited by Raideen
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This whole thread saddens me and my lvl 25 merc. I am now thinking of rerolling another dps class. Anyone have more hopeful takes on this issue?


dont waste your time with merc..just reroll and go power tech..25 is a lot easier to start over then 50 which I am. I have a ticket in, if they do not reverse my choice (based on a lack of information on their part) I will not come back to the game. I already canceled my account.

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While I have not gotten to play PT pyro yet merc pyro is extremely underrated. At lvl 20 I am consistantly extremely high in the damage charts. Loading up your dots + explosive dart (or 31 point talent) + rail shot into an unload is devastating amount of damage. It is not a burstclass! It is a high pressure dps class that deals a consistanly high amount of sustained damage, and with healing in its current state this is not a bad thing. Pyro also has an insane kite kit because of the slow from combustion cylinder and the extra root break. People seem to never consider that rapid shots actually does a fair amount of damage as pyro because it can proc the initial damage your combustion cylinder (or whatever its called). The main problem I think most mercs have with both specs is positioning (which ur average player is terribad at). Learning to position yourself takes awareness of the entire battle and TONS of practice.


Hopefully most of this made sense I am really tired xD


Edit: forgot to mention heat management. Rapid shot more, overheat less!

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Personally - I dont understand why people are using the Arsenal tree for PvP, In pyrotech we get a free snare on combustable + additional dot DPS. Incendry missle is cue for rail shot, and a chance to make it cost no heat + finish its cool down on pwershot+unload.


Ive been going down Pyro so far and am doing really well in 1v1, i am not having heat issues because of the snaring/dot i do with rapidshots, is essential to the play style and gives me plenty of time to manage my heat.


not only that, almost all abilitys in Pyro whilst big heat generators are insta cast, and this allows me to kite players very well so far.


I am however considering not getting a 31 point talent in ANY tree and doing a full hybrd build between Arsenal and Pyro.


I think the issue is that "arsenal" has a lot eye catching abilitys; Pyro has actual real PvP abilitys in it if you ask me. The ability to reduce snares with shield, vent heat when stunned etc are all totally worth while in a game where CC effects are the difference between lving and dying. Not to mention the freee snare on a heat free ability (rapidshots).


If anything this build makes me weak to other ranged players, but certainly performs well against melee.


I might be wrong but this is the way i am leaning right now.


EDIT: for a traditional 10//0/31 take a look @ http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bfRZZfhrrzhGMs.1 feel free to comment and troll it i am genunily interested. Not i use rapid shots a lot to kite and manage heat, its note as terrible as it sounds in 1v1s.



Because you live longer as arsenal. The 10 percent dmg reduction from spamming tracer missile OR POWERSHOT > 2 percent defense .. Plus alot of people don't know how to play pyro's and heat is a huge issue, compared to arsenal.


while I haven't tried it I wonder how


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIkbZcGrbdGhzc.1 would fare.

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Personally - I dont understand why people are using the Arsenal tree for PvP, In pyrotech we get a free snare on combustable + additional dot DPS. Incendry missle is cue for rail shot, and a chance to make it cost no heat + finish its cool down on pwershot+unload.


Ive been going down Pyro so far and am doing really well in 1v1, i am not having heat issues because of the snaring/dot i do with rapidshots, is essential to the play style and gives me plenty of time to manage my heat.


not only that, almost all abilitys in Pyro whilst big heat generators are insta cast, and this allows me to kite players very well so far.


I am however considering not getting a 31 point talent in ANY tree and doing a full hybrd build between Arsenal and Pyro.


I think the issue is that "arsenal" has a lot eye catching abilitys; Pyro has actual real PvP abilitys in it if you ask me. The ability to reduce snares with shield, vent heat when stunned etc are all totally worth while in a game where CC effects are the difference between lving and dying. Not to mention the freee snare on a heat free ability (rapidshots).


If anything this build makes me weak to other ranged players, but certainly performs well against melee.


I might be wrong but this is the way i am leaning right now.


EDIT: for a traditional 10//0/31 take a look @ http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bfRZZfhrrzhGMs.1 feel free to comment and troll it i am genunily interested. Not i use rapid shots a lot to kite and manage heat, its note as terrible as it sounds in 1v1s.


Pyro overheats much too fast. Your normal attacks will not bring someone down fast enough even if you have the buffed up dot dmg + snare. On top of this for all its praised mobility, you are putting out no where near the dps arsenal does. Pyro DOES have a lot of heat vents, but its all situational and proc based, this is just bad by design where as arsenal has VERY consistent heat with rewarding vent heat talents that they dont NEED to rely on.


Arsenal is just better damage, better survival. If you think you're gonna be putting out significant damage and avoiding all the jedi knights/smugglers that want to eat you for lunch by just running away and normal attacking.... you're gonna be very frustrated with the class. As arsenal you have low CD knock backs that you can use to juke a lot of dangerous abilities. You play arsenal so you can blow up key targets in 4-5 casts or less. Tracer missle and the way it synergizes with rail shot ensures you can either force a healer out of a fight or he'll die.


What kind of damage are you expecting to put out with pyro? Your first skill is an 18 second dot that doesn't even do more than your proc dot. Pyro's only source of real burst damage is a gimmicky RNG rail shot proc system. That still forces you to stand still and cast power shot to take advantage of.


In the end. Arsenal is just better designed and actually works while providing much needed escapes.

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Yeah I encourage everyone to keep at the Merc. I currently have a 40 Pyro Merc that I pvp on almost non-stop. The class can spread out a considerable amount of dots based damage.


Fusion missiles into a pack of Jedi. Incendiary missile on anyone trying to tap an objective. Nearly endless snares. The extreme joy of Thermal Detonator blowing someone to bits when they move around a corner and I stroll off in the other direction.


A sniper, who is now a pvp buddy of mine, invited me to his team because I was driving him crazy (43 sniper) in hutt ball..


-Pop out- Incendiary Missile


-Pop out- Thermal Detonator


-Pop out- Rail Shot



You get the point.


The class is more mobile then people let on. Use those cast/channel moves in the right situation.

Edited by Jnaathra
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