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Character Slot Prices

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I wonder how much we should buy up.


Just on principle, so as to spoil the day of whoever deemed it worth the effort to span across multiple servers - probably duplicating cash though a transfer exploit - to drive up the price of one item that isn't exactly used every day.

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I wonder how much we should buy up.


Just on principle, so as to spoil the day of whoever deemed it worth the effort to span across multiple servers - probably duplicating cash though a transfer exploit - to drive up the price of one item that isn't exactly used every day.


I'd buy more but I'm being picky atm.

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It's not irony. Sometimes EA listens to its customers and responds.

Someone mentioned a sale for Treek customization, and a week later it went on sale.

Same thing here.

I'm pretty sure things like this are planned out well in advance based on internal metrics and not random things the community posts on the forum.


If you want to look at it from the other direction, someone at BioWare on a secret account starts discussion about it in order to build excitement for something they know is coming already.



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Imo every item that can be sold on the GTN should have a price limit. Meaning it cannnot be put on the GTN for any greater than that price. It would say the price in the pop up when you highlight the item.


Yep, I can see the comments coming for this. But, my opinion on it will not change. For example: Making one use dye's be 2 mil is beyond ridiculous if not criminal. All dyes should have a 500k limit on how much they can be sold for. Period. :D


Well here's a comment:


I wonder what you think the word "criminal" means . . .

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I wonder what you think the word "criminal" means . . .



If someone posts a dye kit for 600k, you should kick down their door, break all their furniture, smash their TV, tear up every floorboard and break every wallboard in their home, taze them, spray them with mace, taze them again, drag them in cuffs through the street, take their mugshot and fingers, throw them in lockup, keep them there till someone posts bail, charge them with ten felonies, see the case dismissed, shrug and say "well it should have been criminal".

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Imo every item that can be sold on the GTN should have a price limit. Meaning it cannnot be put on the GTN for any greater than that price. It would say the price in the pop up when you highlight the item.


Yep, I can see the comments coming for this. But, my opinion on it will not change. For example: Making one use dye's be 2 mil is beyond ridiculous if not criminal. All dyes should have a 500k limit on how much they can be sold for. Period. :D



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Imo every item that can be sold on the GTN should have a price limit. Meaning it cannnot be put on the GTN for any greater than that price. It would say the price in the pop up when you highlight the item.


Yep, I can see the comments coming for this. But, my opinion on it will not change. For example: Making one use dye's be 2 mil is beyond ridiculous if not criminal. All dyes should have a 500k limit on how much they can be sold for. Period. :D


freedom, not sure you know how it works.

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You haven't addressed that which I asked you earlier: If you have an issue with the pricing people ask for on the GTN, why not buy the Character Slots from the CM DIRECTLY?
Especially when you're given at least 500-700 Cartel Coins every month to use in any way you see fit.
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Imo every item that can be sold on the GTN should have a price limit. Meaning it cannnot be put on the GTN for any greater than that price. It would say the price in the pop up when you highlight the item.


Yep, I can see the comments coming for this. But, my opinion on it will not change. For example: Making one use dye's be 2 mil is beyond ridiculous if not criminal. All dyes should have a 500k limit on how much they can be sold for. Period. :D


So you basically want the government, i.e.: BW/EA, to step in and control the free market. That's been tried, and it doesn't work. If you think a given price is "ridiculous" there is no reason you need to buy it. You are free to call people names for doing it, but the bottom line is your decision not to buy it, not your emotions surrounding it. That affects the market. And if enough people agree with you, then the price will come down precisely because enough people also deem the price ridiculous.


If people DO buy something at what YOU think is an inflated price, then it isn't ridiculous to them at all. Are they idiots, or are they prescient? Only time will tell. But if the government stepped in and took control of the market, prices would tend to rise to the artificial maximum and stay there, in which case you cease to have a free market.


BW ALREADY influences the market enough by creating artificial scarcities. In the Real World scarcities can also be artificial, but they also can be real, such as a shortage of resources or an increase in demand. Ammo is a good example. So many people want more ammo that the factories are working full time and the price has gone up.


A good example of BW doing this is Gold Scalene armor. It's popular, and when there isn't a lot on the market, the price goes up. Recently there were less than 2 pages of it on the GTN and chest pieces were selling for multi-millions of credits. Then BW held a flash sale where they sold Gold Scalene at a highly discounted rate for one hour. Suddenly there were 30 pages of Gold Scalene on the GTN and, of course, the price fell dramatically because so many sets were for sale that had been purchased very cheaply on the CM, therefore nearly any sale was profit to the seller.


Meanwhile those who had purchased a set of Gold Scalene long ago with the intention of selling it on the GTN and who were waiting for the price to go up were suddenly undercut by the flash sale. Oops. Bad decision, or they will have to wait for the sets to be scooped up and hopefully bound into collections so they can't come back on. But guess what? Some people will hold onto them in hopes of selling later on.


That's what makes the GTN a fun and volatile place. You take your chances.


And keep the damn government out of it.

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You mean like the "freedom" of comms caps? :rolleyes:


Clearly government interference. In any society you have a certain amount of freedom, both economic and personal countered by a certain amount of government control and interference. "Freedom" is a relative term that has to be taken in context on a sliding scale. Some of your restrictions are so you don't affect other people, and some are there "for the common good." Whether they work or not is the subject of politics and control.


In SWTOR we have some freedoms and some restrictions. Those who "do well" are able to navigate the maze. Those who do not do well will usually find a way to complain about it. When someone advocates putting restrictions in place to give himself an advantage over others who are now restricted, I think we have a problem. That's what is being advocated here. This guy wants absolute restrictions on ALL players so that he does not have to deal with what HE considers "ridiculous" prices. Thus he wants to control the market based on what HE considers reasonable, and to hell with anyone else who believes otherwise.


Fortunately, he has no power to force his changes on everyone else, but dictatorships and oppressive regimes are made from such attitudes.

Edited by MSchuyler
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Imo every item that can be sold on the GTN should have a price limit. Meaning it cannnot be put on the GTN for any greater than that price. It would say the price in the pop up when you highlight the item.


Yep, I can see the comments coming for this. But, my opinion on it will not change. For example: Making one use dye's be 2 mil is beyond ridiculous if not criminal. All dyes should have a 500k limit on how much they can be sold for. Period. :D


Actually, BW should have a minimum price limit like what PSO2 does. That way people don't feel like their items are completely worthless despite there being many listed on gtm.

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Free Market


Businesses producing the cheapest possible crap and selling at the highest possible prices.


Consumers wanting the best possible products at the lowest possible prices.


In theory one should keep the other in check, but that's not always the case, and regulation is sometimes required. When that regulation is prevented we witness economic collapse.


Great Depressions, implosions of mortgage markets, and economy-breaking stock swindles are not caused by oversight, but lack of it.

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OK sir. You wrote two long rants about government and derailed the subject into a tiraid that has nothing to do with any of this. Move along man. Seriously. Your frankly speaking nonsense.


I bought 10 of the character slots for 60cc during the sale. Problem solved.


You Sir, are a sore loser. Have a good day.

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