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Darth Bane's new canon


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Nope. The author went so far as to write an official clarification when he heard that some people thought Bane was successful. He definitively says that Bane did not take over Zannah's body, although a small "piece" of him may have been passed on:


He says that the hand twitch was just meant to show that "some part of Bane had passed through to her. How much – was he still “alive” in some way, or is it just a small part of his identity imprinted on her – was supposed to be the ambiguous part."


Personally I liked the thought that Darth Bane had managed to wrest control of the body a much more interesting idea. How would such a powerful individual develop through the millennia if he continued to grow in strength and knowledge? Even if he had managed to win he would have still been sticking to his teachings that the strongest would rule. If he were to lose *like he did* when he attempted to take the next body, then it would *and did* show that the apprentice had grown stronger than all of the previous sith in the line. *which if Bane had survived would of just been him who had over come them all, which sadly is not the truth, I will always have my own head cannon...*


Then again, I never was overly impressed with Zannah, so that could just be my biased talking since I preferred Bane immensely. Lets see where this Disney Universe takes us, what changes and what remains...

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Just keep everything divided between SWU(Star Wars Universe) and DU(Disney Universe) and everything becomes much simpler. "New cannon" is just DU material, not SWU material, all the SWU material is just set and sealed, DU material is just the spawns of the mind of Emperor Mickey.
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I agree with what others have said and as I read this was about to say it.


The Jedi were altogether very wrong and very confused as to what happened to Bane:


Intially I assume they thought Bane, or the last Sith Lord, was killed by them on Ambria. But it was not Bane but Davorit.


Then according to the Jedi Path:


Bane died with the rest of the Sith Lords of Ruusan.


Also its not unheard of for Sith followers to make tombs and such for great Sith Lords when he lack a body.


Now of course, this is just us filling in the gaps. I can't pretend I'm not disheartened to see that they have overwritten some Legends canon, but at the very least it was done with purpose (so that Bane's spirit could appear on Korriban) and that they did faithfully keep the rest of the story in tact. Which leaves me to believe that the same will be done with the rest of the EU, making minor alterations here and there when necessary.


And of course, this is what really happened, but the legend is way cooler.

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I agree with what others have said and as I read this was about to say it.


The Jedi were altogether very wrong and very confused as to what happened to Bane:


Intially I assume they thought Bane, or the last Sith Lord, was killed by them on Ambria. But it was not Bane but Davorit.


Then according to the Jedi Path:


Bane died with the rest of the Sith Lords of Ruusan.


Also its not unheard of for Sith followers to make tombs and such for great Sith Lords when he lack a body.


Now of course, this is just us filling in the gaps. I can't pretend I'm not disheartened to see that they have overwritten some Legends canon, but at the very least it was done with purpose (so that Bane's spirit could appear on Korriban) and that they did faithfully keep the rest of the story in tact. Which leaves me to believe that the same will be done with the rest of the EU, making minor alterations here and there when necessary.


And of course, this is what really happened, but the legend is way cooler.

But new texts say the Jedi buried him.


Also, would his spirit exist if he was lost to the void?

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But new texts say the Jedi buried him.


Also, would his spirit exist if he was lost to the void?


The rule of two was revealed to the Jedi Order of centuries past, but in their hubris, the Jedi believed that they had destroyed Bane's plan with his defeat. His remains were placed in a sarcophagus on Moraband, the last Sith Lord to be laid to rest in the Valley of the Dark Lords, and the Jedi presumed the Sith to have been wiped out.


Where does that quote say that the Jedi buried Bane?


All it says is the Jedi thought they had destroyed Bane's plans with his defeat.

Bane's remains were placed in a sarcophagus, notice how that is its own sentence because it is its own thought. Independent of the previous sentence dealing with the Jedi.


Also remember that Bane had a holocron floating around somewhere

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Just keep everything divided between SWU(Star Wars Universe) and DU(Disney Universe) and everything becomes much simpler. "New cannon" is just DU material, not SWU material, all the SWU material is just set and sealed, DU material is just the spawns of the mind of Emperor Mickey.


No way because Disney makes the new films


A change to the EU is not a bad thing. It's refreshing, after so many years some of the stuff a

bit too extreme. The emperor returning and all that was lame because it takes away from the films.


Ultimately we have no idea what's coming in the future, Disney plans to make new films after this saga ends.


If one day I am sitting in a theater watching a boba fett or Darth bane movie that will be awesome

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But new texts say the Jedi buried him.


Also, would his spirit exist if he was lost to the void?

They said he was buried, not who by, I find it very hard to believe the Jedi would bury him on Korriban.


It just wouldn't happen.


Which in part leaves me to believe that the whole thing was just a construct of some fanatics.


And no, a Sith Spirit is the final manifestation of a dark siders essence clinging on to their physical presence in the world, slowly and surely being dragged into Chaos. And Bane's spirit was torn apart through failed essence transfer.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Zannah didn't share the utter hatred for her master that other apprentices had displayed. In fact, even immediately after his defeat she proclaims to Cognus they are Bane's legacy and the future of the Sith. She viewed Bane as a true revolutionary and the thought of her returning Bane's remains doesn't seem like a stretch to me. I mean Sidious kept Plag's remains....
Bane didn't have any remains, his body was destroyed.
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Never read the Bane books, which I've heard were good, but I'll be glad when/if some future sith does away with the rule of two. I find the period in the KOTOR games, including this one, far more interesting with it's sith intrigues and contant possibility of mayhem from within and without.
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Perhaps you're all right, and I'm just reading it wrong. It could be written a bit better, to be fair.


Bane didn't have any remains, his body was destroyed.


His disembodied forearm and fist tumbled harmlessly to the ground, his lightsaber flicking off as the hilt slid from his suddenly nerveless fingers.


She had seen Bane knock the woman to the ground and slap her weapon away, only to have his arm hewn off by the touch of one of the black tentacles. And then there had been a flash so bright she had been forced to close her eyes and look away.


When she looked back Bane was gone, his body reduced to a pile of ash. The blond woman still lay on the ground, dazed but alive. The deadly tendrils were nowhere to be seen.


Cautiously she approached the scene. Bane's severed arm lay on the ground, but the rest of his body had been consumed by the crimson flare.

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No way because Disney makes the new films


A change to the EU is not a bad thing. It's refreshing, after so many years some of the stuff a

bit too extreme. The emperor returning and all that was lame because it takes away from the films.


Ultimately we have no idea what's coming in the future, Disney plans to make new films after this saga ends.


If one day I am sitting in a theater watching a boba fett or Darth bane movie that will be awesome


Lucas doesn't own Star Wars anymore so nothing Disney spawns could POSSIBLY considered cannon, it's like saying 4 5 and 6 weren't cannon. And by saying the EU is lame... you realize you're playing a game that is part of the EU

Edited by DeltaBos
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Lucas doesn't own Star Wars anymore so nothing Disney spawns could POSSIBLY considered cannon, it's like saying 4 5 and 6 weren't cannon. And by saying the EU is lame... you realize you're playing a game that is part of the EU


everything that comes from or is approved by the story group is canon, whether you like it or not.

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WOW lol, stupidly written, So the Jedis are to freaking dumb that they buried such important sith lord in the home world of the sith to be visited and know by all whom are interested in him....not just that but they put his remains in a sarcophagus.....just dumb

The logical action is to burry him in a hidden place where none can visite him or try to learn anything from him...

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to each his own


the only real purpose of canon is as a framework/guide for future writers so the fictional universe has a sense of continuity. for a fan, canon doesn't mean anything really. even before Disney bought SW, there was plenty of EU stuff that, as a fan, I totally ignored and the fact that it had the label of c-canon really had no bearing on me.

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the only real purpose of canon is as a framework/guide for future writers so the fictional universe has a sense of continuity. for a fan, canon doesn't mean anything really. even before Disney bought SW, there was plenty of EU stuff that, as a fan, I totally ignored and the fact that it had the label of c-canon really had no bearing on me.


Beautifully stated. As far as I'm concerned, these films are just a 'what if' scenario

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So the way the DU tells it, the jedi found out abut Bane, found him, fought him defeated him, but I guess either his apprentice escaped or he was able to keep his legacy going somehow.


The Jedi actually though they had found him and killed him when they killed the old man, thats in the book

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The Jedi actually though they had found him and killed him when they killed the old man, thats in the book


I know that, that's how it happened in the SWU. It's just that it SOUNDS like in the DU they actually DO kill Bane. It could just be a bad choice of words by the guy who wrote the article. We know how things go in the SWU but hopefully we'll get some clarification about Bane's role in the DU.

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Of course. Disney and the Star Wars universe are completely different.


The Star Wars universe was everything pre-disney purchase, where Thrawn is a genious and Luke hooked up with an assassin who was WAY out of his league. Now any future SW material is part of the DISNEY universe, where talking mice have pet dogs any animals do housework for people with decent singing abilities.

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The Star Wars universe was everything pre-disney purchase, where Thrawn is a genious and Luke hooked up with an assassin who was WAY out of his league. Now any future SW material is part of the DISNEY universe, where talking mice have pet dogs any animals do housework for people with decent singing abilities.

Oh man, I can't wait to see Goofy become the new Jar Jar Binks... with a lightsaber! Ho-ho boy, if you LOVED the prequels for their quirky humour, awesome child actors, and amazing dialogue sequences you are not going to want to miss the latest from Disney!


Er, wait a second... Leland Chee is still in charge of the Star Wars canon (as a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, jointly established by Lucas and Disney to unify, codify, and oversee future additions to the canon). I guess that means that pretty much nothing has changed, except that the current materiel after Ep VI is going to be rewritten completely.


Let's be honest, there was some really bad stuff in there. There was also some good stuff, too. I trust the people in charge of the canon (they're just glorified fans, who grew up with Star Wars) and think that we'll finally see a unified version of the events after Ep VI that doesn't have us cringing at the Emperor and Luke fighting ten different times inconclusively (which really seems anticlimactic after the DS2 duel).


Plus, you folks will get to argue about Luke, the Emperor, and friends ALL OVER AGAIN to see who's the most powerful. 'Ain't that an exciting prospect...

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The Star Wars universe was everything pre-disney purchase, where Thrawn is a genious and Luke hooked up with an assassin who was WAY out of his league. Now any future SW material is part of the DISNEY universe, where talking mice have pet dogs any animals do housework for people with decent singing abilities.


Someone's a pessimist...

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