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Ok we clearly need a better naming policy here on SWTOR


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Despite what all these nay-sayers press, SWTOR is still in need of a new naming system. One more flexible that caters to absolutely every single character in the entire game. (PS, that's a good thing.)


Don't accuse me of inflexibility when SWTOR uses such an archaic system that caters to a select few.

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Despite what all these nay-sayers press, SWTOR is still in need of a new naming system. One more flexible that caters to absolutely every single character in the entire game. (PS, that's a good thing.)


Don't accuse me of inflexibility when SWTOR uses such an archaic system that caters to a select few.


The current system does not cater to a select few. The system accommodates EVERYONE who is not so inflexible that they absolutely MUST HAVE and feel they are entitled a specific EXACT name and spelling.


Your proposed system would NOT cater to every character. It would force many to be inconvenienced for no reason other than so you can have the EXACT name you want with the EXACT spelling.


Many have proposed possible solutions to your "problem", but you refuse to even entertain those possibilities. That seems to be a common thread with your demands or, as you would claim, simple "suggestions".

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The system accommodates EVERYONE who is not so inflexible that they absolutely MUST HAVE and feel they are entitled a specific EXACT name and spelling.


The system itself is inflexible, go accuse it of being so.


Your proposed system would NOT cater to every character. It would force many to be inconvenienced for no reason other than so you can have the EXACT name you want with the EXACT spelling.


No, it WOULD cater to every single character. It's would actually be a convenience if no one ever saw Name unavailable, please choose another again. However, if you insist on not being convenienced, then when the feature is implemented, you can use the Who search to make sure no one else has the name you want to use. Whereas the rest of us will be playing the game with characters named as we see fit.

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I always thought cryptic was on to something with their naming system. Your name that made you unique to other players was your account name. Your character could have whatever name you wanted, within reason. So there could be a million john smiths and you could tell them all apart. But even then, running into characters with the same name wasn't really much of a problem. But if you did you, the unique player, were still easily identifiable by your account name unique to you. This way you could name your characters what you wanted. I thought it was a great solution because as we know there is more than just one John in the galaxy.
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So it's ok for someone that holds a name on one server (that's never used) while playing on another? correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a bit selfish? Or if a name isn't being used months at a time, (lets say 6 months to a year) shouldn't those names be purged so someone can actually use them for a change?


Maybe if they are free to play... But if they are subscribers, then they are paying for the privilege to create as many characters and names as the subscription allows.. It doesn't matter if they never login as long as they pay their subscription... Being selfish has nothing to do with it... I have characters on most NA servers all with the same names... Mainly because I was checking out the populations and also when my main server goes off line I can still play on another server... I might login once every 6 months or not... But I have paid my money for my subscription so I can have those names and characters on those servers... If some one wants one of my names, then too bad...

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If they would update the naming system to something more modern, no one would have to worry about reserving or hoarding names. No one would have to call others selfish or try to get in contact with some character who's been a level 15 for the last 3 years in attempt to buy their name from them.


Everyone can have the name they want, no one has to worry whether or not the name they desire is taken or not.

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In example: Copyrighted.


Names can not be copyrighted, but they can be trademarked. Either way it does not make it illegal for a player to use the name in a game. Names are not usually blocked because somebody else owns them but because they exist in the game universe. ie: Satele Shan might be blocked just because they don't want people using the name of a character in the game. WoW blocks honorifics, not sure if SWTOR does, but that's just a preference of the devs.


It may surprise people to know that there are MMOs that allow duplicate names, you know like the real world? It's obvious by the content of the posts that most of the people attacking the OP didn't even read his post.

Edited by Mozepy
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The current system does not cater to a select few. The system accommodates EVERYONE who is not so inflexible that they absolutely MUST HAVE and feel they are entitled a specific EXACT name and spelling.


The very fact you could not stop your sentence at "everyone" proves that it does not cater to absolutely everyone; you had to set conditions for the people it catered to.


Ban alt codes !!


That would only increase the need for a naming system reform.


If the system says "name does not exist" but won't let you make a character with that name, then it is a name that is unavailable for some reason.


In example: Copyrighted. Or in another language might be an obscenity.


Ever seen the Report Character Name button? If there are offensive names or names that break the rules, report it, and whoever's responsible for doing so will block the name for current and future use.


Obvious names like Baras or Satele, you can go accuse them of being unoriginal. But, I'll bet you people can't even recall -off the top of your heads- who NPCs like Maro or Ortosin are. Would it really ruin your entire SWTOR experience if you saw a character named D'Nar run by?

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I always thought cryptic was on to something with their naming system. Your name that made you unique to other players was your account name. Your character could have whatever name you wanted, within reason. So there could be a million john smiths and you could tell them all apart. But even then, running into characters with the same name wasn't really much of a problem. But if you did you, the unique player, were still easily identifiable by your account name unique to you. This way you could name your characters what you wanted. I thought it was a great solution because as we know there is more than just one John in the galaxy.


I jusf wanted to add that this system also allowed people to block and friend entire accounts. So that guy trolling you couldn't just make a new alt and continue trolling you after you ignored or blocked him (a problem ive heard about more than once in this game) And your friends could identify you regardless if you were on a new toon or not. It really was a better system. Of course, i have no idea how difficult it would be to implement something like this in a game that has the classic naming system. I'd have been happy with a freaking space option. Then you could give first name middle name or nick names without akward dashes or apostrophes. Allowing more variation. I don't understand not allowing spaces as a character in a name.

Edited by Willcutt
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Stop trying to name your character xXx_Revan_Skywalker_xXx


Problem solved.


The saddest part is how many names like this I see every day :( what are you eight? (Derpy McDerpison with the moron name, not quoted poster)


About the only use there is for people with the plagarised names/xXxidiotxXx names is you can tell they are an idiot at a glance.


(Yeah if you altcode/purposefully misspell your name into a SW name I will classify you as an unoriginal idiot :p , if you make your name one if the "lolikillzu" or "pwnyurface" names, I'll classify you as a rampaging idiot worthy of Monty Pythonesque ridicule)


Even -moreso- if your on a RP server.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I have no sympathy for people who use commonly used names, or insist on having the exact spelling of a fictional character, especially a well known and/or popular one. Then throw fits if someone already has that name.


"But, I've used that name in # previous games! I am seriously attached to it!"


Yea, and they guy who has it is has probably used it before and is attached to it, too..


I came up with Tyrloch in 1986 for a Paladin in 1st edition AD&D. I have never had a problem with getting it in any of a half dozen games, which, honestly, surprises me. it seems like it would be an obvious derivative name for the Norse god Tyr. I assume I'm not the only person to think of such an obvious version of a popular fantasy deities name. But, it seems I am. And the day I start a new character and it's not available, I will not be surprised. As i said, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.


I also have Siouxii (of "and The Banshees" fame) and have never had a problem. I have Zarozinia and Cymoril (the 2 most significant female characters from the Elric books) in many games. Only once have i had a problem getting them. And then I simply changed it to Zarozinnia. See, no alt characters needed.


If you insist on the exact spelling of a well known fantasy sci-fi character, don't throw a fit if someone already has it. If it's already taken, it wasn't that original, was it?

Edited by Tyrloch
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  • 2 weeks later...
"But, I've used that name in # previous games! I am seriously attached to it!"


Yea, and they guy who has it is has probably used it before and is attached to it, too.


You still fail to comprehend that, with a fixed naming system, both characters can have the name they're "seriously attached to".


And don't go complaining that people won't be able to differentiate the two in warzones and operations/flashpoints. Randomly-picked like they are, the two never meet eachother.

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No one ever calls tech support to tell them how good they're currently doing. People only flock to tech support when something is wrong. If everyone has what they want, no one complains they don't have what they want. Redundant, but true.


This stupid name system makes character names first-come-first-served. Am I supposed to believe there's only one Johnny in the entire galaxy? There's only one Rebecca in the entire galaxy? There's only one Paul? There's only one James? Leonard? Karl? Chris? Marie? Laura? Steve? Flynn? Ray? Jill? Tim? Al? Ed? Isabella? Phineas?


Apparently so. And now the guy who was adamant on naming his character Samantha has finally settled for Ss'æmm-ÁΠŧŧŧhůħ. Are we getting ridiculous enough or can we fix the character naming system?


If I may be so bold as to self-advertise, I think my suggestion Character Nicknames and Alternate Surnames gives a decent augment for characters who want to get the names they actually want.


I think Cryptic has the best name system for mmos, the name is tied to your account and not the server. So you can have any name you want but only one character with that name on your account per server.

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  • 6 months later...
WoW blocks honorifics, not sure if SWTOR does, but that's just a preference of the devs.

Honorifics are not blocked automatically but they are against the rules (which clearly many people have no awareness of).


I jusf wanted to add that this system also allowed people to block and friend entire accounts.

I definitely would not want someone to be able to friend my entire legacy without my permission.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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