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Ok we clearly need a better naming policy here on SWTOR


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Your point?


I think they are implying it is hard to feel sympathetic towards an idea designed to make it as though one of the most common names in Western Civilization is something that is a unique to their mind.


Just come up with more unique names, problem solved.


Edit: And by the way, new character just created within the last week and came up with an idea for a name after customizing my appearance. Got it first try... and, sorry to be snarky, but it wasn't "George" or "Christine" or "Mili", or some other 4 letter variant or common name; and it wasn't some 12-15 character string of garble either. So, system seems to be fine if you can think a bit outside the box.


Bonus Edit: No symbols either.

Edited by azudelphi
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I think they are implying it is hard to feel sympathetic towards an idea designed to make it as though one of the most common names in Western Civilization is something that is a unique to their mind.


Just come up with more unique names, problem solved.


Edit: And by the way, new character just created within the last week and came up with an idea for a name after customizing my appearance. Got it first try... and, sorry to be snarky, but it wasn't "George" or "Christine" or "Mili", or some other 4 letter variant or common name; and it wasn't some 12-15 character string of garble either. So, system seems to be fine if you can think a bit outside the box.


Nevermind trying to reason with him, this guy is thinking of his character creations as his children. No amount of logic can penetrate that emotional fortress.


But yes, I've also created several characters in the last few weeks and had no problem naming them in a satisfactory manner (all 6-8 letters and no more than 2 consonants/vowels in a row).

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I think they are implying it is hard to feel sympathetic towards an idea designed to make it as though one of the most common names in Western Civilization is something that is a unique to their mind.


I'm not saying they're unique. But it's part of who they are, and I'd like to actually use the name they're supposed to have.


Just come up with more unique names, problem solved.

And by the way, new character just created within the last week and came up with an idea for a name after customizing my appearance. ... So, system seems to be fine if you can think a bit outside the box.

But yes, I've also created several characters in the last few weeks and had no problem naming them in a satisfactory manner (all 6-8 letters and no more than 2 consonants/vowels in a row).


You people still don't understand. I'm not talking about spontaneous designs made and named ingame, I'm talking about premeditated designs that have faces, clothes, names, backstories, the works; years before this game even started production.


This is a concept you people just can't seem to grasp.

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...one of the most common names in Western Civilization...


Yalla, I'm pretty sure I made up.

Hans, I'm sure is German. Sure, it's pretty close to Han, a popular figure in Star Wars lore, and would thus be taken up by a wannabe.

Darce, I'm pretty sure I made up.

Eitan is Hebrew.

So is Asenath.

Ammon is Arab or Egyptian or somewhere in that area; nowhere near Western.

Saar and Gonen are also Hebrew.

Jarlin, I think is a mutation of the name Jardin. Neither of which sound Western.

Dalece, or even her nickname Ece. I'm pretty sure was made up, as well. However, it seems the name Ece is Turkish.

Lora, I can imagine being a common Western name. But it's supposed to be a nickname for Dalora, which I am pretty sure is made up.

Page isn't even a name, it's the title of the individual who subordinates a Squire. (He's a guy, so don't tell me about Paige.)

Ranger isn't even a name, but the character is supposed to hail from a race who puts more emphasis on their earned titles than birth-given names.

Naresh isn't Western.

Neerja is Hindu.

Fevee, I made up.

Clya, I made up.

Pyotr is Russian.

Lorcain is a mutation of the name Lorcan, which is Irish.

Mili and Raya are also Hebrew.

Tine is not intended to be a nickname, and was made up at the time.




You guys point out one of the names I said I was aiming for, and claim it represents my entire list of characters. Maybe some of the aforementioned names aren't Western, and it's possible some are more common than I anticipated. But you can't accuse me of using common Western names across the board.

Edited by Fevee
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Feel free to ignore me on this, since it isn't the topic point.

Yalla, I'm pretty sure I made up.
You may have made it up, so might have someone else.

Hans, I'm sure is German. Sure, it's pretty close to Han, a popular figure in Star Wars lore, and would thus be taken up by a wannabe.

Guy named Hans is in Frozen as well. Common German name.

Darce, I'm pretty sure I made up.

Darce could be a shortened name even for a Darcy, vocally.

Eitan is Hebrew.

Etain (very similar spelling) is a popular character from Karen Traviss' Commando serieses. Could have been taken because of the spelling alteration to Etain, like the Revan wannabes.

So is Asenath.

I'll give you that.

Ammon is Arab or Egyptian or somewhere in that area; nowhere near Western.

But common enough in fiction pieces in a desert.

Saar and Gonen are also Hebrew.

Saar could be a shortened version of Balthazar, a common name in fiction.

Jarlin, I think is a mutation of the name Jardin. Neither of which sound Western.

Sure, unless you give the "ar" part a more "o" sounding "a". Could be a spelling alteration of Jordan. Jordin.

Dalece, or even her nickname Ece. I'm pretty sure was made up, as well. However, it seems the name Ece is Turkish.

Dalece, I'll give ya since I don't recognize it from my fiction reading.

Lora, I can imagine being a common Western name. But it's supposed to be a nickname for Dalora, which I am pretty sure is made up.

Have a student named Dalora, after a dead great gramma or someone who was Delora before immigrating and getting her name jangled up by officials.

Page isn't even a name, it's the title of the individual who subordinates a Squire. (He's a guy, so don't tell me about Paige.)

Ranger isn't even a name, but the character is supposed to hail from a race who puts more emphasis on their earned titles than birth-given names.

Neither title is exactly rare. And could be used as nicknames.

Naresh isn't Western.

No, but Nareesh is a common name used in fiction, so someone may have spelling altered Nareesh into Naresh before you.

Neerja is Hindu.

Not familiar with Hindu names to judge common/not, but I know I've seen it in different books by different authors.

Fevee, I made up.

I typoed "Eevee" as in the Pokemon when nicknaming it to have lowercase letters since since that wasn't the default back in the day, as Fevee. Doubt I was the only one, and I doubt that you were the only one to think it sounded like a decent name.

Clya, I made up.

Not one I've seen before, so I'll give you that one.

Pyotr is Russian.

Common Russian name. Also the name of an X-men character (Quicksilver, I think)

Lorcain is a mutation of the name Lorcan, which is Irish.

Sounds older, I'll let ya have that point.

Mili and Raya are also Hebrew.

They are? Huh. I've used them for characters in my old TTRPG sessions before we all moved away. From a random name generator since I couldn't used a pre-made template.

Tine is not intended to be a nickname, and was made up at the time.

And was only to try and make a point, until we all got a nice lesson from the Dictionary.

You guys point out one of the names I said I was aiming for, and claim it represents my entire list of characters. Maybe some of the aforementioned names aren't Western, and it's possible some are more common than I anticipated. But you can't accuse me of using common Western names across the board.


I don't think it was the Western part that we were trying to point out. It was the "common" part.


But at least you'd settle for having spaces in your names instead of having an entirely new name system put in place.


And please stop acting like we don't give a damn about our characters who are premade and whatnot, or not. It is really condescending, and you sound more like a petulant child when you make those accusations.

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Yalla, I'm pretty sure I made up.

The Arab culture would like to have a few words with you.


Hans, I'm sure is German. Sure, it's pretty close to Han, a popular figure in Star Wars lore, and would thus be taken up by a wannabe.

Hans is also Dutch. It's a variant of John, and where I live in New York, it's not uncommon. I went to school with two. One was a student, one was a superintendent. In what world does Germanic not count as Western?


Darce, I'm pretty sure I made up.

Variant of D'Arcy. France and Jane Austen would like to have a few words with you, at the very least.


Eitan is Hebrew.

So it is. Is your implication that no one who speaks or knows Hebrew plays the game besides you? I also went to school with an Eitan. More like Shaitan in bed, if you know what I mean.


So is Asenath.

Indeed. My point above about 'people besides you knowing Hebrew' still stands.


Ammon is Arab or Egyptian or somewhere in that area; nowhere near Western.

It's a frequently used name in video games. How you could possibly think naming a character Ammon is original is beyond me.


Saar and Gonen are also Hebrew.

Did you know that there are more Jewish people in the state of New York than there are in the State of Israel?


Jarlin, I think is a mutation of the name Jardin. Neither of which sound Western.

Again, France would like to have a few words. It's also still Western, despite what you believe. Romance languages are Western.


Dalece, or even her nickname Ece. I'm pretty sure was made up, as well. However, it seems the name Ece is Turkish.

Dalece is a Polish name, I'm pretty sure. I went to school with one of those, too. Yes, I come from a large, multicultural urban area. Your ideas of 'original' and 'unique' are just baffling to me.


Lora, I can imagine being a common Western name. But it's supposed to be a nickname for Dalora, which I am pretty sure is made up.

Isn't that a variant of Dolores? A Hispanic name. Same root as Lolo, Lola, and Lolita. *wink*


Page isn't even a name, it's the title of the individual who subordinates a Squire. (He's a guy, so don't tell me about Paige.)

In fact, Page is a name. In addition to being a dictionary word. How is that original and unique?


Ranger isn't even a name, but the character is supposed to hail from a race who puts more emphasis on their earned titles than birth-given names.

Aragorn. If you really think you're the only person who used that as a name, you are ... I don't even know where to start. How about with the military players?


Naresh isn't Western.

Well, it wasn't 35 years ago, but it's getting pretty common. It gets used a lot in books, too.


Neerja is Hindu.

That's almost my name. You realize there are millions of Hindus in the world, right? Is it really too hard to comprehend that some of them might play games or be friends with people who play games?


Fevee, I made up.

I'm not touching that one. But it's going to take me forever to take the 'l' off mentally and not sing the song every time I see your name.


Clya, I made up.

I got nothing on this one.


Pyotr is Russian.

And he's coming over on Saturday so we can go out to the movies! :D Oh, in game? He's got a Trooper and a Sorc, but his names are horrible.


Lorcain is a mutation of the name Lorcan, which is Irish.

Lorcain sounds like a pharmaceutical. And Irish people play video games too. What with being in the West, and all.


Mili and Raya are also Hebrew.

The only people I know who use those names are Russian Jews, specifically.


Tine is not intended to be a nickname, and was made up at the time.

It's a word. Tines of a fork. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Chris-tine. Time misspelled.


You guys point out one of the names I said I was aiming for, and claim it represents my entire list of characters. Maybe some of the aforementioned names aren't Western, and it's possible some are more common than I anticipated. But you can't accuse me of using common Western names across the board.


Almost all of them are common, and the majority are Western origin of varying degrees of common. If you were hoping for people to look at your list of names and go, "Oh, I've never heard that before," you're wrong.


I've read some of your past posts on the topic, and I just have to say: I have a unique Legacy name. It was the one I used on my KOTOR character. It does have a special symbol, but that's how it is spelled. I've never seen anyone with a variant of it anyway. I also have one character out of 22 that has a special character in the name - also because that's how it is spelled in Hungarian. The other 21 characters all have unique names aligned to the character I had in mind when I created them. Not a single one is a jumble of garbage letters and none use special characters besides the one I already mentioned. Only two required me to use anything other than the name I actually had in mind, and one of them was because I wanted to name him after a fairly prominent Star Wars EU character. My RP partner got Jori, but Gav was taken so I had to mess around with it a little. All of my names are pronounceable. I have never had a problem that made me stop playing and run to the forums to complain about not getting a name. I'm sorry that you have, but mostly because it resulted in this ridiculous thread.

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You guys point out one of the names I said I was aiming for, and claim it represents my entire list of characters. Maybe some of the aforementioned names aren't Western, and it's possible some are more common than I anticipated. But you can't accuse me of using common Western names across the board.


Fair enough to the Western origin. But it's not just Western origin. It's any origin. It's if it shares any commonality or similarity to a reference of any kind. The moment you do that, there is a chance someone else either came up with it or is linking their character to that reference.


I'm sorry, but I still think the general methodology for naming is fine. Not too keen on adding spaces, but all things considered that's the most I think they should do.

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The Arab culture would like to have a few words with you.


Just because a made-up name coincidentally means something in another culture doesn't mean that other meaning is where I got it from. Besides, it seems to be pronounced Yah-Lah, whereas I intended to pronounce it Yah-Yah, following the Spanish rule for two Ls; the same rule for tortilla.


Variant of D'Arcy. France and Jane Austen would like to have a few words with you, at the very least.

Darce could be a shortened name even for a Darcy, vocally.


But it's not, his name is Darce. It's not a variant, and I've never even heard of those variants before now; meaning they cannot have responsible for the naming of the character.


Etain (very similar spelling) is a popular character from Karen Traviss' Commando serieses. Could have been taken because of the spelling alteration to Etain, like the Revan wannabes.

So it is. Is your implication that no one who speaks or knows Hebrew plays the game besides you? I also went to school with an Eitan. More like Shaitan in bed, if you know what I mean.


I've never heard of Karen Traviss' Commando series, nor have I ever heard the name Etain before. Thus, they cannot have been responsible for the naming of the character.


Daewan, you're full of it. This list was to disprove the claim that I only use common Western names. Whether or not Eitan is common, Eitan is not Western.


Your ideas of 'original' and 'unique' are just baffling to me.


I didn't say they were original and unique. But there seems to be an unwritten law that all custom content characters must be named in an unprecedented and out-of-the-blue manner. If you have your own characters -created before SWTOR was released- I'd like you to introduce them all to me. And they all better be 100% unique but still simple enough to recall on a moment's notice, or else you're a hypocrite.


Isn't that a variant of Dolores? A Hispanic name. Same root as Lolo, Lola, and Lolita. *wink*


No, it's no variant. Just because you can pull obscure references doesn't mean that was the case when it came to character naming.


Aragorn. If you really think you're the only person who used that as a name, you are ... I don't even know where to start. How about with the military players?


Wasn't he called Strider, though? Not Ranger? I recall he was referred to as a ranger, but not actually addressed as such. However, you're pulling obscure references, again. If you actually saw my Ranger character, Aragorn would be lightyears away when it comes to your mental reference game.


I'm not touching that one. But it's going to take me forever to take the 'l' off mentally and not sing the song every time I see your name.


You lost me there.


I typoed "Eevee" as in the Pokemon when nicknaming it to have lowercase letters since since that wasn't the default back in the day, as Fevee. Doubt I was the only one, and I doubt that you were the only one to think it sounded like a decent name.


I've noticed the relation between the spelling of that Pokemon and Fevee, as well. In truth, the name was created by simply slurring the word TV. Maybe others have thought to use it as a name, too, but Google image search seem to favor mine, anyways.


I got nothing on this one.

Not one I've seen before, so I'll give you that one.


Glad at least one of my names are original enough. But I still stand that not all character names have to be pulled out of the blue and be a million percent unprecedented.


It's a word. Tines of a fork. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Chris-tine. Time misspelled.


Just because a made-up name coincidentally means something in another culture doesn't mean that other meaning is where I got it from. Besides, I've never heard of any of those before now, meaning they cannot have been responsible for the naming of the character back when it happened.


And please stop acting like we don't give a damn about our characters who are premade and whatnot, or not. It is really condescending, and you sound more like a petulant child when you make those accusations.


If you haven't noticed, the majority of the advice I'm getting on this thread goes along the lines of "Just abandon your premade designs!" If that is the advice they're willing to give, I assume that's the advice they're willing to follow, thus meaning they abandon their own designs; they don't care about them. Following that pattern, it feels like you guys truly don't care about your previously-created characters. Of course, telling me to do so, do you think I won't take it personally? It feels like a critical hit, so to speak. So do you think I'm just going to take that lying down? Or do you think I'm going to retaliate and aim for a critical hit of my own?


Of course, no one ever cares about offending me, no one ever cares what I think or if I'm condescended to. Those are all okay, as long as I don't reciprocate. That's just the way it is everytime I have the audacity to stand up for what I believe in. Excuse me if I start getting testy again.


Yes, I'll settle for spaces being allowed in the name, that way, the system won't complain when a first name is already used because the insinuated surname would be a part of it, meaning someone would have to have claim both first and last name. The odds of that happening are probably way way way higher than just a first name being used. But, I would prefer if a new surname slot can be officially implemented (independent of the Legacy name ), or do that Name@Account technique that Cryptic does.


By the way, all of you people seem to have not noticed the last post on page 8.

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You guys point out one of the names I said I was aiming for, and claim it represents my entire list of characters. Maybe some of the aforementioned names aren't Western, and it's possible some are more common than I anticipated. But you can't accuse me of using common Western names across the board.

There have been comments by others on your list of names in how common these names/words are. I just add that from my point of view thereis almost no name in that list where I would be surprised if they where not already taken.


Seems like your "making up" names quite often end up in real world common names/verbs/nouns without you knowing how common those words are.


I don't know wether I'm just lucky or more creative, but so far, most of the names of my characters worked without problem on first try, without the need of any modification. A few examples?


Turajin (btw a character I played for 10 Years in a pen&paper rpg, so it's an example for a "premeditated" name that worked without any problems)



Zerankhar (those two are brothers, based on two npc's I used as a game master in a pen&paper rpg a few years ago - so also "premeditated" names...)







Theese last 5 names where made up at the moment where I created thode characters, spontaneous ideas that all worked without any problems (even though I expected the last name - Veeri - to be in use because, from my point of view, it doesn't sound that creativ and uncommon but like something a few hundred players may have come up with long before me... but, to my surprise, the name wasn't taken)

I'd say none of the names are "gibberish" or hard to pronounce. I don't know if any of theese names is based on some name/term/noun/whatever of any real world western/eastern/anywhere culture, so I can't say wether they are highly creative made up or (by accident) blatant plagiates, but they worked.

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I didn't say they were original and unique. But there seems to be an unwritten law that all custom content characters must be named in an unprecedented and out-of-the-blue manner. If you have your own characters -created before SWTOR was released- I'd like you to introduce them all to me. And they all better be 100% unique but still simple enough to recall on a moment's notice, or else you're a hypocrite.


Just because a made-up name coincidentally means something in another culture doesn't mean that other meaning is where I got it from. Besides, I've never heard of any of those before now, meaning they cannot have been responsible for the naming of the character back when it happened.


If you haven't noticed, the majority of the advice I'm getting on this thread goes along the lines of "Just abandon your premade designs!" If that is the advice they're willing to give, I assume that's the advice they're willing to follow, thus meaning they abandon their own designs; they don't care about them. Following that pattern, it feels like you guys truly don't care about your previously-created characters. Of course, telling me to do so, do you think I won't take it personally? It feels like a critical hit, so to speak. So do you think I'm just going to take that lying down? Or do you think I'm going to retaliate and aim for a critical hit of my own?


Of course, no one ever cares about offending me, no one ever cares what I think or if I'm condescended to. Those are all okay, as long as I don't reciprocate. That's just the way it is everytime I have the audacity to stand up for what I believe in. Excuse me if I start getting testy again.


By the way, all of you people seem to have not noticed the last post on page 8.


I noticed it. I honestly don't believe that your emotions prompt a complete systemic change. It's nothing personal, there merely has to be a rational, logical need for something to warrant resources to be dedicated to it.


There are also cons to the system that has been proposed as many have laid out. Not to mention that the chat systems would need a system change to work for these suggestion. Spaces would cause problems in the parameters for the whisper commands, so that would prompt either a new or buggy chat system. @account would still need an update to the way the back end handles the parameters for chat.


So... you can spare the soapbox speech over "what I believe in"... it's a game, you had an idea, it's getting negative feedback. You aren't going to get any additional support making emotional pleas; you have to prove why this feature is needed and deserves development resources that could be used to create new content. So far, you have not shown has this has significant benefit, nor shown that this has widespread appeal, nor that this warrants any funding.

Edited by azudelphi
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Just because a made-up name coincidentally means something in another culture doesn't mean that other meaning is where I got it from. Besides, it seems to be pronounced Yah-Lah, whereas I intended to pronounce it Yah-Yah, following the Spanish rule for two Ls; the same rule for tortilla.


But it's not, his name is Darce. It's not a variant, and I've never even heard of those variants before now; meaning they cannot have responsible for the naming of the character.


I've never heard of Karen Traviss' Commando series, nor have I ever heard the name Etain before. Thus, they cannot have been responsible for the naming of the character.


Daewan, you're full of it. This list was to disprove the claim that I only use common Western names. Whether or not Eitan is common, Eitan is not Western.


I didn't say they were original and unique. But there seems to be an unwritten law that all custom content characters must be named in an unprecedented and out-of-the-blue manner. If you have your own characters -created before SWTOR was released- I'd like you to introduce them all to me. And they all better be 100% unique but still simple enough to recall on a moment's notice, or else you're a hypocrite.


No, it's no variant. Just because you can pull obscure references doesn't mean that was the case when it came to character naming.


Wasn't he called Strider, though? Not Ranger? I recall he was referred to as a ranger, but not actually addressed as such. However, you're pulling obscure references, again. If you actually saw my Ranger character, Aragorn would be lightyears away when it comes to your mental reference game.


You lost me there.


I've noticed the relation between the spelling of that Pokemon and Fevee, as well. In truth, the name was created by simply slurring the word TV. Maybe others have thought to use it as a name, too, but Google image search seem to favor mine, anyways.


Glad at least one of my names are original enough. But I still stand that not all character names have to be pulled out of the blue and be a million percent unprecedented.


Just because a made-up name coincidentally means something in another culture doesn't mean that other meaning is where I got it from. Besides, I've never heard of any of those before now, meaning they cannot have been responsible for the naming of the character back when it happened.


I was explaining possible reasons why you did not get those names. Sure, Google may prefer your Fevee, but not everyone puts out a character chart list onto the internet.


And because *you* never heard of something being used, doesn't mean someone else has not, case in point Karen Traviss.

If you haven't noticed, the majority of the advice I'm getting on this thread goes along the lines of "Just abandon your premade designs!" If that is the advice they're willing to give, I assume that's the advice they're willing to follow, thus meaning they abandon their own designs; they don't care about them. Following that pattern, it feels like you guys truly don't care about your previously-created characters. Of course, telling me to do so, do you think I won't take it personally? It feels like a critical hit, so to speak. So do you think I'm just going to take that lying down? Or do you think I'm going to retaliate and aim for a critical hit of my own?


Of course, no one ever cares about offending me, no one ever cares what I think or if I'm condescended to. Those are all okay, as long as I don't reciprocate. That's just the way it is everytime I have the audacity to stand up for what I believe in. Excuse me if I start getting testy again.


Yes, I'll settle for spaces being allowed in the name, that way, the system won't complain when a first name is already used because the insinuated surname would be a part of it, meaning someone would have to have claim both first and last name. The odds of that happening are probably way way way higher than just a first name being used. But, I would prefer if a new surname slot can be officially implemented (independent of the Legacy name ), or do that Name@Account technique that Cryptic does.


By the way, all of you people seem to have not noticed the last post on page 8.


Lyraine, last name Alei, created in 2007-10, mostly finalized in 2010, Mandalorian woman who bounty hunts to get away from some of the pressure for her to get married, because she is far older than the standard 16 years of age. Human, mid twenties. She winds up helping a Jedi clear his name to his Order before he left it to make a point about Jedi hypocrisy. She dual wields pistols, and isn't crazy about using her flamethrower, but she does have basic field medical training. In-game she is a BodyGuard Mercenary, body Type Three. Name is pronounced "Ly-rain", nicknames are "Rain" to her family and close friends, and "Hunter" to the rest of the galaxy.


Colein, Sith Warrior, Cyborg. Nickname, Spryte. A formal-speaking, polite tiny woman who is happy to help people who ask her. She loves her family, has a daughter and a husband, both have unfortunately defected to the Republic. To keep from losing face, she has been manipulating his troops for him, and saying he was away on an undercover mission. She is a polite and kind Sith unless someone demands her assistance, insults her or her family and allies, or betrays her. In-game she has few visible cybernetics on her face and is a Juggernaut to represent her sheer willpower. However, she in-game does not have regular access to her in-character Force Lightning. Created in 2006-2012, finalized mostly 2012. Pronounced "Call-ehn"


Pixil, was a member of a cat-like specie until I learned about the Cathar in SW. A small woman who thinks she is bigger than she is, and carries the assault cannon to prove it. She winds up talking herself into bigger trouble on a regular basis, but she has always managed to blast through it before. However, as big as she is (or not), she cares about those around her and tries to consider them before making a decision. She lies about her age to get where she wants. Created 2010-2011, finalized mostly by 2011. Nicknames "Pix". Body type one. In-game, she is a healing Commando more for function and to survive her own stupidity when she talks herself into trouble, Commando was chosen for the assault cannon. Name is pronounced like the little computer dots, "Pix-ill". She does carry a few trait from a cat in the Heinlein multiverse (cat named Pixil as well, and is introduced in The Cat who Walked Through Walls) where she is a decent, sturdy trooper who can, in the end, back her words up because she doesn't know she shouldn't be able to.


Mikail, pronounced "Me-kayl", human male. Husband of Darth "Spryte" Colein, he defected from his position as a Moff to protect the daughter of him and Colein from being taken to Korriban. He misses the Empire, and is saddened by the clear decline of proper military procedure the Imperials have shown. The only reason he had not returned to the Empire is his daughter, who has been raised into an unconventional Jedi, and the SIS knows this. The SIS has on multiple occasions, threatened to leak information on his and the Darth's daughter, if he didn't tell them what they wanted to know. However, ten years after defecting, his intel is no longer very accurate. Unlike one of his fellow defectors (Elara, for example), he does not focus so much on exact procedure, and more on the Big Important General Stuff (burying the dead, sending dead Imperials back to the Empire, not torturing the prisoners, defending civilians, for examples). He isn't blindly loyal the Republic for accepting his defection, and often criticizes the Senate for being wishey-washey (daughter taught him that phrase and he took a liking to it), or for being slow. He still considers himself married to Colein, and takes offense when someone insults her, or his child.


One-Four, human, female. Alternative name: Tyree Alei. One-Four is the name of the militarized person Tyree was and became again. She was raised by the mercenary Verd'dha in a child-army training camp. However, when she got a little older(about eight years of age), the Jedi came through and liberated the children. She was discovered to have minor Force Abilities, and taken in by the Order. She tries to do the right thing, but often chooses the mission above others except her immediate team. As a Trooper, she is a vanguard because she has no ability to heal beyond bandaging a person up. I have rolled her as a Jedi on another server from my mains, and she is a Sentinel because having her hands together to strike feels odd. Out-of-game she's Clone Wars Era (or before the movies, have yet to fully finalize that), dual wields pistols she made into lightsabers, or uses a heavy blaster rifle, and heavy armor. Created 2005-2007 initially, and is still being fully developed.


Hmm. I had some other pre-mades but they didn't have names I really felt they liked, so I had often changed them. Aishilynne is Mikail and Colein's daughter, a Jedi Cyborg with some extensive health issues due to her mother's health conditions. Jarote is Pixil's brother, a happy go lucky guy who loves adventure, and is more than happy to shred anyone who causes his sister harm (his fault she thinks she's bigger than she is). Eizzey and Ahnauh are Zabrak sisters, both ex-slaves, Eiz was taken in by and raised by pirates and Ahn was taken to the Empire before her Force Sensitivity was discovered. Sophria's an exiled Alderaanian (formerly just an exiled noble) who was sent to the Wild Lands to grow up (Her name is also used by an NPC in one of the old Star Wars Starfighter games or something). Toryah's a Sith noble who used to own Ahnauh, but was the only decent owner of the Zabrak, she was the one who would "encourage" the academy into taking Ahn in. Verd'dha is supposed to be just Verd, but I realized it was a nickname given by One-Four, Nau'ur, and Zerker among others that he taught and raised, Powertech BH in-game.


Those are the ones I can name off the top of my head, since I had been playing them quite a bit lately. Of course none of them are more than ten years old because I'm a younger RPer, who has only stopped making Author clone OCs ten years ago after entering middle school.


Characters I wish I could make:

Gina; Mad archeologist with a symbiotic relationship with an otherwise parasitic creature. Problems: Common name, no appropriate class, no appropriate specie.

Zerker: Trandoshan Jedi, one of One-Four/Tyree's childhood siblings-by-adoption. Problems: Name is short for Beserker, common, would be a Jedi Shadow, no Saberpikes in the game, no player Trandoshan.

Beetwenfour: Weequay, Republic Pilot. Problems: No Weequay player characters.

PT-1-4: Human clone (non-Kaminoan), Imperial Trooper. Problems: No Imp Trooper class, no numbers allowed in names. Became Pete' wonfor, Imperial Agent.

Ash: Republic Scientist, human. Problems: common name, neither Trooper nor Smuggler feel like an appropriate class.

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I noticed it. I honestly don't believe that your emotions prompt a complete systemic change. It's nothing personal, there merely has to be a rational, logical need for something to warrant resources to be dedicated to it.


There are also cons to the system that has been proposed as many have laid out. Not to mention that the chat systems would need a system change to work for these suggestion. Spaces would cause problems in the parameters for the whisper commands, so that would prompt either a new or buggy chat system. @account would still need an update to the way the back end handles the parameters for chat.


So... you can spare the soapbox speech over "what I believe in"... it's a game, you had an idea, it's getting negative feedback. You aren't going to get any additional support making emotional pleas; you have to prove why this feature is needed and deserves development resources that could be used to create new content. So far, you have not shown has this has significant benefit, nor shown that this has widespread appeal, nor that this warrants any funding.


Well said.

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Tine: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tyne: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tien: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tein: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Teinn: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tienn: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tyyne: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.


In most cases, I can't even have an alternate spelling to the names I want. This is just ridiculous, SWTOR needs to fix their naming system.


I honestly don't believe that your emotions prompt a complete systemic change. It's nothing personal, there merely has to be a rational, logical need for something to warrant resources to be dedicated to it.


You want logic and statistics? Fine. According to this system, it's one per character. And if you haven't noticed, players are capable of owning many characters. How many characters do we have to go through before we have exhausted every single name and it's alternate spelling before character names just aren't plausible anymore? What does SWTOR do then? Halt new players/character creation entirely? I say they fix this before it even comes to that.


There are also cons to the system that has been proposed as many have laid out. Not to mention that the chat systems would need a system change to work for these suggestion. Spaces would cause problems in the parameters for the whisper commands, so that would prompt either a new or buggy chat system. @account would still need an update to the way the back end handles the parameters for chat.


You people act like you're the technicians and programmers responsible for that. Correct me if I'm wrong; but that's not your problem. Let's waive the technical details for a minute: If you can name your character any name you want, would you?


If you don't want to benefit from an infinitely-unlocked naming system, why do you want to hamper it for everyone who does? Don't give me any bunk excuses like people will name their characters after canon/popular Star Wars characters, that's already happening. Don't let the few ruin what'll be a good thing for the whole.


And because *you* never heard of something being used, doesn't mean someone else has not, case in point Karen Traviss.


You people also act like, just because a single name is used somewhere in the obscurity of fiction or reality, that name is forever disqualified from being used in any other situation in the entirety of space and time.

It's not.



I like your character bios, LyraineAlei, would you not want to at least name them what you have planned out? Even if the game won't allow for everything to be exactly as you desired?

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I like your character bios, LyraineAlei, would you not want to at least name them what you have planned out? Even if the game won't allow for everything to be exactly as you desired?


Across four servers, yes.


Aishilynne is on Harbinger (other servers might have her as Aish)

Lyraine is on Begeren Coloney

Colein is on Jedi Covenant (rolled when I was F2P). Her Spryte alter-self is on Harbinger.

Pixil is on Shadowlands

Jarote is on Shadowlands

I didn't roll Mikail as Mikail yet, but as his call sign "Chisher" that dates to when he and Aish defected and he was coming out of a coma trying to say "She's where?". Harbinger server. Mikail felt too common for a then nearly two year old game. And he's a trooper so call signs are acceptable to me.

One-Four is on Begeren. One-four is also her call sign, I have not gotten around to playing her Tyree self on Shadowlands yet because I'm trying to get my BC mains through chapter one and most of chapter two right now.

Eizzey is on Shadowlands

Ahnauh is on Shadowlands.

Toryah is in both Shadowlands and Begeren.

Sophria is on Shadowlands.

Verd'dha is on Begeren.

Nau'ur is on Begeren. Just not SPB, she's Miraluka since Nau'ur the character I made her as is blind.

Nau'ur'dha (same base character, but Sith Pureblood like Nau'ur should be, but SPBs aren't blind) is on Begeren.



Okay, that's three servers. I have toons on four servers, the ones not listed were ones without names, but were ideas I managed to personify.


Why across the servers instead of on just one? I think there are more than twenty-two for one, and I rolled the legacy-starting ones back when I was F2P and at the time only allowed two per server back then. If I can't play with the name, alteration, or a nickname, I try to roll him/her on another server.


Marrockluxson, I plan on saving up for a character rename into Marrock-luxson be a use I now know I can use hyphens, a detail I didn't know when I rolled him back in my F2P days, and he's now my Begeren Cybertech at level 47-wait.. 49? I need to upgrade my list again...


So I guess I'm one of the lucky ones to get her "babies" named just right. Across a few servers, but I have them.


As for the ones I said I couldn't play as? Most of them have unavailable classes, or species on top of likely already taken names. With the one exception that I rolled as an Agent even though he's more of a Trooper for the Empire.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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I started on other servers, too, because of the 2-per-F2P player. However, I still kept them apart by "Legacy". I had characters I wanted to keep apart and characters I wanted to keep together. Plus, it was -still is- the only to have separate surnames. Harbinger holds the DuSaar legacy, and I only want to put characters from that story there. Jung Ma holds the Rhawl legacy, Progenitor holds the Starbyrd legacy, Bastion holds the Ban legacy, and so on.


On this note of multiple surnames, people are further identified by their surname. Thus, it should be a part of the naming process. If they can somehow incorporate an extra slot for surnames, it can free up first names because the surname will also be a part of the identification. Plus, names won't be taken unless both name slots will have to be used up in the order you intended it. But, what are the odds of that? (John may be taken up, so may John Doe, and then John Smith, but not John Bosenjager or John Robkiy or whatever available surname you want your John to have.) I state this intended for surnames to be separate of Legacy names. So, only one person can have the entire legacy named after them, but not everyone is named after the legacy.

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Tine: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tyne: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tien: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tein: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Teinn: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tienn: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.

Tyyne: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.


In most cases, I can't even have an alternate spelling to the names I want. This is just ridiculous, SWTOR needs to fix their naming system.

No, you need to expand your naming horizons.

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I started on other servers, too, because of the 2-per-F2P player. However, I still kept them apart by "Legacy". I had characters I wanted to keep apart and characters I wanted to keep together. Plus, it was -still is- the only to have separate surnames. Harbinger holds the DuSaar legacy, and I only want to put characters from that story there. Jung Ma holds the Rhawl legacy, Progenitor holds the Starbyrd legacy, Bastion holds the Ban legacy, and so on.


On this note of multiple surnames, people are further identified by their surname. Thus, it should be a part of the naming process. If they can somehow incorporate an extra slot for surnames, it can free up first names because the surname will also be a part of the identification. Plus, names won't be taken unless both name slots will have to be used up in the order you intended it. But, what are the odds of that? (John may be taken up, so may John Doe, and then John Smith, but not John Bosenjager or John Robkiy or whatever available surname you want your John to have.) I state this intended for surnames to be separate of Legacy names. So, only one person can have the entire legacy named after them, but not everyone is named after the legacy.


Most of my characters are linked together in many ways, I actually have papers to remind me of who is what to who else for story purposes, which took a long time to keep track of. But I have them across servers to fill in those spaces (currently at 13/22 per server limit), or for names. As of late, I had also taken to refilling some just to see if I can like Sophria-Orinas (Sophria's family name being Orinas), and using hyphens to replace the spaces.


I remember that you don't want to use hyphens because someone may think (using my given example here again) that a Sophria's full name is "Sophria-Orinas <insert Legacy Name here>", though you can turn off the option to have the Legacy Surname visible, so that all that shows is "Sophria-Orinas" and I usually have "Legacy <name>" below that, though more so I remember what server I am on.

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No, you need to expand your naming horizons.


When I have a character who's name I insist is Tine, that's what I'm going to try to name him. I'm going to try to respell the word to still sound like Tine, I'm not going to revamp his name, entirely, and call him Haxahxl. Just because Branmakmuffin has no premeditated designs doesn't mean the rest of us don't.

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Look, I get that we can get attached to some character names. Perhaps we used those names for years on other games, on table top RPGs, maybe it was the name of a pet or perhaps you created a background for that character and the name is just ESSENTIAL. I get that. I too had to chage spelling or pick different names because of it.

But the truth is we have no way of knowing if the person who holds the character name we want feels as, or even more, strongly about that name than we do. Should there be a system that takes away the name of a character in favor of another player? No, there shoudn't.

It is the reality of this kinds of games. The way MMOs are done, the character name is its identification, like an e-mail adress IRL. You can't have 2 of the same or there are problems.

The "first come, first get" system in place for names is, believe it or not, the fairest we could have.

Should name purges occur in regular bases? I believe so. Inactive characters on inactive accounts should not bar active players from names they want. Even so, there is no guarantee the names we might want will be freed. They might just have been taken by active players who feel as strongly as we do about them.


Now, someone (the OP I believe) described checking for the name he wanted before using the "Name Change" item, and still couldn't used it. Considering the Name Change is expensive, the strategy of creating a placeholder character with the desired name just to check for availability is a good and effective one. This is the most assured way of checking if a name has been taken.


All in all, I don't believe a new naming policy is needed. More frequent name purges wouldn't hurt, but other than that, I can't see any action could be taken which wouldn't result in being unfair to some people in order for others to get what they want.

Edited by Terrorus
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What I don't understand is why we cannot have spaces in names. The ability to use a space within a name opens up exponentially more possibilities as players have the choice between differentiating first name, surname, or both. EVE Online has this, and it's never ever taken me more than one attempt to name a character there, across many alts.


Here? I got a couple of my "common" names during the first moments of the first day of early access before launch. The next few toons I got a bit more creative. Now naming a new toon consists of "get out the 700 page baby names dictionary, look for names with meanings you like (they'll probably be foreign), attempt all possible permutations starting with the most palatable until one is allowed. I've played SWTOR, I've played EVE, I've played LOTRO, and I've played several browser-based MMOs and this game has got to have the worst, most restrictive naming system I've ever seen (though Runescape might come close, at least it didn't take me more than 3 tries there, which I can't say here for all my alts).


I guess that's what happens when the whole idea of surnames gets stitched on later, post-launch--we didn't even get surnames until the Legacy patch of 1.2. They really should have allowed spaces within names then, if not at launch. I've never had problems mailing or communicating with characters with spaces in their names in other games; the fear of "which John?" is nonsensical. If you don't know which John, you don't know the John you want to mail very well.


As for "Name Lastname Legacyname?" We have the ability to hide legacy names or display legacy as a title under the nameplate. I don't really see a problem with that either. Then again this whole issue should have been fixed outright rather than band-aided in 1.2 when Bioware started the Legacy system...


I've never whined that I didn't get a name I wanted, but the restriction against using spaces in a name is a pointlessly artificial restriction (and I'm sure it's contributed mightily to angering players who were forced to server transfer in the past).


Oh, yeah, and allowing spaces within names would probably nearly eliminate any reasonable demand for periodic name purges. It's much easier for most reasonable people to vary a surname than to find some weird off-permutation of a first name that they're particularly attached to.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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When I have a character who's name I insist is Tine, that's what I'm going to try to name him. I'm going to try to respell the word to still sound like Tine, I'm not going to revamp his name, entirely, and call him Haxahxl. Just because Branmakmuffin has no premeditated designs doesn't mean the rest of us don't.


Some players inflexibility is the problem, not the naming system.


It seems that some players think that if they cannot have EXACTLY what they want, then the game must be entirely changed to accommodate them.

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The whole issue with this thread is the wording of the title and the way those in favor present the "issue".


You could have done this and nobody would've made a big deal about it:


Improving the naming system


Here are some suggestions I think would improve the naming system used in this game:


Suggestion A - description, pros and cons.

Suggestion B - description, pros and cons.


What do you think?


But no, it had to be "We CLEARLY need a better naming system" and posts continued on that tangent with "My characters are premeditated and have existed for years, so they obviously can't have any other name" and "What if you had to rename your CHILDREN?" :rolleyes: Melodrama and entitlement should be left behind when suggesting improvements to existing systems.


Those of you who want changes or purges or whatever, I would suggest you let this thread die and make a new, more neutral suggestion thread with more humility and less demand. There might still be some of the same type of replies as here (this is still the internet, after all), but it will be a much better foundation for gauging actual interest and sparking a meaningful discussion.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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Some players inflexibility is the problem, not the naming system.


It seems that some players think that if they cannot have EXACTLY what they want, then the game must be entirely changed to accommodate them.


Ratajack, you are dismissed from the thread, as you do not have premeditated character designs, and thus you are not missing out on the names you want, and thus you do not comprehend where the rest of us are coming from.


For now, I challenge you to call up Lucas and pressure him to change the names of his characters. After all, Luke, Han, and Ben are quite common names. The last 37 years haven't meant a thing, he needs to change them because they're not creative enough. You convince him to do that, and I promise I'll rename my 50+/- characters.


Until then, I will support game changes that benefit the entire SWTOR community. Just because you don't want to benefit from complete naming freedom doesn't mean the rest of us don't.

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