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Time to vote for Gunslinger/Sniper Q&A (due for 6-6-2014)


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Slight change in the schedule. Due to the need of phrasing the questions correctly and my inadequate gunslinger PvP experience I'm closing the voting a bit earlier.

Instead of Thursday 22:30 CEST closing I will close the voting at Thursday 12:30 CEST




I will have my view on the final draft online before 19:00 CEST which gives you all ample time to wright questions of your own (I forgot that not everybody has a day off at thursday/friday ;-))

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Question 1: PvE3


Question 2: PvP4


Wildcard: PVE4 (Even though its marked as a pve question i think any changes to the sab/engi tree should aim to make it pvp viable aswell)

Edited by Thubb
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Thanks to all voters for the many votes we could see in here. As a reminder if you want to vote but haven't done so; voting will be closed in a few hours.


Slight change in the schedule. Due to the need of phrasing the questions correctly and my inadequate gunslinger PvP experience I'm closing the voting a bit earlier.

Instead of Thursday 22:30 CEST closing I will close the voting at Thursday 12:30 CEST




I will have my view on the final draft online before 19:00 CEST which gives you all ample time to wright questions of your own (I forgot that not everybody has a day off at thursday/friday ;-))

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Voting closed and the results are in. Thanks again for all responses. :o in all the excitement I forgot to vote myself ... whoops .... /slap



PvE question: PvE1 + PvE3 (15 combined votes)

PvP question: PvP4 (17 votes)

WC question: PvE4 (9 votes)


I see no other viable combination questions without having to many questions in one. If someone has an idea feel to share. In the meantime I will be busy with the questions above for now.


I do still request the assistance of any PvP'er to formulate the PvP question correctly. I will update the OP with each edit so check back to see the latest version.

Edited by fire-breath
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1st draft is ready for community feedback. Check the OP for the latest version. Below is what I got at the time of writing.


Please give feedback on the spelling/grammar and content / wording only. Please provide your own version of the question / background so its easier for me to see what you mean (and so I can copy/paste it with slight edits to make it more consistent with the rest).


PVE Question:

The coming patch 2.8 will bring a few changes to the double proc relicbug and several buffs to other classes. We fear that in the recent patches preceding 2.8 and 2.8 itself the DPS gap will be widened between several classes. We do understand that gunslingers are bringing some defensive capabilities for ourselves and a great cooldown for the raid in the form of scramblingfield. These defensive capabilities and the universal playstyle of the gunslinger might have the potential to keep us in the raiding teams. But taking a gunslinger in a raid team will lower the raid DPS and we might get changed out for higher level content just like shadows, sages or even commandos in the past. One way to counter this is by speccing saboteur and exploit gamemechanics. However we feel that its not fun playing as a defacto melee without gap closer and having to often use exploited / not intended game mechanics just to be on par with the other DPS players.

Related to this is that the current iteration of the Marksmanship/Sharpshooter specialization is lacking unique and effective offensive area of effect (AOE) abilities for groups of less than five targets.


What can the combat team do to improve Marksmanship/Sharpshooter offensive AOE capabilities within the boundaries of a burst dps tree and is the combat team aware of the relatively speaking lower sustained and AoE DPS for gunslingers in general, brought by the latest patches and 2.8? Are our defensive skills meant to negate this lack of DPS or are there other changes coming to make up for the loss?


PvP Question:

I can't write a background/introduction for this one myself since Macewindy is strictly PvE and I would hate to see it go to waste. If a PvP'er could write this for me I would be thankful. Please discuss it in the PvP-thread and I will copy paste it + edit it if needed.

It is a well known established fact that gunslingers have survival issues in arena's and most classes see them as a free kill or at the very least the class to focus first. We know and understand that essentially you feel we need a new button and that you're hesitant to create new skills at this time. Unfortunately this puts our class in a difficult situation and we don't feel as if that is a suitable situation. For example what kind of time frame would a survival boost be implemented, by your comments so far it's going to be later rather than sooner.


How will you address the survivability issues which gunslingers currently are facing in Arenas?


Wildcard question:

In the previous round of questions for Snipers, the combat team stated their dissatisfaction with the Engineering/Saboteur specialization. Noting long cooldowns on core abilities, single target limit on Interrogation Probe/Shock Charge and the energy management mechanics which all contributed to a clunky rotation and playstyle. Furthermore both in PvE and PvP Scatterbombs are highly controversial. PvP'ers are capable of one-shotting people with 10 mines but have to sacrifice their survival hightail for damage. PvE'ers face the issue of scatterbombs making up for about 20% of all damage done and a melee requirement. While the damage output is nice for the saboteur gunslinger, the combatteam stated it was not intended to be used as such.

What has the combat team drawn up since the previous set of answers for resolving these issues present in the Engineering/Saboteur specialization while keeping the AoE-ness of our spec?


Some random notes and concerns:

- MM/SS is currently lacking decent fillers while we are still being forced to use Flyby/OS on single targets

- DPS wize MM/SS is feeling to dependent on critting. (Even when considering its our burst dps tree)

- Both PvE and PvP setbonuses are feeling lackluster and mostly are considered to be non valuable

- The usefulness of alacrity is better after 2.0 but somehow the impact still feels small

- DoTs and Wounding Shots by other gunslingers and scoundrels are consuming the casters stacks of Hemoorhaging blast

- The marker on an enemy player by aimedshot is to much a dead give away that a gunslinger/sniper is targeting you (Question: Should we mention this bulletpoint since I haven't seen that many people naming this issue. FYI: On my sage I love this marker. Means I must scram to LOS him :p)

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Thank the lord that the weakening blast question didn't actually make the cut...


I have no feedback for the questions though. Can't help with the PvP question I'm afraid.

Edited by SamuelAU
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really this is just making the question succinct and not 3 questions while trying to get the point across.


PVE Question:

The coming patch 2.8 will bring a few changes to the double proc relicbug and several buffs to other classes. We fear that in the recent patches preceding 2.8 and 2.8 itself the DPS gap will be widened between several classes. We do understand that gunslingers are bringing some defensive capabilities for ourselves and a great cooldown for the raid in the form of scramblingfield. These defensive capabilities and the universal playstyle of the gunslinger might have the potential to keep us in the raiding teams. But taking a gunslinger in a raid team will lower the raid DPS and we might get changed out for higher level content just like shadows, sages or even commandos in the past. One way to counter this is by speccing saboteur and exploit gamemechanics. However we feel that its not fun playing as a defacto melee without gap closer and having to often use exploited / not intended game mechanics just to be on par with the other DPS players.

Related to this is that the current iteration of the Marksmanship/Sharpshooter specialization is lacking unique and effective offensive area of effect (AOE) abilities for groups of less than five targets.



Does the combat team believe that a Marksmanship Sniper's defensive capabilities are enough to compensate for the relatively low sustained and AoE damage output of the spec?

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Does the combat team believe that a Marksmanship Sniper's defensive capabilities are enough to compensate for the relatively low sustained and AoE damage output of the spec?


The original question was talking about the relative low DPS of all Sniper specs. It had another part of the question just for the fact that AOE's in Marksmanship were weak.


I believe that we need to drop the Marksmanship part. Just ask why do all of our specs do lower sustained DPS on single targets and AOE damage than most other classes:


Does the combat team believe that a Sniper's defensive and raid utility capabilities are enough to compensate for the relatively low sustained single target damage and overall AOE damage without "exploiting" Scatter Bombs? If not, what changes do you have in mind and what timeframe can we expect those changes to occur?


We may want to mention in the context of this question that Scattering Shot is a good raid utility tool, but many other specs and classes can provide the same exact armor debuff and does not make us that much more desirable for group content.


The other questions are great.

Edited by Bstr
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I agree with Bstr. The part about MM/SS lacking AoE distracts from the point of low overall sustained damage. I also think that the lack of AoE of MM/SS will become much less important, as soon as Engineering is more accessible.


Below is my version of the question. I changed the last sentence of the background and cut off the first half of the actual question.


The coming patch 2.8 will bring a few changes to the double proc relicbug and several buffs to other classes. We fear that in the recent patches preceding 2.8 and 2.8 itself the DPS gap will be widened between several classes.

We do understand that gunslingers are bringing some defensive capabilities for ourselves and a great cooldown for the raid in the form of scramblingfield. These defensive capabilities and the universal playstyle of the gunslinger might have the potential to keep us in the raiding teams. But taking a gunslinger in a raid team will lower the raid DPS and we might get changed out for higher level content just like shadows, sages or even commandos in the past.

The only exception to this is playing Engineering/Saboteur and exploit gamemechanics to drop all Scatterbombs on one location which is a highly controversial playstyle.



Is the combat team aware of the relatively speaking lower sustained and AoE DPS for gunslingers in general, brought by the latest patches and 2.8? Are our defensive skills meant to negate this lack of DPS or are there other changes coming to make up for the loss?



I can't help with the PvP question either, I'm afraid.


Wildcard looks good. Personally, I would like to add a few things to the list of Engineering-issues, but it would probably overload the background part of the question.

Edited by Mathemagica
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I know this is too late to change anything but in general i feel like the questions are completely ignoring DF. DF will now be probably *the* lowest dots spec in the game (both slingers and scoundrels) while having a 3 GCD setup time and cool down on its nuke (wounding shots).
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I know this is too late to change anything but in general i feel like the questions are completely ignoring DF. DF will now be probably *the* lowest dots spec in the game (both slingers and scoundrels) while having a 3 GCD setup time and cool down on its nuke (wounding shots).


Read them again. 2 out of the 3 questions deal with DF:


Question 1 is dealing with why are all 3 of Sniper's specs underperforming DPS-wise, including Lethality/DF.


Question 2 is dealing with why all 3 Sniper's specs including Lethality/DF have bad defensive moves, leaving us performing poorly in Arenas.


Question 3 does ignore Leth/DF, but also ignores MM/SS too. It is a question aimed at just Engineering/Sab, which is still clunky since 2.0.

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I agree with you guys. When I saw the questions loose from each other in the voting sheet they seemed to fit nicely. But I had a really hard time making the question easy to read and not to long.


I will remove the MM/SS part tomorrow (its getting late over here now, not thinking as sharp currently :))

I will give the PvP question some more thought too and will see if I can reach PvP slingers on TRE for some help with it.

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