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Devs: Seriously? There is nothing that you can do against 8 bombers

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I think at this point we can say with confidence that this particular match was an isolated incident--a joke, a lark ... a farce if you will. :cool:


And as for Bomber balance in Domination, I think past threads have exhaustively explored all opinions on the issue :) And I don't think this match really serves as admissible evidence in either direction.


Besides, come June 10th, we will all bow before the might of the Charged Plated Interdiction Driving Laser Cannoneering Ion Mining Cluster Missilegoat of destiny.

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This thread is like competing with the regular PvP forum for amount of QQ and Elitism. Congrats (or condolences) :eek:
I have no idea what's going on, I accidently clicked the wrong forum, but sometimes you just have to lean back and enjoy the show.


And this is good stuff.

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I think at this point we can say with confidence that this particular match was an isolated incident--a joke, a lark ... a farce if you will. :cool:


And as for Bomber balance in Domination, I think past threads have exhaustively explored all opinions on the issue :) And I don't think this match really serves as admissible evidence in either direction.


Besides, come June 10th, we will all bow before the might of the Charged Plated Interdiction Driving Laser Cannoneering Ion Mining Cluster Missilegoat of destiny.


Goat Boat? What??


Gunships eat bombers all day long; not sure what the beef is. Train up your range and damage on the gunboat if you hates the bombers :)


I fly strike and bomber, really twinked scout can also be truly annoying to a slow turning behemoth ship, especially if they watch for double poop and strike during the cooldowns.

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While gunships are good counters, it can take two gunships on a node to clear a bomber with any decree of alacrity, and if there's ANY support for the bomber at all the gunship can be prevented from having a good roost.


It's also worth pointing out that the gunship damage per energy is very low- you can throw two railguns at a bomber and be worried about going oom.



Obviously a group with just bombers isn't a very good group. That was sort of the point.

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The worst thing with these bombers is that all you baddies think your good now. it makes me lol when people post their stats in Gen and when you see them in-game all they roll is a bomber. What really needs to be done is not let the bombers in the domination matches. But this is an mmo so people are going to exploit the OP class until it gets nerfed.
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The worst thing with these bombers is that all you baddies think your good now.


We thought we were good before bombers too bro!


Whatever ships or strategies are good will be adopted by good players. I can't keep you crap talkers all straight because there are so many bad sports, but stop on by some time and get rolled. Do it anonymously so you can bail out midgame, and then just come here and cry. Better yet, walk into existing threads and fill them with tears.


it makes me lol when people post their stats in Gen and when you see them in-game all they roll is a bomber.


Me too, but none of those players are in this thread. There was one guy who couldn't stop stroking his KDR and would literally roll bomber and hide in a hole in TDM games. So of course I made it a point to hunt him down.


What really needs to be done is not let the bombers in the domination matches.


Man, they'll probably hire you for such a great idea! The node defense guy should only be playable when there's no nodes to defend. Har, wouldn't it be great! All those players with a bunch of time on bombers! You're so clever! What a great idea!


But this is an mmo so people are going to exploit the OP class until it gets nerfed.


Do you go to chess forums and cry about rooks?



Bombers are getting nerfed next week. I guess we'll see how we do then, huh?*






*spoilers: Just fine, thanks!

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Whatever ships or strategies are good will be adopted by good players. I can't keep you crap talkers all straight because there are so many bad sports, but stop on by some time and get rolled. Do it anonymously so you can bail out midgame, and then just come here and cry. Better yet, walk into existing threads and fill them with tears.



You brought a double pre made of 8 bombers into what was called a troll match, and you call other people bad sports ?

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You brought a double pre made of 8 bombers into what was called a troll match, and you call other people bad sports ?


Its still possible to be a bad sport regardless of what you face.


A sore loser refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a good sport means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser".


A competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after losing a game or contest is often called a "sore loser" (those who show poor sportsmanship after winning are typically called "bad champs"). Sore loser behavior includes blaming others for the loss, not accepting responsibility for personal actions that contributed to the defeat, reacting to the loss in an immature or improper fashion, making excuses for the defeat, and citing unfavorable conditions or other petty issues as reasons for the defeat.[4][5] A bad winner acts in a shallow fashion after his or her victory, such as by gloating about his or her win, rubbing the win in the face(s) of the opponent(s), and lowering the opponent(s)'s self-esteem by constantly reminding the opponent(s) of "poor" performance in comparison (even if the opponent(s) competed well).



Technically the "sore loss" happened before the "bad Champ" yet both parties are in some way guilty of poor sportsmanship. Had the "sore loss" not happened though neither would the "Bad champ" thus I truly put fault onto the original offender more so on the responder.

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Sore loser behavior includes blaming others for the loss, not accepting responsibility for personal actions that contributed to the defeat, reacting to the loss in an immature or improper fashion, making excuses for the defeat, and citing unfavorable conditions or other petty issues as reasons for the defeat.


I'm becoming concerned that this is what I'm turning into as a result of flying against certain folks on my server.


As such, I will no longer engage them in a match from this point onward.

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Its still possible to be a bad sport regardless of what you face.


A sore loser refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a good sport means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser".



I am sorry but this is like John McEnroe complaining about the decline of decorum in tennis.


You bring a premade of any kind against a pug you have lost any right to complain about poor sportsmanship.

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I am sorry but this is like John McEnroe complaining about the decline of decorum in tennis.


You bring a premade of any kind against a pug you have lost any right to complain about poor sportsmanship.


It was a premade vs a premade.

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It was a premade vs a premade.


I have the feeling that is not quite the whole story. Because 3 gunships, a strike and a scout should have been able to clear the sky of 8 bombers and then bottle them up in their spawn. So somehow, I get the feeling is even best case it was a contest to see who could make the game maximally unenjoyable.

Edited by General_Brass
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I have the feeling that is not quite the whole story. Because 3 gunships, a strike and a scout should have been able to clear the sky of 8 bombers and then bottle them up in their spawn. So somehow, I get the feeling is even best case it was a contest to see who could make the game maximally unenjoyable.


should have.... but didnt. It also doesnt matter if its a premade or not, a spoiled sport is still a spoiled sport. a whiner is still a whiner. blaming the opposition or your own teammates for your loss is still bad sportsman ship regardless of anything.

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I have the feeling that is not quite the whole story. Because 3 gunships, a strike and a scout should have been able to clear the sky of 8 bombers and then bottle them up in their spawn. So somehow, I get the feeling is even best case it was a contest to see who could make the game maximally unenjoyable.


You "have a feeling", while they VERY clearly stated their intent, but somehow I have a feeling you haven't bothered to actually read the whole thread or, as you always do, refuse to take into account what they said.

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should have.... but didnt. It also doesnt matter if its a premade or not, a spoiled sport is still a spoiled sport. a whiner is still a whiner. blaming the opposition or your own teammates for your loss is still bad sportsman ship regardless of anything.


Oh ill agree, but if you go in with intention to "Troll", how can you complain that people don't take it well ?


Edit: Thinking about this though I have to ask, Does everyone who cares about a good game now have to bring a double Premade ?


If you see a double premade on the other side, is it bad sportsmanship to decline the match ? Hmmm we have people who insist that they hate people that leave matches, how does that apply when one side has stacked the deck to complete unfairness.


Then let's see we have the people who insisted that being forced to take particular ships would spoil their enjoyment of the game. Interestingly enough some of those same people were in this double premade, and they were forcing the other side to take particular ships or lose painfully. Interesting indeed.

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You "have a feeling", while they VERY clearly stated their intent, but somehow I have a feeling you haven't bothered to actually read the whole thread or, as you always do, refuse to take into account what they said.


Thanks for going for a personal insult instead of actually saying anything, saves me much effort on the reply.

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My group would tensor field to the points and thermite the living force out those bombers.....ion gunships, other bombers easily counter an 8 bomber premade......my group of guys would laugh so hard @ an 8 bomber premade, 4 minutes later when the score is 1000-0 that would be the last 8 man bomber premade Our group would see....8 bombers is nothing but skill-less dog fighters being desperate or a bunch of cowards that can't think of anything better to do!! Diversity will always win! It does when the skill level is equal playing ground
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My group would tensor field to the points and thermite the living force out those bombers.....ion gunships, other bombers easily counter an 8 bomber premade......my group of guys would laugh so hard @ an 8 bomber premade, 4 minutes later when the score is 1000-0 that would be the last 8 man bomber premade Our group would see....8 bombers is nothing but skill-less dog fighters being desperate or a bunch of cowards that can't think of anything better to do!! Diversity will always win! It does when the skill level is equal playing ground


Sounds like you need to duke it out with Verrain.

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My group would tensor field to the points and thermite the living force out those bombers.....ion gunships, other bombers easily counter an 8 bomber premade.....


Good. If you could actually execute a strategy like this, then good. And guess what? We'd wouldn't have stayed on bombers if we actually started to lose.


.my group of guys would laugh so hard @ an 8 bomber premade, 4 minutes later when the score is 1000-0


No one in <VOIP Bomber Premade> has ever lost a game 1000-0. That's preposterous and insulting to even claim.




Diversity will always win! It does when the skill level is equal playing ground


100% agree.

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100% agree.


I just see one problem with this... You, as <VOIP Bomber Premade>, more often than not,stack the odd so much, it is impossible to get a match with enough equaly skilled pilots in it. (premade vs 1 vet and 7-two-shippers... I saw it oten against you)

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I just see one problem with this... You, as <VOIP Bomber Premade>, more often than not,stack the odd so much, it is impossible to get a match with enough equaly skilled pilots in it. (premade vs 1 vet and 7-two-shippers... I saw it oten against you)


We normally queue with three or four players. Obviously if you're a with seven two-shippers, no one is expecting anything but a solid route because, well, that's what happens when you get placed like that.

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We normally queue with three or four players. Obviously if you're a with seven two-shippers, no one is expecting anything but a solid route because, well, that's what happens when you get placed like that.


That doesn't really justify just rolling over them like that. It's like squashing an ant. I can't recall the last time I saw you guys running anything other that a bomber / gunship / scout coordinated team designed to roll people over. Sometimes for hours at a time if what I saw last Tuesday was any indication. I suppose it is too much to ask that you actually challenge yourself once in awhile and actually split your group between factions so that you can actually fight a balanced match instead of just roflpwning newbs all day. Yes, I suppose that is too much to ask.

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That doesn't really justify just rolling over them like that.


Actually, when we are up against two shippers we often just play whatever.


It's like squashing an ant. I can't recall the last time I saw you guys running anything other that a bomber / gunship / scout coordinated team designed to roll people over.


And you aren't a two shipper, so I'm going to play a real ship. You should take that as a compliment.


Or don't. Get farmed. I'm there to farm you, after all. I'm not here pretending I don't like winning.


I suppose it is too much to ask that you actually challenge yourself once in awhile


You're my potential opponent, asking me to challenge myself? Isn't that your job? I don't know whose job that is. I know it isn't mine.


and actually split your group between factions so that you can actually fight a balanced match instead of just roflpwning newbs all day. Yes, I suppose that is too much to ask.


That's your most reasonable suggestion? That we are too good to play on the same team together?



Lol! That's just so silly to listen to.

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Verain.. Light the small bulb you call brain and listen up ....


Two weeks ago. 4 matches in a row. You, Dementia, Drako and Gunsheep in your standard cattlescout gunsheep boy bomber VOIP team...... Me on Leelu and her Speed Nova and 7 2-shippers raging against you and your premade...... Roflstomp over roflstomp. Some may keep playing but most newbies will just give up. And you know what I find even more funny. Except Dementia and Drako, I never saw any of you flying when a pub premade were rolling. Never ever.

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