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World pvp ruined by companions?


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Everyone will be running around with a decked out healbot companion in full valor gear with whatever form of PVP gear that doesn't require a pvp rank to wear.


If you aren't... you're doing it wrong.


Roaming gank squads will consist of coordinated 2 man groups with 2 companion healers roaming around with guildees in team speak or vent picking off their targets.


It shall be glorious.... it shall be the reason people leave the game.


Or I could just whirlwind the companion for 60 secs and take out the player... but semantics.

Edited by Sardoni
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Ok, so today i hit lvl 25 and was loving almost everything i had seen so far and could only imagine how awesome world pvp would be. So i decided to go to tattoine to find my first open world pvp experience and was extremely dissappointed.


First, the questing zones arent shared so i had to stop questing just to go try to find some pvp (even though it doesnt give any ingame rewards) . When i finally found 2 guys questing i was like nice 2v1, lets wait till they pull mobs and try to get them. But wait, companions come in play so it was more like 4v2, which means its impossible to kill anyone since its his friend healing him + healer companion +multiple ccs everywhere+ridiculous dmg on myself from all of them)


TL: DR --- So in my opinion the lack of rewards but specially companions ruin open world pvp which i was rly hoping for. What are ur thoughts on companions in ow pvp?


PS: Almost every single empire i found uses a companion that heals and cleanses debuffs. From what ive seen, i suppose the republic mirror is the c2-n2 (or similar) droid which nobody uses (in my opinion it isnt that good). Am i wrong?



Losers like you that wait until somebody pulls mobs to attack them are the scum of the universe. You're not a PvP'er of any sort - you're a morally bankrupt little child who enjoys his internet anonymity to make himself feel cool.

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Ok, so today i hit lvl 25 and was loving almost everything i had seen so far and could only imagine how awesome world pvp would be. So i decided to go to tattoine to find my first open world pvp experience and was extremely dissappointed.


First, the questing zones arent shared so i had to stop questing just to go try to find some pvp (even though it doesnt give any ingame rewards) . When i finally found 2 guys questing i was like nice 2v1, lets wait till they pull mobs and try to get them. But wait, companions come in play so it was more like 4v2, which means its impossible to kill anyone since its his friend healing him + healer companion +multiple ccs everywhere+ridiculous dmg on myself from all of them)


TL: DR --- So in my opinion the lack of rewards but specially companions ruin open world pvp which i was rly hoping for. What are ur thoughts on companions in ow pvp?


PS: Almost every single empire i found uses a companion that heals and cleanses debuffs. From what ive seen, i suppose the republic mirror is the c2-n2 (or similar) droid which nobody uses (in my opinion it isnt that good). Am i wrong?



obvious l2p issue.

I have no problems killing 1 player in a 1vs2, in some occasions i might even be able to kill both.

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Losers like you that wait until somebody pulls mobs to attack them are the scum of the universe. You're not a PvP'er of any sort - you're a morally bankrupt little child who enjoys his internet anonymity to make himself feel cool.


Same as i said to some1 in previous post. Pls make a video of a 2v1 fight (4v2 with companions) with 2 enemies both higher lvl than u. Would love to learn from u "Oh pvp master".

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I just ran into the same situation and ended up destroying the 2 people that ganked me. It's simply a matter of CC and knowing your class. If the class has a healer companion you simply cc them and take out the main foe. Companions add an extra level of strategy to this game and since OP can't handle that, then maybe he shouldn't PVP. There is nothing wrong with companions since you should always expect that a companion should be present.

PS. I am a sith assassin and took out a jedi sage and smuggler in case you were wondering.

Edited by FatalOblivion
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I just ran into the same situation and ended up destroying the 2 people that ganked me. It's simply a matter of CC and knowing your class. If the class has a healer companion you simply cc them and take out the main foe. Companions add an extra level of strategy to this game and since OP can't handle that, then maybe he shouldn't PVP. There is nothing wrong with companions since you should always expect that a companion should be present.

PS. I am a sith assassin and took out a jedi sage and smuggler in case you were wondering.


Yea u cc the healer companion for 60 sec with whirlwind ( Not all classes can, what should the rest do? ) If they are mediocre at minimum ur companion also gets cc so its a 3v1 while they still have more cc's than u as only one of them used it on ur companion) And u still win? Yea, maybe they are 10 leves lower than u each, or they were some chinese farmers that confused you with an npc.


Gotta love how people can talk in the forums as if they are masters of pvp and disqualify others without proving anything.

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That is completely wrong. Companions do make a BIG difference. As an example lets take the healer companion. You think it affects the same a tank than an assasin? Then we have my case, im a scoundrel (operative mirror) and i rely heavily on bleeds. But its useless since every single class can have their companion cleanse them. Imho this is totally unbalanced.


I disagree. I think companions become part of the equation and we have to adapt our thinking to find the appropriate means to terminate the bastards. New way of fighting, red is dead.

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My companions are normally 5/5 deployed and still sith assassins try to kill me but run away after i turn around and slap them down.



Wpvp what little of it so far i have enjoyed. Just waiting on more 'pubs to hit 50 so Ilum fills up.

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