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Bug ... After Bug ... After Bug. It's annoying.


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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/



Lol, someone didn't play vanilla when it first launched..

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When WoW first released you did not get a message from a "real person" it was just as you said a generic message, and then waiting. The instance i was speaking of was reference to a glitch that happened when my character died resulting in me being stuck. A GM has no control over re coding and programming quests to completely fix bugs, the problem needs to be turned over to the bug team, so im not surprised that an in game ticket did not result in a immediate fix.


I am no fan boy trying to excuse every bug, but come on, it a COMPUTER PROGRAM. no matter how many checks, codes, and what not you do there will be bugs. Like i said before look outside your understanding of the world and realize not everything is black and white. There is not grand standard that MMO's have bugs fixed like someone all ready stated i have seen bug in WoW (big ones that is) persist for years. Give Bio/EA time to get rolling id say a month or so, after a couple big patches. If major problems still persists then its time to decide if you value this game enough to keep playing. However being the 3rd day of release rushing 50 in 2-3 days and then whining is not productive what so ever.


^100% this!

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To all those comparing this to Blizzard. When wow released, there were entire days they were offline to fix bugs. People ended up with 3-4 days free after their first month of play. Servers were unstable on medium pop servers and constantly crashing.


7 years to try and fix stuff (and still having issues) is a long time compared to a few days like we have here. This is a much smoother release than WoW had on day 1.

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I like the part where the helpful, non-elitist 'casual' crowd mercilessly ridicules the OP for posting bugs that will soon impact everyone as more and more hit max level, at which point the aforementioned helpful casual community will post dozens of threads DEMANDING this be fixed IMMEDIATELY because they are an adult with kids and they only have three minutes a day to play.


I like the fact that your signature implies you have no clue on how to conduct yourself on the internet.

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SO many people are mad that this guy because he posted the truth. I'm not hatin on the game, I'm having so much fun, but in my grinds to lvl 20 I have encoutered lots of bugs.


One I can think of off the top of my head that upsets me the most, is being in sealth in Hammer Station, standing behind my group and the boss randomly aggro's me from so far away. I've also had this guy aggro me from around the corner.


There's lots features that don't work yet in the game also, can't click on peoples LFG comments to read fully what they're trying to do.


The game is playable and acceptable, but everything the OP has written is true.


People are just so defensive about "their game"

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Today I had a bug where I couldn't click anything. I couldn't click my buffs, npc's I couldn't even quit. I thought it was my mouse but upon experimenting this wasn't the case. I had to force the game to quit by restarting my comp.


I haven't logged in yet to see if it's fixed.


I've had this bug. Seems to appear from time to time. Nothing major that a CTRL ALT DELETE and restart doesn't fix, though. Pretty rare, too. Not sure what triggers it.


For the record I had this bug in WoW, too. Just seems to be an MMO thing.

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this is getting pretty funny tbh, how can u fk up so badly? endless bugs everywhere, i get this nice bug daily which randomly disables my mouse clicking totally, cannot click anything at all just have to close the game rofl, think thats the best one. another is when i cant actually sell my items in trade because the links dont show all stats -.- this game is complete failure


When i get that error i just click anywhere with the right mouse button and the left one works again. At the beginning i did the same as you, still never complained about it.

I UNDERSTAND that the game is new and there can be bugs. I found a lot of bugs when WoW started and found a lot of bugs in every game i played until now, single player or multiplayers doesn't matter, always bugs at the beginning. The only time when i complained was once in WoW, because they took offline the whole game for a day or so, and that happened more than once...

I CAN'T UNDERSTAND why people have to complain every time about bugs when they know very well that the game has just been released.

This is not the first game ever...

Reading your complains i figure out you are not little kids as they type in a different way.

You are just frustrated guys, or trolls...

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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/


If you take a look at Blizzard, their MMO has been released and been in development for 7 years. This MMO has been officially released for 4 days.


If this game is an 'utter joke' and it actually makes you 'alt-f4 with rage', then please leave, as you wouldn't be missed whatsoever and your immature and impatient attitude would bring nothing to the community.


Oh PS see you in a year.

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When i get that error i just click anywhere with the right mouse button and the left one works again. At the beginning i did the same as you, still never complained about it.

I UNDERSTAND that the game is new and there can be bugs. I found a lot of bugs when WoW started and found a lot of bugs in every game i played until now, single player or multiplayers doesn't matter, always bugs at the beginning. The only time when i complained was once in WoW, because they took offline the whole game for a day or so, and that happened more than once...

I CAN'T UNDERSTAND why people have to complain every time about bugs when they know very well that the game has just been released.

This is not the first game ever...

Reading your complains i figure out you are not little kids as they type in a different way.

You are just frustrated guys, or trolls...


when you cant even play the game cos of bug,sure i will just sit around and hope they fix it someday.

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SO many people are mad that this guy because he posted the truth. I'm not hatin on the game, I'm having so much fun, but in my grinds to lvl 20 I have encoutered lots of bugs.


One I can think of off the top of my head that upsets me the most, is being in sealth in Hammer Station, standing behind my group and the boss randomly aggro's me from so far away. I've also had this guy aggro me from around the corner.


There's lots features that don't work yet in the game also, can't click on peoples LFG comments to read fully what they're trying to do.


The game is playable and acceptable, but everything the OP has written is true.


People are just so defensive about "their game"



If you find a bug and post about it, nobody would attack you. People would appreciate you doing that.

Different matter is if you find a bug and post over these forum with rage. That way you act as a magnete to bad comments. Count up to 10 or 100 until you calm down before shouting your rage. These bugs are for everybody and not just one or one hundred unlucky guys, still there are only very few that complain. Give dev's team the time to fix the bugs (once they know about). I agree that a game, after years of testing, shouldn't have major bugs. But, hey, look at each and every game and tell me which one is bugs free. Even the simpliest single player game got its bugs.

Devs are forced to rush by those that put their money in. If you want to shout your rage to someone just shout it to investors (probably the same ones that are ruining world's economy...). At Bioware, i would bet on it, people are not happy for the bugs and probably less than us. It's their job, their careers. I really think they would love to give us a game without bugs. They made a good job in my opinion, i love this game and i'm sure they will fix it. Until then i play it, changing server and making new characters so i can see each and every aspect of the game.

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Cause there's going to be bugs in game!! Deal with it you whinner! Do us all a favour and go back to WOw. Kiddys are welcome in WOW to throw the dummy out of the pram due to trivial gaming issues!


Get a life mate!


trivial ?? lol wake up since when is not being able to play the game i paid for trivial??

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I'm going to say it every time, if you're in a min-maxing progression going for firsts guild just go back to wow. Seriously just leave now. Nobody here cares at all. The operations here aren't that advanced, there isn't that many and honestly nobody really cared about it but you guys.



Wow is almost exclusively designed for you elitists. It's all about epeen matches. This is about enjoying a game.


lol have fun playing alone in a month.

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lol have fun playing alone in a month.


I still think most of the people playing SWTOR are going to be star wars 'fans' as opposed to WoW escapees. I really doubt anyone is going to be playing alone in 12 months let alone one.


That said there are a TON of bugs that need fixing.

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If I sold you a car without airbags and your family was ejected out the front windshield would you be okay if I just said you needed to calm down because the car wasn't designed with safety elitists in mind?


I would say you should have used the seatbelts and not the airbags.

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lol have fun playing alone in a month.


If you honestly think that the population of unhappy players is that huge you're out of your mind. SWTOR already has over one million players, the reviews so far have been great, and this forum is really the only place I've seen complaints (everyone in-game seems to be enjoying themselves). The notion that TOR will be a failure if it doesn't match or surpass WoW in number of players is downright silly. Even SWG had far fewer players. And FFXIV, despite being released only about 10% complete, still maintains a fairly solid player base after being out for over a year.


Believe me, we will be fine without the whiners.

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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


lol using cars as an example for moving forward.

The only cars that have move forward are the exotics/super cars which will happen in that industry.


Instead we had cars in the 90's putting out 50mpg off easy to maintain/fix/reliable gas motors and now we have hybrids in 2012 bragging about 30mpg that are much more expensive, not as reliable, too much of a pain for the average guy to work on.


I agree with the op entirely, WoW had no where near as many game breaking bugs as this did at launch. Sure it had bugs, some really annoying but nothing extroardinarily game breaking except for maybe when i fell through the world like 3 times on a ship and had to have a GM reset me.


SW:ToR is a great game, but there are TONS of bugs, many game breaking, many that were widely reported.. Why Bioware even had a beta test is beyond me, they ignored most of the feedback.

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