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Juggs/guards are destroying WZs


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Because they're fotm, there are loads and loads of them. This means that everybody is guarded. They even guard each other. If your team happens to have less juggs than the other team, it's a loss. You end up with close to zero kills and it's nearly impossible to take a node against this new aberration of an OP-on-purpose class.


I've been around since start and I managed not to quit during the era of operative healers, which was also very annoying . But I won't endure such a crap again, now with juggs. I'm really close to quitting this game.


P.S. No. You can't have my stuff. I'll leave it to the 'Nerf Juggs and Operatives' foundation.

Edited by Cretinus
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Because they're fotm, there are loads and loads of them. This means that everybody is guarded. They even guard each other. If your team happens to have less juggs than the other team, it's a loss. You end up with close to zero kills and it's nearly impossible to take a node against this new aberration of an OP-on-purpose class.


I've been around since start and I managed not to quit during the era of operative healers, which was also very annoying . But I won't endure such a crap again, now with juggs. I'm really close to quitting this game.


P.S. No. You can't have my stuff. I'll leave it to the 'Nerf Juggs and Operatives' foundation.



No you're not, you're not going to quit.

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It's always boring when people jump on a fotm train and a good deal of teams end up with four of a certain class, doesnt matter which one. I've had several Arena pops with three juggs, the bonus life juggs have is only adding to the problems. Edited by MidichIorian
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Because they're fotm, there are loads and loads of them. This means that everybody is guarded. They even guard each other. If your team happens to have less juggs than the other team, it's a loss. You end up with close to zero kills and it's nearly impossible to take a node against this new aberration of an OP-on-purpose class.


I've been around since start and I managed not to quit during the era of operative healers, which was also very annoying . But I won't endure such a crap again, now with juggs. I'm really close to quitting this game.


P.S. No. You can't have my stuff. I'll leave it to the 'Nerf Juggs and Operatives' foundation.

You can't guard outside soresu, and vigilance dps is crap in soresu, neither can you both guard and be guarded at the same time.


Either you're not paying attention or din't know what you're doing/talking about. As far as i can find, they haven't even been buffed recently, they just nerfed the smash maruaders that were hilariouly op in warzones so suddenly people see that vigilance doesn't suck, and hasn't fo a bit. They were prettty much the same as far back as 2.4 that i can find evidence of. (ie parces.)

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You can't guard outside soresu, and vigilance dps is crap in soresu, neither can you both guard and be guarded at the same time.


Either you're not paying attention or din't know what you're doing/talking about. As far as i can find, they haven't even been buffed recently, they just nerfed the smash maruaders that were hilariouly op in warzones so suddenly people see that vigilance doesn't suck, and hasn't fo a bit. They were prettty much the same as far back as 2.4 that i can find evidence of. (ie parces.)


Its all enraged defense. The DPS hasn't been changed, though they have gotten some QOL stuff. Its mostly that they have an "I can't die button" that also heals them to full.

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If you've been around since start you should know the FotM keeps changing. What so different this time, what hurts so badly you can't take it anymore?


It's not that this time it hurts more, but rather that I'm sick of this approach that there always has to be a fotm specc. After >1 year of fotm operative healers, I was naive enough to believe that things were now more even. But they're not. Juggs are more or less as fun destroying as operative healers used to be.

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it's not heal to full though, it's actually less than half their hp, and unless people are tagging them with weak crap (like dots) they should be going through a lot more hp than focused defense heals (roughly 1600 per trigger at 55.)


Powerful, yes, buy by no means invincibility, sorcs and commando's and vanguards are all capable of replicating the effects with auto crit and instant cast heals, and vauguards can just use adrenalin rush and reactive shield for like 9 seconds of outright refusal to die, even against multiple targets

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Must be server dependent.


On my server, pubs tend to play healers, with a high number of vanguards...very annoying, and often very stale gameplay.



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Must be server dependent.


On my server, pubs tend to play healers, with a high number of vanguards...very annoying, and often very stale gameplay.


Every server I've played, same thing. I'd like to know if is there a server where PUBs are different?

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They even guard each other.




Jugg A guards jugg B and jugg B guards jugg A.


A takes 100 damage but 50 points of that goes to jugg B, but 25 points of that goes to jugg A, but 12 points of that goes to jugg B but 6 points of that goes to jugg A, but 3 points of that goes to jugg B, but 1 point of that goes to jugg A.


That one point of damage hops back and forth between them - it can never go below 1 because all attacks that do damage will do at least 1 point of damage and it can never stop existing because guard machanics dictate that each one must take one-half of whatever damage is being dealt.


They pop focused defense and every vanguard in the warzone suddenly explodes as they heal to full because vanguards are the new squish.

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Jugg A guards jugg B and jugg B guards jugg A....


Yeah, funny lesson in infinitesimal calculus.


But seriously speaking:

Jugg A under foucs -> jugg B guards jugg A.

Focus switch to jugg B -> jugg A guards jugg B.

Focus switch to whatever DPS: jugg A or jugg B guards DPS.

Healer X is always guarded anyway, of course. By default.


Teams getting away with less than 3-4 deaths overall are becoming more and more standard in WZs.

Edited by Cretinus
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