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Waiting for Housing, but bored out of my mind....they should have done something in this timeframe to liven things up.


Did you see the announcements http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates about the double pvp rewards event and the casino event? I think those were meant to liven things up. It's still a bit before they happen, but you could check out the casino on the test server if it's still up.

Edited by Jessabeans
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You made a thread...cuz you are bored...waiting for...housing.


Housing? Cuz that is SO freakin exciting. WOW im gonna have another place in game thats...exactly like my ship except I can pay to decorate it. yay.


So the rest of the game bores you. Decorating a new room is the height of excitement. I see. This makes lots of sense.

Im getting the free nar shadda palace or whatever from being a sub and its likely that I will look at it once and never go to it again unless there is some major gameplay benefit to it. To me its a total waste of programming time and if it were up to me I would not allow it in the game. But its not so, enjoy your fake room that you can pay money to make look a certain way...like in real life.


lol decorate a room!

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Great suggestion. Cancel your sub and quit gaming. It seems like MANY people are taking that route these days. Glad to know you support them.


well technically there comes a time in many peoples lives there they kind of have to go outside eventually, apparently being inside all day gaming day after day without break has the potential for health problems...


plus its good to take a break and reset yourself

Edited by Sangrar
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well technically there comes a time in many peoples lives there they kind of have to go outside eventually, apparently being inside all day gaming day after day without break has the potential for health problems...


plus its good to take a break and reset yourself

Where did the OP claim that's what he did? Or is the assumption that anyone "bored" right now, must game 24/7? We haven't had any good content in almost a year...the game is suffering from extreme stagnation right now.

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Great suggestion. Cancel your sub and quit gaming. It seems like MANY people are taking that route these days. Glad to know you support them.


You don't have to cancel a sub to go outside. You can go for a walk, run, rollerblade, swim, hike, bike, do some yard work, wash the car, paint the fence, play fetch with the dogs... whatever. Then, later on, come in, casually log on, and either roll an alt, do some PvP, farm materials, run some missions, upgrade your starship, customize your GSF, etc. There are TONS of things to do in AND out of this game. The OP just needs to do something more than stare at SWTOR and hope new content appears.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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Where did the OP claim that's what he did? Or is the assumption that anyone "bored" right now, must game 24/7? We haven't had any good content in almost a year...the game is suffering from extreme stagnation right now.


I was only reffering to the post about going outside. And anyway, at least the events (including rakghoul event) shall be making a return soon, I know its a little frustrating I wanted to check out housing myself sooner but still in the meantime I have been pvping and helping out guildies, as well as leveling 2 alts for future high level pvp.

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You don't have to cancel a sub to go outside. You can go for a walk, run, rollerblade, swim, hike, bike, do some yard work, wash the car, paint the fence, play fetch with the dogs... whatever.

You know him personally? You know he doesn't do these things already? Or are you assuming that because he's bored he must also be some fat slob who doesn't move from his computer?


Even casual players are feeling the boredom.

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Waiting for Housing, but bored out of my mind....they should have done something in this timeframe to liven things up.


Wait.... isn't housing PvE?


If you are actually bored... not just being provocative again.... this would be an excellent time to earn some in game income to address this alleged tragedy -------> http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7424215&postcount=1


You know.. be part of the solution to your needs rather then performing virtual "curling up on the floor and gnawing on your knees".

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Wait.... isn't housing PvE?


If you are actually bored... not just being provocative again.... this would be an excellent time to earn some in game income to address this alleged tragedy -------> http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7424215&postcount=1


You know.. be part of the solution to your needs rather then performing virtual "curling up on the floor and gnawing on your knees".


PvP players had plenty of opportunity to make credits. Those bm and war hero schematics can be sold for millions of credits. If pvp players were a little more savvy most would not be broke with credits.


As for op being bored. There are worst things than being bored with swtor.

Edited by Knockerz
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PvP players had plenty of opportunity to make credits. Those bm and war hero schematics can be sold for millions of credits. If pvp players were a little more savvy most would not be broke with credits.


As for op being bored. There are worst things than being bored with swtor.


spent a summer working in AZ with my father, uncle and some dude in a furniture less apt... I had 1 deck of cards, 1 M:TG price guide magazine, and an alarm clock. You might be surprised how many forms of solitaire can play, learn, and even enjoy....I have NEVER been bored again.

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You know him personally? You know he doesn't do these things already? Or are you assuming that because he's bored he must also be some fat slob who doesn't move from his computer?


Even casual players are feeling the boredom.


I think more of the bored players left in the months after launch. And some people have been playing 2+ years and are starting to feel the boredom too

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What genre of games do you play besides MMOs? Waiting for a new game in a series or for an update to an existing game can be trying, that's why its best to follow several at once or alternate(assuming you've got enough free time).
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You could take up trolling forums for laughs. Seems to break up the monotony.


My thoughts exactly. Starting a thread on the forums that you know will quickly descend into name calling, trolling and the typical "defender versus hater" argument we see so often is an ideal way to liven things up.


And look, it's working already.

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Great suggestion. Cancel your sub and quit gaming. It seems like MANY people are taking that route these days. Glad to know you support them.


Well you certainly know how to draw over the top conclusions from a simple statement.


But hey, anything to further your agenda, right?

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My thoughts exactly. Starting a thread on the forums that you know will quickly descend into name calling, trolling and the typical "defender versus hater" argument we see so often is an ideal way to liven things up.


And look, it's working already.


You don't even have to try. All you have to say is maybe you just aren't having as much fun as you did at launch and its "Find something else to do. This game is awesome. Hater."

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You don't even have to try. All you have to say is maybe you just aren't having as much fun as you did at launch and its "Find something else to do. This game is awesome. Hater."


I do believe nobody has said that...


I said go outside... but that's general advice I give to anyone who is bored with a game.

Do something else for a while and maby the game will be fun again. There is such a thing as over-endulgance.

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If you play MMOs with a dedicated amount of time, then most companies can't keep up with their players anymore. It's to be expected that you take breaks, play other games, and generally do whatever you want until something interests you again. As someone who plays far too many games, I'm always behind on what I want to do so I'm never bored.


I actually wish I could focus on games more so I could achieve more like I did 'in the ole days'.

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Go outside, do anything. Even if it's nothing, sit outside with a drink.

Make a rootbeer float.

Put some food on the grill.

Get your hair cut.

Sit in the sun.

Ride your bike.

Go rollerblading.

Go running.

See how many times you can run up a hill.

Go walking around your neighbor just because.

Fix up something that you own.

Put some heart into stuff.

Customize your room.

Make some lemonade and soak up the sun.

Go grab something to eat at a local joint and sit outside.

Just relax, focus on doing absolutely nothing and zone out.

Go to a beach if you have one, doesn't have to be the ocean can be even a small lake.

Go to a forest preserve.

Be at one with nature.

Wash your car.

Wax your car.

Wash your driveway.

Cut your grass

Edge your lawn.

Plant a garden.

Snips some flowers

Pull some weeds.

Turn over some soil.

Make your house really POP!

Tidy the lawn up.


If you are more of an indoor person


Browse forums

Listen to some music

Type what's on your mind

Look all doors, turn off the phone and zone out on a wall

Take a nice relaxing bath with candles! (salt a big plus ;) )


Freshen up

Vacuum the floors

Clean the walls

Tidy up the place.

Blare the tv as loud as you want

Go dancing on your carpet

Play with your pet (if you have one)

Check your email

Look out a window

Change stuff around in your room


I would advise going with option 1! Being outside is very nice! Especially when the sun is on you. If you want and have a laptop, take your laptop outside. Then you can be on forums all day while being outside and in between things if you get bored with that do stuff around the house. Win win!


There are a ton of things you have to do. One thing I have to say. PLEASE don't become like some of the kids I play League of Legends with. They are younger these days and they have been spoiled/turned lazy by technology. They NEVER go outside. It's always League of Legends nonstop when they get home from school at 4 till they go to bed. Every single day then when I ask "don't you ever go outside?" "hahaha no, there's nothing to do outside, what am I going to do." Then I give them a whole list and they always have a justification as to why it sucks. Florida is a beautiful state that is sunny a lot and very warm and the kid I talk to barely EVER goes outside. His mom has to force him sometimes to. Don't become like that please. Go outside. Do anything! Even if it's nothing.

Edited by Sarfux
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I do believe nobody has said that...


I said go outside... but that's general advice I give to anyone who is bored with a game.

Do something else for a while and maby the game will be fun again. There is such a thing as over-endulgance.


See but you are making assumptions that it is the players fault and they are the ones in the wrong, even if it's just as innocent as maybe just wanting more to do in game and they already do that other stuff outside of the game.


Always the players fault around here. This game is perfect.

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