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GSF: Strike Nights


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I think strike night was a success imo. Most people were flying their strikes. I had a good laugh when people flying gunships and bombers got dog piled throughout the match. For the most part they were in check. Seen a few scouts, but no big deal really. I'm down for this being weekly. I can do probably just about any night. Honestly thought strike night was going to get trolled, but kudos for it not happening. There were more explosions last night than in a Michael Bay movie. In fact he'd be envious of strike night.

And thanks to Shayd for putting this thing together. Maybe we could do a scout night too one day. That would be fun!

Edited by wvwraith
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I think strike night was a success imo. Most people were flying their strikes. I had a good laugh when people flying gunships and bombers got dog piled throughout the match. For the most part they were in check. Seen a few scouts, but no big deal really. I'm down for this being weekly. I can do probably just about any night. Honestly thought strike night was going to get trolled, but kudos for it not happening. There were more explosions last night than in a Michael Bay movie. In fact he'd be envious of strike night.

And thanks to Shayd for putting this thing together. Maybe we could do a scout night too one day. That would be fun!


I got enough of "Scout night" back pre-2.6 :p


The thing I really enjoyed about Strike night was the pace. There were no instant kills. Everything was deliberate and methodical. Shield and energy management was hugely important.


As we do more Strike nights, that's something I'm going to pay key attention to: what are the aspects that make it fun, and can we push those aspects more strongly across all ships in the general game? For example, after last night, I'm more convinced than ever that GSF's fun and accessibility would be massively improved if burst damage was drastically reduced across the board. The reduction of burst damage simply allows more aspects of the game (like shield regen management) to flourish and shine.

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I thought it was a good start, but it would be nice to have a contingency on hand to deal with the individuals who didn't want to participate - for example, that one match I did manage to get into with Shayd and Company was marred by the presence of what appeared to be a rather pimped-out drone bomber.


Not everyone's gonna participate, and I get that, but maybe next time if it gets to the point that it's hard to play the game presented to us, we can pair off and practice or something.


Or whatever. Participation isn't mandatory, so if it's overly dull or frustrating I can always slap the other ships back on the bar. -bp

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I had a good time; definitely on board with doing it again.


My favorite part was the guy who looked at his team and saw only strike fighters, and proceeded to complain in /ops about how he was going to lose because his team was all "noobs". My teams had varying degrees of success all evening, but I'm happy to report that particular group of "noobs" won their match handily.

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I thought it was a good start, but it would be nice to have a contingency on hand to deal with the individuals who didn't want to participate - for example, that one match I did manage to get into with Shayd and Company was marred by the presence of what appeared to be a rather pimped-out drone bomber.


Not everyone's gonna participate, and I get that, but maybe next time if it gets to the point that it's hard to play the game presented to us, we can pair off and practice or something.


Or whatever. Participation isn't mandatory, so if it's overly dull or frustrating I can always slap the other ships back on the bar. -bp


The worst way to counter people who explicitly and knowingly choose to spoil others' fun is to imitate them. The best thing to do is apply gentle pressure to those on your team, and to bias targeting toward non-Strikes on the enemy team. After all, the event is voluntary, and some people may not even know it's going on if they don't frequent forums or [Gsf].


One Dronecarrier (or even two with a Gunship support, as we faced many times last night) isn't going to spoil the fun. Even just one half of an 8-man team using only Strikes changes the pace and feel of the match significantly.


It also seemed to me that groups of Strikes have a hidden synergy to them, or maybe all of us flying Strikes just had a greater sense of camaraderie than we normally do, and that translated into good team play. Certainly, the Dronecarriers had a really rough time as they were being constantly bombarded by EMP missiles and torpedoes from multiple sources whose shield could stand up to drone and seeker mine damage.

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Its actually nice doing domination matches without multiple bombers wrecking all the fun. Maybe strike night could go a step further and show the devs bombers need some changing around. Fighters roaring around sats, lightning up the stars with lasers, torpedoes and missiles streaking across, now that is fun.
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Loved it when I finally got a bead on someone and sent 2 clusters on their way just to see a proton torpedo and concussion come screaming by me to blow my target first. I wonder how many missiles were launched Monday?

Can't wait till next Monday

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We should have kill Rhint nights, where we all seek out Rhint in whatever match and dogpile him. j/k :p



Oh wait...Movie Idea!





Coming soon to a theatre near you its:








"You didn't think it would be that easy did you?"

"Yes, I kinda did."

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Is this an every week thing or what now?


I haven't heard anyone say they don't want to do it every week, and most folks seem to like Monday, so we will keep doing it as long as we can get decent participation.


Participation will never be perfect, but even if you get in a match with non-participants, the best thing to do is to still use Strikes. This is why I advise pulling everything else off your bar.


Also, remember to spread the word, early and often tomorrow, in Gsf chat and ops chat.

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"You didn't think it would be that easy did you?"

"Yes, I kinda did."


...this movie haunts me. I swear I've gone through three screen names and eventually, somebody wants to make a Tarantino flick about killing me.


Anyway, that's pretty much any day anybody recognizes my name across the board from them. As it should be. I guess I make it easy enough, anyway...

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Don't forget these sequels...




The Rhint Strikes Back




The Return of the Rhint, to Die Another Day




The Phantom Rhint

"Mesa what does this button do?"

"Noooooooooo!" screams Rhint.


The Attack of the Rhint Clones

"You can't kill all of me now!"



The Revenge of the Bombers



"Noooo! Why...are....there so many bombers!"

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Thanks for another great Strike Night! I saw at least 80% participation in all of my matches, flying on both sides. We had some real barn burners... TDM's that ended 40-43 and 48-49 ... a Domination that went 1000-950. And a ton of great duels.


Thanks again to all who participated.


To those that did not, that is of course your prerogative, but I do hope you give it a chance next Monday! So far, I've heard no regrets from any participants.

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A reminder that we'll be having another Strike Night on Monday, June 9th! I won't be around unfortunately (going to E3), but please spread the word on both factions so we can keep the tradition going!


Spread the word, early and often, in forums and [Guild] and [Gsf]!


And if someone doesn't participate, don't come down too hard on them. The idea is to make sure people know it's happening and give them the opportunity to participate. You can encourage them and tell them it's fun, but please don't hurl insults.

Edited by Nemarus
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A reminder that we'll be having another Strike Night on Monday, June 9th! I won't be around unfortunately (going to E3), but please spread the word on both factions so we can keep the tradition going!


Spread the word, early and often, in forums and [Guild] and [Gsf]!


And if someone doesn't participate, don't come down too hard on them. The idea is to make sure people know it's happening and give them the opportunity to participate. You can encourage them and tell them it's fun, but please don't hurl insults.


Nope... Just hunt them to death.. And beyond

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I'm back in town, and will be trying to get everyone on The Ebon Hawk to resume the tradition of Strike Night tomorrow (Monday, June 16th). I know it's hard with the new ships and all ... but don't neglect your poor old Strikes! You can fly the other stuff during the other 6 days a week!
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Strike Night tonight!


Remember, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Don't try to shame / focus people into participating. Just try to express how much fun you're having and encourage them to join in!

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Strike Night tonight!


Remember, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Don't try to shame / focus people into participating. Just try to express how much fun you're having and encourage them to join in!


There scores will be shameful enough... but if I see a GS who's starting to own, I'm going in my T1 and just ioning that dude. Gonna ignore everyone who doesn't engage me, but that dude is not gonna enjoy his evening.

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