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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ok I will ask....How many of you are really just waiting for Titan?


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1. I personally don't play games as a waiting pattern for something "better". I either play them becasue I'm enjoying myself, or I don't play them and find something else to do, if there are no existing games to hold my interest (which considering my to be played list on steam is pretty much an impossibility)


2. I don't start anticipating games until they are at least officially announced, with screenshots and at least general summaries. most of the time, I don't bother until release date is announced



I've been a gamer for a long long time and one of the things it taught me is waiting for vaporware is pointless and speculating and building expectations more often than not ends in disappointment.


I'll certainly check out whatever new offering Blizz will come up with, and depending on how it sounds - I may or may not buy it. once they actualy officialy announce it, that is.

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Game Universe

It's based on Earth's history, but also includes a high amount of fiction. It will have a "deep history", just as Warcraft and Starcraft.

They're intending to include many Warcraft elements into Titan's world. Mostly Easter Eggs, but can also extend to entire characters being ported into the new game, one way or another.

There will be a lot of Time Travel.

When it comes to weapons, we'll have almost everything at our disposal, from magic to guns.

Heavy use of Greek, Roman and Viking myths.

They've invited some established writers (Richard A. Knaak for example) to help with the storyline.






It's an MMORPG. We'll play from a 3rd person view, but there will also be a first person view during "events". No extra clarification as to the nature of these events could be given.

TAB targeting in combat.

It will benefit from a completely new game engine.

Graphics will be in the established "Blizzard style".

Primarily a PC game, but next-gen consoles are still being considered. Probably after launch, as with D3.

Expected 12+ PEGI.

It's designed with eSports in mind. They will try to grow it into a successful eSport.

There will be "clan" housing. No details on player-housing.

Last but not least, the game will have an Auction House. Nothing conclusive about a Real-Money Auction House but it is possible. As an extra tidbit, Blizzard was also considering introducing a RMAH into WoW at one point, but apparently not anymore.






150 developers working on it now. Last we've been told, in September last year, there were just a bit over 100, so the team is growing at a nice pace, quickly becoming the biggest one. They're about to bring new Community Managers into the team and some testers that will be needed in the near future. Many of the new team members have come from Blizzard's other projects.

Speaking of inside transfers, Jay Wilson is on the Titan team. Please don't go overboard with this. ^^

English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish localization now. More will come during beta.

They were considering implementing easy in-game recording at one point, unsure of the state of this at the moment.

BLIZZCON 2013 - Titan Teaser, details on expansions for all other major franchises (SC2, D3, WoW). There will be other small Titan teasers at the event but nothing major. They don't want to show any game-play until they have a solid date for beta.

Speaking of which, current plan is to open Family & Friends testing in Q1 2014.

The game has a name already that has been changed multiple times over the course of the development process. Unknown unfortunately.

They're going full-out when it comes to the soundtrack. Each zone will have its own song, and the songs will vary vastly in type, rhythm. We've reported before that Jason Hayes has returned to Blizzard, so this is definitely not surprising.

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Knaak is writing for it?


oh dear.


if people thought Thrall was bad, they are in for a "treat" with Knaak's writing >_>


that alone just made me a lot less interested in whatever that MMO is going to be. lets just say... as far as writing is concerned, for me Knaak is right up there with E. L. James and Stephenie Meyer

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I hated even typing that title. I love SWTOR. I have been here since prelaunch. But I must admit that for some strange reason I think I might at least try Titan.....and I think a lot of you would too.


Ok so go ahead and bash me...


I don't know what Titan's current fate is but last I heard it's dead and all of it's resources were being diverted to WOWs next expansion.


So don't get your hopes up it's like dead.

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Unreliable information.


Can you please stop posting **** without any valid source?


So far you have posted this and that Blizzard said that they would show titan at Blizzcon which they never said.


Becuase you like to post inaccurate information. The few tidbits I actually care to search:



It's an MMORPG. We'll play from a 3rd person view, but there will also be a first person view during "events". No extra clarification as to the nature of these events could be given.

TAB targeting in combat.

It will benefit from a completely new game engine.



Don't you just love baseless rumors?




Last but not least, the game will have an Auction House. Nothing conclusive about a Real-Money Auction House but it is possible. As an extra tidbit, Blizzard was also considering introducing a RMAH into WoW at one point, but apparently not anymore.


Considering the fact that they are removing the real money auction house from Diablo 3 this is unlikely now.



150 developers working on it now. Last we've been told, in September last year, there were just a bit over 100, so the team is growing at a nice pace, quickly becoming the biggest one. They're about to bring new Community Managers into the team and some testers that will be needed in the near future. Many of the new team members have come from Blizzard's other projects.


Thats funny becuase http://titanfocus.info/_/news/rumors-leaks/project-titan-reset-delayed-until-2016-r69

One of the few bits of information that Blizzard has actually given us.

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Played wow for years same with starcraft and Diablo...

Haven't heard anything about Titan in a long time I amost think its a player generated myth.

For Actual real game Heroes of the storm looks good its in beta at the Moment also hearthstone the free card game is pretty addictive im having a lot of fun playing that.

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I'm not really that interested in ESO. I think Titan is going to happen, but it's a long long ways away. Blizzard was smart to scrap it because I think the market for MMO's and gaming is changing.


Let's face it, when WoW was released the $10-15 a month was the standard, and WoW has cashed in on that big time and continues to do so, but right now it really is the exception to the rule.


Now FTP MMO's are the norm, with subs available that bring lots and lots of perks.


I would also point out that when WoW was released, desktops were king. Laptops were okay, but not really able to completely utilize the full scope of the graphics of the game. Now, laptops can be pretty much just as powerful as a desktop, the market is also changing towards tablets and tablet/laptop hybirds, gaming on smartphones, and mobile gaming. A true future MMO that will truly capitalize on the next generation is going to have to take adavantage of all of that.


I envision a game that can be played on all formats, to an extent that they can. I know this sounds absurd, but I think that if you have a smaller game on tablets and mobiles, or maybe some kind of mini-mmo that you can use to build your toon up, that would be a good thing that could be added to a game, while laptops and desktops to do the real exploration and rading/ops/dungeons, etc... At least that's my definition of a true next-gen mmo.

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I'm not really that interested in ESO. I think Titan is going to happen, but it's a long long ways away. Blizzard was smart to scrap it because I think the market for MMO's and gaming is changing.


Let's face it, when WoW was released the $10-15 a month was the standard, and WoW has cashed in on that big time and continues to do so, but right now it really is the exception to the rule.


Now FTP MMO's are the norm, with subs available that bring lots and lots of perks.


I would also point out that when WoW was released, desktops were king. Laptops were okay, but not really able to completely utilize the full scope of the graphics of the game. Now, laptops can be pretty much just as powerful as a desktop, the market is also changing towards tablets and tablet/laptop hybirds, gaming on smartphones, and mobile gaming. A true future MMO that will truly capitalize on the next generation is going to have to take adavantage of all of that.


I envision a game that can be played on all formats, to an extent that they can. I know this sounds absurd, but I think that if you have a smaller game on tablets and mobiles, or maybe some kind of mini-mmo that you can use to build your toon up, that would be a good thing that could be added to a game, while laptops and desktops to do the real exploration and rading/ops/dungeons, etc... At least that's my definition of a true next-gen mmo.


What do you mean that sounds "absurd"? its already happening now and no...you didn't just come up with it, it's been developers plans for years. lol



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The day I give Blizzard anything more than two fingers in the air, and the flash of my white, naked *** as I walk away, means some alien has taken over my body and wants me to pay for another Blizzard product. After 15 years of loyalty to them, and their games, and 8 years of that subbed to WoW, the disappointment of the announcement in the newest expansion GUARANTEES I will never give those lying sons of ******* another DIME.


Hip hip, Hooraaay! :cool:

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I honestly keep forgetting about Titan.


If it is ever released, then I would have to know a lot more about the game before I decide to play. As far as I am aware, we know next to nothing about it. I am a fan of Blizzard and WoW, but that doesn't mean I will blindly play any game they release. If it is in the same genera as DOTA or LoL then I will defiantly not play it. If it is more story-based, like SWTOR, then I will be more tempted. We will just have to wait and see...

Edited by Cyberwoman
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