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gtn high prices


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If you don't like the prices you can always take the time to learn to craft the item yourself. After all, it can't be that hard...right?


yep but what if your actually stuck on level 53 gear and cant afford 2 million for level 55 crafting resources so far I have geared up a tank on oricon which is ok but there's no way in he?? im paying two million for a hilt people like that should be banned for life for doing so in that case I ve heard a lot from other players in game

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yep but what if your actually stuck on level 53 gear and cant afford 2 million for level 55 crafting resources so far I have geared up a tank on oricon which is ok but there's no way in he?? im paying two million for a hilt people like that should be banned for life for doing so in that case I ve heard a lot from other players in game
Players who use a game function as its intended should be banned for life? I'll assume that's hyperbole.


Like I said, I don't make stuff to sell on GTN, but if I did, why should I care whether you can afford it as long as someone else can? The guy posting the 2-million-credit hilt figured out how to make one. Why can't you? Or why can't you invest the time to grind 2 million credits?


The GTN is not broken and, regardless how high the prices may be, the sellers aren't doing anything wrong. You want to do something about the prices, level up some crafters and flood the GTN with cheap items. Those who play the GTN generally fall into two categories: the patient and the inpatient. The patient will stop selling their high-priced wares and wait for the market to rebound. The inpatient will cut their prices to match yours so their item sells first. Of course, the really clever GTNers will simply buy up your cheaper items and resell at higher prices (hence the need to flood the market).


I need to correct something I said earlier about checking GTN prices. The only time I ever do is when I'm selling a piece of adaptable armor from a discontinued Cartel pack. I always research those prices. If the price seems too low, I hold onto the item. If the price seems right, I post at market price. If there are none of an item on the GTN, I sell at an obviously outrageous price and hope someone bites. That's how I got 10 million credits for a Cathar Sword. Personally, I would have never paid a fraction of that price. But someone did.

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Right now the system is set up to promote rareity, and I feel that is a mistake.


I think a balance between rareity and fun should be accomplished. There are plenty of rare items to sell on the GTN, resources do NOT have to be one of them, especially considering the poor market crafted items represent in this game.

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Right now the system is set up to promote rareity, and I feel that is a mistake.


I think a balance between rareity and fun should be accomplished. There are plenty of rare items to sell on the GTN, resources do NOT have to be one of them, especially considering the poor market crafted items represent in this game.

Okay, I'll accept a distinction between resources and other items (i.e., gear, mods, etc.). By resources, I assume you mean just that ... the stuff we harvest. And I agree, in general, that resources should not be as rare as other items. But there will always be some resources that are relatively rare.


I'm skeptical that increasing harvest drops would dramatically affect GTN prices for the resources. I understand the laws of supply and demand quite well, but it would take flooding (yeah, I'm using that word again :)) the market to show any significant effect. Otherwise those A-holes who have millions of credits lying around from selling Cathar Swords would just buy up the lower-priced items and resell.


Over time, we may (and likely would) see prices for resources drop. But the minute I can easily buy the Magic Doohickie of Whatsit on the GTN at a "reasonable" price is the minute I think about stopping farming whatever OPs or FPs drop the Doohickie. I can see supply diminish and prices rise back to their current level.


Personally, I'm still not seeing anything broken that needs fixing. But as this issue really wouldn't affect me one way or the other (as I neither buy nor sell mats on the GTN), I'll endorse it, subject to my standard caveat: You can have increased resource drops if it comes in the same update that brings me appearance tabs. We both win.;)

Edited by Thoronmir
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Okay, I'll accept a distinction between resources and other items (i.e., gear, mods, etc.). By resources, I assume you mean just that ... the stuff we harvest. And I agree, in general, that resources should not be as rare as other items. But there will always be some resources that are relatively rare.


I'm skeptical that increasing harvest drops would dramatically affect GTN prices for the resources. I understand the laws of supply and demand quite well, but it would take flooding (yeah, I'm using that word again :)) the market to show any significant effect. Otherwise those A-holes who have millions of credits lying around from selling Cathar Swords would just buy up the lower-priced items and resell.


Over time, we may (and likely would) see prices for resources drop. But the minute I can easily buy the Magic Doohickie of Whatsit on the GTN at a "reasonable" price is the minute I think about stopping farming whatever OPs or FPs drop the Doohickie. I can see supply diminish and prices rise back to their current level.


Personally, I'm still not seeing anything broken that needs fixing. But as this issue really wouldn't affect me one way or the other (as I neither buy nor sell mats on the GTN), I'll endorse it, subject to my standard caveat: You can have increased resource drops if it comes in the same update that brings me appearance tabs. We both win.;)


I'm a long standing advocate for appearance tabs as well. Our boss sold us all in the office on the idea. He was one of those one might consider the Appearance tab patriarch....but I can't seem to convince him to return to the game.

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yep but what if your actually stuck on level 53 gear and cant afford 2 million for level 55 crafting resources so far I have geared up a tank on oricon which is ok but there's no way in he?? im paying two million for a hilt people like that should be banned for life for doing so in that case I ve heard a lot from other players in game




A new 55 will have first time missions for a series of ops - which give usually at least 2 Mass Manipulators. That is one million saved. You can run more and sell the others, which will fund buying blues and isotopes, which you should have already - the blues.


You are getting the hilt / barrel FOR FREE, with only your mats that you get as soon as you hit 55 from weeklies and first runs... but it`s not enough, is it? You have to talk from your... other end and show jealousy. Good man...good man.

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I see a whole lot of "Supply & Demand". It's not that at all. It's Cost of Goods Sold.


When your raw mats cost, say 450k credits, you must sell at 479k just to break even.


But, hey, if you see something on GTN that you think is wildly overpriced, figure out how to make a ton of them and sell them cheaper than the going rates. You'll get rich!


...or get broke...

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yep but what if your actually stuck on level 53 gear and cant afford 2 million for level 55 crafting resources so far I have geared up a tank on oricon which is ok but there's no way in he?? im paying two million for a hilt people like that should be banned for life for doing so in that case I ve heard a lot from other players in game


how can you be stuck on lvl 53 gear when dailies award basic coms that buy you lvl 55 gear? 162 rating. and then... just running flashpoints will net you elite coms that will buy you verpine gear (168) and last but not least - complete some flashpoint weeklies, pug a story more op here and there for weeklies and if you find 16 man - extra ultimate coms off bosses (something that can be done in lvl 53 gear) and start buying 180 pieces.


you do NOT need to buy endgame crafted items, but you either spend money? or time to get them. which is why they are expensive in a first place. becasue other people spent copious amounts of time to be able to craft them AND to get materials. (btw, you know how much mass manipulators are at the vendor? yes you can get them from a vendor. 350 ultimate coms. just so you know)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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yep but what if your actually stuck on level 53 gear and cant afford 2 million for level 55 crafting resources so far I have geared up a tank on oricon which is ok but there's no way in he?? im paying two million for a hilt people like that should be banned for life for doing so in that case I ve heard a lot from other players in game


If you are stuck on level 53 gear, you don't need to buy a 2 million credit hilt. You don't need it. What you need to do is go and run some FP's for comms and gear along with some SM Ops. Then, you can run HM Ops. Then, you will either have the hilt from looting it in an Op or will have finally figured out why it costs 2 million credits.


See, you are under the impression that you need that hilt. If you aren't gearing up for top tier Ops, you really don't. If you are, you apparently have yet to figure out why that hilt is worth 2 million credits.


If you are "stuck" at a certain level of gear, it's because you aren't playing the game right. I think you should be banned for life for not having a clue.

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btw, you know how much mass manipulators are at the vendor? yes you can get them from a vendor. 350 ultimate coms. just so you know


You forgot the Exotic Element Equalisers in that cost.


Its twenty of them.



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how can you be stuck on lvl 53 gear when dailies award basic coms that buy you lvl 55 gear? 162 rating. and then... just running flashpoints will net you elite coms that will buy you verpine gear (168) and last but not least - complete some flashpoint weeklies, pug a story more op here and there for weeklies and if you find 16 man - extra ultimate coms off bosses (something that can be done in lvl 53 gear) and start buying 180 pieces.


you do NOT need to buy endgame crafted items, but you either spend money? or time to get them. which is why they are expensive in a first place. becasue other people spent copious amounts of time to be able to craft them AND to get materials. (btw, you know how much mass manipulators are at the vendor? yes you can get them from a vendor. 350 ultimate coms. just so you know)

well tell you this ive been a sub before you were even created dude that I know tester before game launch and have all crafting and both factions done and yes I do know how much level 55 crafting items are on the gtn some have said insane prices mainly cause of greedy people but that's not from me I don't judge people for what they are not capped level 55 prices for all level 55 crafting items is what id like to see happen and know what 200k for a mass manip isn't that much think about up and coming players reaching level 50 to 55 but nope still seeing freaking 2 million for level 55 hilts barrels and what not

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well tell you this ive been a sub before you were even created dude that I know tester before game launch and have all crafting and both factions done and yes I do know how much level 55 crafting items are on the gtn some have said insane prices mainly cause of greedy people but that's not from me I don't judge people for what they are not capped level 55 prices for all level 55 crafting items is what id like to see happen and know what 200k for a mass manip isn't that much think about up and coming players reaching level 50 to 55 but nope still seeing freaking 2 million for level 55 hilts barrels and what not


first of all. my account was registered several months prior to launch. so we were probably subscribed for exactly the same amount of time. the fact that you were here few weeks longer then me during beta doesn't make you somehow better or more knowledgeable then me (and yes, I was in open Beta too, its why I preordered in a first place, my beta experiences) and becasue apaprently it matters - I have legacy 50, all class stories done, couple of themn more then once, all crew skills maxed, couple of them more than once (mostly biochem for reusable stims for raids and cybertech to maximize the crafting of augment kit components - and I'm not even counting gathering skills here)


second of all. 350 elite coms plus 20 exotic element equalizers (something I blacked out) even bioware thinks that mass manipulator generators should be expensive. its why they are so rare after all. rare and in demand? = expensive. they are difficult to get. its NOT greedy to want to be compensated for them. moreover. lvl 55 barrels and hilts. do you KNOW what it takes to learn them? because obviously you have no idea if you think they are too expensive at couple of mill. there is limited amounts of raids you can do in a week. only two of them have a chance of dropping items with those barrels or hilts in them. and in case of tanking barrels/hilts or anything with willpower? there is one way ONE - to get a barrel per week. and that's to kill council in hardmode DP. which is still a considerable challenge or most people and even for those who have it on farm, its still not unlimited due to lock outs.


RE is not 100% it can take a lot of barrels or hilts to get the schematic, depending on how lucky you are. and even for things like aim, strength and cunning - you may or may not get a lucky offhand drop that you'd actualy win - but chances are, you can only get those with ultimate coms. there is a 150 com limit per week (and in case of cunning barrels, you couldn't even buy offhands on alts, because until very recently, there were no legacy knives available). not only does this mean you have to max your coms every week, preferably on several characters to maximize your chances. you have to do this for a few weeks. and you have to NOT buy upgrades for yourself to do so. and in case of tanking and willpower hilts? you have to hope that your raid group will let you have all these main hands for a chance CHANCE of learning the schematic.


I've been gathering barrels for couple of months, knowing they will eventualy be learnable. guess what? I STILL don't have cunning schematic, becasue RNG hated me and all those knives I've been saving up? not one of them resulted in a schematic.


these things take a lot of effort. and conciderable luck. so don't you DARE claiming that they are too expensive becasue people are greedy. you know who is greedy? or cheap. you are. for refusing to value the dedication of these people. well... guess what? you don't NEED a 180 barrel or hilt. not unless you are going to run nightmare more content or at least hardmode DF/DP and lvl 53 purples? are cheap as hell. so the issue is not GTN prices. the issue? is YOU.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Not sure what server you are on but the Mass Generators are not 200k on my server because I been watching the GTN because a friend of mine can make the armor and mods and a hilt but the mass generators the last I checked (2 days ago) the cheapest I found was 750K and you need 2 per crafting so when you add that you come up with 1.5 million just for the two generators not counting the rest of the materials.



Next issue, I have 3 level 55 and two of them are in 72 gear and my sage is almost in all 78 and I didn't buy that gear. I did the dailies which reward you basic-which you can go to the fleet and get 72 gear and I been doing Makeb and some weekly tacticals, cz to get elite to get 78. The only item my sage is missing is her main hand and that (last I checked) you can get by getting elite (350) so you don't have to pay 2m for the hilts or barrels. You can do the weekly missions to get the gear as well, yes it will take a bit longer but you don't have to spend 2m to get a hilt, barrel or amor.


Note: Since you are making an issue on how long someone has been playing, I been here prior to launch .

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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mmmhh ... it s abit messed up in your head lol.

Only main hand you can buy with coms is 162 (69) one, in cz dailies area.

basic = 162 (69) gear which you can buy main hand with coms

elite = 168 (72) gear, for main hand you have to run S&V or TFB HM, DF or DP SM

ultimate = 180 (78) gear for main hand you have to run DF or DP HM

And by running S&V and TFB for first time with a toon, with the one time quest you have 2 mass manip generator for each one, for isotope 5 you can buy some at crew skills vendor for 35 basics each, and for the exotic elements, you can loot it in a lot of 55 hm fp or sm ops. (for a crafted hilt you need 2*MMG, 8*isotopes, 8*exotic, with that most crafters will send you one without fee)

Correct me if i'm wrong.

Dunno where the 350 elite = main hand comes from ?? Where do you see this ? only thing i see that cost 350 elites + 20 exotic elements = Mass manip generator on crew skill vendor.

Edited by xBenouze
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Dunno where the 350 elite = main hand comes from ?? Where do you see this ? only thing i see that cost 350 elites + 20 exotic elements = Mass manip generator on crew skill vendor.



that's what I was talking about. 180 mainhand requires 2 of them. if you don't get your one time quests for TfB /SnV - its another option to get one. from a crew skills vendor. which is a pretty high price.


162 main hand is more than sufficient for all but Hardmode DF/DP (and even that can be done with one) everything else minus set bonuses can be purchased from a coms vendor. you can gear your character in mixture of 162/168/180 gear in about 2 weeks without spending a single credit, just by running flashpoints and maybe a few story mode ops pugs (especially if you find 16 man ones - SnV/TfB can easily be done in lvl 53 gear) pvp relics are outstanding and extremely fast to get, so don't need to spend basic coms on arkanian (or finish Df/DP story)


and like you said, finish first time story quests, do a few dialies, run a few flashpoints and voila - you can aproach a crafter for your completely unnecessary yet very shiny 180 main hand. GTN ones? are for people who have credits and would rather save time. kinda how it works out in real life too. you can make something yourself and it will take more work and more time, or you can just buy it from someone else.


if someone doesn't want to be in lvl 53 gear anymore? they have plenty of options even without having to be in a guild and without having to buy crafted items.

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Again, I still think that the solution is to have a path to double the amount of resources gained from scavenging and missions. The current amounts are far too low IMO and make all resources in the game far too scarce.


Crafting is already pretty anemic in this game from my perspective...it needs all the help it can get. I believe increasing the drop rates would eventually normalize the prices.

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mmmhh ... it s abit messed up in your head lol.

Only main hand you can buy with coms is 162 (69) one, in cz dailies area.

basic = 162 (69) gear which you can buy main hand with coms

elite = 168 (72) gear, for main hand you have to run S&V or TFB HM, DF or DP SM

ultimate = 180 (78) gear for main hand you have to run DF or DP HM

And by running S&V and TFB for first time with a toon, with the one time quest you have 2 mass manip generator for each one, for isotope 5 you can buy some at crew skills vendor for 35 basics each, and for the exotic elements, you can loot it in a lot of 55 hm fp or sm ops. (for a crafted hilt you need 2*MMG, 8*isotopes, 8*exotic, with that most crafters will send you one without fee)

Correct me if i'm wrong.

Dunno where the 350 elite = main hand comes from ?? Where do you see this ? only thing i see that cost 350 elites + 20 exotic elements = Mass manip generator on crew skill vendor.



Actually there was a main weapon that used to cost 350 elites- it was on the CZ vendor in the CZ area so . It was on the vendor where you could get the schematics and the hk droid parts. This has been changed to 120 now but when it was released it was 350.



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A new 55 will have first time missions for a series of ops - which give usually at least 2 Mass Manipulators. That is one million saved. You can run more and sell the others, which will fund buying blues and isotopes, which you should have already - the blues.


You are getting the hilt / barrel FOR FREE, with only your mats that you get as soon as you hit 55 from weeklies and first runs... but it`s not enough, is it? You have to talk from your... other end and show jealousy. Good man...good man.


This all day long.


People just need to use their brains for a few seconds to realize that the "most difficult" item to get (prior to new NiMs) is a 180 main hand. You *will* get for free the MMGs for this and some EEEs by running TfB for the first time, you just have to get the story quest. Iso-5 is simple enough to get. But wait, it gets better because you *also* get 2x MMGs and some EEEs the first time you run SnV.

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well tell you this ive been a sub before you were even created dude that I know tester before game launch and have all crafting and both factions done and yes I do know how much level 55 crafting items are on the gtn some have said insane prices mainly cause of greedy people but that's not from me I don't judge people for what they are not capped level 55 prices for all level 55 crafting items is what id like to see happen and know what 200k for a mass manip isn't that much think about up and coming players reaching level 50 to 55 but nope still seeing freaking 2 million for level 55 hilts barrels and what not


im not being greedy in the first place I just wanted to upgrade my sabers and have the hilts crafted for my sage YEP I HAVE A FULLY GEARED SAGE in fact I know how to play all classes and I wasn't blaming greedy people that wasn't me at all like I said before OTHER PEAPLE HAVE SAID THAT OTHERS IN GAME SUCH AS THE SELECTED FEW HAVE GOTTEN THE HILTS BARRELS AND ENHANCEMENTS

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Well it's not mad who sells but who buys. I can offer for sale Frogdog Practise Jersey for 99M, but no one would buy it. I like to sell my craftings a bit less than market price to get then sold fast. But I need to sell at least for mats price or I lose money and no one wants to lose money when making businness
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  • 1 year later...
hmm i was told in game peaple are basically blaming other players for buying hyper crates using a credit card know what thats bs blaming others in game for what they spent is not our fault its theyre own you take the risk DEAL with it on your own terms dont mark up extreme prices on the gtn so others in game suffer your lame actions besides 15 million or lower for jetpacks and wheel bikes both should be 1 million each
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hmm i was told in game peaple are basically blaming other players for buying hyper crates using a credit card know what thats bs blaming others in game for what they spent is not our fault its theyre own you take the risk DEAL with it on your own terms dont mark up extreme prices on the gtn so others in game suffer your lame actions besides 15 million or lower for jetpacks and wheel bikes both should be 1 million each


Way to necro an old post.

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hmm i was told in game peaple are basically blaming other players for buying hyper crates using a credit card know what thats bs blaming others in game for what they spent is not our fault its theyre own you take the risk DEAL with it on your own terms dont mark up extreme prices on the gtn so others in game suffer your lame actions besides 15 million or lower for jetpacks and wheel bikes both should be 1 million each


What language is this?

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  • 2 months later...
I would like to know why armor sets are being sold on the GTN for 20,000,000 credits! I could never save that money up, even if I was crafting. The prices for which any and all items are being sold is ludicrous. Prices need to be lowered. A balance must be reached between making a profit and making the customer happy. Please consider lowering your selling prices, or set a price cap on all items.
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